There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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You have shown yourself to be a hateful bigot. You are completely ignorant of history, side with incest savages that use their children as shields and do not seek peace.

And hey, moron, they have pontificated this point themselves at length.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. ... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan ... cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen tells the truth in 1977 about the invention of "Palestine"

Bottle rockets and rocks vs Israeli bombers and tanks isn't a fair fight my friend.

High time we end the 3 billion dollar welfare payment to Bibi which results in little other than death and destruction.




That makes no sense. There is no connection between US aid to Israel and the conflict with the terrorist gangs who rule the Palestinians. US aid is intended to preserve peace between Israel and the Arab states, which it has largely done, and peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only come after there are deep reforms in the culture of the Palestinians.
Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Fuck the UN.

Neocons are rejoicing today.

Anti-Semites and bigots, like yourself and David Duke (great company to be in), are livid today and desperately trying to spread fear and lies about what this really means. Just like how incredibly, stunningly WRONG your side has been since day one of Trump's presidency.

David Duke is a conservative.

I'm not antisemitic dingbat and you won't find any liberals in this thread who have said anything bad about jews. Where as you will find a conservative who really doesn't like jews who has posted in this thread. Then of course there are all the other anti-semitic conservatives who are steering way clear of this thread. Not sure why, can you think of a reason?
You have shown yourself to be a hateful bigot. You are completely ignorant of history, side with incest savages that use their children as shields and do not seek peace.

And hey, moron, they have pontificated this point themselves at length.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. ... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan ... cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen tells the truth in 1977 about the invention of "Palestine"

Bottle rockets and rocks vs Israeli bombers and tanks isn't a fair fight my friend.

High time we end the 3 billion dollar welfare payment to Bibi which results in little other than death and destruction.




That makes no sense. There is no connection between US aid to Israel and the conflict with the terrorist gangs who rule the Palestinians. US aid is intended to preserve peace between Israel and the Arab states, which it has largely done, and peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only come after there are deep reforms in the culture of the Palestinians.

Peace can only come after the eradication of a primitive, backwards religion.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Fuck the UN.

Neocons are rejoicing today.

Anti-Semites and bigots, like yourself and David Duke (great company to be in), are livid today and desperately trying to spread fear and lies about what this really means. Just like how incredibly, stunningly WRONG your side has been since day one of Trump's presidency.

David Duke is a conservative.

I'm not antisemitic dingbat and you won't find any liberals in this thread who have said anything bad about jews. Where as you will find a conservative who really doesn't like jews who has posted in this thread. Then of course there are all the other anti-semitic conservatives who are steering way clear of this thread. Not sure why, can you think of a reason?

Wow. You are dumb. The far left and far right share their hatred of Jews do to a T. The fact you are completely ignorant of that says a lot.

he New York City borough with approximately 2.7 million people, not some far-flung hamlet in flyover country — went on an near-hour-long rant in which she accused Jews of conspiring to gentrify her district and steal her home. In the midst of this outburst, Diane Richardson reportedly referred to one of her rivals as the “the Jewish senator from southern Brooklyn.”

This incident comes not long after a DC Council member named Trayon White Sr., a Democrat who represents the Eighth Ward of the capital of the free world in the twenty-first century, posted a video offering some of his thoughts on how “the Rothschilds” were controlling the climate to squeeze money out of the oppressed.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.

There is zero integrity at play here, it's pandering to an extremely religious base. The US gains nothing to it's reputation and actually loses in it's ability to mediate peace in the future. If you think the Muslim world is going to say "Oh, OK, I guess this is off the table now" you would be mistaken.
The western part of Jerusalem where the US embassy is has been recognized by most of the world including the PLO as sovereign Israeli territory, so refusing to move the embassy there all these years has compromised the integrity of the US on this issue, and now President Trump has restored US integrity. The core of your argument against the move is that the Muslims don't care about facts or law and are only interested in punishing Israel and the US should shape its foreign policy to appease all this Muslim hatred. First, I don't believe the Muslim world is nearly as crazy and unprincipled as you portray them to be, and second, of course they will accept the move because there is nothing they can do about it and their relations with the US are too important to them to make this a major issue, and finally because the Sunni nations have been moving closer to normalizing relations with Israel anyway and are ready to marginalize the Palestinians if they stand in the way.

Integrity is the quality of being honest and acting on strong moral principles, which is what the US is finally doing with this move and your groundless complaints about it put into question your own integrity.
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Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.

There is zero integrity at play here, it's pandering to an extremely religious base. The US gains nothing to it's reputation and actually loses in it's ability to mediate peace in the future. If you think the Muslim world is going to say "Oh, OK, I guess this is off the table now" you would be mistaken.

How familiar are you with past peace processes, and what in your opinion should be done?

They haven't gone well and to be honest I'm not sure what the solution is, I don't feel the need to pretend what it is. I can tell you though that moving the embassy firmly puts us on team Israel and there is going to be even less trust for us to mediate any future peace. We basically took ourselves out of a leadership position on this.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.

There is zero integrity at play here, it's pandering to an extremely religious base. The US gains nothing to it's reputation and actually loses in it's ability to mediate peace in the future. If you think the Muslim world is going to say "Oh, OK, I guess this is off the table now" you would be mistaken.

How familiar are you with past peace processes, and what in your opinion should be done?

They haven't gone well and to be honest I'm not sure what the solution is, I don't feel the need to pretend what it is. I can tell you though that moving the embassy firmly puts us on team Israel and there is going to be even less trust for us to mediate any future peace. We basically took ourselves out of a leadership position on this.

The palls don’t want peace, so we SHOULD side with the Israelis
Even Booooosh warned Booooooosh.

"While we hoped that popular revolt or coup would topple Saddam, neither the U.S. nor the countries of the region wished to see the breakup of the Iraqi state. We were concerned about the long-term balance of power at the head of the Gulf. Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs."

Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, By George Bush Sr.

"...furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps barren--outcome."
and why obammmy should never have left it.

Hogwash, he should have told them he was leaving at the end of 2009, better get your shit together.

Come on, they went to the UN to get us kicked out. Shoulda let those Shiite fucks protect themselves against the Sunnis animals. Unless you want renegotiate, we're outahere.

But the honorable Obama stuck to the terms President Bush signed.

Although under that agreement he could have left at any time.
hogwash, too funny. what happened when we left? tick tock.

No one was going to force us to leave. You don't think that do you? everyone knew what would happen if we left. and bammy took care of it for the world. Not america.
bak bak bak bak, chicken shit left.

You don't follow history much do you? You see after the invasion and occupation went horribly wrong, Bush had to crawl to the UN for help.......

It was a forgone conclusion before the invasion got underway.

How many more of our kids should we have sent to die or get maimed?

Let's talk about history. The pseudo-terror-state of 'Palestine' is a recent fabrication, a tactic in a much broader Muslim aggression and war against Israel. Invented solely to appeal to western leftists like yourself, and it obvious succeeded.

The terror state routinely uses schools and children as shields while lobbying missiles at civilian targets.

You are sided with anti-semtic, homophobic, incest bred, women-hating terrorist over President Trump. Says volumes about your knowledge and understanding of history.

Hey zippy this is about President Grabasses non-existent bid for a Peace Prize, not the origins or moral ramifications of the Israeli takeover or conquering of Palestine.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

Just think of it as evolution.
Cretins who are dumb enough to throw rocks at people with guns are going to go extinct.
That makes no sense. There is no connection between US aid to Israel and the conflict with the terrorist gangs who rule the Palestinians. US aid is intended to preserve peace between Israel and the Arab states, which it has largely done, and peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only come after there are deep reforms in the culture of the Palestinians.

Sure, there is plenty of evidence that our welfare payments contribute to Netty Neocon's continued assault on humanity.



Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: 55 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Gunfire at Border

Over 2238 wounded, over 770 from live gunfire ■ 40,000 protesting at border ■ Israeli army bombs seven Hamas targets, readies for possible rocket fire from the Strip ■ U.S. embassy officially opens in Jerusalem

Jerusalem embassy and Gaza protests: 55 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire at border
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

Just think of it as evolution.
Cretins who are dumb enough to throw rocks at people with guns are going to go extinct.

Not an excuse dude .. not EVEN
Israel made a mistake. They should have wiped out the pallys to the last when they had the chance.

I'm betting that the leaders of Israel didn't want to be the same as hitler.

The nazis and hitler wanted to wipe out Jewish people. So much that they built camps that have only one purpose, to kill Jewish people. They ended up killing over 6 million precious human beings. For the only reason that they were Jewish.

The people and leaders of Israel are much better than hitler and you.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death. Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


Still wondering why this is “something good”. Care to elaborate?
The deaths that can be pinned on Trump, as the OP did?

Good the Regressive Left, of course.


No. I blame those responsible. I tend to blame Dylan Root for his killing those folks in SC; not his religion. I tend to blame Atta and his conspirators for 9/11, not Islam. I tend to blame that jerk in LV for killing the people at the concert, not the guy who sold him the weapons….

I was asking you what is “good” bout moving our embassy to Jerusalem
Obama said he was going to do it, what a liar.
That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Fuck the UN.

Neocons are rejoicing today.

Anti-Semites and bigots, like yourself and David Duke (great company to be in), are livid today and desperately trying to spread fear and lies about what this really means. Just like how incredibly, stunningly WRONG your side has been since day one of Trump's presidency.

David Duke is a conservative.

I'm not antisemitic dingbat and you won't find any liberals in this thread who have said anything bad about jews. Where as you will find a conservative who really doesn't like jews who has posted in this thread. Then of course there are all the other anti-semitic conservatives who are steering way clear of this thread. Not sure why, can you think of a reason?

Wow. You are dumb. The far left and far right share their hatred of Jews do to a T. The fact you are completely ignorant of that says a lot.

The fact that you think a run of the mill American liberal hates jews is fucking hilarious.

he New York City borough with approximately 2.7 million people, not some far-flung hamlet in flyover country — went on an near-hour-long rant in which she accused Jews of conspiring to gentrify her district and steal her home. In the midst of this outburst, Diane Richardson reportedly referred to one of her rivals as the “the Jewish senator from southern Brooklyn.”

This incident comes not long after a DC Council member named Trayon White Sr., a Democrat who represents the Eighth Ward of the capital of the free world in the twenty-first century, posted a video offering some of his thoughts on how “the Rothschilds” were controlling the climate to squeeze money out of the oppressed.

A couple of things here, moron. For starters you're plagiarizing. The above portion of your post came from the Federalist. I'm not linking to it but you not crediting the source is pretty fucked up and you should immediately apologize. Probably banned but that's not my decision.

Secondly you found a couple of moronic politicians. One politician who also attacked Bill de Blasio for not sharing her opinion. An opinion that this lady doesn't appear to be getting much support with. And you say this while you were the one who brought up David Duke's name and without a hint of irony or humility considering Duke's political leanings.

The other one you....I mean whoever you plagiarized from brought up appears to just be a fucking nut.

David Duke :auiqs.jpg:
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
We should never do anything for fear that the haters in the region will riot and kill.

What a great way to paralyze a nation.

Who cares about the Nobel prize? They proved it is worthless when they gave it to Obama.
That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.

There is zero integrity at play here, it's pandering to an extremely religious base. The US gains nothing to it's reputation and actually loses in it's ability to mediate peace in the future. If you think the Muslim world is going to say "Oh, OK, I guess this is off the table now" you would be mistaken.

How familiar are you with past peace processes, and what in your opinion should be done?

They haven't gone well and to be honest I'm not sure what the solution is, I don't feel the need to pretend what it is. I can tell you though that moving the embassy firmly puts us on team Israel and there is going to be even less trust for us to mediate any future peace. We basically took ourselves out of a leadership position on this.

The palls don’t want peace, so we SHOULD side with the Israelis

I think most of them do, just like I think most Israeli's do.

You know who wants war? Neocons who wanted to move the embassy.
Fuck the UN.

Neocons are rejoicing today.

Anti-Semites and bigots, like yourself and David Duke (great company to be in), are livid today and desperately trying to spread fear and lies about what this really means. Just like how incredibly, stunningly WRONG your side has been since day one of Trump's presidency.

David Duke is a conservative.

I'm not antisemitic dingbat and you won't find any liberals in this thread who have said anything bad about jews. Where as you will find a conservative who really doesn't like jews who has posted in this thread. Then of course there are all the other anti-semitic conservatives who are steering way clear of this thread. Not sure why, can you think of a reason?

Wow. You are dumb. The far left and far right share their hatred of Jews do to a T. The fact you are completely ignorant of that says a lot.

The fact that you think a run of the mill American liberal hates jews is fucking hilarious.

he New York City borough with approximately 2.7 million people, not some far-flung hamlet in flyover country — went on an near-hour-long rant in which she accused Jews of conspiring to gentrify her district and steal her home. In the midst of this outburst, Diane Richardson reportedly referred to one of her rivals as the “the Jewish senator from southern Brooklyn.”

This incident comes not long after a DC Council member named Trayon White Sr., a Democrat who represents the Eighth Ward of the capital of the free world in the twenty-first century, posted a video offering some of his thoughts on how “the Rothschilds” were controlling the climate to squeeze money out of the oppressed.

A couple of things here, moron. For starters you're plagiarizing. The above portion of your post came from the Federalist. I'm not linking to it but you not crediting the source is pretty fucked up and you should immediately apologize. Probably banned but that's not my decision.

Secondly you found a couple of moronic politicians. One politician who also attacked Bill de Blasio for not sharing her opinion. An opinion that this lady doesn't appear to be getting much support with. And you say this while you were the one who brought up David Duke's name and without a hint of irony or humility considering Duke's political leanings.

The other one you....I mean whoever you plagiarized from brought up appears to just be a fucking nut.

David Duke :auiqs.jpg:
You fucking imbecile, he linked the source.

HJ is yet another fine example of the epic failure of our public schools.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
We should never do anything for fear that the haters in the region will riot and kill.

What a great way to paralyze a nation.

Who cares about the Nobel prize? They proved it is worthless when they gave it to Obama.
Frazier is a kook terrorist and that's exactly how he thinks and works.

If someone threatens you, you must capitulate. Otherwise you are causing that person to cause you violence.

It's the classic form of every terror regime the world has ever seen..and our schools teach our children to embrace it.
Jerusalem is a disputed territory by doing so we recognize that Israel has the right to occupyJerusalem. That's why the whole world is telling not to do...but since we are Israel's bitch , we did it and we open hall on ourselves.
how do we do that exactly? yell at the crowd of palestinians daily or something? I mean it's fking people in a building. that are american.
Just dont be surprised when you see Americans are killed all over the world and American interest is ambushed. We are thr only that backs Israel's crimes and get surprised when we get fucked.
they do today, why would it be different? how many americans are held in North Korea? do you know?
Why do we have to get hurt to protect a rogue like Israel? Why do we give them billions and not take care of our own? Why are always the only that protect their crimes?
why did we lose tens of thousands in WW2? You want their deaths to mean nothing?

We didn't lose tens of thousands fighting Genocidal Nazis, so that Genocidal Israel can cause the Nuclear Holocaust.
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