There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

Pelosi and Schumer have entrenched their power
Progs should have never put her back into the speaker chair. She screwed up many times to deserve that. And she let Trump get to her. Which means she sold her demeanor to us as one thing, but is really something else.

She has owned Trump since the start... Trump is now rabbling about arresting Biden... This is mad King George stuff...
Pelosi and Schumer have entrenched their power
Progs should have never put her back into the speaker chair. She screwed up many times to deserve that. And she let Trump get to her. Which means she sold her demeanor to us as one thing, but is really something else.

What a bunch of bullshit. You don't want her as Speaker because she pwns Trump every time she gets in the same room with her. He refuses to meet with her, or speak to her. He's so scared of her, he sends Mnuchin to negotiate with her because every time they negotiate, she walks out with his balls in her purse. The Great Negotiator!!!

Budget shutdown. Trump shut down the economy for over a month and GOT NOTHING except an $80 billion hole in the economy, for his trouble. Pelosi refused to give him wall money.

Trump has insulting nicknames for everyone. He calls Pelosi "Nancy Pelosi". The woman passed the Affordable Care Act. Probably the greatest Speaker of the House ever, definitely in my lifetime. She quashed the "Dump Pelosi" faction, got the Squad straightened up and flying right, and the Democratic Party says "how high" when Nancy says "jump".

If I were a Republican, I'd scared shitless of her too.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.
I never whine. That's what you and left have been doing for four years.

It sure will suck to be you when the Reps take the House, keep the Senate and Trump is reelected.

You can continue your whine then.

They'll whine even more if we get the House and Senate, but Biden gets the presidency. He'll be impeached within the first year on BS, just like they did to Trump.
How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.

When Republicans are out of the way, that will begin the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into socialism, and Communism a hit skip away. It will be the end of this great place we created.

Lets see

Protecting the environment, healthcare for all, affordable education.....

Yup, sounds Commie to me
I never whine. That's what you and left have been doing for four years.

It sure will suck to be you when the Reps take the House, keep the Senate and Trump is reelected.

You can continue your whine then.

They'll whine even more if we get the House and Senate, but Biden gets the presidency. He'll be impeached within the first year on BS, just like they did to Trump.

If Biden demands personal favors in return for Military aid, he deserves to be impeached
Pelosi and Schumer have entrenched their power
Progs should have never put her back into the speaker chair. She screwed up many times to deserve that. And she let Trump get to her. Which means she sold her demeanor to us as one thing, but is really something else.

She has owned Trump since the start... Trump is now rabbling about arresting Biden... This is mad King George stuff...
Trump has always been who he is. He has gotten many people to bloom like poisonous weeds, their true ways. Trump has given Progs some things. But it is never enough as the old crisis agendas have come into play. The one where Trump gets all the blame from the Prog politicians who have failed their own people in state and local areas is like a bunch of old biddies yacking and fixing nothing because they do not have the ability with their views as they are. So they go to tyranny to control the civilized. And the law enforcement follows them while they get shit on by the same.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected
How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.

When Republicans are out of the way, that will begin the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into socialism, and Communism a hit skip away. It will be the end of this great place we created.

Lets see

Protecting the environment, healthcare for all, affordable education.....

Yup, sounds Commie to me
Give the peasant several thousand dollars with that. Lower the federal taxes massively for them. For all of them. Not for groups within groups. That is how Progs work. And one reason that people have left cities.

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