There Goes the Economy

Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
I can do without the war on drugs. I still favor fighting crime and terror. Especially interested in fight against domestic terror.

The domestic terror we have witnessed in 2020 are businesses being looted and burnt and innocent people pulled abd beateb from their cars. I would like to see this fought to minimize future occurrences. Sadly, many of our leaders see this as “peaceful protests”.

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

You are inferring that innocent people get beaten by law enforcement frequently and therefore justification for masses of thugs to randomly pull people from their cars and beat them? That is a sick mindset. I’ll bet your line of thinking on this would be adjusted if it were yourself or someone you cared about that was randomly pulled from their car and beaten by a mass of thugs.
So how many people have been pulled out of cars & beaten? You argue against your own argument.

The notion that you would even condone even one beating as justification is disturbing.

Its not I that condones an innocent person getting beat. Our system does.

Our system? Our system would have stopped the riots and beatings.

I'm not interested in internet tough guy acts.

The left-wingers openly support riots and beatings, and defended the people doing it.

That's not the systems fault. That's evil citizens voting for evil politicians, who support evil actions in the name of BLM or "protesting".

Address the problem or it will continue again.

Agreed. The problem is we allowed them to get their way, which results in them believing their actions are correct.

Do you know why the general policy of the US is to never negotiate with terrorist or kidnappers, or such?

It's because the moment you do so, you teach people this is how you get what you demand.

In Mexico, kidnapping is almost normal in most of the country, and the reason is because they routinely pay off the kidnappers.

Just like when the companies were paying off the Somali pirates, there were more and more Somali pirates. The problem only declined when the US, and other military forces, started shooting them dead.

That's what we need to do here. We need to active the national guard, give them orders to shoot to kill, and send them out to these riots.

You can call it an tough guy act, all you want. I don't care what you think. Haven't for a long time. Especially now.... Whatever limited amount of caring I had before for what left-wingers thought, is most certainly gone now that they have openly allied themselves with terrorists.

You realize that's what the entire Democrat left-wing did, right? You had people openly saying they intended to burn the country down, unless they got what they wanted. That is by definition terrorism, and the Democrats did nothing but make excuses, just like you just did.

Supporting terrorist, and then trying to mock others? What a joke.

Regardless, that's what I support. I'll support any politician the promises to kill the terrorists, which includes Antifa, and BLM people. Kill them all.
Wow, look at all those links. Asshole. Who knew the entire left wing allied themselves with terrorists.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.
What makes you thinl you know more about the results of President Elect Biden's economic policy the than the major financial markets and the stock market? Sounds like a dried pea in an empty tin cup to me. Good luck finding a job, as I doubt it will be for your financial/economic theories.
Rush tells the Trumpsters that they're super smart on the economy 'n stuff.

They are clueless.
Your obsession with Rush is disturbing. Seems you have a man crush. Of course you’re ignorant so that goes right over your head. Now put in your stupid funny or thanks and run away in defeat as usual.

Rush ain't dead yet? Imagine my surprise...
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.

In typical childish Cult45 fashion, your post is the equivalent of typing NO U!! :auiqs.jpg:
Their little world has crashed.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
I can do without the war on drugs. I still favor fighting crime and terror. Especially interested in fight against domestic terror.

The domestic terror we have witnessed in 2020 are businesses being looted and burnt and innocent people pulled abd beateb from their cars. I would like to see this fought to minimize future occurrences. Sadly, many of our leaders see this as “peaceful protests”.

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

You are inferring that innocent people get beaten by law enforcement frequently and therefore justification for masses of thugs to randomly pull people from their cars and beat them? That is a sick mindset. I’ll bet your line of thinking on this would be adjusted if it were yourself or someone you cared about that was randomly pulled from their car and beaten by a mass of thugs.
So how many people have been pulled out of cars & beaten? You argue against your own argument.

The notion that you would even condone even one beating as justification is disturbing.

Its not I that condones an innocent person getting beat. Our system does.

Our system? Our system would have stopped the riots and beatings.

I'm not interested in internet tough guy acts.

The left-wingers openly support riots and beatings, and defended the people doing it.

That's not the systems fault. That's evil citizens voting for evil politicians, who support evil actions in the name of BLM or "protesting".

Address the problem or it will continue again.

Agreed. The problem is we allowed them to get their way, which results in them believing their actions are correct.

Do you know why the general policy of the US is to never negotiate with terrorist or kidnappers, or such?

It's because the moment you do so, you teach people this is how you get what you demand.

In Mexico, kidnapping is almost normal in most of the country, and the reason is because they routinely pay off the kidnappers.

Just like when the companies were paying off the Somali pirates, there were more and more Somali pirates. The problem only declined when the US, and other military forces, started shooting them dead.

That's what we need to do here. We need to active the national guard, give them orders to shoot to kill, and send them out to these riots.

You can call it an tough guy act, all you want. I don't care what you think. Haven't for a long time. Especially now.... Whatever limited amount of caring I had before for what left-wingers thought, is most certainly gone now that they have openly allied themselves with terrorists.

You realize that's what the entire Democrat left-wing did, right? You had people openly saying they intended to burn the country down, unless they got what they wanted. That is by definition terrorism, and the Democrats did nothing but make excuses, just like you just did.

Supporting terrorist, and then trying to mock others? What a joke.

Regardless, that's what I support. I'll support any politician the promises to kill the terrorists, which includes Antifa, and BLM people. Kill them all.
Wow, look at all those links. Asshole. Who knew the entire left wing allied themselves with terrorists.

LOL.... you don't need a link for that. Yes or no, did the city of Minneapolis defund the police after mass riots that set fire and damaged the city?

That's a fact. Everyone should know that. That isn't like a 'big secret'.

What do you call threatening wide scale violence, to demand policy changes?

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 6.54.26 PM.png

Now if you are an adult... you can read and understand the implications.

Are you an adult? Do you understand this?

Greater New York Black Lives Matter leader Hawke Newsome made an appearance on Fox News Wednesday night and threatened to burn the country down if demands aren't met. “If this country doesn’t give us what we want then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right. And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation,' Newsome said.​

Now, be an adult, and go back up to the definition of terrorism.......

"If this country doesn’t give us what we want then we will burn down the system and replace it."

Threatening terror and violence, to get political change you demand.....

Name one Democrats that condemned this BLM guy? ONE. Name ONE. Post one single quote from a leading Democrat that condemned this clear undeniable terrorist statement?

ONE. Just name ONE. Post ONE.

Are done here sir? Because you are, whether you know it or not.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
I can do without the war on drugs. I still favor fighting crime and terror. Especially interested in fight against domestic terror.

The domestic terror we have witnessed in 2020 are businesses being looted and burnt and innocent people pulled abd beateb from their cars. I would like to see this fought to minimize future occurrences. Sadly, many of our leaders see this as “peaceful protests”.

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

When are you going to demand it stop?

Innocent people being beat is why we had the protests.

You are inferring that innocent people get beaten by law enforcement frequently and therefore justification for masses of thugs to randomly pull people from their cars and beat them? That is a sick mindset. I’ll bet your line of thinking on this would be adjusted if it were yourself or someone you cared about that was randomly pulled from their car and beaten by a mass of thugs.
So how many people have been pulled out of cars & beaten? You argue against your own argument.

The notion that you would even condone even one beating as justification is disturbing.

Its not I that condones an innocent person getting beat. Our system does.

Our system? Our system would have stopped the riots and beatings.

I'm not interested in internet tough guy acts.

The left-wingers openly support riots and beatings, and defended the people doing it.

That's not the systems fault. That's evil citizens voting for evil politicians, who support evil actions in the name of BLM or "protesting".

Address the problem or it will continue again.

Agreed. The problem is we allowed them to get their way, which results in them believing their actions are correct.

Do you know why the general policy of the US is to never negotiate with terrorist or kidnappers, or such?

It's because the moment you do so, you teach people this is how you get what you demand.

In Mexico, kidnapping is almost normal in most of the country, and the reason is because they routinely pay off the kidnappers.

Just like when the companies were paying off the Somali pirates, there were more and more Somali pirates. The problem only declined when the US, and other military forces, started shooting them dead.

That's what we need to do here. We need to active the national guard, give them orders to shoot to kill, and send them out to these riots.

You can call it an tough guy act, all you want. I don't care what you think. Haven't for a long time. Especially now.... Whatever limited amount of caring I had before for what left-wingers thought, is most certainly gone now that they have openly allied themselves with terrorists.

You realize that's what the entire Democrat left-wing did, right? You had people openly saying they intended to burn the country down, unless they got what they wanted. That is by definition terrorism, and the Democrats did nothing but make excuses, just like you just did.

Supporting terrorist, and then trying to mock others? What a joke.

Regardless, that's what I support. I'll support any politician the promises to kill the terrorists, which includes Antifa, and BLM people. Kill them all.
Wow, look at all those links. Asshole. Who knew the entire left wing allied themselves with terrorists.

LOL.... you don't need a link for that. Yes or no, did the city of Minneapolis defund the police after mass riots that set fire and damaged the city?

That's a fact. Everyone should know that. That isn't like a 'big secret'.

What do you call threatening wide scale violence, to demand policy changes?

Following the lead of the founding fathers.
Didn’t take long.
Watch energy costs go up while the economy crashes around us, creating a greater dependency class, the goal of Marxist democrats...

The stock market loves it!
View attachment 412682
Rush tells them they're economic/market experts because they're dittoheads.

These are misguided, ignorant fools, who were conned by a buffoon.
Well dumbfuck, you’re ignoring Biden’s miserable economic policy and claiming he’ll be great. Your ignorance of history isn’t surprising. Seems you’re the ignorant one here. As usual.

In typical childish Cult45 fashion, your post is the equivalent of typing NO U!! :auiqs.jpg:
Their little world has crashed.

Orange virus.exe has failed to execute.
Let's abolish our useless and alleged right wing wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Big Government can't do anything Right even while wasting billions of the Peoples' tax monies.
At least I know you don't work for NSA.
View attachment 412680
Stephen Colbert is a prissy little Trump hating bitch. It's amazing how Leftists become so unfunny when political hatred overtakes them.

Today's leftists are never funny. Especially their comedians that they idolize. In fact, one of their comedians and his fans were so proud when a sewage treatment plant was named after him!
Living proof that they are all unfunny shitnozzles!

Judging funny actually requires a sense of humor. Cult45 imbecilic idea of humor is insult, dick and fart jokes and HeeHaw. Stay in your wheel house, you humor impaired douche canoe.
Bush, Obambi started how many wars" Rump got us out of how many wars?

That is exactly my point. They ALL work for the same people.

WAT?!? Your reply seems rather dense and a bit too on the nose. Care to extrapolate?

It makes perfect sense. They all work for the same money people. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Rump has ended ZERO Wars. Rump has spent us into oblivion. ALL that money going to those money people.
Agreed. Name one Democrat that proposed cutting spending? If you can't, then Trump is still a better alternative.

Why is that? Name one gawd-damned Republican that is proposing cutting spending that isn't just lip service. Convenient how Cult45 pulls out pretending to care about deficits when the shit is about to hit the fan and their guy is losing.
Bush, Obambi started how many wars" Rump got us out of how many wars?

That is exactly my point. They ALL work for the same people.

WAT?!? Your reply seems rather dense and a bit too on the nose. Care to extrapolate?

It makes perfect sense. They all work for the same money people. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Rump has ended ZERO Wars. Rump has spent us into oblivion. ALL that money going to those money people.

You can thank the Citizens United SC decision. Brought to you in HD by the Republicans.
Agreed. Name one Democrat that proposed cutting spending? If you can't, then Trump is still a better alternative.

Why is that? Name one gawd-damned Republican that is proposing cutting spending that isn't just lip service. Convenient how Cult45 pulls out pretending to care about deficits when the shit is about to hit the fan and their guy is losing.

That's pretty simple: The stimulus bill. You know, that 2 trillion dollar bill that's being held up for months because the Republicans don't want to spend on Democrat pork but the Democrats insist on keeping the pork and spending.
Agreed. Name one Democrat that proposed cutting spending? If you can't, then Trump is still a better alternative.

Why is that? Name one gawd-damned Republican that is proposing cutting spending that isn't just lip service. Convenient how Cult45 pulls out pretending to care about deficits when the shit is about to hit the fan and their guy is losing.

That's pretty simple: The stimulus bill. You know, that 2 trillion dollar bill that's being held up for months because the Republicans don't want to spend on Democrat pork but the Democrats insist on keeping the pork and spending.

Now, that's what we call a Mexican standoff. Let's see who flinches first!
Bush, Obambi started how many wars" Rump got us out of how many wars?

That is exactly my point. They ALL work for the same people.

WAT?!? Your reply seems rather dense and a bit too on the nose. Care to extrapolate?

It makes perfect sense. They all work for the same money people. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Rump has ended ZERO Wars. Rump has spent us into oblivion. ALL that money going to those money people.

You can thank the Citizens United SC decision. Brought to you in HD by the Republicans.

You'd be wrong, it goes MUCH further back than that.

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."
-- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20
Wow. Your ignorance has no limit. Oil's problem is not due to government. It is due to the marketplace. Electric vehicles are coming. Higher mpg combustion cars are in demand. Oil usage will drop & so will the price & it will shut down a lot of US oil development.

Climate issues will drive this even further. Fuck oil. Fuck the middle east. Just think, who will care about the Middle East when oil is nothing?

How do you propose to make the electricity for these wonderful cars, gerbils in their exercise wheels? Did you see what took place in California this past summer? You had a Mayor asking people not to use their toasters because he was afraid it would cause rolling blackouts.
Now, that's what we call a Mexican standoff. Let's see who flinches first!

That wasn't the point of my response. You asked what Republican proposed spending less, and I told you. In fact Republicans do it all the time. During DumBama's terms, it led to a government shutdown. It led to the sequester. It led to us losing our three star credit rating for the first time in history.
But I know of people who bought up tons of oil futures contracts in 2008, and lost their shirts.

June 2008. Who was president?

Oil sets record above $140 a barrel on supply concerns - Jun. 26, 2008

You do know you can make money whether the commodity goes up or down, don't you? All you have to do is choose is which direction you think it's going to go in. If you choose the proper direction, you make $1,000 for every dollar change in the market.
Now, that's what we call a Mexican standoff. Let's see who flinches first!

That wasn't the point of my response. You asked what Republican proposed spending less, and I told you. In fact Republicans do it all the time. During DumBama's terms, it led to a government shutdown. It led to the sequester. It led to us losing our three star credit rating for the first time in history.

And? The hypocrisy is in both parties, Einstein. Every time a modern 'Republican' feigns concern about the deficit, it's definitely lip service bullshit never to be taken seriously. We don't bother to wonder about the Democrat's wide concern about balancing budgets because that doesn't exist.
And? The hypocrisy is in both parties, Einstein. Every time a modern 'Republican' feigns concern about the deficit, it's definitely lip service bullshit never to be taken seriously. We don't bother to wonder about the Democrat's wide concern about balancing budgets because that doesn't exist.

Republicans do spend, but looking at the graphs, DumBama's spending didn't come down until the Republicans regained leadership of the House where all spending bills originate.

Republicans spend but the Democrats spend more. What were their issues this campaign season? Free college, free healthcare, reparations for African Americans, free daycare.

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