There Goes the Economy

And? The hypocrisy is in both parties, Einstein. Every time a modern 'Republican' feigns concern about the deficit, it's definitely lip service bullshit never to be taken seriously. We don't bother to wonder about the Democrat's wide concern about balancing budgets because that doesn't exist.

Republicans do spend, but looking at the graphs, DumBama's spending didn't come down until the Republicans regained leadership of the House where all spending bills originate.

Republicans spend but the Democrats spend more. What were their issues this campaign season? Free college, free healthcare, reparations for African Americans, free daycare.

You sound like a naive political tourist trying to defend the benefits of being a giant douche over being a turd sandwich. :auiqs.jpg: Get the fuck outta here with that simpleton logic.
Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

So what did you want the officer to do in this situation, say "okay, you don't want to leave, then I'm going home?"
You sound like a naive political tourist trying to defend the benefits of being a giant douche over being a turd sandwich. :auiqs.jpg: Get the fuck outta here with that simpleton logic.

I know, the truth hurts, doesn't it? But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend. Democrats? They encourage their leaders to spend even more.
But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend

No, I'm saying I don't see that. I see a lot of bullshit symbolic hand wringing from certain Republicans from time to time, but never any real correction. The difference between us is I know it's bullshit, and you seem to lap up that bullshit like it's golden nectar of the gods.
But I know of people who bought up tons of oil futures contracts in 2008, and lost their shirts.

June 2008. Who was president?

Oil sets record above $140 a barrel on supply concerns - Jun. 26, 2008

You do know you can make money whether the commodity goes up or down, don't you? All you have to do is choose is which direction you think it's going to go in. If you choose the proper direction, you make $1,000 for every dollar change in the market.

Which is what it was all about and why $4.00 gallon gas was all a lie.
Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

So what did you want the officer to do in this situation, say "okay, you don't want to leave, then I'm going home?"

The guy who was beat was not the person the restaurant called the cops on. What I want is for them to have left him alone.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.

In typical childish Cult45 fashion, your post is the equivalent of typing NO U!! :auiqs.jpg:
And you as usual show your stupidity and utter ignorance. STFU moron.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.
What makes you thinl you know more about the results of President Elect Biden's economic policy the than the major financial markets and the stock market? Sounds like a dried pea in an empty tin cup to me. Good luck finding a job, as I doubt it will be for your financial/economic theories.
Rush tells the Trumpsters that they're super smart on the economy 'n stuff.

They are clueless.
Your obsession with Rush is disturbing. Seems you have a man crush. Of course you’re ignorant so that goes right over your head. Now put in your stupid funny or thanks and run away in defeat as usual.

Rush ain't dead yet? Imagine my surprise...
You and your boyfriend obsessed with Rush. Imagine our surprise that you're an utter asshole
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The economy has been gone for quite a while...trump has tanked it by not dealing with covid.... unemployment is a mess 20 million+ out of work and mcconnel doesn't want to do anything for the people...their only interest is to feed the rich with trillions of takpayer $$$....everything that has been built for 100 years has been messed up with this admin. trying to turn it into a fascist will take many years trying to find out what's really been done to undermind our democracy and constitution....facts only
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.
What makes you thinl you know more about the results of President Elect Biden's economic policy the than the major financial markets and the stock market? Sounds like a dried pea in an empty tin cup to me. Good luck finding a job, as I doubt it will be for your financial/economic theories.
Rush tells the Trumpsters that they're super smart on the economy 'n stuff.

They are clueless.
Your obsession with Rush is disturbing. Seems you have a man crush. Of course you’re ignorant so that goes right over your head. Now put in your stupid funny or thanks and run away in defeat as usual.

Rush ain't dead yet? Imagine my surprise...
You and your boyfriend obsessed with Rush. Imagine our surprise that you're an utter asshole

Cool story, idiot.
The guy who was beat was not the person the restaurant called the cops on. What I want is for them to have left him alone.

We don't know that, at least according to your article. Furthermore when you are ordered by a police officer to do something, you just do it or suffer the consequences. If you challenge an officers orders, of course he has no choice but to get physical.

Now if this lowlife had a good upbringing in a two parent household, respected the police, he would have went outside, calmly explained his situation, and if the manager came out to tell the officer he had the wrong guy, the officer would have apologized and allowed him to re-enter the building. But no. Lowlifes believe nobody has authority over them. They were raised that way. They were raised with the notion that if a police officer tells you to do something, you simply fight him. Then when you get the shit knocked out of you, blame the police officer instead of your uncivilized actions.

All so-called police brutally or killing cases have one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey the orders of a police officer. That's why BLM is phony. If they really cared about saving black lives, their motto would be to listen to police under any condition. You would save a lot more lives that way than stopping traffic in the streets and destroying public and private property.
Which is what it was all about and why $4.00 gallon gas was all a lie.

Not a lie at all. He said he knew somebody that lost a lot of money trading oil contracts. If his friend sold oil contracts meaning he expected the price to go down, and it went up, he lost a considerable amount of money. I did the same thing. From what I read, I expected oil to go down. I purchased put options and lost money as well at that very time.
You sound like a naive political tourist trying to defend the benefits of being a giant douche over being a turd sandwich. :auiqs.jpg: Get the fuck outta here with that simpleton logic.

I know, the truth hurts, doesn't it? But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend. Democrats? They encourage their leaders to spend even more.

did you republicans say one word when trump gave TRILLIONS OF $$$$ to the rich and the corporations...and bones to the people NO YOU DIDN'T
The guy who was beat was not the person the restaurant called the cops on. What I want is for them to have left him alone.

We don't know that, at least according to your article. Furthermore when you are ordered by a police officer to do something, you just do it or suffer the consequences. If you challenge an officers orders, of course he has no choice but to get physical.

Now if this lowlife had a good upbringing in a two parent household, respected the police, he would have went outside, calmly explained his situation, and if the manager came out to tell the officer he had the wrong guy, the officer would have apologized and allowed him to re-enter the building. But no. Lowlifes believe nobody has authority over them. They were raised that way. They were raised with the notion that if a police officer tells you to do something, you simply fight him. Then when you get the shit knocked out of you, blame the police officer instead of your uncivilized actions.

All so-called police brutally or killing cases have one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey the orders of a police officer. That's why BLM is phony. If they really cared about saving black lives, their motto would be to listen to police under any condition. You would save a lot more lives that way than stopping traffic in the streets and destroying public and private property.
The restaurant people and a bystander said the two were tying to calm a dispute down. That said, you still are absolutely right. When the police show up, you back the FK up and it is now their show even if you were trying to stop a dispute. You follow the commands of law enforcement or your day is probably going to suck and rightfully so. Misplayed manly pride goeth before an ass whuppin.
But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend

No, I'm saying I don't see that. I see a lot of bullshit symbolic hand wringing from certain Republicans from time to time, but never any real correction. The difference between us is I know it's bullshit, and you seem to lap up that bullshit like it's golden nectar of the gods.

Not at all. We on the right made a change. We voted for a nominee who was not part of the RNC. Who are the Democrats running for change? Biden? He's the second nominee in a row you elected associated with an FBI investigation. They don't make any changes at all. Just keep running the same breed of politicians they always have. Biden spent most of his life in federal politics.

Unfortunately we have RINO's in our party. To pass a spending bill, you need their support, so you have to accommodate the Democrat spending as well as the Republicans in the Senate. Collins, Murkowski, Romney, the late McCain all had to be catered to. It's why we couldn't totally eliminate Commie Care. Give us a strong conservative Republican leadership in the Senate, you'll see a reduction of our deficit.
The restaurant people and a bystander said the two were tying to calm a dispute down. That said, you still are absolutely right. When the police show up, you back the FK up and it is now their show even if you were trying to stop a dispute. You follow the commands of law enforcement or your day is probably going to suck and rightfully so. Misplayed manly pride goeth before an ass whuppin.

Absolutely. Arm chair quarterbacks.

When a police officer enters a situation, all he knows is of the complaint. He wasn't there to observe who did what. His priority is for his own safety, the safety of the citizens, and even the safety of suspected trouble makers. This is their training in the police academy: Separate everybody, and get to the bottom of the situation. When people refuse to allow them to do that, they have to get rough unfortunately.

As a retired truck driver, I had to deal with law enforcement constantly. They are allowed to pull us over for no reason at all; simply to inspect your vehicle and paperwork. In that time, I ran across some real Fn assholes. However I never fought with them. It was "yes sir, no sir" the entire time. On the few occasions I believed their conduct was less than professional, I filed a complaint with my state rep and the Governor. I never seen those cops again.
did you republicans say one word when trump gave TRILLIONS OF $$$$ to the rich and the corporations...and bones to the people NO YOU DIDN'T

Allowing people to keep the money they earned is not giving them anything. You are under this Communist mentality that all money earned by citizens belongs to the government, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.
did you republicans say one word when trump gave TRILLIONS OF $$$$ to the rich and the corporations...and bones to the people NO YOU DIDN'T

Allowing people to keep the money they earned is not giving them anything. You are under this Communist mentality that all money earned by citizens belongs to the government, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.

It takes money to run the United States....the rich are notorious for not paying their taxes through many means...trump paid zero taxes for 10 years and had a 940 million deduction in the 90's no one can figure out...he got a 75 million refund while not paying any tax....the stock market does trillions of dollars in business without paying one cent in taxes....there's hundreds of other problems with the rich and the corporations not pay anything yet reaping all the benefits of living in a country of 350 million people who pay every day....
Agreed. Name one Democrat that proposed cutting spending? If you can't, then Trump is still a better alternative.

Why is that? Name one gawd-damned Republican that is proposing cutting spending that isn't just lip service. Convenient how Cult45 pulls out pretending to care about deficits when the shit is about to hit the fan and their guy is losing.

Right... but Democrats openly propose increasing spending. They are not only, not proposing cutting the budget to fit the revenue they have..... but they are openly and proudly even, supporting doubling the US budge with endless spending.

You want free health care.
You want free college.
You want free housing.

Now I agree, Trump spent way too much, and I opposed that then, and now.

But you are not giving me a better option.

How is voting for the party that openly support bankrupting the country, better than the one that does not?

Remember, I didn't bring up this top. A democrat left-winger brought up this topic. How can left-wingers complain about Trump over spending, when over spending is the entire platform of the Democrat party?
You sound like a naive political tourist trying to defend the benefits of being a giant douche over being a turd sandwich. :auiqs.jpg: Get the fuck outta here with that simpleton logic.

I know, the truth hurts, doesn't it? But you see, we Republican constituents criticize our representatives when our party does overspend. Democrats? They encourage their leaders to spend even more.

did you republicans say one word when trump gave TRILLIONS OF $$$$ to the rich and the corporations...and bones to the people NO YOU DIDN'T

Name one single dollar that was "given" to a corporation or a rich person, by the government?

You can't.

Let's just cut past the rhetoric. You can't. Because there is no line in the Federal Budget for "Money for Rich people".

Doesn't exist.

Cutting taxes, is not you giving anyone a dollar. That dollar was earned by the people. It was their dollar, before you confiscated it. You not taking it, is them keeping their own money.

Otherwise... if every dollar not taken by government is the government giving you money, then every single person in this country is being funded by the government INCLUDING YOU. So shut up.

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