There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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The far left has always stood in solitary with a religion based solely on their shared and deep hatred of America and Israel. Islam represents hatred of gays, oppression of women, and a cultural system that has produced a staggering percentage of incest births--but they hate Jews and America...and that is enough.

You should really reintroduce yourself to well....quite a few members of this board who call themselves conservatives. Start with Snouter.
  • Arafat did not want a Palestinian state:
    • The Oslo Accords 1993.
    • Terrorist leader Yasser Arafat was given every opportunity to set up a functioning Palestinian state. But he refused to do so. He had no interest in such a thing.
    • The Intifada 2000. Arafat's ultimate reply.

  • Hamas do not want a Palestinian state:
    • Israeli withdrawal from Gaza 2005.
    • Hamas now had a chance to ignore Israel and set up a functioning Palestinian state in Gaza. But of course they refused to do so. They have no interest in such a thing.
    • The Gaza wars in 2008 onwards are their reply.
Schumer applauds Trump on moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

In a rare moment of agreement with President Trump, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Monday praised the president for moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“In a long overdue move, we have moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Every nation should have the right to choose its capital,” Schumer said in a statement. “I sponsored legislation to do this two decades ago, and I applaud President Trump for doing it.”

One data point, and one with a personal interest in the issue.

A personal interest in advancing Israel over a pseudo-state dedicated to terrorism, denying women rights, and oppressing and executing gays....

Yep, can you guess Schumer's personal interests in praising this move? As a person who thinks and considers things, and does not rely on biases to make snap judgments, I feel the duty to correct posts such as yours. Here are the interests:
  • NY State has a large Jewish Population
  • Schumer is Jewish, and doesn't want to lose support in the Jewish community
  • Schumer (likely) wants to be Majority Leader of the Senate, come Jan. 2019
  • Schumer has his eye on the D. Nomination for President in 2020.
In other words, you don't trust Schumer because he's a Jew.
A building that was not the official U.S. embassy. You basically just told the Palestinians that we have and will always side with Israel no matter what it does and the Palestinians have zero claim to their most important religious shrines.

We will get more violence, we will probably see more terrorism and may be in more wars the further we go down this road. What are we getting in return? Why can none of you answer that simple question?
Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Fuck the UN.
You have shown yourself to be a hateful bigot. You are completely ignorant of history, side with incest savages that use their children as shields and do not seek peace.

And hey, moron, they have pontificated this point themselves at length.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. ... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan ... cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen tells the truth in 1977 about the invention of "Palestine"

Bottle rockets and rocks vs Israeli bombers and tanks isn't a fair fight my friend.

High time we end the 3 billion dollar welfare payment to Bibi which results in little other than death and destruction.




Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.

We have basically given on on negotiating and conceding to terrorists and bigots and will negotiate from positions of power with a president that will follow through on promises. I know you believe America and the west are contemptible, and your hatred of Israel and siding with an Islamic world where 70% of birth are products of incest, criminalize and execute gays, deny women human rights---you have zero credibility.
Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Fuck the UN.

Neocons are rejoicing today.
Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.
Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.

Where has your pussy-style negotiating worked? After 50 years of constant concessions to a incest-caused low IQ, murderous, vile, disgusting Muslims-- we finally have a president that will follow through on his promises and has no interest in seeking peace with that pseudo-state that has no interest in peace.
Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.

We have basically given on on negotiating and conceding to terrorists and bigots and will negotiate from positions of power with a president that will follow through on promises. I know you believe America and the west are contemptible, and your hatred of Israel and siding with an Islamic world where 70% of birth are products of incest, criminalize and execute gays, deny women human rights---you have zero credibility.

Almost all of your post is made of idiotic untrue vitriol.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
Fuck the UN.

Neocons are rejoicing today.

Anti-Semites and bigots, like yourself and David Duke (great company to be in), are livid today and desperately trying to spread fear and lies about what this really means. Just like how incredibly, stunningly WRONG your side has been since day one of Trump's presidency.
Yes, by placing our embassy in Israel we are absolutely telling the Palestinians that we are in bed with the corrupt leadership of the Israeli PM.

Now, once again what advantage is there for the United States in making this move? Please answer.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.

There is zero integrity at play here, it's pandering to an extremely religious base. The US gains nothing to it's reputation and actually loses in it's ability to mediate peace in the future. If you think the Muslim world is going to say "Oh, OK, I guess this is off the table now" you would be mistaken.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.

We have basically given on on negotiating and conceding to terrorists and bigots and will negotiate from positions of power with a president that will follow through on promises. I know you believe America and the west are contemptible, and your hatred of Israel and siding with an Islamic world where 70% of birth are products of incest, criminalize and execute gays, deny women human rights---you have zero credibility.

Almost all of your post is made of idiotic untrue vitriol.

Name one. Let's go through them, because you are an idiot.
Again, you keep repeating the lie that the US supports Israel regardless of what Israel does. If you want to engage in an honest conversation you have to begin by making honest statement, not by repeating baseless propaganda lines.

Never said that, liar. I told you how the Palestinians are going to take this. I believe the US government has now taken sides, something we are once again leaving our allies behind on and taking a very lonely road.

To answer your question, moving the embassy to Jerusalem establishes the integrity of US foreign policy, entirely absent for eight years, by righting a seventy year old wrong by the US in not moving its embassy to Jerusalem in 1949 when most of the world recognized western Jerusalem, where the embassy is now located, as sovereign Israeli territory.

Moving the embassy doesn't amount to any bit of integrity on our part. That's ridiculous. It puts on on one side and weakens our standing in certain parts of the world. It also invites yet more terrorism and puts more mistrust on our government from the ME.

Second, it advances the broader US policy of promoting regional peace in the ME by eliminating the bizarre refusal to recognize Israel's right to place its capital on land the US and most of the rest of the world already recognizes as sovereign Israeli land, so that the discourse on ME peace can move on to substantive issues and not remain bogged down on made up issue that stand in the way of peace. We can already see the benefits this is bringing to the region by the silence of the Sunni Arab nations on this move and by their increasing friendliness toward Israel.

You're nuts. There is nothing about this decision that promotes peace. The only country that is thrilled about us moving our embassy is Israel and probably Russia as they would love for us to be mired in conflict.

This move and other recent moves by the Trump administration - defunding UNWRA and demanding the end of the Martyr's Fund that finances terrorism against Jews - have served to isolate the Palestinian issue from broader ME peace considerations. The Arabs respect courage and despise cowardice and that's why the Sunni Arab states have embraced President Trump's ME policies and why they despised the craven Obama administration.

In your dreams.
I understand you are upset about the move, but you clearly don't know why.

That's a funny way of demonstrating what the positive side of this is for the United States.

We've basically given up on being any sort of leading force to a final peaceful resolution. Neocons are rejoicing today.
The positive side is as I said before that it establishes the integrity of US foreign policy by formally recognizing facts that cannot be changed so that efforts to bring peace to the ME can move on to issues that can be changed, and it keeps the craziness and corruption of the Palestinian leadership from stalling efforts at a broader ME peace. The fact is, there is no negative side. By making this move, the US is establishing itself once again as the leading force on this issue.

There is zero integrity at play here, it's pandering to an extremely religious base. The US gains nothing to it's reputation and actually loses in it's ability to mediate peace in the future. If you think the Muslim world is going to say "Oh, OK, I guess this is off the table now" you would be mistaken.

How familiar are you with past peace processes, and what in your opinion should be done?
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Death toll update: 55 now
Hamas health ministry: Death toll from Gaza protests rises to 55
Identified as members of Hamas terrorist group.

Wonderful news. Just wonderful. Should be more.

Kill every single one of these incest-bred, backwards, murderous, vile, disgusting Mulsims.
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