There Goes the Economy

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

So what did you want the officer to do in this situation, say "okay, you don't want to leave, then I'm going home?"

The guy who was beat was not the person the restaurant called the cops on. What I want is for them to have left him alone.

That's not how this works. If they ask you to leave, and you refuse... then you get what you deserve.

You can contact management at home, and ask for a refund, or contact the corporate line, and get a refund that way.

But you don't cuss out a police officer, you don't refuse to obey a lawful command.

The officer was not there because he wanted to be. The officer was not randomly trying to find people to hit with a baton. The officer was called there by the store. The officer was engaged in doing exactly what he was trained... and paid... to do.

Everything about this, the two criminals, could have done differently, and legally, that would have had a better result. Instead they decided to be criminals, and they got way less than what they deserve. They should have been shot for attacking a police officer.

The police officer, may not be a good fit for his job.... that isn't something I would know about from the limited information in this article. Someone else with more knowledge of this individual can make those choices.

But as for this specific instance... the officer was right, the criminals were wrong, and both should go to prison for it.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The economy has been gone for quite a while...trump has tanked it by not dealing with covid.... unemployment is a mess 20 million+ out of work and mcconnel doesn't want to do anything for the people...their only interest is to feed the rich with trillions of takpayer $$$....everything that has been built for 100 years has been messed up with this admin. trying to turn it into a fascist will take many years trying to find out what's really been done to undermind our democracy and constitution....facts only
Wuhan has been an anomaly. It was not systemic. Democrats are making it systemic. Trump and fracking had things rolling at unprecedented levels of economic success. Wuhan fucked that up to the joy of ignorant democrats.
Now the demmunists will keep things down with no virus necessary.
It takes money to run the United States....the rich are notorious for not paying their taxes through many means...trump paid zero taxes for 10 years and had a 940 million deduction in the 90's no one can figure out...he got a 75 million refund while not paying any tax....the stock market does trillions of dollars in business without paying one cent in taxes....there's hundreds of other problems with the rich and the corporations not pay anything yet reaping all the benefits of living in a country of 350 million people who pay every day....

Collecting from the stock market is subject to a capital gains tax; a tax Biden wants to increase. The top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes for the entire country. If they are not paying enough taxes, how much more should they be paying over the 80%?

Now if you believe Trump paid 0% in income taxes for ten years, please provide credible evidence of that. How do you figure 350 million pay income tax when it's statistics that just under less than half of our population pay no income taxes at all? Yes, we pay payroll taxes, but those taxes are actually a savings account. You get all your contributions to Medicare and much more if you live the average lifespan in the US. You get back everything you and your employer contributed to social security and more when you retire. Your state, county, and city or town taxes are for services you enjoy every day.

You can't conflate income taxes with payroll taxes. They are not the same. Our military is not funded through your SS tax, it's funded through income taxes. Food stamps are not funded through your city tax, it's funded through income tax collections. A large part of our population pay nothing into income taxes that supports most of our federal government spending.
You sound like a naive political tourist trying to defend the benefits of being a giant douche over being a turd sandwich. :auiqs.jpg: Get the fuck outta here with that simpleton logic.

I know, the truth hurts, doesn't it? But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend. Democrats? They encourage their leaders to spend even more.

Say what? How many more trillion will we be in debt before the "One with no name" is finally vacated from the White House?
Which is what it was all about and why $4.00 gallon gas was all a lie.

Not a lie at all. He said he knew somebody that lost a lot of money trading oil contracts. If his friend sold oil contracts meaning he expected the price to go down, and it went up, he lost a considerable amount of money. I did the same thing. From what I read, I expected oil to go down. I purchased put options and lost money as well at that very time.

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

So what did you want the officer to do in this situation, say "okay, you don't want to leave, then I'm going home?"

The guy who was beat was not the person the restaurant called the cops on. What I want is for them to have left him alone.

That's not how this works. If they ask you to leave, and you refuse... then you get what you deserve.

The person they beat was not the person being asked to leave.
Wow. Your ignorance has no limit. Oil's problem is not due to government. It is due to the marketplace. Electric vehicles are coming. Higher mpg combustion cars are in demand. Oil usage will drop & so will the price & it will shut down a lot of US oil development.

Climate issues will drive this even further. Fuck oil. Fuck the middle east. Just think, who will care about the Middle East when oil is nothing?

How do you propose to make the electricity for these wonderful cars, gerbils in their exercise wheels? Did you see what took place in California this past summer? You had a Mayor asking people not to use their toasters because he was afraid it would cause rolling blackouts.
We use oil to produce electric?
Say what? How many more trillion will we be in debt before the "One with no name" is finally vacated from the White House?

The one with no name had to challenge the worst pandemic this country has seen in over a hundred years, which caused the worst economic decline.
Yes he did. The officer saw a couple black guys and decided to harass them and they were going to have no part of that.

Giving orders to potential suspects is not harassing anybody. If a police officer orders you to leave an establishment, you simply leave. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with the officers superiors, your councilman, your Mayor.
Wow. Your ignorance has no limit. Oil's problem is not due to government. It is due to the marketplace. Electric vehicles are coming. Higher mpg combustion cars are in demand. Oil usage will drop & so will the price & it will shut down a lot of US oil development.

Climate issues will drive this even further. Fuck oil. Fuck the middle east. Just think, who will care about the Middle East when oil is nothing?

How do you propose to make the electricity for these wonderful cars, gerbils in their exercise wheels? Did you see what took place in California this past summer? You had a Mayor asking people not to use their toasters because he was afraid it would cause rolling blackouts.
We use oil to produce electric?

We use natural gas which is another commodity produced by fracking. If natural gas goes up in price, we use coal or propane.
Wow. Your ignorance has no limit. Oil's problem is not due to government. It is due to the marketplace. Electric vehicles are coming. Higher mpg combustion cars are in demand. Oil usage will drop & so will the price & it will shut down a lot of US oil development.

Climate issues will drive this even further. Fuck oil. Fuck the middle east. Just think, who will care about the Middle East when oil is nothing?

How do you propose to make the electricity for these wonderful cars, gerbils in their exercise wheels? Did you see what took place in California this past summer? You had a Mayor asking people not to use their toasters because he was afraid it would cause rolling blackouts.
We use oil to produce electric?

We use natural gas which is another commodity produced by fracking. If natural gas goes up in price, we use coal or propane.
We use cow shit.
They weren't suspects. They were customers eating their meals.

They weren't eating anything. They were standing in line. The officer verbally ordered them out of the restaurant nearly a dozen times. The lowlife cursed at the officer and told him he's not going anywhere. When the officer reached out to grab his hand, the lowlife struck the officer on his hand in resistance. So tell me, WTF did you want the officer to do at that point?
They weren't eating anything. They were standing in line.

The officer told him to leave, and his voice began to rise. He was not asking. Matthews stepped back from the counter, holding up his receipt. He refused to leave.

“I paid for my food,” he said.
They weren't eating anything. They were standing in line.

The officer told him to leave, and his voice began to rise. He was not asking. Matthews stepped back from the counter, holding up his receipt. He refused to leave.

“I paid for my food,” he said.

When you strike a police officer for any reason. you committed a felony. Correct, the officer was not asking, he was telling. When a police officer issues an order, you follow it. That's all.

Going back to Protectionist's topic of having two countries instead of one, this is a perfect example of why we really need this. Leftists are neanderthals who believe we should live in a lawless society, and we on the right believe in authority and setting up laws for an organized civil society.
It takes money to run the United States....the rich are notorious for not paying their taxes through many means...trump paid zero taxes for 10 years and had a 940 million deduction in the 90's no one can figure out...he got a 75 million refund while not paying any tax....the stock market does trillions of dollars in business without paying one cent in taxes....there's hundreds of other problems with the rich and the corporations not pay anything yet reaping all the benefits of living in a country of 350 million people who pay every day....

Collecting from the stock market is subject to a capital gains tax; a tax Biden wants to increase. The top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes for the entire country. If they are not paying enough taxes, how much more should they be paying over the 80%?

income taxes don't come close to paying for running this need to go back to school and find out who payes for a 17 trillion economy hint it isn't the rich fool

Now if you believe Trump paid 0% in income taxes for ten years, please provide credible evidence of that. How do you figure 350 million pay income tax when it's statistics that just under less than half of our population pay no income taxes at all? Yes, we pay payroll taxes, but those taxes are actually a savings account. You get all your contributions to Medicare and much more if you live the average lifespan in the US. You get back everything you and your employer contributed to social security and more when you retire. Your state, county, and city or town taxes are for services you enjoy every day.

His tax returns show he didn't pay taxes for 10 years silly child....You have no idea where all the money comes from to run this country dummy...check out how much the rich pay in income taxes and it doesn't add up to squat

You can't conflate income taxes with payroll taxes. They are not the same. Our military is not funded through your SS tax, it's funded through income taxes. Food stamps are not funded through your city tax, it's funded through income tax collections. A large part of our population pay nothing into income taxes that supports most of our federal government spending.

Why would I spend the time to teach you what it costs to run this country and the rich don't pay for it....don't waste my time
go back to school you were out to lunch when they taught economics..
It takes money to run the United States....the rich are notorious for not paying their taxes through many means...trump paid zero taxes for 10 years and had a 940 million deduction in the 90's no one can figure out...he got a 75 million refund while not paying any tax....the stock market does trillions of dollars in business without paying one cent in taxes....there's hundreds of other problems with the rich and the corporations not pay anything yet reaping all the benefits of living in a country of 350 million people who pay every day....

Collecting from the stock market is subject to a capital gains tax; a tax Biden wants to increase. The top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes for the entire country. If they are not paying enough taxes, how much more should they be paying over the 80%?

income taxes don't come close to paying for running this need to go back to school and find out who payes for a 17 trillion economy hint it isn't the rich fool

Now if you believe Trump paid 0% in income taxes for ten years, please provide credible evidence of that. How do you figure 350 million pay income tax when it's statistics that just under less than half of our population pay no income taxes at all? Yes, we pay payroll taxes, but those taxes are actually a savings account. You get all your contributions to Medicare and much more if you live the average lifespan in the US. You get back everything you and your employer contributed to social security and more when you retire. Your state, county, and city or town taxes are for services you enjoy every day.

His tax returns show he didn't pay taxes for 10 years silly child....You have no idea where all the money comes from to run this country dummy...check out how much the rich pay in income taxes and it doesn't add up to squat

You can't conflate income taxes with payroll taxes. They are not the same. Our military is not funded through your SS tax, it's funded through income taxes. Food stamps are not funded through your city tax, it's funded through income tax collections. A large part of our population pay nothing into income taxes that supports most of our federal government spending.

Why would I spend the time to teach you what it costs to run this country and the rich don't pay for it....don't waste my time
go back to school you were out to lunch when they taught economics..

There is nothing you can teach me because apparently you know nothing yourself. Correct, we don't have enough money to run our federal government the way we are now which is why we are 26 trillion in debt. If not addressed, we will keep going into debt until we end up like Venezuela because nobody will lend us anymore money if we can't even pay the interest on our debt. This is why everybody needs to chip in, not just the wealthy in our country. And yes, it is the wealthy who support our government.

If you take all the poor people in the United States, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact society would only get better. Take all the wealthy people out of the US and put them on an island, our country collapses.

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