There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

No, Donald Trump is holding up the checks. Because he doesn't want to give workers money. He wants to give money to the airlines and the hotel industry, but nothing for the restaurant workers, or the small businesses, or the working people. State and municipal workers are facing layoffs as states run out of money.

Before you starte with your "red state/blue state" bullshit, these are all AMERICANS. The AMERICAN people are suffering across all parties and all states. Canada has a Liberal Federal government and 7 Conservative provinces. Trudeau gave MORE money to Conservative Ontario than any other province. Not once ever has he said that he would help out Liberal Provinces because they voted for him but no money for Conservatives.

Our government hasn't engaged in partisan infighting or politicized the virus at all. Everybody from both parties worked together to help all Canadians. Just one of the many reasons why our death rate is almost 1/3 of that in the US.

Last but not least, you misspelled Pelosi. Not a big deal, but further evidence of the ignorance and lack of education in the conservative voter. Stupid, gullible and Republican is no way to go through life. Clodette. Dumber than a lump of dirt.

Donald Trump has nothing to do with bills in the House and Senate. If you were American you would know that. The only thing Trump can do is either sign the bill or not sign the bill.

Pelousy and her House loaded that second effort with pork. The Senate won't vote on it till the pork is gone. They want a stand alone Covid relief bill. Once the pork is gone and the House approves it again, the Senate will vote and approve it and move it up the Trump to be signed.

That's how it works here in America.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

No, Donald Trump is holding up the checks. Because he doesn't want to give workers money. He wants to give money to the airlines and the hotel industry, but nothing for the restaurant workers, or the small businesses, or the working people. State and municipal workers are facing layoffs as states run out of money.

Before you starte with your "red state/blue state" bullshit, these are all AMERICANS. The AMERICAN people are suffering across all parties and all states. Canada has a Liberal Federal government and 7 Conservative provinces. Trudeau gave MORE money to Conservative Ontario than any other province. Not once ever has he said that he would help out Liberal Provinces because they voted for him but no money for Conservatives.

Our government hasn't engaged in partisan infighting or politicized the virus at all. Everybody from both parties worked together to help all Canadians. Just one of the many reasons why our death rate is almost 1/3 of that in the US.

Last but not least, you misspelled Pelosi. Not a big deal, but further evidence of the ignorance and lack of education in the conservative voter. Stupid, gullible and Republican is no way to go through life. Clodette. Dumber than a lump of dirt.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

Nope. Actually it's back and forth Donny who's holding things up. Must be the steroids. Is he for a deal today? or against one?
Sorry, lotsa pork on both sides in the first package. No leg to stand on there.

Nope. The Senate won't vote on it till the House removes the pork that they stuffed into it.

The Senate wants a stand alone Covid relief bill and won't vote till they get it.

Trump has nothing to do with bills before the House or Senate. The ONLY thing he has to do with it is signing it when it reach's him.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Pelosi is only a "problem" for Republicans. Pelosi got the American people the $1200 stimulus check. She wouldn't give money to Corporations without money going to the people.

Trump wants to give more money to airlines, but none to unemployed workers. Pelosi won't give him a dime, until he gets money to ALL of the workers. Without Pelosi, the working people wouldn't have money.

And the PEOPLE know that. They know who is looking out for them and it's not Trump.

Well she and her House are holding up the process for the second check. Oh and it wasn't her alone that got the first. It was the House and the Senate.

Unemployed workers are collecting UE checks. Pelousy loaded that second try with pork and Trump wisely walked away. Get rid of the pork and the House and Senate can pass the bill for the second check..

And PEOPLE know it. They know who is looking out for them and it sure isn't and Pelousy and the House.

Nope. Actually it's back and forth Donny who's holding things up. Must be the steroids. Is he for a deal today? or against one?
Sorry, lotsa pork on both sides in the first package. No leg to stand on there.

Are your fingers broken? Do you not have Google on your computer?

Why should we take the time and trouble to post links when you don't read them, and will just call them "fake news" anyway. As my mother used to say to me "You're a lot younger and stronger than I am. You want something, get it yourself".

Trump cultists are the laziest fuckers out there. Always wanting others to do something they're perfectly capable of doing for themselves, and then being nasty and abusive if they don't. Kind of like their hero, Covita.
The only movement in issue is the bowel movement named Rep. Biggs.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
I encourage all of you who see what a problem she is to contact your representative in the House and ask them to vote for her removal. I already have.

Democrats LOVE Pelosi

Are you sure?? I've read where she has many Dem enemies. Like Hitlery she isn't very well liked at all. Even her daughter can't stand her.

You missed your chance in 2019
Even AOC came around and supported Pelosi

Well many in the House can't stand her. I can understand why. AOC does anything she can do to curry favor with Pelousy cause she knows Pelousy is the boss and you can bet AOC can't stand her either.
Are your fingers broken? Do you not have Google on your computer?

Why should we take the time and trouble to post links when you don't read them, and will just call them "fake news" anyway. As my mother used to say to me "You're a lot younger and stronger than I am. You want something, get it yourself".

Trump cultists are the laziest fuckers out there. Always wanting others to do something they're perfectly capable of doing for themselves, and then being nasty and abusive if they don't. Kind of like their hero, Covita.

Are you new to political forums or something? That's not how it works here. If you make a claim and somebody calls you out on it, it's up to you to prove what you say is true, not the other person to prove it for you.
At the debate Biden said the first thing he will do is raise taxes on any Corp or person making 400,000 thousand dollars. He will also lower the CG from 21% to 28%. A financier he ain't Corps use that money to expand and hire and you can bet your ass those making 400,000 will hide their money. They all have accountants who will get that done. Once they realize they won't be getting the money they thought they would they will raise taxes on everyone.

Correct, and let's not forget he also said he would raise capital gains taxes which will ruin our stock market where most little people have our IRA investments.. If you were thinking of moving, think about it soon, because if your property value went up, that's a capital gain even if you make less than 400K a year. You'll be paying more on those gains if Creepy Joe does get in.

What the left doesn't understand is the big guy never pays those taxes. They pass those losses to us via products or services. They tell their employees they have to contribute a larger percentage to their healthcare plan. Forget about wage increases. Hiring slows down.
No, Donald Trump is holding up the checks. Because he doesn't want to give workers money.

He said two days ago if Congress gives him a bill for the stimulus checks only, he'd sign it in a heartbeat. Think Piglosi would throw away her ace card? Of course not. She's going to continue holding Americans hostage until she gets all of her pork.
I don't know how you can claim your nation will go into the toilet if Biden is elected.

That's easy.

He wants to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most.

He wants to increase capital gains taxes which will drastically slow down our stock market.

He wants to destroy the suburbs causing hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value by government inserting low-income, high-crime people.

He wants to attack fossil fuels, and selected a VP who said during the primaries if she was elected, she'd stop fracking on her first day in office. And let's face it, she's the one who would be really running the country because Biden is way too old and feeble to to it. Currently we are the worlds largest energy exporter. You can't export green energy. Furthermore doubling or more our energy costs will have a huge impact on individuals and businesses alike. Less residual income means less money circulating in our economy.

He wants to bring back Commie Care in full force, causing additional problems for businesses, especially our largest employers which are small businesses. That also means bringing back fines assessed to people that don't have enough money to buy their ridiculously priced plans.

Any other questions?

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.
That will never happen but the upcoming election is the surest route by giving the house back to the Republicans. Then a vote to censure the bitch could be a likely possability. Maybe whats left of the Democrats would rise up and join in to kick her ass out completely as a measure to help save the democratic party from total self destruction.
Of course there was. It was all presented right there in front of you. SC judges should be above reproach. Not scumbags. Plenty of evidence presented he was a scumbag. Like Clarence Thomas before him (and yeah I'll knock Biden for that one).
You didn't see any allegations of that sort during Gorsuch's confirmation. Nor Roberts, nor Alito's, or any of the other justices. It's easy. Scumbags shouldn't be nominated to the highest court in the land.

Allegations are not evidence. What country do you live in anyway?

Blazey Ford was a liar right from the beginning. She totally whitewashed the internet of any pictures or videos of herself including Facebook. A few of her former students stated she never talked anything like she did at the hearing. She was a left-wing activist with one picture out there of her in a pussy hat at a protest.

She said because what Kav and his buddy did to her, she was claustrophobic to the point she couldn't travel in airplanes and couldn't be in a house with one door. Then her ex told reporters they used to fly around in Hawaii all the time. Speaking of Hawaii, they located her house, and it only had one door on it.

She held back the hearings for a week claiming it would take her that long to drive to DC. Then under oath, she had to admit she flew there.

She created this story about a house she didn't know where it was at, driven there by somebody she can't remember, and the people she claimed were there not only said that never happened, but there was never such a party in the first place.

Her claim is she broke loose, ran out of the house, and called a person, again, didn't remember who to pick her up. The problem with her lie is that she concocted the story as if it happened a few years ago. She's only a few years younger than me, and I can tell you for a fact we didn't have cell phones back then, especially children. So if she called somebody, she had to know where she called from. She had to give them instructions on how to get where she was at, or at least give them a street name. She had to use a payphone, or ask a neighbor to use theirs.
Of course there was. It was all presented right there in front of you. SC judges should be above reproach. Not scumbags. Plenty of evidence presented he was a scumbag. Like Clarence Thomas before him (and yeah I'll knock Biden for that one).
You didn't see any allegations of that sort during Gorsuch's confirmation. Nor Roberts, nor Alito's, or any of the other justices. It's easy. Scumbags shouldn't be nominated to the highest court in the land.

Allegations are not evidence. What country do you live in anyway?

Blazey Ford was a liar right from the beginning. She totally whitewashed the internet of any pictures or videos of herself including Facebook. A few of her former students stated she never talked anything like she did at the hearing. She was a left-wing activist with one picture out there of her in a pussy hat at a protest.

She said because what Kav and his buddy did to her, she was claustrophobic to the point she couldn't travel in airplanes and couldn't be in a house with one door. Then her ex told reporters they used to fly around in Hawaii all the time. Speaking of Hawaii, they located her house, and it only had one door on it.

She held back the hearings for a week claiming it would take her that long to drive to DC. Then under oath, she had to admit she flew there.

She created this story about a house she didn't know where it was at, driven there by somebody she can't remember, and the people she claimed were there not only said that never happened, but there was never such a party in the first place.

Her claim is she broke loose, ran out of the house, and called a person, again, didn't remember who to pick her up. The problem with her lie is that she concocted the story as if it happened a few years ago. She's only a few years younger than me, and I can tell you for a fact we didn't have cell phones back then, especially children. So if she called somebody, she had to know where she called from. She had to give them instructions on how to get where she was at, or at least give them a street name. She had to use a payphone, or ask a neighbor to use theirs.

Amazing what a good memory and research can dig up.

Too bad Jackofnobrains has a bad memory and certainly didn't do any research before opened his big mouth and showed everyone what a jack ass he is.
Amazing what a good memory and research can dig up.

Too bad Jackofnobrains has a bad memory and certainly didn't do any research before opened his big mouth and showed everyone what a jack ass he is.

Her story was no more believable than Frosty the Snowman. It was all made up in her head.
Amazing what a good memory and research can dig up.

Too bad Jackofnobrains has a bad memory and certainly didn't do any research before opened his big mouth and showed everyone what a jack ass he is.

Her story was no more believable than Frosty the Snowman. It was all made up in her head.

Yup anyone who believed that story had to be a die hard Dem because no one with a working brain cell would believe it.

It was like a bad novel you read one chapter of then throw in the garbage because its so bad.
Yup anyone who believed that story had to be a die hard Dem because no one with a working brain cell would believe it.

It was like a bad novel you read one chapter of then throw in the garbage because its so bad.

Nobody graduates with a law degree at the top of their class in an ivy league college by being a drunk and raping women. Common sense needed to prevail in that stupid Democrat stunt.
Pelosi and Schumer have entrenched their power
Progs should have never put her back into the speaker chair. She screwed up many times to deserve that. And she let Trump get to her. Which means she sold her demeanor to us as one thing, but is really something else.

What a bunch of bullshit. You don't want her as Speaker because she pwns Trump every time she gets in the same room with her. He refuses to meet with her, or speak to her. He's so scared of her, he sends Mnuchin to negotiate with her because every time they negotiate, she walks out with his balls in her purse. The Great Negotiator!!!

Budget shutdown. Trump shut down the economy for over a month and GOT NOTHING except an $80 billion hole in the economy, for his trouble. Pelosi refused to give him wall money.

Trump has insulting nicknames for everyone. He calls Pelosi "Nancy Pelosi". The woman passed the Affordable Care Act. Probably the greatest Speaker of the House ever, definitely in my lifetime. She quashed the "Dump Pelosi" faction, got the Squad straightened up and flying right, and the Democratic Party says "how high" when Nancy says "jump".

If I were a Republican, I'd scared shitless of her too.
scared of IT? im sure he doesnt want to loose his meal, looking at that botox douche!!!...
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.
so glad you know nothing...thanx 4 the update

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