There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

It is most certainly a tragedy when innocent people's lives are taken by deranged individuals.
I feel badly for all those suffering. This should not have happened.

But we can never succumb to the relentless efforts of people trying to use these tragedies to change our Constitution and the solid foundation it was built on. Their past efforts are WHY we have these tragedies today.

If these people were truly horrified at meaningless deaths of children, they would put their actions where their mouths are and vote to support CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN values that protect and strengthen the FAMILY unit and instill personal responsibility into our children.

Instead, they vote to destroy the family, empower those who lead our children astray, then use these tragedies to try to get their agendas passed.

Cowards and imbeciles
Our Constitution does not give you the right to slaughter children

Yes it does..

50 million dead baby's since 1973 and counting.



Good argument... against your own statement that our Constitution doesn't give you the right to slaughter children...

Do you think before you post son?


These lefties get so easy for me sometimes...

like I said --there's no arguing if they don't even care about a whole class of kindergarteners being slaughtered

if something isn't working--year after year after year---you have to try something else
and things aren't working now --are they???
we keep sticking our fingers in the fire year after year after year
Right. We should try ending gun free murder zones and letting teachers who want to carry do so. Thats' the only way to stop it.
IT was gun free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there was a cop there!!

When seconds count, the police are minutes away

BSO just confirmed NOT a current student. He had been previously banned from campus last year. He is 19 yrs old.
The teachers should be armed. The NRA has been trying to get this done.

Arm our willing teachers please


Plenty of retired veterans looking for supplemental income, arm them

Interesting you mention this. After the Sandy Hook hoax, I offered on CL armed escort for your children to school. I actually had some interest from the community

"Sandy Hook hoax"....when your mind can't wrap itself around a classroom of 6 year olds cut in half by gunfire.
Nothing to see here. Same old, same old. This is just the 13th school shooting in 2018. So many more to come.
Why waste air time on them? You didn't give a fuck after Sandy Hook, why should you waste your valuable time posting about this one?

Feb. 1: Salvador B. Castro Middle School in Los Angeles, California
A female student opened fire striking a 15-year-old boy in the head and a 15-year-old girl in the wrist. Three others, ranging in age from 11 to 30, suffered minor cuts and scrapes.

Jan. 23: Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky
A 16-year-old boy opened fired on campus, killing two and injuring 18 others.

Jan. 22: Italy High School in Italy, Texas
A 16-year-old boy shot and injured a 15-year-old girl with a semi-automatic handgun in the school cafeteria. He was taken into custody after the incident.

Jan. 22: NET Charter High School in New Orleans, Louisiana
An unidentified person pulled up in a truck and shot into a group of students standing outside the school during lunch time. One teenager was sent to the hospital with a superficial injury.

Jan. 20: Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
A North Carolina football player from Winston-Salem State University was shot to death while at an event at Wake Forest University.

Jan. 15: Wiley College in Marshall, Texas
Police believe two suspects in a car exchanged gunfire with a person in a dormitory parking lot. No injuries were reported, but a bullet entered a dorm room during the incident.

Jan. 10: Grayson College in Denison, Texas
A criminal justice student fired a bullet through a wall after mistaking the firearm for training gun. No one was injured.

Jan. 10: California State University, San Bernardino in San Bernardino
A gun was fired on campus, however, no injuries reported.

Jan. 9: Coronado Elementary School in Sierra Vista, Arizona
A 14-year-old boy was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the school bathroom.

Jan. 6: School bus in Forest City, Iowa
A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered.

Jan. 4: New Start High School in Burien, Washington
Shots were fired from outside the school into the school's administration office, but no one was injured.

Jan. 3: East Olive Elementary School in St. John's Michigan
A 31-year-old man shot and killed himself in the school parking lot after hours of negotiation with police. The man called authorities, said he was suicidal and had a handgun.

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018
The teachers should be armed. The NRA has been trying to get this done.

Arm our willing teachers please


Plenty of retired veterans looking for supplemental income, arm them

Interesting you mention this. After the Sandy Hook hoax, I offered on CL armed escort for your children to school. I actually had some interest from the community


There is plenty of interest in it. I know for a fact they are used for escorts by some parents at the older school our daughters went to, not sure about the present one
BSO just confirmed NOT a current student. He had been previously bern banned from campus last year. He is 19 yrs old.


I already posted he wasn't a current student several pages ago.
Have we blamed the NRA yet?
We blamed Muslims.
Why? The shooter looks white to me? Of course he may be a muslim.
I don’t know why. Because people are stupid?
That or they realize muzzies do shit like this.
So do Christians.

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