Zone1 There is a punishment (we hope not an eternal one) for not listening to Christ's Church

There is a punishment (we hope not an eternal one) for not listening to Christ's Church​

I think if he REALLY wanted people to listen to his church ... he would have picked better spokespeople ...

humans wrote all the religious texts for the religions they created so there is no correct one anyway.
Dan 12:4--Here in these last days, truth becomes abundant. Through-Matt 24:45-- The real teachers who have Jesus made corrections to all the errors taught through the centuries.
And Jesus' Father only accepts worship in spirit and truth( John 4:22-24)= another reason one can be confident truth is now abundant.
Dan 12:4--Here in these last days, truth becomes abundant. Through-Matt 24:45-- The real teachers who have Jesus made corrections to all the errors taught through the centuries.
And Jesus' Father only accepts worship in spirit and truth( John 4:22-24)= another reason one can be confident truth is now abundant.
And what will you do if you discover Christianity was actually the wrong religion?
Which church is that exactly?

Which one of all the flavors of Christian churches is the "right" one?
The one established by Christ. The RCC church, it is not. And if the OP thinks the scripture he posits in the first post is actually referring to the RCC, that is absolute conjecture, speculation, and poor hermeneutics.
The one established by Christ. The RCC church, it is not. And if the OP thinks the scripture he posits in the first post is actually referring to the RCC, that is absolute conjecture, speculation, and poor hermeneutics.
jews and Muslims do not believe Jesus was a god incarnate

So why do you think the NT is correct and the OT and Koran are not?
Jesus did not establish a Church and then say or imply that there was no need to enter or remain in it...

they reiterated the heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e for their journey and remission to paradise ... they provided the pathway.
jews and Muslims do not believe Jesus was a god incarnate

So why do you think the NT is correct and the OT and Koran are not?
I'm speaking from a purely "Christian" perspective.
I don't think the NT is an authoritative "Word of God" as many Catholics or Protestants believe today.
If the Bible was supposed to be as claimed, Jesus would have specifically and clearly spoken of such a Book. He did not. The first century Christians had no such book. Most, couldn't read. Those that could read, only had access to a few letters at one time. Today, many Christians make the belief in the bible another tenant to be considered "Christian", almost as important or equally important as the Trinity or the creeds. But, if I'm a "Christian", specifically a Gentile with no Jewish background, the OT is meaningless to me, and I believe Paul understood this.

I have a hard time putting faith in the RCC to have been truly "Inspired" to put together the "Word of God".

As for the OT, I've mentioned before, Israel IMO, painted a war mongering god, and incorrectly so and illustrated by Jesus. Muslims and Jews are an offshoot of each other, no different than "Denominations" of today with less murdering (thank god we don't have the Baptists murdering Methodists over a birthright claim).
I'm speaking from a purely "Christian" perspective.
I don't think the NT is an authoritative "Word of God" as many Catholics or Protestants believe today.
If the Bible was supposed to be as claimed, Jesus would have specifically and clearly spoken of such a Book. He did not. The first century Christians had no such book. Most, couldn't read. Those that could read, only had access to a few letters at one time. Today, many Christians make the belief in the bible another tenant to be considered "Christian", almost as important or equally important as the Trinity or the creeds. But, if I'm a "Christian", specifically a Gentile with no Jewish background, the OT is meaningless to me, and I believe Paul understood this.

I have a hard time putting faith in the RCC to have been truly "Inspired" to put together the "Word of God".

As for the OT, I've mentioned before, Israel IMO, painted a war mongering god, and incorrectly so and illustrated by Jesus. Muslims and Jews are an offshoot of each other, no different than "Denominations" of today with less murdering (thank god we don't have the Baptists murdering Methodists over a birthright claim).
So what texts written by Jesus do you use as basis for your religion?
What religion did I speak of that I adhere too.
You said Christianity and that for most people means the new testament is the text
But since you said the NT is not the definitive text of Christianity what book do you use that is the definitive text? If there is no book then what are you using?

It's not a trick question.
You said Christianity and that for most people means the new testament is the text
But since you said the NT is not the definitive text of Christianity what book do you use that is the definitive text? If there is no book then what are you using?

It's not a trick question.
The reason I say the NT is not the definitive book is that Jesus never said that a belief in a book or a collection of letters was needed for salvation or be considered a disciple/Christian. Modern Christians absolutely oppose that thought. However, you ask the first century Christians what they used as a basis for their belief, it was in "Hearing" the word or "The Gospel" as most couldn't read nor had access to all the letters floating around. If first Century Christians didn't need a "Bible", why would anyone else need it?

If anything is needed by current day Christians, the four Gospels are the primary works of Christ.
The reason I say the NT is not the definitive book is that Jesus never said that a belief in a book or a collection of letters was needed for salvation or be considered a disciple/Christian. Modern Christians absolutely oppose that thought. However, you ask the first century Christians what they used as a basis for their belief, it was in "Hearing" the word or "The Gospel" as most couldn't read nor had access to all the letters floating around. If first Century Christians didn't need a "Bible", why would anyone else need it?

If anything is needed by current day Christians, the four Gospels are the primary works of Christ.
Well a book or writings or an oral tradition are really the only way you can know what Jesus said he wants you to do since you weren't there to talk to him yourself.

So no matter how you slice it you don't really know if your religion is the correct one
And what will you do if you discover Christianity was actually the wrong religion?
99% of all religion claiming to be christian are wrong-1 is correct--There is no division in the 1 religion that has Jesus-1 Cor 1:10
99% of all religion claiming to be christian are wrong-1 is correct--There is no division in the 1 religion that has Jesus-1 Cor 1:10
Which one?

And how do you know if Christianity itself is correct?

What if the Jews or Muslins are correct?

What if all 3 of the desert religions are wrong ?
There's a Scripture psg about how if you have a problem with a brother, take it to the Church and if the person will not even hear the Church, he is to be treated like an infidel (unbeliever)

But if thy brother shall offend against thee, go, and rebuke him between thee and him alone. If he shall hear thee, thou shalt gain thy brother. 16And if he will not hear thee, take with thee one or two more: that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may stand. 17And if he will not hear them: tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican. 18Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.

Matthew 18:15


So this is the reason Catholics do not.. wait, it is at least one reason anyhow.. Catholics say that no one can be saved outside the Church.

Jesus did not establish a Church and then say or imply that there was no need to enter or remain in it... THAT makes ZERO sense

Sadly for you I guess--because people do so love to be the judge of others--Catholics do not own Christ's Church.

Jesus Christ does. Not the pope. And not you.
Which one?

And how do you know if Christianity itself is correct?

What if the Jews or Muslins are correct?

What if all 3 of the desert religions are wrong ?
Faith is how i know. Those who draw close to God, he then draws close to that one, and they know.
Faith is how i know. Those who draw close to God, he then draws close to that one, and they know.

So you don't really know.

Other religions say they know because of faith too.

You all can't be right but most religious people are too arrogant to even consider that they might be wrong.
So you don't really know.

Other religions say they know because of faith too.

You all can't be right but most religious people are too arrogant to even consider that they might be wrong.
In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers, True God worship history backs the JW teachers. Yes other religions that do not have Jesus are these-2Cor 11:12-15)
In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers, True God worship history backs the JW teachers. Yes other religions that do not have Jesus are these-2Cor 11:12-15)

And you have read every translation huh?

Or were you just told this by your JW people?

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