There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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Uhhh, and you're blaming Trump for that?! Yikes! Ah, yes: If Trump had just continued the policy of cow-towing to intolerant Muslims and Muslim terrorists and had left the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, all this would not have happened, right?
You stupid Trump Zionists are going to piss of some of your fan base.

So, if you Zioscums don't cause the Nuclear Apocalypse.

We will vote you suckers, and motherf*ckers out.

Catholic Conservatives aren't pro-Israel, nor are Paleo-Conservatives, or Nationalists.

Enough is enough of you Liberal retarded Zioscums.

You're going to need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglo Monkeys don't understand NOTHING.

You are the #1 most stupid, violent, predatory savages I've ever seen.

You don't understand that Israel is more Liberal, and Iran is more Right-Wing.

You don't understand that you are the Liberals.

You don't understand that Israel is a Terrorist, Genocidal state.

You are screwy f*cking trash.

You need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglos, and Jews will have the whole frigging World coming at you, if you predatory Zionists don't cut the shit.
They are already coming at us.
We know who the predators are.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
We Should Have Done the Same to the Apocalypto Border-Jumpers

Today, many Paleonasties rest in peace. Doesn't that qualify?
Israel has offered numerous concessions that amounted to over 95% of the land the terrorist, incest savages that call themselves Palestinians. THEY DO NOT WANT PEACE.

:The thrust of his book is that Palestine is neither a country nor a state, but only a cause with the one-track purpose of getting rid of the Jews. By definition, a cause is not open to negotiation and compromise but has to be satisfied by absolute victory. A Palestinian ruler who struck a genuine bargain with Jews could expect to lose power and probably his life as well, as Anwar Sadat did. Yasser Arafat .. had the chance to transform Palestine into a state and a country but decided instead that the rewards from organising a cause would be greater."

David Pryce-Jones, Dec 2013, reviews State Of Failure: Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Unmaking of the Palestinian State (2013)

You lost me at "Savages" .. please, the PRIMARY savage in this mix is Bibi.
Look at the scumbags targeting Trump's family now.

Ugh. "you dare to move your embassy to Israel's capitol??

The far left has always stood in solitary with a religion based solely on their shared and deep hatred of America and Israel. Islam represents hatred of gays, oppression of women, and a cultural system that has produced a staggering percentage of incest births--but they hate Jews and America...and that is enough.

You should really reintroduce yourself to well....quite a few members of this board who call themselves conservatives. Start with Snouter.

Snouter? LoL - a nutjob to be certain!
You stupid Trump Zionists are going to piss of some of your fan base.

So, if you Zioscums don't cause the Nuclear Apocalypse.

We will vote you suckers, and motherf*ckers out.

Catholic Conservatives aren't pro-Israel, nor are Paleo-Conservatives, or Nationalists.

Enough is enough of you Liberal retarded Zioscums.

You're going to need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglo Monkeys don't understand NOTHING.

You are the #1 most stupid, violent, predatory savages I've ever seen.

You don't understand that Israel is more Liberal, and Iran is more Right-Wing.

You don't understand that you are the Liberals.

You don't understand that Israel is a Terrorist, Genocidal state.

You are screwy f*cking trash.

You need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglos, and Jews will have the whole frigging World coming at you, if you predatory Zionists don't cut the shit.
They are already coming at us.
We know who the predators are.

Israel came at Palestine, huh?

Now, it's okay that Israel with Nukes runs to the U.S.A with Nukes for help.

But, it's not okay for Palestine with no Nukes to run to Iran with no Nukes for help?

See, how stupid, manipulative, and ridiculous you Zionists are?
why would I blame anyone other than the ones doing the killing? that's stupid. explain how a building can cause violence. You have failed to do that yet. A building that already existed for years.

A building that was not the official U.S. embassy. You basically just told the Palestinians that we have and will always side with Israel no matter what it does and the Palestinians have zero claim to their most important religious shrines.

We will get more violence, we will probably see more terrorism and may be in more wars the further we go down this road. What are we getting in return? Why can none of you answer that simple question?
Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Zionists are Goliath, and Palestine is David.

I hope that's how it ends.

Palestine worships a false god, allah, and a false prophet, mohammed, a child rapist, who crawled up out of a well. Palestine is not david.

Please learn something about the 3 largest religious faiths in the world.

All three, christian, jewish and muslim, worship THE SAME GOD.

The differences:

christians believe that jesus christ is the son of god/messiah returned to earth.

muslims: don't believe that jesus was the son of god/messiah returned to earth but believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

jewish people believe that jesus christ wasn't the son of god/messiah returned to earth. Nor do they believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

The word allah is just the arabic word for god. Just like the French word for god is dieu. The spanish word for god is dios. The italian word for god is dio.

All those words mean the same thing and is in reference to the same god.

Just because you don't follow the muslim faith doesn't mean it's not a real faith.

If you want people to respect your faith you might want to learn about your faith and respect other people's faith. You get what you give. No one respects and tolerates someone who doesn't respect and tolerate them.

Yeah, uh, point of accuracy. :desk:

Judaism is NOT the third-largest religion in the world. It comes in somewhere around the 8th. Hinduism is the 3rd largest, after Christianity and Islam.
Look at the scumbags targeting Trump's family now.

Ugh. "you dare to move your embassy to Israel's capitol??


I didn't vote Trump or Hillary.

Mostly because of THIS SHIT going on right now.

I would've voted Trump, if I thought he wouldn't potentially cause WW3 destroying us.

I would've voted Hillary, if I thought she wouldn't brining in refugees destroying us.
You have shown yourself to be a hateful bigot. You are completely ignorant of history, side with incest savages that use their children as shields and do not seek peace.

And hey, moron, they have pontificated this point themselves at length.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. ... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan ... cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen tells the truth in 1977 about the invention of "Palestine"

Bottle rockets and rocks vs Israeli bombers and tanks isn't a fair fight my friend.

High time we end the 3 billion dollar welfare payment to Bibi which results in little other than death and destruction.





Disarm Us at Home, Disarm Us Abroad

Fairness fairies want people to surrender to the Caliphate rather than hit it with everything they got
A building that was not the official U.S. embassy. You basically just told the Palestinians that we have and will always side with Israel no matter what it does and the Palestinians have zero claim to their most important religious shrines.

We will get more violence, we will probably see more terrorism and may be in more wars the further we go down this road. What are we getting in return? Why can none of you answer that simple question?
Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Zionists are Goliath, and Palestine is David.

I hope that's how it ends.

Palestine worships a false god, allah, and a false prophet, mohammed, a child rapist, who crawled up out of a well. Palestine is not david.

Please learn something about the 3 largest religious faiths in the world.

All three, christian, jewish and muslim, worship THE SAME GOD.

The differences:

christians believe that jesus christ is the son of god/messiah returned to earth.

muslims: don't believe that jesus was the son of god/messiah returned to earth but believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

jewish people believe that jesus christ wasn't the son of god/messiah returned to earth. Nor do they believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

The word allah is just the arabic word for god. Just like the French word for god is dieu. The spanish word for god is dios. The italian word for god is dio.

All those words mean the same thing and is in reference to the same god.

Just because you don't follow the muslim faith doesn't mean it's not a real faith.

If you want people to respect your faith you might want to learn about your faith and respect other people's faith. You get what you give. No one respects and tolerates someone who doesn't respect and tolerate them.

Yeah, uh, point of accuracy. :desk:

Judaism is NOT the third-largest religion in the world. It comes in somewhere around the 8th. Hinduism is the 3rd largest, after Christianity and Islam.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the three major Abrahamic religions and I don't think your pettiness really adds much.
You stupid Trump Zionists are going to piss of some of your fan base.

So, if you Zioscums don't cause the Nuclear Apocalypse.

We will vote you suckers, and motherf*ckers out.

Catholic Conservatives aren't pro-Israel, nor are Paleo-Conservatives, or Nationalists.

Enough is enough of you Liberal retarded Zioscums.

You're going to need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglo Monkeys don't understand NOTHING.

You are the #1 most stupid, violent, predatory savages I've ever seen.

You don't understand that Israel is more Liberal, and Iran is more Right-Wing.

You don't understand that you are the Liberals.

You don't understand that Israel is a Terrorist, Genocidal state.

You are screwy f*cking trash.

Still more nonsense. The US is not telling the Palestinians it will back Israel no matter what it does, but that the US will not be prevented from doing what is right by Palestinian threats of violence. No Islamic holy sites are threatened by this move. Notice that the Muslim states have very little to say about this.

Zionists are Goliath, and Palestine is David.

I hope that's how it ends.

Palestine worships a false god, allah, and a false prophet, mohammed, a child rapist, who crawled up out of a well. Palestine is not david.

Please learn something about the 3 largest religious faiths in the world.

All three, christian, jewish and muslim, worship THE SAME GOD.

The differences:

christians believe that jesus christ is the son of god/messiah returned to earth.

muslims: don't believe that jesus was the son of god/messiah returned to earth but believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

jewish people believe that jesus christ wasn't the son of god/messiah returned to earth. Nor do they believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

The word allah is just the arabic word for god. Just like the French word for god is dieu. The spanish word for god is dios. The italian word for god is dio.

All those words mean the same thing and is in reference to the same god.

Just because you don't follow the muslim faith doesn't mean it's not a real faith.

If you want people to respect your faith you might want to learn about your faith and respect other people's faith. You get what you give. No one respects and tolerates someone who doesn't respect and tolerate them.

Yeah, uh, point of accuracy. :desk:

Judaism is NOT the third-largest religion in the world. It comes in somewhere around the 8th. Hinduism is the 3rd largest, after Christianity and Islam.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the three major Abrahamic religions and I don't think your pettiness really adds much.

I say Jews influenced everything wrong.

Between the Abrahamic Faiths, Zionism, and Marxism you cover about 95% of the World's ills.
You stupid Trump Zionists are going to piss of some of your fan base.

So, if you Zioscums don't cause the Nuclear Apocalypse.

We will vote you suckers, and motherf*ckers out.

Catholic Conservatives aren't pro-Israel, nor are Paleo-Conservatives, or Nationalists.

Enough is enough of you Liberal retarded Zioscums.

You're going to need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglo Monkeys don't understand NOTHING.

You are the #1 most stupid, violent, predatory savages I've ever seen.

You don't understand that Israel is more Liberal, and Iran is more Right-Wing.

You don't understand that you are the Liberals.

You don't understand that Israel is a Terrorist, Genocidal state.

You are screwy f*cking trash.


I'm Euro Nationalist.

A real right-Winger.

Unlike you Liberal violent predator Zionists.
You stupid Trump Zionists are going to piss of some of your fan base.

So, if you Zioscums don't cause the Nuclear Apocalypse.

We will vote you suckers, and motherf*ckers out.

Catholic Conservatives aren't pro-Israel, nor are Paleo-Conservatives, or Nationalists.

Enough is enough of you Liberal retarded Zioscums.

You're going to need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglo Monkeys don't understand NOTHING.

You are the #1 most stupid, violent, predatory savages I've ever seen.

You don't understand that Israel is more Liberal, and Iran is more Right-Wing.

You don't understand that you are the Liberals.

You don't understand that Israel is a Terrorist, Genocidal state.

You are screwy f*cking trash.

Europe is full of snowflakes, but they're not faring well in elections.
You have shown yourself to be a hateful bigot. You are completely ignorant of history, side with incest savages that use their children as shields and do not seek peace.

And hey, moron, they have pontificated this point themselves at length.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. ... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan ... cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen tells the truth in 1977 about the invention of "Palestine"

Bottle rockets and rocks vs Israeli bombers and tanks isn't a fair fight my friend.

High time we end the 3 billion dollar welfare payment to Bibi which results in little other than death and destruction.




That makes no sense. There is no connection between US aid to Israel and the conflict with the terrorist gangs who rule the Palestinians. US aid is intended to preserve peace between Israel and the Arab states, which it has largely done, and peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only come after there are deep reforms in the culture of the Palestinians.

Peace can only come after the eradication of a primitive, backwards religion.
The Third World Is the Enemy of Our Species

The Neanderthal didn't die out; they were killed off. Just sayin'.
Zionists are Goliath, and Palestine is David.

I hope that's how it ends.

Palestine worships a false god, allah, and a false prophet, mohammed, a child rapist, who crawled up out of a well. Palestine is not david.

Please learn something about the 3 largest religious faiths in the world.

All three, christian, jewish and muslim, worship THE SAME GOD.

The differences:

christians believe that jesus christ is the son of god/messiah returned to earth.

muslims: don't believe that jesus was the son of god/messiah returned to earth but believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

jewish people believe that jesus christ wasn't the son of god/messiah returned to earth. Nor do they believe that mohammad is the prophet or messenger of god.

The word allah is just the arabic word for god. Just like the French word for god is dieu. The spanish word for god is dios. The italian word for god is dio.

All those words mean the same thing and is in reference to the same god.

Just because you don't follow the muslim faith doesn't mean it's not a real faith.

If you want people to respect your faith you might want to learn about your faith and respect other people's faith. You get what you give. No one respects and tolerates someone who doesn't respect and tolerate them.

Yeah, uh, point of accuracy. :desk:

Judaism is NOT the third-largest religion in the world. It comes in somewhere around the 8th. Hinduism is the 3rd largest, after Christianity and Islam.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the three major Abrahamic religions and I don't think your pettiness really adds much.

I say Jews influenced everything wrong.

Between the Abrahamic Faiths, Zionism, and Marxism you cover about 95% of the World's ills.

You could say the same for fascism, capitalism and gun powder, but whatever.
You stupid Trump Zionists are going to piss of some of your fan base.

So, if you Zioscums don't cause the Nuclear Apocalypse.

We will vote you suckers, and motherf*ckers out.

Catholic Conservatives aren't pro-Israel, nor are Paleo-Conservatives, or Nationalists.

Enough is enough of you Liberal retarded Zioscums.

You're going to need to learn the rules kid.

You Anglo Monkeys don't understand NOTHING.

You are the #1 most stupid, violent, predatory savages I've ever seen.

You don't understand that Israel is more Liberal, and Iran is more Right-Wing.

You don't understand that you are the Liberals.

You don't understand that Israel is a Terrorist, Genocidal state.

You are screwy f*cking trash.

Europe is full of snowflakes, but they're not faring well in elections.

The Real Right Wing hates Zionism, like Jobbik, Golden Dawn, Law,and Justice.

Zionism is basically for Liberals who think they're not cucks, like Trump, or Theresa May.
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