There Are Two Kinds of People....

It just seems wrong to have to pay to take a piss.

I remember when I was traveling in South America not only did you have to pay to use the head you had to pay a lady for toilet paper. She would sit at a table and measure out 15 cm pieces.

Are pay toilets not illegal in America?

No. A lot of cities have banned them but there is no law against them as they do still exist in a few places

I have not seen one in America for decades.
I always put my cart back. If people don't, I only ask they put them in a spot where I won't hit it with my car which has almost happened a couple times.
I put mine against the rear bumper of the Mercedes illegally parked in handicap.

I once parked one of my old work trucks just inches away from a vettes driver door because he took up too many parking stalls. Felt good knowing the jackass had to climb into the car like a monkey to leave.

Where were you six months ago? I tore my hamstring six months ago and I was really hobbled. I went to a matinee movie. When I went in the parking lot was pretty empty, but as it my custom I parked off by myself and limped a little farther. Of course I never take more than one parking space, being an inside the lines kind of guy. After the movie I came out of theatre to a nearly vacant parking lot. However someone had parked their car three inches from my driver' side of the car. I had to crawl in through the passenger side bad leg an all.

Now I could have used one of your work trucks.........
The kind that put their grocery carts in the little corral and the kind that leave them in the middle of the lot.

Which kind of person are you?

My cart goes into the corral 99.9% of the time.
There are two kinds of people

Those who divide the world into two kinds of people
and those who don't
I have not seen one in America for decades.

NY has a couple.

I lived there for 20 years and I am back a few times every year and I do not remember seeing one there.

They were showcasing them on tv a couple weeks ago. They are high tec toilets lol. Everything in the LARGE facility is hands free and the floor has pressure plates to ensure that multiple people dont try shenanigans in them. The door is automated like a star trek door and wont close if too much weight is present. They have some crazy ass Dyson hand dryer too. Costs .25
If you want to retrieve the £1 coin you insert into the locking mechanism to release the shopping trolley then you return it to the corral.

We don't have that here.

Tell me do you still have pay toilets?

Yes we do have those here in the USA. Aldi grocery stores all have the quarter operated cart locks. You insert a quarter to release your shopping cart, then you get the quarter back when you return & lock your cart.

[ame=""]coin carts[/ame]

In 2008 New York City started installing public pay toilets!

[ame=""]NYC Pay Toilets[/ame]
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New York City may be breaking the law.

Committee to End Pay Toilets in America national crusade to cast away coin-operated commodes. "You can have a fifty-dollar bill, but if you don't have a dime, that metal box is between you and relief." Membership in the organization cost only $0.25, and members received the Committee's newsletter, the Free Toilet Paper. Headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, USA, the group had as many as 1,500 members, in seven chapters.

In 1973, Chicago became the first American city to act when the city council voted 37–8 in support of a ban on pay toilets in that city. According to at least one source, this was "... a direct response, evidently," to CEPTIA.

According to the Wall Street Journal, there were, in 1974, at least 50,000 pay toilets in America, mostly made by the Nik-O-Lok Company. Despite this flourishing commerce, CEPTIA was successful over the next few years in obtaining bans in New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, California, Florida, and Ohio.
New York City may be breaking the law.

Committee to End Pay Toilets in America national crusade to cast away coin-operated commodes. "You can have a fifty-dollar bill, but if you don't have a dime, that metal box is between you and relief." Membership in the organization cost only $0.25, and members received the Committee's newsletter, the Free Toilet Paper. Headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, USA, the group had as many as 1,500 members, in seven chapters.

In 1973, Chicago became the first American city to act when the city council voted 37–8 in support of a ban on pay toilets in that city. According to at least one source, this was "... a direct response, evidently," to CEPTIA.

According to the Wall Street Journal, there were, in 1974, at least 50,000 pay toilets in America, mostly made by the Nik-O-Lok Company. Despite this flourishing commerce, CEPTIA was successful over the next few years in obtaining bans in New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, California, Florida, and Ohio.

and they were replaced by..... Nothing. So now you gotta run for a starbucks or a Mc'D's or find a convinient bush.
reference to my post about shoving the carts into the corral....

Today's toss hit the right post and stuck there, field goal no good....

My wife and I parked near a cart corral in the Wal Mart parking lot awhile back. As we walked around our truck we noticed the retarded guy who is the door greeter moving a few carts around and picking some trash out of a couple of the carts. With a handful of trash he angrily said to himself "There's a trash can right there" as he pointed to a metal trashcan at the end of the cart corral. As he tossed a handful of trash into the barrel he looked up at my wife and I and in exasperation he exclaimed "people are so stupid sometimes!" My wife and I speak to this young guy every time we see him now and remember with a smile the day that we met him :)
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True story. Back in the 1950's Vegas put slot machines in toilets. They had to remove them, because people would start playing the machine, come to the conclusion that it was "hot", and refused to come out.
I just make my kid take it to the corral.:D

Ha! I like it, put em' to work.

Maybe when she's older, she's still in diapers now :tongue:

It's never to early to get 'em started. :D

Isn't that the best reason to have kids?

I remember being the remote control when I was a kid.

I believe there is a correlation between the advent of remote control TV and the declining birth rate.
The kind that put their grocery carts in the little corral and the kind that leave them in the middle of the lot.

Which kind of person are you?

There are lots more kinds than just that. There are also those who bring the cart all the way back to the store, those who keep on walking and push the cart across a highway and all the way home, those who launch the cart to the top of a huge snowbank, those allow the wind and driving rain to carry the cart off into the night and fates unknown, etc.

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