There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
You guys planning on trying to kidnap her too?
The second amendment was made for tyrants
So was the voting booth.
actually no it wasn't
Careful, the last time Pelosi got really upset she had a meltdown on the House floor. Pelosi claimed the CIA was out to get her and her Dem colleagues had to escort her out of the chamber mid rant. :auiqs.jpg:

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
Want to remove her?


That is how SANE SOCIETIES function.

Stooping to the level of the left serves no ones best interest.

Enough of the childish shit shows.
To vote her out a consensus must cooperate to do as such and there is none to speak of large enough to do it.
Pelosi and Schumer have entrenched their power
You say that like it's a good thing.
No public servant is above the law....but you claim they are so entrenched that they are untouchable.
What I'm hearing is the shit is about to hit the fan.........I'm just waiting for the announcement.
Of course it is a good thing
Not good for Republicans, but good for the country
When (not "if") the Dems take both Houses, if they brutalize the Republican minority, then the latter should do something that (to my knowledge is unprecedented): walk out permanently and leave the chambers to the Dems.

Let Dem voters live under a dictatorship and see how they enjoy them apples.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment
then the latter should do something that (to my knowledge is unprecedented): walk out permanently and leave the chambers to the Dems.

They might as well, Dems will end the filibuster and pay no attention to rants and victim hood of Republicans

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

IMO they never should have voted her back in as speaker. The Dems have many who would have been a better speaker. You can't fix stupid.
Pelosi is the most successful Speaker in her generation.
Next term, with a Democratic Senate, she will pass historic legislation on healthcare, gun control, taxes on the wealthy, protecting the environment

Sure she will. She will also put the economy in the toilet and tax the shit out of one and all to accomplish that bull shit you named.

Most successful Speaker?? I doubt that. All she's done lately is make a fool out of herself over Trump.

There have been many Speakers who were much better than she will ever be.

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