There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

Sure she will. She will also put the economy in the toilet and tax the shit out of one and all to accomplish that bull shit you named.

Most successful Speaker?? I doubt that. All she's done lately is make a fool out of herself over Trump.

There have been many Speakers who were much better than she will ever be.
Pelosi will rescue the economy, just like she did when Bush wrecked the economy

Pelosi has passed more meaningful legislation than all the recent Republican Speakers combined

If there were better speakers than Pelosi, name what they accomplished

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

Sure she will. She will also put the economy in the toilet and tax the shit out of one and all to accomplish that bull shit you named.

Most successful Speaker?? I doubt that. All she's done lately is make a fool out of herself over Trump.

There have been many Speakers who were much better than she will ever be.
Pelosi will rescue the economy, just like she did when Bush wrecked the economy

Pelosi has passed more meaningful legislation than all the recent Republican Speakers combined

If there were better speakers than Pelosi, name what they accomplished

Pelosi won't rescue anything. Biden has already said he will raise taxes and institute his green shit.

Neither Biden or Pelousy have learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump know. Cutting taxes puts more money into the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

Once he raises taxes and they don't get the money they think they will he will raise taxes on everyone. That's how stupid you Dems are.

If Biden institutes that green shit he talked about at the debate he will bankrupt the country.

As for a better speaker. Newt Gingrich was much better than she will ever be. He and Clinton did good things together. They balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done since the 1840's when Andrew Jackson balanced the budget. Newt was better and I'd bet there are many more who were better than Pelousy will ever be.
Oh goody, look! A member of the House Freedom Cucks in a safely red AZ district is making an empty threat.

Tune in today for Nancy and Chuckles latest empty threat, the 25th amendment.
I will enjoy laughing at the massive leftist circle jerk that follows.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO

Her "impeachment" went no where. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and the Ukraine went nowhere. All she and House did was waste tax dollars big time.

I'd bet voters didn't appreciate the bull shit Pelousy instituted. I'd also bet the Dems lose the House this Nov. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
The best is yet to come with Speaker Pelosi
Once Dems take Congress next month, everything is possible

Repeal Trump tax cuts
Protect the Environment
Expand Obamacare
Sensible gun control
Raise minimum wage
Tear down the wall
Oh goody, look! A member of the House Freedom Cucks in a safely red AZ district is making an empty threat.

Tune in today for Nancy and Chuckles latest empty threat, the 25th amendment.
I will enjoy laughing at the massive leftist circle jerk that follows.

of course nothing will come of it - given the ankle grabbing majority in the senate...

they are fucking with him. you don't think it will set the mango madman off?

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO

Her "impeachment" went no where. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and the Ukraine went nowhere. All she and House did was waste tax dollars big time.

I'd bet voters didn't appreciate the bull shit Pelousy instituted. I'd also bet the Dems lose the House this Nov. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

except the 5 volume (R) chaired intel committee says otherwise… thing is, the news cycle is ridiculous it got lost in the reeds. but you keep yer poorly educated head up donny's colon for as long as you can - them days are numbered.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
Oh goody, look! A member of the House Freedom Cucks in a safely red AZ district is making an empty threat.

Tune in today for Nancy and Chuckles latest empty threat, the 25th amendment.
I will enjoy laughing at the massive leftist circle jerk that follows.

of course nothing will come of it - given the ankle grabbing majority in the senate...

they are fucking with him. you don't think it will set the mango madman off?

He's already been set off! LOL.
Today should be fun.
The best is yet to come with Speaker Pelosi
Once Dems take Congress next month, everything is possible

Repeal Trump tax cuts
Protect the Environment
Expand Obamacare
Sensible gun control
Tear down the wall

Yeah how bout putting the economy in the toilet and bankrupting the nation.

Repeal the tax cut and raise taxes. Yeah that will work real well

The environment is already protected.

Govt has no business in Health care and you won't find HC in the Constitution.

There are already enough rules on the books regarding gun control. You can outlaw, prohibit or change evil people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Tear down the wall and let 22 million more illegals into the us so we can spend billions more on them. Oh yeah. That will go over well with the American tax payer.

Your batting 0 as you should be.

Of course it will never happen cause Trump will win in Nov and our country will be right back to what it was before Covid.

UE the lowest its been in 50 years.

Jobs all across the Country.

A Great economy.

That's what I'll be voting for.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO

Her "impeachment" went no where. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and the Ukraine went nowhere. All she and House did was waste tax dollars big time.

I'd bet voters didn't appreciate the bull shit Pelousy instituted. I'd also bet the Dems lose the House this Nov. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

except the 5 volume (R) chaired intel committee says otherwise… thing is, the news cycle is ridiculous it got lost in the reeds. but you keep yer poorly educated head up donny's colon for as long as you can - them days are numbered.

Nothing wrong with my head though yours seems to be lost in the Biden cloud. Wont' matter though cause Trump will win in Nov.

Just think you will have four more years to moan, groan complain and try to find something to hang on the man.

Good luck. You will need it.
The Senate will end the filibuster that McConnell uses to thwart legislation.

Together, Pelosi and Schumer will craft historic legislation that will make America Great
The best is yet to come with Speaker Pelosi
Once Dems take Congress next month, everything is possible

Repeal Trump tax cuts
Protect the Environment
Expand Obamacare
Sensible gun control
Tear down the wall

Yeah how bout putting the economy in the toilet and bankrupting the nation.

Repeal the tax cut and raise taxes. Yeah that will work real well

The environment is already protected.

Govt has no business in Health care and you won't find HC in the Constitution.

There are already enough rules on the books regarding gun control. You can outlaw, prohibit or change evil people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Tear down the wall and let 22 million more illegals into the us so we can spend billions more on them. Oh yeah. That will go over well with the American tax payer.

Your batting 0 as you should be.

Of course it will never happen cause Trump will win in Nov and our country will be right back to what it was before Covid.

UE the lowest its been in 50 years.

Jobs all across the Country.

A Great economy.

That's what I'll be voting for.

Sucks being you

Dems take Congress, nobody will listen to your whining

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO

Her "impeachment" went no where. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and the Ukraine went nowhere. All she and House did was waste tax dollars big time.

I'd bet voters didn't appreciate the bull shit Pelousy instituted. I'd also bet the Dems lose the House this Nov. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

except the 5 volume (R) chaired intel committee says otherwise… thing is, the news cycle is ridiculous it got lost in the reeds. but you keep yer poorly educated head up donny's colon for as long as you can - them days are numbered.

Nothing wrong with my head though yours seems to be lost in the Biden cloud. Wont' matter though cause Trump will win in Nov.

Just think you will have four more years to moan, groan complain and try to find something to hang on the man.

Good luck. You will need it.

lol…. that suit of delusion fits you well.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

Yes. Every Republican president should be impeached because the leftists feelings are hurt.
Stay of the kook sites and give CNN a break. You might actually find some peace.
The best is yet to come with Speaker Pelosi
Once Dems take Congress next month, everything is possible

Repeal Trump tax cuts
Protect the Environment
Expand Obamacare
Sensible gun control
Tear down the wall

Yeah how bout putting the economy in the toilet and bankrupting the nation.

Repeal the tax cut and raise taxes. Yeah that will work real well

The environment is already protected.

Govt has no business in Health care and you won't find HC in the Constitution.

There are already enough rules on the books regarding gun control. You can outlaw, prohibit or change evil people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Tear down the wall and let 22 million more illegals into the us so we can spend billions more on them. Oh yeah. That will go over well with the American tax payer.

Your batting 0 as you should be.

Of course it will never happen cause Trump will win in Nov and our country will be right back to what it was before Covid.

UE the lowest its been in 50 years.

Jobs all across the Country.

A Great economy.

That's what I'll be voting for.

Sucks being you

Dems take Congress, nobody will listen to your whining

I never whine. That's what you and left have been doing for four years.

It sure will suck to be you when the Reps take the House, keep the Senate and Trump is reelected.

You can continue your whine then.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO

Her "impeachment" went no where. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and the Ukraine went nowhere. All she and House did was waste tax dollars big time.

I'd bet voters didn't appreciate the bull shit Pelousy instituted. I'd also bet the Dems lose the House this Nov. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

except the 5 volume (R) chaired intel committee says otherwise… thing is, the news cycle is ridiculous it got lost in the reeds. but you keep yer poorly educated head up donny's colon for as long as you can - them days are numbered.

Nothing wrong with my head though yours seems to be lost in the Biden cloud. Wont' matter though cause Trump will win in Nov.

Just think you will have four more years to moan, groan complain and try to find something to hang on the man.

Good luck. You will need it.

lol…. that suit of delusion fits you well.

Not half as your suit fits you.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

I lost a lot of respect for her the day she said impeachment was off the table re: W.
she has since redeemed herself 100x over.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO

Her "impeachment" went no where. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and the Ukraine went nowhere. All she and House did was waste tax dollars big time.

I'd bet voters didn't appreciate the bull shit Pelousy instituted. I'd also bet the Dems lose the House this Nov. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

except the 5 volume (R) chaired intel committee says otherwise… thing is, the news cycle is ridiculous it got lost in the reeds. but you keep yer poorly educated head up donny's colon for as long as you can - them days are numbered.
and keep your uneducated brain up the home wrecking whores ass, that has no knowledge of any thing but spreading its legs, you are just as warped as the demonrats--thank GOD we wont have to look at the twat much longer

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