There is a Movement To Remove Pelosi as Speaker

If Dems take Congress, Republicans better prepare for a reign of terror

Pelosi and Schumer will take no prisoners
Sounds like an awesome plan for the future of America ya got there.

How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.
You are quite the fascist.

Not just the US, but the world will be a better place without Republicans
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Actually it was made for people like Biden.

the announcement by crazy Nancy that they were going to discuss the 25th amendment is just a dry run for removing Biden if he should somehow manage to win. the dem plan from the beginning was to put Willie Brown's squeeze toy in the whitehouse.
If Dems take Congress, Republicans better prepare for a reign of terror

Pelosi and Schumer will take no prisoners
Sounds like an awesome plan for the future of America ya got there.

How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.
You are quite the fascist.

Not just the US, but the world will be a better place without Republicans
your partisan stupidity is unbounded.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected

bullshit, everyone in the whitehouse is tested every day. you lying SOB. How many dems are tested? when were crazy nancy and crying Chucky tested?
How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.

When Republicans are out of the way, that will begin the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into socialism, and Communism a hit skip away. It will be the end of this great place we created.

What great experiment would that be? The four decade experiment of supply side economics? Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations? Record corporate profits and stagnant worker wages? Bloated budgets? Racial division and unrest?
Yeah, I'm ready for one party government for at least the next four years. The Republicans have long since proved they can't govern. Let's see what Democrats can do.
How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.

When Republicans are out of the way, that will begin the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into socialism, and Communism a hit skip away. It will be the end of this great place we created.

The Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground and quick lime poured on the ashes. Maybe then a reasonable conservative party can rise from the ashes. One that doesn't pander to racists, bigots and homophobes, and that actually practices the conservative values of fiscal responsibility, small government, and government of the people, by the people and for the people, instead of this toxic abuse of American workers and the middle class.

3 economic crashes in 40 years. That fiscal irresponsibility at a criminal level. Locking up 400,000 black and brown men, and the vilification of minorities under the Republicans has lead us to where we are now. Most people in prison in the world - more than Russia, more than repressive regimes like China. The Republican Party has turned the USA into South Africa under apartheid. "Great place we created" - bullshit. No universal health care, few worker rights, no vacations. The USA is the shithole country of the First World. And that's BECAUSE of the Republicans.

The United States used to be the "Shining City on a Hill". America doesn't shine anymore. It seethes with hate, racism and disease. Republicans did that.
The buddy-buddy is in the Senate. Not so much in the House since the Freedom Cucks took over.
You mean the guys who like individual liberty?

There are plenty of places where you can be denied freedom. Go there. Why do you and your ilk want to bring that shit here?

Sure. If these cucks were really about individual liberty, they wouldn't be trying to force their values down the throats of everyone who doesn't agree with them...via legislation or the courts.
Get lost with this shit.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected

bullshit, everyone in the whitehouse is tested every day. you lying SOB. How many dems are tested? when were crazy nancy and crying Chucky tested?
You pretend to have knowledge of COVID and routinely expose yourself aa a dunce on the issue. You don't even know what contract tracing is. Ignorance is bliss for morons like you.
Trump is a crazy asshole. 25th Amendment was made just for him.

Kinda hard to make that one stick since the doctors have already cleared Trump.

Just another Pelousy faux pas just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Ukraine and impeachment. She really shows how stupid she is with each of attacks on Trump.

Just as hard to assert this because they haven't released any information about when he last tested negative, when did he begin treatment, is he being tested every day? They've made everyone sign NDA's and I'm sure they've threatened every physician that's come into contact with him with career ruination if they say anything. They don't want anything getting out and it has nothing to do with HIPPA. I suspect the whole story around his infection is bad. Bad enough to warrant his removal from office. He was almost certainly infected when he debated Biden on September 29th.

Trump is also blocking Contact Tracing to see who else might be infected

bullshit, everyone in the whitehouse is tested every day. you lying SOB. How many dems are tested? when were crazy nancy and crying Chucky tested?

Evidently not
That is why 26 are infected.

May I suggest masks and social distancing?

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

Unfortunately nothing will ever come from it. It's basically political theater. The best way to get rid of her as Speaker is to get rid of their leadership in the House. I don't know how that will play this year given the phony impeachment and what they did to judge Kavanaugh.
How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.

When Republicans are out of the way, that will begin the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into socialism, and Communism a hit skip away. It will be the end of this great place we created.

The Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground and quick lime poured on the ashes. Maybe then a reasonable conservative party can rise from the ashes. One that doesn't pander to racists, bigots and homophobes, and that actually practices the conservative values of fiscal responsibility, small government, and government of the people, by the people and for the people, instead of this toxic abuse of American workers and the middle class.

3 economic crashes in 40 years. That fiscal irresponsibility at a criminal level. Locking up 400,000 black and brown men, and the vilification of minorities under the Republicans has lead us to where we are now. Most people in prison in the world - more than Russia, more than repressive regimes like China. The Republican Party has turned the USA into South Africa under apartheid. "Great place we created" - bullshit. No universal health care, few worker rights, no vacations. The USA is the shithole country of the First World. And that's BECAUSE of the Republicans.

The United States used to be the "Shining City on a Hill". America doesn't shine anymore. It seethes with hate, racism and disease. Republicans did that.
You nailed it.

I hope it succeeds. That pathetic woman is nothing but a political hack. It's obvious she does not give a damn about the American people.

Unfortunately nothing will ever come from it. It's basically political theater. The best way to get rid of her as Speaker is to get rid of their leadership in the House. I don't know how that will play this year given the phony impeachment and what they did to judge Kavanaugh.

Republicans looked the other way on Kavanaugh and then looked the other way on Trumps crimes.

It is all part of the shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and getting away with it
The Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground and quick lime poured on the ashes. Maybe then a reasonable conservative party can rise from the ashes. One that doesn't pander to racists, bigots and homophobes, and that actually practices the conservative values of fiscal responsibility, small government, and government of the people, by the people and for the people, instead of this toxic abuse of American workers and the middle class.

3 economic crashes in 40 years. That fiscal irresponsibility at a criminal level. Locking up 400,000 black and brown men, and the vilification of minorities under the Republicans has lead us to where we are now. Most people in prison in the world - more than Russia, more than repressive regimes like China. The Republican Party has turned the USA into South Africa under apartheid. "Great place we created" - bullshit. No universal health care, few worker rights, no vacations. The USA is the shithole country of the First World. And that's BECAUSE of the Republicans.

The United States used to be the "Shining City on a Hill". America doesn't shine anymore. It seethes with hate, racism and disease. Republicans did that.

They sure did. Good thing Obama got in. He was articulate and clean.
It was the Republicans who came up with bussing and started that racial jungle.
Republicans want to put those black people back in chains.
After all, if you don't vote for Biden, you aren't really black.
If Dems take Congress, Republicans better prepare for a reign of terror

Pelosi and Schumer will take no prisoners
Issue is if they do take the Senate it will be by a slight majority which will mean they will have very little power to do as much as damage as they wish...

If Biden wins, 50 Senate seats will do.

After Republicans pulled their Garland/Barrett game you can be assured that the Senate Filibuster is history
Republicans looked the other way on Kavanaugh and then looked the other way on Trumps crimes.

It is all part of the shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and getting away with it

There was no way to look at Kavanaugh. I know how you commies think: eliminate all opposition for total power, but real Americans don't think that way.
If Dems take Congress, Republicans better prepare for a reign of terror

Pelosi and Schumer will take no prisoners
Sounds like an awesome plan for the future of America ya got there.

How right you are

Imagine what a great nation we can be with Republicans out of the way.
You are quite the fascist.

Not just the US, but the world will be a better place without Republicans
your partisan stupidity is unbounded.

& your irony is outstanding.

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