There Goes the Economy

You sound like a naive political tourist trying to defend the benefits of being a giant douche over being a turd sandwich. :auiqs.jpg: Get the fuck outta here with that simpleton logic.

Quit playing with you dick in your basement and stop lying to try to prove whatever you say

I know, the truth hurts, doesn't it? But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend. Democrats? They encourage their leaders to spend even more.

did you republicans say one word when trump gave TRILLIONS OF $$$$ to the rich and the corporations...and bones to the people NO YOU DIDN'T

Name one single dollar that was "given" to a corporation or a rich person, by the government?

You can't.

When you cut taxes for the rich and the corporations.. when you are in massive debt who the hell will pay for it ..I'll tell you the average taxpayer because the rich keep getting tax cuts ..which by the way is money TAXPAYER MONEY..FOOL

Let's just cut past the rhetoric. You can't. Because there is no line in the Federal Budget for "Money for Rich people".

Doesn't exist.

I won't waste my time answering such a stupid dumb ass idea you have..go back to school and try to learn economics huh

Cutting taxes, is not you giving anyone a dollar. That dollar was earned by the people. It was their dollar, before you confiscated it. You not taking it, is them keeping their own money.

no that money was made by massive tax loopholes and constant tax cuts yearly for the rich and corporations...we are in deficit spending whos going to pay the additional money not coming into the government because of the tax cuts for the rich huh I'll tell you the average taxpayer not the rich...

Otherwise... if every dollar not taken by government is the government giving you money, then every single person in this country is being funded by the government INCLUDING YOU. So shut up.

Go back to school stupid because you were absent when they taught common sense..
It takes money to run the United States....the rich are notorious for not paying their taxes through many means...trump paid zero taxes for 10 years and had a 940 million deduction in the 90's no one can figure out...he got a 75 million refund while not paying any tax....the stock market does trillions of dollars in business without paying one cent in taxes....there's hundreds of other problems with the rich and the corporations not pay anything yet reaping all the benefits of living in a country of 350 million people who pay every day....

Collecting from the stock market is subject to a capital gains tax; a tax Biden wants to increase. The top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes for the entire country. If they are not paying enough taxes, how much more should they be paying over the 80%?

income taxes don't come close to paying for running this need to go back to school and find out who payes for a 17 trillion economy hint it isn't the rich fool

Now if you believe Trump paid 0% in income taxes for ten years, please provide credible evidence of that. How do you figure 350 million pay income tax when it's statistics that just under less than half of our population pay no income taxes at all? Yes, we pay payroll taxes, but those taxes are actually a savings account. You get all your contributions to Medicare and much more if you live the average lifespan in the US. You get back everything you and your employer contributed to social security and more when you retire. Your state, county, and city or town taxes are for services you enjoy every day.

His tax returns show he didn't pay taxes for 10 years silly child....You have no idea where all the money comes from to run this country dummy...check out how much the rich pay in income taxes and it doesn't add up to squat

You can't conflate income taxes with payroll taxes. They are not the same. Our military is not funded through your SS tax, it's funded through income taxes. Food stamps are not funded through your city tax, it's funded through income tax collections. A large part of our population pay nothing into income taxes that supports most of our federal government spending.

Why would I spend the time to teach you what it costs to run this country and the rich don't pay for it....don't waste my time
go back to school you were out to lunch when they taught economics..

There is nothing you can teach me because apparently you know nothing yourself. Correct, we don't have enough money to run our federal government the way we are now which is why we are 26 trillion in debt. If not addressed, we will keep going into debt until we end up like Venezuela because nobody will lend us anymore money if we can't even pay the interest on our debt. This is why everybody needs to chip in, not just the wealthy in our country. And yes, it is the wealthy who support our government.

I guess you just don't get it ...add up what the rich pay in federal taxes and that amount of money is a small fraction of what it costs to run the need to find some brains cuz you're lacking in that area...

If you take all the poor people in the United States, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact society would only get better. Take all the wealthy people out of the US and put them on an island, our country collapses.

If you took all the rich and their money and put then on a island...a few would end up having all the money thats what the rich do is steal from everyone else to get what they have...and that's what they are doing here stealing from 350 million people...thats a fact
If you took all the rich and their money and put then on a island...a few would end up having all the money thats what the rich do is steal from everyone else to get what they have...and that's what they are doing here stealing from 350 million people...thats a fact

God you are a clueless soul. The rich don't steal anything. They got rich because you keep sending your money to them.
Wow. Your ignorance has no limit. Oil's problem is not due to government. It is due to the marketplace. Electric vehicles are coming. Higher mpg combustion cars are in demand. Oil usage will drop & so will the price & it will shut down a lot of US oil development.

Climate issues will drive this even further. Fuck oil. Fuck the middle east. Just think, who will care about the Middle East when oil is nothing?

How do you propose to make the electricity for these wonderful cars, gerbils in their exercise wheels? Did you see what took place in California this past summer? You had a Mayor asking people not to use their toasters because he was afraid it would cause rolling blackouts.
We use oil to produce electric?

We use natural gas which is another commodity produced by fracking. If natural gas goes up in price, we use coal or propane.

Funny, we don't use NG here. We us Hydroelectic. Plus, those that use primary NG,also use Solar and Wind as well. And each year, more Solar and Wind is being introduced. Wind and Solar cost the public 20% less when it's mixed in with NG in the monthly bill. Right now, Solar is a booming business here. The higher the altitude, the more you get from solar. Plus, the Mountains have a lot of wind to be tapped. Many Municipalities are also installing small hydroelectric plants.

NG is still cheaper than Propane by a long shot. LNG (to make it the same measurement) is right around a 2 dollars. Propane is right around 3. Coal would be right around Propane in price and dirty as all get out. The days of OIl and Coal fired Electric Power Plants is dead and has been dead since the 1980s. Yes, Coal died hard and it took it 30 years to die but it's dead. Yes, there are some rogue sites but Coal is dead.

As long as Fracking works, Biden isn't going to outlaw it. That's a lie that he is. But as other options come online like more Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, thermal, and even more options as technology comes online, NG use shrinks and with the NG requirement shrinking, the need for fracking also shrinks. That's a shock of reality. So you can stop this fear campaign already. Your "He with a name not to be used anymore" lost to Biden.
Funny, we don't use NG here. We us Hydroelectic. Plus, those that use primary NG,also use Solar and Wind as well. And each year, more Solar and Wind is being introduced. Wind and Solar cost the public 20% less when it's mixed in with NG in the monthly bill. Right now, Solar is a booming business here. The higher the altitude, the more you get from solar. Plus, the Mountains have a lot of wind to be tapped. Many Municipalities are also installing small hydroelectric plants.

NG is still cheaper than Propane by a long shot. LNG (to make it the same measurement) is right around a 2 dollars. Propane is right around 3. Coal would be right around Propane in price and dirty as all get out. The days of OIl and Coal fired Electric Power Plants is dead and has been dead since the 1980s. Yes, Coal died hard and it took it 30 years to die but it's dead. Yes, there are some rogue sites but Coal is dead.

As long as Fracking works, Biden isn't going to outlaw it. That's a lie that he is. But as other options come online like more Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, thermal, and even more options as technology comes online, NG use shrinks and with the NG requirement shrinking, the need for fracking also shrinks. That's a shock of reality. So you can stop this fear campaign already. Your "He with a name not to be used anymore" lost to Biden.

Companies use whatever is the cheapest. Oil will always sell. Solar only works when the sun is out. Wind produces little electricity but the cost to maintain the equipment is what kills that investment. They were going to do that here. Statistically, Ohio is windier than Chicago. The electric company decided that putting a windmill on the lake wouldn't produce enough power and the cost to keep it running would be more expensive than fossil fuels.

I used to deliver to a small company. The owner was big on green and he had a windmill. One day I was talking to the shipper, and he said the owner was having a party because all the money he saved on electricity finally paid off the windmill. About two months later I went back, and the windmill was gone. I approached the owner of the company who was working in the warehouse and asked him what happened to his windmill? He just raised both hands by his shoulder, swiped down at the ground and said "Ahh."
It takes money to run the United States....the rich are notorious for not paying their taxes through many means...trump paid zero taxes for 10 years and had a 940 million deduction in the 90's no one can figure out...he got a 75 million refund while not paying any tax....the stock market does trillions of dollars in business without paying one cent in taxes....there's hundreds of other problems with the rich and the corporations not pay anything yet reaping all the benefits of living in a country of 350 million people who pay every day....

Collecting from the stock market is subject to a capital gains tax; a tax Biden wants to increase. The top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes for the entire country. If they are not paying enough taxes, how much more should they be paying over the 80%?

income taxes don't come close to paying for running this need to go back to school and find out who payes for a 17 trillion economy hint it isn't the rich fool

Now if you believe Trump paid 0% in income taxes for ten years, please provide credible evidence of that. How do you figure 350 million pay income tax when it's statistics that just under less than half of our population pay no income taxes at all? Yes, we pay payroll taxes, but those taxes are actually a savings account. You get all your contributions to Medicare and much more if you live the average lifespan in the US. You get back everything you and your employer contributed to social security and more when you retire. Your state, county, and city or town taxes are for services you enjoy every day.

His tax returns show he didn't pay taxes for 10 years silly child....You have no idea where all the money comes from to run this country dummy...check out how much the rich pay in income taxes and it doesn't add up to squat

You can't conflate income taxes with payroll taxes. They are not the same. Our military is not funded through your SS tax, it's funded through income taxes. Food stamps are not funded through your city tax, it's funded through income tax collections. A large part of our population pay nothing into income taxes that supports most of our federal government spending.

Why would I spend the time to teach you what it costs to run this country and the rich don't pay for it....don't waste my time
go back to school you were out to lunch when they taught economics..

There is nothing you can teach me because apparently you know nothing yourself. Correct, we don't have enough money to run our federal government the way we are now which is why we are 26 trillion in debt. If not addressed, we will keep going into debt until we end up like Venezuela because nobody will lend us anymore money if we can't even pay the interest on our debt. This is why everybody needs to chip in, not just the wealthy in our country. And yes, it is the wealthy who support our government.

I guess you just don't get it ...add up what the rich pay in federal taxes and that amount of money is a small fraction of what it costs to run the need to find some brains cuz you're lacking in that area...

If you take all the poor people in the United States, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact society would only get better. Take all the wealthy people out of the US and put them on an island, our country collapses.

If you took all the rich and their money and put then on a island...a few would end up having all the money thats what the rich do is steal from everyone else to get what they have...and that's what they are doing here stealing from 350 million people...thats a fact

Congratulations, you just described Socialism
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Funny, we don't use NG here. We us Hydroelectic. Plus, those that use primary NG,also use Solar and Wind as well. And each year, more Solar and Wind is being introduced. Wind and Solar cost the public 20% less when it's mixed in with NG in the monthly bill. Right now, Solar is a booming business here. The higher the altitude, the more you get from solar. Plus, the Mountains have a lot of wind to be tapped. Many Municipalities are also installing small hydroelectric plants.

NG is still cheaper than Propane by a long shot. LNG (to make it the same measurement) is right around a 2 dollars. Propane is right around 3. Coal would be right around Propane in price and dirty as all get out. The days of OIl and Coal fired Electric Power Plants is dead and has been dead since the 1980s. Yes, Coal died hard and it took it 30 years to die but it's dead. Yes, there are some rogue sites but Coal is dead.

As long as Fracking works, Biden isn't going to outlaw it. That's a lie that he is. But as other options come online like more Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, thermal, and even more options as technology comes online, NG use shrinks and with the NG requirement shrinking, the need for fracking also shrinks. That's a shock of reality. So you can stop this fear campaign already. Your "He with a name not to be used anymore" lost to Biden.

Companies use whatever is the cheapest. Oil will always sell. Solar only works when the sun is out. Wind produces little electricity but the cost to maintain the equipment is what kills that investment. They were going to do that here. Statistically, Ohio is windier than Chicago. The electric company decided that putting a windmill on the lake wouldn't produce enough power and the cost to keep it running would be more expensive than fossil fuels.

I used to deliver to a small company. The owner was big on green and he had a windmill. One day I was talking to the shipper, and he said the owner was having a party because all the money he saved on electricity finally paid off the windmill. About two months later I went back, and the windmill was gone. I approached the owner of the company who was working in the warehouse and asked him what happened to his windmill? He just raised both hands by his shoulder, swiped down at the ground and said "Ahh."

Sounds like tome that he did business with Crazy Uncle Fred's Discount Windmill Outlet and got what he paid for. Some people should always pay more than others.
Wow. Your ignorance has no limit. Oil's problem is not due to government. It is due to the marketplace. Electric vehicles are coming. Higher mpg combustion cars are in demand. Oil usage will drop & so will the price & it will shut down a lot of US oil development.

Climate issues will drive this even further. Fuck oil. Fuck the middle east. Just think, who will care about the Middle East when oil is nothing?

How do you propose to make the electricity for these wonderful cars, gerbils in their exercise wheels? Did you see what took place in California this past summer? You had a Mayor asking people not to use their toasters because he was afraid it would cause rolling blackouts.
We use oil to produce electric?

We use natural gas which is another commodity produced by fracking. If natural gas goes up in price, we use coal or propane.
The discussion was about oil. Try to keep up.
Sounds like tome that he did business with Crazy Uncle Fred's Discount Windmill Outlet and got what he paid for. Some people should always pay more than others.

No, it's a pretty common story with windmills which is why few people invest in them.
Sounds like tome that he did business with Crazy Uncle Fred's Discount Windmill Outlet and got what he paid for. Some people should always pay more than others.

No, it's a pretty common story with windmills which is why few people invest in them.

Funny how the various regional Electric Companies have heavily invested in them in Eastern Colorado. And NM and AZ and ....... along with Solar. And it's enabled them to lower their costs to their clients by 20% or more. Just because it doesn't work so well where you are doesn't mean it doesn't work in areas that have vast waste lands.
Funny how the various regional Electric Companies have heavily invested in them in Eastern Colorado. And NM and AZ and ....... along with Solar. And it's enabled them to lower their costs to their clients by 20% or more. Just because it doesn't work so well where you are doesn't mean it doesn't work in areas that have vast waste lands.

How could it not save money here but saves money there? The only explanation is that you had high rates in the first place for whatever reason.
Funny how the various regional Electric Companies have heavily invested in them in Eastern Colorado. And NM and AZ and ....... along with Solar. And it's enabled them to lower their costs to their clients by 20% or more. Just because it doesn't work so well where you are doesn't mean it doesn't work in areas that have vast waste lands.

How could it not save money here but saves money there? The only explanation is that you had high rates in the first place for whatever reason.

WE generate it here using many forms of methods. Not only do we do it cheaper, we employ more people in the chain as well. Those things don't build themselves. Even RVs are now getting Solar Panels. It's big business here. And the sooner we start heavily manufacturing the cells for Solar along with the electronics as well as the Wind Generators in the US the better off we will be. More jobs.

We had another OIl Bust. With Oil being this low, we have a lot of work Oil workers. These jobs would be very, very (notice, 2 very's) helpful to the community. We have a major Railroad, an Interstate, plenty of power, stable weather, good workforce. What we need is the industry to get things going. Alternate Energy is on the rise and there is no reason not to capitalize on it. Don't look for Oil to ever go back to 80 bucks a barrel. If it does, Shale Oil will beat it out smartly which we have in excess here. And, yes, even coal can become an alternative at 80 bucks a barrel through the new methods (cleaning up 1940's German Methods) of making Synthetic Gasoline and Deisel. Petroleum is in serious trouble these days in the US and the alternatives are just now coming on line. The only reason Petroleum products still rule is the low cost per barrel.

So was it higher here than where you are at? No. We make it cheaper because we have the resources and we sell those resources to you and a profit is made that way. YOU have to sell it at a profit.

Look for more and more alternative methods to keep coming online. But we need to make sure that it's using US made products to do it. Let's just see how big a set of Cajones that Washington has to do that.
WE generate it here using many forms of methods. Not only do we do it cheaper, we employ more people in the chain as well. Those things don't build themselves. Even RVs are now getting Solar Panels. It's big business here. And the sooner we start heavily manufacturing the cells for Solar along with the electronics as well as the Wind Generators in the US the better off we will be. More jobs.

We had another OIl Bust. With Oil being this low, we have a lot of work Oil workers. These jobs would be very, very (notice, 2 very's) helpful to the community. We have a major Railroad, an Interstate, plenty of power, stable weather, good workforce. What we need is the industry to get things going. Alternate Energy is on the rise and there is no reason not to capitalize on it. Don't look for Oil to ever go back to 80 bucks a barrel. If it does, Shale Oil will beat it out smartly which we have in excess here. And, yes, even coal can become an alternative at 80 bucks a barrel through the new methods (cleaning up 1940's German Methods) of making Synthetic Gasoline and Deisel. Petroleum is in serious trouble these days in the US and the alternatives are just now coming on line. The only reason Petroleum products still rule is the low cost per barrel.

So was it higher here than where you are at? No. We make it cheaper because we have the resources and we sell those resources to you and a profit is made that way. YOU have to sell it at a profit.

Look for more and more alternative methods to keep coming online. But we need to make sure that it's using US made products to do it. Let's just see how big a set of Cajones that Washington has to do that.

Shipping alternative energy equipment is not that expensive. Trust me, I used to be a truck driver. We don't use it because it's not cost effective compared to fossil fuels. The only reason you and us use alternative energy is because it's subsidized by the taxpayers. Without that subsidy, you'd be paying out the ass for it. Taxpayers should not be paying for solar panels and windmills.

Now if it were cheaper without subsidies, not only would there be a huge demand for it, but the private market would capitalize on it. The government never had to promote cell phones, video games, big screen televisions because people wanted these things on their own free will.

Yeah, all these jobs. Well WTF do you think is paying people for all these jobs? It's like during the debates when Biden was lying about alternative energy stating that it would create these jobs you speak of. No new jobs are created. Those new jobs would only replace the old jobs people had working and delivering fossil fuel energy. The real difference is we are the worlds number one exporter of energy, and you can't export alternative energy. All those jobs would be lost without any replacement.
WE generate it here using many forms of methods. Not only do we do it cheaper, we employ more people in the chain as well. Those things don't build themselves. Even RVs are now getting Solar Panels. It's big business here. And the sooner we start heavily manufacturing the cells for Solar along with the electronics as well as the Wind Generators in the US the better off we will be. More jobs.

We had another OIl Bust. With Oil being this low, we have a lot of work Oil workers. These jobs would be very, very (notice, 2 very's) helpful to the community. We have a major Railroad, an Interstate, plenty of power, stable weather, good workforce. What we need is the industry to get things going. Alternate Energy is on the rise and there is no reason not to capitalize on it. Don't look for Oil to ever go back to 80 bucks a barrel. If it does, Shale Oil will beat it out smartly which we have in excess here. And, yes, even coal can become an alternative at 80 bucks a barrel through the new methods (cleaning up 1940's German Methods) of making Synthetic Gasoline and Deisel. Petroleum is in serious trouble these days in the US and the alternatives are just now coming on line. The only reason Petroleum products still rule is the low cost per barrel.

So was it higher here than where you are at? No. We make it cheaper because we have the resources and we sell those resources to you and a profit is made that way. YOU have to sell it at a profit.

Look for more and more alternative methods to keep coming online. But we need to make sure that it's using US made products to do it. Let's just see how big a set of Cajones that Washington has to do that.

Shipping alternative energy equipment is not that expensive. Trust me, I used to be a truck driver. We don't use it because it's not cost effective compared to fossil fuels. The only reason you and us use alternative energy is because it's subsidized by the taxpayers. Without that subsidy, you'd be paying out the ass for it. Taxpayers should not be paying for solar panels and windmills.

Now if it were cheaper without subsidies, not only would there be a huge demand for it, but the private market would capitalize on it. The government never had to promote cell phones, video games, big screen televisions because people wanted these things on their own free will.

Yeah, all these jobs. Well WTF do you think is paying people for all these jobs? It's like during the debates when Biden was lying about alternative energy stating that it would create these jobs you speak of. No new jobs are created. Those new jobs would only replace the old jobs people had working and delivering fossil fuel energy. The real difference is we are the worlds number one exporter of energy, and you can't export alternative energy. All those jobs would be lost without any replacement.

Okay, let's put it in context. What if we handled Oil as a drug. Drug Dealers don't use their own product. They export it. If they do start to use their product at a high rate then they are doomed because they will make severe mistakes and someone will come along and take over the exporting. Just because you have the product to export doesn't mean you are obligated to actually use it.

The US is like the Drug Dealer. If a Drug Dealer discovers his "Employees" are using his drug they are "Dismissed" when there are other options. If the rest of the World is hell bent on buying our "Oil" drug then let's sell it to them. But we should not be addicted to it ourselves when we have other options. Then we have more of our "Drug" to sell to the rest of the world to feed their addiction.

Since none of the Electric Power around here comes from Petroleum Products (oil) then we really don't have a reason not to be using electric cars, light trucks and buses. Since our electricity IS cheaper than yours, that's another reason. And our electric power doesn't fluctuate. It's constant. And plentiful. The bulk of it comes from Hydroelectric Power but Solar and Wind are starting to add to it both commercially and privately.

Can I build a private home that requires the use of NO Natural Gas or outside Electricity? The answer to that is, Yes, if I have enough money to do it. Do I expect a huge return on my initial investment from Government Grants, No. Will I get kickbacks from the Power Company, No, in fact they will still send me a minimum bill no matter what. And unless I don't have a power hookup and fall under the Homestead Act, I will be forced to have an electric hookup. Even when I produce, over a 24 hour period, more power than I take out of the grid, or don't take a single erg of energy from the grid, I will still pay that minimum bill. Sounds to me like Solar is not the one that is being subsidized.

More and more new projects are being built with alternative energy in mind. All around me are commercial buildings with Solar Panels. Including the VA Hospital. The new Hospital just down the road (about two blocks) has not only solar panels on it's flat roofs but it has built in all the bells and whistles for cooling and heating to lower costs. Industry is already doing much of what you are fighting. And why are they doing it? The bottom line, profit. It costs a bit more up front but they are going to get it all back and much, much more in a 5 year period and beyond. Many new home constructions are getting solar as well for the same reason. The first 5 years, you are paying for it and then after that, it's like free money.

I guess we are just smarter than you are. So we will carry on.
Okay, let's put it in context. What if we handled Oil as a drug. Drug Dealers don't use their own product. They export it. If they do start to use their product at a high rate then they are doomed because they will make severe mistakes and someone will come along and take over the exporting. Just because you have the product to export doesn't mean you are obligated to actually use it.

The US is like the Drug Dealer. If a Drug Dealer discovers his "Employees" are using his drug they are "Dismissed" when there are other options. If the rest of the World is hell bent on buying our "Oil" drug then let's sell it to them. But we should not be addicted to it ourselves when we have other options. Then we have more of our "Drug" to sell to the rest of the world to feed their addiction.

Since none of the Electric Power around here comes from Petroleum Products (oil) then we really don't have a reason not to be using electric cars, light trucks and buses. Since our electricity IS cheaper than yours, that's another reason. And our electric power doesn't fluctuate. It's constant. And plentiful. The bulk of it comes from Hydroelectric Power but Solar and Wind are starting to add to it both commercially and privately.

Can I build a private home that requires the use of NO Natural Gas or outside Electricity? The answer to that is, Yes, if I have enough money to do it. Do I expect a huge return on my initial investment from Government Grants, No. Will I get kickbacks from the Power Company, No, in fact they will still send me a minimum bill no matter what. And unless I don't have a power hookup and fall under the Homestead Act, I will be forced to have an electric hookup. Even when I produce, over a 24 hour period, more power than I take out of the grid, or don't take a single erg of energy from the grid, I will still pay that minimum bill. Sounds to me like Solar is not the one that is being subsidized.

More and more new projects are being built with alternative energy in mind. All around me are commercial buildings with Solar Panels. Including the VA Hospital. The new Hospital just down the road (about two blocks) has not only solar panels on it's flat roofs but it has built in all the bells and whistles for cooling and heating to lower costs. Industry is already doing much of what you are fighting. And why are they doing it? The bottom line, profit. It costs a bit more up front but they are going to get it all back and much, much more in a 5 year period and beyond. Many new home constructions are getting solar as well for the same reason. The first 5 years, you are paying for it and then after that, it's like free money.

I guess we are just smarter than you are. So we will carry on.

You can do whatever makes you happy. Just don't insist we have to do the same. Windmills burn out and to repair them is a huge expense. You're not going to save money in the long run. Solar panels too have a lifespan. They may work 100% when they're new, but the following years you will see reductions in performance. You might get 98% a few years later, 96% the following year and so on. Unless you have constant wind or a huge expensive battery to store the electricity you create, you cannot be comfortably energy independent. If you could, everybody would be doing it.

We use the energy we create, just like drug sellers often use drugs themselves. It's how they got started selling in the first place. Since the concept of using alternatives is to be greener, how is it benefiting that goal when we're simply selling our fuel to other countries to pollute with?
Biden said no new taxes on those earning less than 400,000 dollars. Looks like a lie to me. Then again...maybe he meant...400,000 from life to death.

Biden said no new taxes on those earning less than 400,000 dollars. Looks like a lie to me. Then again...maybe he meant...400,000 from life to death.

He lied, not surprising, and the name of the bill is also a lie, it will increase inflation, not fight it.

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