There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected

bullshit, everyone in the whitehouse is tested every day. you lying SOB. How many dems are tested? when were crazy nancy and crying Chucky tested?

Well it turns out that Covita and Kaleigh Braun have been lying to you about that too. The White House wasn't testing much at all. Trump told Hannity last night he hasn't been tested since he came home. Maybe today. How can they "clear him to travel" when they haven't tested him?

Stories coming out from White House staffers now that the White House is a hot zone are that they weren't tested all that often. Trump has said he was tested every three days, or so.

Careless, lazy and sloppy. No social distancing, no masks, no testing. People working in the White House while contagious - Kayleigh the Kunt is going to work because SHE has no symptoms. She gave a press conference without wearing a mask, in the press room with the reporters AFTER she tested positive. Fuck everyone she comes in contact with. Just like her boss.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected

bullshit, everyone in the whitehouse is tested every day. you lying SOB. How many dems are tested? when were crazy nancy and crying Chucky tested?

Well it turns out that Covita and Kaleigh Braun have been lying to you about that too. The White House wasn't testing much at all. Trump told Hannity last night he hasn't been tested since he came home. Maybe today. How can they "clear him to travel" when they haven't tested him?

Stories coming out from White House staffers now that the White House is a hot zone are that they weren't tested all that often. Trump has said he was tested every three days, or so.

Careless, lazy and sloppy. No social distancing, no masks, no testing. People working in the White House while contagious - Kayleigh the Kunt is going to work because SHE has no symptoms. She gave a press conference without wearing a mask, in the press room with the reporters AFTER she tested positive. Fuck everyone she comes in contact with. Just like her boss.

The problem is that we cannot trust any information coming out of the White House.

We have seen them repeatedly lie.....Especially about COVID

Now, Trump is blaming Gold Star families for his infection
Republicans looked the other way on Kavanaugh and then looked the other way on Trumps crimes.

It is all part of the shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and getting away with it

There was no way to look at Kavanaugh. I know how you commies think: eliminate all opposition for total power, but real Americans don't think that way.

Of course there was. It was all presented right there in front of you. SC judges should be above reproach. Not scumbags. Plenty of evidence presented he was a scumbag. Like Clarence Thomas before him (and yeah I'll knock Biden for that one).
You didn't see any allegations of that sort during Gorsuch's confirmation. Nor Roberts, nor Alito's, or any of the other justices. It's easy. Scumbags shouldn't be nominated to the highest court in the land.
Republicans looked the other way on Kavanaugh and then looked the other way on Trumps crimes.

It is all part of the shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and getting away with it

There was no way to look at Kavanaugh. I know how you commies think: eliminate all opposition for total power, but real Americans don't think that way.

Yeah there was. But you don't care what kind of people you put into office. Morals and decency are optional for Republicans. Watergate, Iran/Contra, all of the graft and corruption of W's Administration. The Department of Homeland Security was created to line the pockets of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and others. Halliburton - Halliburton was awarded hundreds of billions of untendered contracts to supply the troops in Iraq, and to do cleanup after Katrina along the Gulf Coast. Rumsfeld's Company sold millions of doses of Tamiflu to the government which were never used and had to be tossed out when the expected pandemic failed to materialize. Similar to Trump's cornering the market on hydroxychloroquine, causing a worldwide shortage of the drug, and now he can't give it away.

Every Republican administration since Nixon has been involved in massive corruption and abuse, leading to literally hundreds of indictments, convictions and pardons. In the past 40 years, only one member of the Clinton Administration was arrested and faced charges of corruption. Obama's Administration had no one arrested or charged. The Trump administration has had more people arrested in convicted in the first term than any president in history.

I don't know how you can claim your nation will go into the toilet if Biden is elected. The Democrats keep pulling the country out of the toilet, and setting the economy back on track after the Republicans crash and destroy it. Are you so full of hate and bile that you are wilfully destroying yourselves?

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.
If Dems take Congress, Republicans better prepare for a reign of terror

Pelosi and Schumer will take no prisoners
Issue is if they do take the Senate it will be by a slight majority which will mean they will have very little power to do as much as damage as they wish...

If Biden wins, 50 Senate seats will do.

After Republicans pulled their Garland/Barrett game you can be assured that the Senate Filibuster is history

Well are you happy if they do that instead of trying to return to a normal way of governing?

Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell have pulled nonsense and it should be corrected and not added on or we will end up with someone worst than Trump in the next four to eight years...

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Let's see some EVIDENCE for all those claims.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Let's see some EVIDENCE for all those claims.

Do this, do that!! Who the fuck do you think you are Asshat? Don't try to condescend to me and order me around dipshit. You want something, get it yourself. The women are done with Republicans. DONE.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and the Senate refused to vote on it. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.
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I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Democrats LOVE Pelosi

Are you sure?? I've read where she has many Dem enemies. Hell many in the House can't stand her.

Like Hitlery she isn't very well liked at all. Even her daughter can't stand her.
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I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Let's see some EVIDENCE for all those claims.

Do this, do that!! Who the fuck do you think you are Asshat? Don't try to condescend to me and order me around dipshit. You want something, get it yourself. The women are done with Republicans. DONE.

Go clog up the Canadian message boards with your bullshit. You aren't American and no one gives a flying shit about what you think about what's going on here.

Fuck of you hag.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Democrats LOVE Pelosi

Are you sure?? I've read where she has many Dem enemies. Like Hitlery she isn't very well liked at all. Even her daughter can't stand her.

You missed your chance in 2019
Even AOC came around and supported Pelosi

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Let's see some EVIDENCE for all those claims.

Do this, do that!! Who the fuck do you think you are Asshat? Don't try to condescend to me and order me around dipshit. You want something, get it yourself. The women are done with Republicans. DONE.

The burden of proof falls on he who makes the claim.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

No, Donald Trump is holding up the checks. Because he doesn't want to give workers money. He wants to give money to the airlines and the hotel industry, but nothing for the restaurant workers, or the small businesses, or the working people. State and municipal workers are facing layoffs as states run out of money.

Before you starte with your "red state/blue state" bullshit, these are all AMERICANS. The AMERICAN people are suffering across all parties and all states. Canada has a Liberal Federal government and 7 Conservative provinces. Trudeau gave MORE money to Conservative Ontario than any other province. Not once ever has he said that he would help out Liberal Provinces because they voted for him but no money for Conservatives.

Our government hasn't engaged in partisan infighting or politicized the virus at all. Everybody from both parties worked together to help all Canadians. Just one of the many reasons why our death rate is almost 1/3 of that in the US.

Last but not least, you misspelled Pelosi. Not a big deal, but further evidence of the ignorance and lack of education in the conservative voter. Stupid, gullible and Republican is no way to go through life. Clodette. Dumber than a lump of dirt.
Republicans looked the other way on Kavanaugh and then looked the other way on Trumps crimes.

It is all part of the shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and getting away with it

There was no way to look at Kavanaugh. I know how you commies think: eliminate all opposition for total power, but real Americans don't think that way.

Yeah there was. But you don't care what kind of people you put into office. Morals and decency are optional for Republicans. Watergate, Iran/Contra, all of the graft and corruption of W's Administration. The Department of Homeland Security was created to line the pockets of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and others. Halliburton - Halliburton was awarded hundreds of billions of untendered contracts to supply the troops in Iraq, and to do cleanup after Katrina along the Gulf Coast. Rumsfeld's Company sold millions of doses of Tamiflu to the government which were never used and had to be tossed out when the expected pandemic failed to materialize. Similar to Trump's cornering the market on hydroxychloroquine, causing a worldwide shortage of the drug, and now he can't give it away.

Every Republican administration since Nixon has been involved in massive corruption and abuse, leading to literally hundreds of indictments, convictions and pardons. In the past 40 years, only one member of the Clinton Administration was arrested and faced charges of corruption. Obama's Administration had no one arrested or charged. The Trump administration has had more people arrested in convicted in the first term than any president in history.

I don't know how you can claim your nation will go into the toilet if Biden is elected. The Democrats keep pulling the country out of the toilet, and setting the economy back on track after the Republicans crash and destroy it. Are you so full of hate and bile that you are wilfully destroying yourselves?

If you knew what you were talking about you would know.

At the debate Biden said the first thing he will do is raise taxes on any Corp or person making 400,000 thousand dollars. He will also lower the CG from 21% to 28%. A financier he ain't Corps use that money to expand and hire and you can bet your ass those making 400,000 will hide their money. They all have accountants who will get that done. Once they realize they won't be getting the money they thought they would they will raise taxes on everyone.

The dumbasses never learn. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump know cutting taxes pours more money into the Fed coffers than raising them has ever done. Dems never learn.

Oh and Biden will institute his green shit that will bankrupt the country. Small businesses won't be able to afford the crap he wants to do.

No, electing Biden is a recipe for disaster for this country. And no Dems aren't always saving the country. They are the ones putting it in economic jeopardy.

So, take your Canadian ass back to Canada and plug up the Canadian message boards with your bull shit. You aren't American and no one really give a flying fuck what you have to say.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

Nope. Actually it's back and forth Donny who's holding things up. Must be the steroids. Is he for a deal today? or against one?
Sorry, lotsa pork on both sides in the first package. No leg to stand on there.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

Nope. Actually it's back and forth Donny who's holding things up. Must be the steroids. Is he for a deal today? or against one?
Sorry, lotsa pork on both sides in the first package. No leg to stand on there.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Let's see some EVIDENCE for all those claims.

Do this, do that!! Who the fuck do you think you are Asshat? Don't try to condescend to me and order me around dipshit. You want something, get it yourself. The women are done with Republicans. DONE.

Go clog up the Canadian message boards with your bullshit. You aren't American and no one gives a flying shit about what you think about what's going on here.

Fuck of you hag.

Oh Clodette. Triggered again? No one? Do you speak for everyone on the board? On whose authority?

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