There HAS to be life on other planets..

It's close. I'm arguing the universe was created intentionally for the express purpose of creating beings that know and create. And that the source of existence is what we would call God. And this source is beyond matter and energy and is every extant attribute of reality. That the source provides reality to everywhere at all times.

Ok, so the God of the Bible? Or just a being that would be “a god”?
you said the universe is hardwired to produce intelligence,, it was in the first of your comments I responded too,,,
Intelligence exists, right? How do you think it got here if not through the existing laws of nature?

But if that's not obvious to you then I suggest you read this paying special attention to the section titled "A Universe That Breeds Life."

The mind of God. People ask what the universe is expanding into. I say it exists in the mind of God and is expanding in time in the mind of God. Time may be the only real thing that exists.
So we don’t actually exist, we are the imagination of God?
So we don’t actually exist, we are the imagination of God?
It's a little more complicated than that. It is primarily physicists who have expressed the relationship between mind and matter, and the primacy of mind; Arthur Eddington, Von Weizsacker, Wolfgang Pauli and George Wald, all contemplated it.
“The universe is really big” does not automatically equate to there being life outside of earth.

Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t.

All we know is that there’s been zero evidence of extraterrestrial life thus far
“The universe is really big” does not automatically equate to there being life outside of earth.

Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t.

All we know is that there’s been zero evidence of extraterrestrial life thus far
It's not automatic. It's just very compelling.

Also, that isn't "all we know". We know life formed fairly quickly, on Earth.. We know it formed from the most common elements in the universe. We know it contains these elements in about the same proportion as the universe. We know it would be virtually impossible to wipe out, barring the destruction of the planet. And that even then, some life or its fundamental vuilding blocks could persist in space.

This theoretical evidence, along with the sheer number of planets in the universe, is very compelling evidence that life exists elsewhere.
It's not automatic. It's just very compelling.

Also, that isn't "all we know". We know life formed fairly quickly, on Earth.. We know it formed from the most common elements in the universe. We know it contains these elements in about the same proportion as the universe. We know it would be virtually impossible to wipe out, barring the destruction of the planet. And that even then, some life or its fundamental vuilding blocks could persist in space.

This theoretical evidence, along with the sheer number of planets in the universe, is very compelling evidence that life exists elsewhere.
And yet, all our efforts to detect evidence of life has been met with deafening silence
And yet, all our efforts to detect evidence of life has been met with deafening silence
And how many planets out of the billions of trillions have we checked?

That's not useful information, in your post. As Tyson says, that would be like looking at a teaspoon of sea water and concluding that whales probably don't exist.
And how many planets out of the billions of trillions have we checked?

That's not useful information, in your post. As Tyson says, that would be like looking at a teaspoon of sea water and concluding that whales probably don't exist.
I’ll agree with that to some extent

But it seems telling that not one single radio wave from an intelligent civilization has ever been detected despite the billions of years potential alien civilizations have had to emit them and travel

Ever hear of Fermi Paradox?

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia

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