There Are Two Kinds of People....

Ok, Skull, there are two kinds of people in the world. Those that approach the cashier with their credit card ready to swip as soon as they have been scanned, and those that wait until they have been scanned, then open their purse, dig for 2 or 3 minutes, finally find their checkbook, borrow a pen, write out the check and hand it to the cashiier, then return to their purse and dig for 2 or 3 minutes to find their billfold, remove their iD, hand it to the cashier, get the ID back, with their receipt, return to their purse, reinsert their ID, store their receipt, put their billfold back into the purse, and then move out of line. The latter kind of people are otherwise known as women.

I was with you until you blamed it on women only. Sure, men don't have purses, usually, but that just means the cashier and everyone in line are supposed to wait while he goes out to the truck to get his ID. Both genders - the cashier's supposed to keep zipping the credit card until it's successful, even though it was denied the first 20 times, then call the credit card company to tell them to accept it after another 20 zips.

I'll never work retail sales again.:mad:
The kind that put their grocery carts in the little corral and the kind that leave them in the middle of the lot.

Which kind of person are you?

I'm the kind of person who makes a game of rolling the carts from a good distance into the corral.

The trick is to propel the cart with your foot on the lower structure rather than shoving it from the handle at the top.

My longest successful corralling was at an oblique angle at about 100 feet.

Hye, waht can I say?

I find my petty amusements where I can.
I always put the cart back. The further away I'm parked from it, the better, I consider stuff like that additional minutes of workout.

Besides, I love my IGA and they always have kids out there gathering carts, getting them out of the way. I do my part.
The kind that put their grocery carts in the little corral and the kind that leave them in the middle of the lot.

Which kind of person are you?

I'm the kind of person who makes a game of rolling the carts from a good distance into the corral.

The trick is to propel the cart with your foot on the lower structure rather than shoving it from the handle at the top.

My longest successful corralling was at an oblique angle at about 100 feet.

Hye, waht can I say?

I find my petty amusements where I can.

There's a man who works at my store bagging etc., if he sees me bringing one in, he opens up his arms like he's making a game out of it wanting me to give it a push from a long distance. I like that guy.
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There's a man who works at my store bagging etc., if he sees me bringing one in, he opens up his arms like he's making a game out of it wanting me to give it a push from a long distance. I like that guy.

Smart guy. He knows that:

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Always put my cart away properly. How lazy can people be. One time I was really exhausted and put my cart back. When I got back to my car my daughter pointed out that my 2 year old son was still in the seating part of the cart. My kids have never let me forget this.
It's the cart corrallers (sp?) of the world who have ruined our economy. The cart corral itself is an insidious plot hatched by your corporate masters to keep unemployment high. Some poor high school kid or senior citizen doesn't have a job because of people who think it's their duty to do the work of the store for free; why do you hate high school kids and seniors? You probably also cheerfully bag you own groceries because there aren't enough baggers available, and walk that extra bag of Doritos all the way back to aisle 18 when you realize by the time you get to aisle 2 that they're not on your diet, rather than burying them in with the canned meat products so someone has to return them to their proper place for you. Then think about the poor insurance adjustor who doesn't have a job because people no longer have to call about cart damage to their cars, or the poor car salesman with three kids who can't sell enough cars because they all still look new for lack of dings. Disgusting. Oh, to return to the day when you could pull into a gas station and have four people come out to you at once, one to wash the windshield, one to check the tires, one to check the oil, and one to fill up the tank; the "self server" mentality ruined that. No wonder our country is in the crapper.:tongue:
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Always put my cart away properly. How lazy can people be. One time I was really exhausted and put my cart back. When I got back to my car my daughter pointed out that my 2 year old son was still in the seating part of the cart. My kids have never let me forget this.

I've left my purse in the seat a couple of times. Someone turned it in both times and nothing was taken. Restored my faith in humanity.
If you want to retrieve the £1 coin you insert into the locking mechanism to release the shopping trolley then you return it to the corral.
If you want to retrieve the £1 coin you insert into the locking mechanism to release the shopping trolley then you return it to the corral.

We don't have that here.

Tell me do you still have pay toilets?
If you want to retrieve the £1 coin you insert into the locking mechanism to release the shopping trolley then you return it to the corral.

We don't have that here.

Tell me do you still have pay toilets?

The only toilets I've ever seen where you have to pay to take a slash or a dump in the UK are in large railway or coach stations. You don't see them anywhere else. They are much more prevalent on the continent, though.
If you want to retrieve the £1 coin you insert into the locking mechanism to release the shopping trolley then you return it to the corral.

We don't have that here.

Tell me do you still have pay toilets?

The only toilets I've ever seen where you have to pay to take a slash or a dump in the UK are in large railway or coach stations. You don't see them anywhere else. They are much more prevalent on the continent, though.

It just seems wrong to have to pay to take a piss.

I remember when I was traveling in South America not only did you have to pay to use the head you had to pay a lady for toilet paper. She would sit at a table and measure out 15 cm pieces.
If you want to retrieve the £1 coin you insert into the locking mechanism to release the shopping trolley then you return it to the corral.

I hate that system. If you do not have a euro you have to go into the shop to get change. Poor customer service.
We don't have that here.

Tell me do you still have pay toilets?

The only toilets I've ever seen where you have to pay to take a slash or a dump in the UK are in large railway or coach stations. You don't see them anywhere else. They are much more prevalent on the continent, though.

It just seems wrong to have to pay to take a piss.

I remember when I was traveling in South America not only did you have to pay to use the head you had to pay a lady for toilet paper. She would sit at a table and measure out 15 cm pieces.

Are pay toilets not illegal in America?
The only toilets I've ever seen where you have to pay to take a slash or a dump in the UK are in large railway or coach stations. You don't see them anywhere else. They are much more prevalent on the continent, though.

It just seems wrong to have to pay to take a piss.

I remember when I was traveling in South America not only did you have to pay to use the head you had to pay a lady for toilet paper. She would sit at a table and measure out 15 cm pieces.

Are pay toilets not illegal in America?

No. A lot of cities have banned them but there is no law against them as they do still exist in a few places
We don't have that here.

Tell me do you still have pay toilets?

The only toilets I've ever seen where you have to pay to take a slash or a dump in the UK are in large railway or coach stations. You don't see them anywhere else. They are much more prevalent on the continent, though.

It just seems wrong to have to pay to take a piss.

I remember when I was traveling in South America not only did you have to pay to use the head you had to pay a lady for toilet paper. She would sit at a table and measure out 15 cm pieces.

Strange as it may seem, I believe it's a deterrent against terrorism. These toilets whereby you have to pay to use them - in such as major travel hubs that that weren't protected by a heavily armed police presence, like airports - began appearing when we were at war with the I.R.A. Studies confirmed that would-be bombers were less inclined to plant a bomb somewhere that was monitored by a member of staff, thus they introduced pay-to-use toilets. They're just outdated security measures, as major rail and coach stations now host a heavily armed police presence.

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