There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

No, that isn't one on the list.

your 'links' provided no list.

it was one, according to one list.

(odd, just googled, found several lists of 18 school shootings this year, and no two have the same 18 shootings listed)

I listed all the school shootings.

FYI, even Faux, I mean Fox News reported it a few minutes ago as #18.

Everytown does not link the information of their list.....all they do is list the shooting and the name of the school without any they can hide exactly what the shooting was.......they are lying.....

Fox News even said it was #18... give that shit up already.

They are just going off of the garbage they are fed too...again....Everytown, where your info comes from, doesn't give a link to find the actual information on the alleged school shootings...they do this to hide the fact that they are not school shootings......

Again, they are just ONE site that is reporting this as the 18th school shooting of 2018. CAN YOU READ?

Just shredded that on another thread.

guy shooting a pellet gun at a bus is a 'school shooting'?

No, that isn't one on the list.

It's on this list:

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018

"A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered."
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"

Well, when police show up in the middle of mass chaos and have no idea who the shooter is it's probably to show them you aren't the one with the gun.
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"

Well, when police show up in the middle of mass chaos and have no idea who the shooter is it's probably to show them you aren't the one with the gun.

You just don't get it.

I get it just fine. I'm also reasonable and rational, unlike you.

First of all, this “policy” was not approved by the taxpayers. No citizens got to vote on its implementation, and it is going to be enforced with potentially deadly force.

Secondly, it treats ALL parties stopped by police as criminals.

One resident summed it up perfectly by saying, “Make us feel safe, not automatically make us feel like criminals.”

“To put my hands up, I mean, I just can’t see how people are not offended by that,” said one resident.

“I think that is too aggressive, and unnecessary, and I don’t agree with it,” said another.

“Police and community interactions are tough enough as it is and the more demands, the tougher it’s going to be, and the more problems you’re going to have,” explained a resident.

View attachment 176741
Police Implement New Policy to Treat Everyone as Criminals: When a Cop Stops You, Hands Must Go Up

Since when are the kids treated as if they are ALL GUILTY" automatically...... Since when do people not get " You are guilty until you are proven innocent". oh that's right they brainwashed sheep into believing " You are innocent until proven guilty".
No you don't or you wouldn't be making the argument and would have totally understood what I said what I did. But before this spins into this issue and not the shooting issue. I 'll stop on this note whether you get it or not. =)

We now have the winner of the the Dumbass of the Year Award!
WTF is wrong with people nowadays? This makes the 17th one so far THIS YEAR ALONE!!!! That averages out to a shooting every three or four days.

It's gonna get much worse.
If it weren't; for the tragedy, it's funny when someone asks "what the fuck is wrong with people" when the answer is kicking you in the teeth and as obvious as an iceberg....yet people miss seeing the obvious.....<sigh>
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"

Well, when police show up in the middle of mass chaos and have no idea who the shooter is it's probably to show them you aren't the one with the gun.
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"

Well, when police show up in the middle of mass chaos and have no idea who the shooter is it's probably to show them you aren't the one with the gun.

You just don't get it.

I get it just fine. I'm also reasonable and rational, unlike you.

First of all, this “policy” was not approved by the taxpayers. No citizens got to vote on its implementation, and it is going to be enforced with potentially deadly force.

Secondly, it treats ALL parties stopped by police as criminals.

One resident summed it up perfectly by saying, “Make us feel safe, not automatically make us feel like criminals.”

“To put my hands up, I mean, I just can’t see how people are not offended by that,” said one resident.

“I think that is too aggressive, and unnecessary, and I don’t agree with it,” said another.

“Police and community interactions are tough enough as it is and the more demands, the tougher it’s going to be, and the more problems you’re going to have,” explained a resident.

View attachment 176741
Police Implement New Policy to Treat Everyone as Criminals: When a Cop Stops You, Hands Must Go Up

Since when are the kids treated as if they are ALL GUILTY" automatically...... Since when do people not get " You are guilty until you are proven innocent". oh that's right they brainwashed sheep into believing " You are innocent until proven guilty".
No you don't or you wouldn't be making the argument and would have totally understood what I said what I did. But before this spins into this issue and not the shooting issue. I 'll stop on this note whether you get it or not. =)
Good god, just shut up already, you freak. Those students are assisting the police in making the scene safe...a scene where their classmates were fucking Asshole....

Just shredded that on another thread.

guy shooting a pellet gun at a bus is a 'school shooting'?

No, that isn't one on the list.

It's on this list:

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018

"A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered."

That's some local news site...
your 'links' provided no list.

it was one, according to one list.

(odd, just googled, found several lists of 18 school shootings this year, and no two have the same 18 shootings listed)

I listed all the school shootings.

FYI, even Faux, I mean Fox News reported it a few minutes ago as #18.

Everytown does not link the information of their list.....all they do is list the shooting and the name of the school without any they can hide exactly what the shooting was.......they are lying.....

Fox News even said it was #18... give that shit up already.

They are just going off of the garbage they are fed too...again....Everytown, where your info comes from, doesn't give a link to find the actual information on the alleged school shootings...they do this to hide the fact that they are not school shootings......

Again, they are just ONE site that is reporting this as the 18th school shooting of 2018. CAN YOU READ?

They are all gettting it from one source, doofus....everytown for gun safety...and they are not linking to the actual information so you can't see what they call a school shooting...they are lying to you....
I listed all the school shootings.

FYI, even Faux, I mean Fox News reported it a few minutes ago as #18.

Everytown does not link the information of their list.....all they do is list the shooting and the name of the school without any they can hide exactly what the shooting was.......they are lying.....

Fox News even said it was #18... give that shit up already.

They are just going off of the garbage they are fed too...again....Everytown, where your info comes from, doesn't give a link to find the actual information on the alleged school shootings...they do this to hide the fact that they are not school shootings......

Again, they are just ONE site that is reporting this as the 18th school shooting of 2018. CAN YOU READ?

They are all gettting it from one source, doofus....everytown for gun safety...and they are not linking to the actual information so you can't see what they call a school shooting...they are lying to you....

You think Fox News is getting it from there? :abgg2q.jpg:

Just shredded that on another thread.

guy shooting a pellet gun at a bus is a 'school shooting'?

No, that isn't one on the list.

It's on this list:

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018

"A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered."

That's some local news site...

and that makes the info wrong?
Nothing you guys offered would have done anything anyway....
Of course, you could not possibly know the truth of this. You don't know his history or what weapons he used, or how and where he got them. You are literally shitting your nauseating gunnut religious declarations out of your mouth. Just shut the fuck up.

Just shredded that on another thread.

guy shooting a pellet gun at a bus is a 'school shooting'?

No, that isn't one on the list.

It's on this list:

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018

"A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered."

Thank you.......anti gunners....they lie as they breathe..........this is why we can never meet them "half way" there is no half way with them, and they will do whatever it takes to push their agenda...
I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.

It would be a safer speculation that the shooter was probably on some sort of mind altering medication.
I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.
Or another scumbag illegal

What are you going to do if it turns out he was an American born Christian?
Nothing. You can't stop crazy.
God...15 dead and 50 is going on in this country? :(
Unrestrained evil. Ignorance of the cause and too much focus on the effect.
It seems to be happening more and more :(

Single parent's, divorce, and social media as well as 24/7 coverage of the is driving the nutters to do them for the fame and excitement......those things need to be dealt with...if you want to stop this.....not disarming the owners of 600 million guns....
IMO and I don’t want to get into a gun rights argument in this thread, we need a holistic approach to this and that includes both what you say which is very relevant as well as looking at gun legislation. However because viewed as an all or nothing argument (ie do nothing or confiscate all guns) it’s hard to get a rational productive discussion on it.

Unfortunately I think you are very right about what I bolded and that is a much more difficult problem to solve. :(

The problem with having a rational discussion about firearms is that Liberals are never rational when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms because they hate that right. Not unlike their irrationality in discussing abortion.
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"

Well, when police show up in the middle of mass chaos and have no idea who the shooter is it's probably to show them you aren't the one with the gun.
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"

Well, when police show up in the middle of mass chaos and have no idea who the shooter is it's probably to show them you aren't the one with the gun.

You just don't get it.

I get it just fine. I'm also reasonable and rational, unlike you.

First of all, this “policy” was not approved by the taxpayers. No citizens got to vote on its implementation, and it is going to be enforced with potentially deadly force.

Secondly, it treats ALL parties stopped by police as criminals.

One resident summed it up perfectly by saying, “Make us feel safe, not automatically make us feel like criminals.”

“To put my hands up, I mean, I just can’t see how people are not offended by that,” said one resident.

“I think that is too aggressive, and unnecessary, and I don’t agree with it,” said another.

“Police and community interactions are tough enough as it is and the more demands, the tougher it’s going to be, and the more problems you’re going to have,” explained a resident.

View attachment 176741
Police Implement New Policy to Treat Everyone as Criminals: When a Cop Stops You, Hands Must Go Up

Since when are the kids treated as if they are ALL GUILTY" automatically...... Since when do people not get " You are guilty until you are proven innocent". oh that's right they brainwashed sheep into believing " You are innocent until proven guilty".
No you don't or you wouldn't be making the argument and would have totally understood what I said what I did. But before this spins into this issue and not the shooting issue. I 'll stop on this note whether you get it or not. =)

We now have the winner of the the Dumbass of the Year Award!

Actually, Blind Whore should be put into the Dumbass Hall of Fame for all her bullshit posts.

But, what can you expect from someone who thinks Alex Jones is a credible "news" source?

Just shredded that on another thread.

guy shooting a pellet gun at a bus is a 'school shooting'?

No, that isn't one on the list.

It's on this list:

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018

"A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered."

That's some local news site...

and that makes the info wrong?

It makes it wrong that you think because that one local news site lists a pellet gun shooting at a school bus as a school shooting that all the other sites must be as well. That's just not logical.
Nothing you guys offered would have done anything anyway....
Of course, you could not possibly know the truth of this. You don't know his history or what weapons he used, or how and where he got them. You are literally shitting your nauseating gunnut religious declarations out of your mouth. Just shut the fuck up.

Moron...this isn't the first discussion on this topic.....and every time, you asswipes can't answer the simple question.......what laws do you propose that would stop these mass shootings or any mass shootings....


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