There is going to be quite a protest at Roseburg...

I think the plans might fall through.

The righties are expecting 24,000 protesters, but the entire population of Roseburg is just over 21,000.

So, 2, maybe 3 people will be there.

God I hope so!!!
Why? What would that accomplish? :rofl:'re dense.
Oh! It would change everyones minds?


What will scattered protests accomplish? Come on... tell us...


By everyone that would be you and your... what?... maybe one or two friends? That's as long as you're counting your other two personal pronouns that you refer to yourself as after you refer to yourself as... me.


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There'll probably be more locals outside the gun free zone created by Obama and his security detachment than locals that go to listen to him.

He'll most likely have to bus in people from outside to make it look like he has a following.


What NEEDS to happen is 21,000 gun owners show up ARMED and start chanting "Oh hell no YOU go".
wish I could be there. but how sad they feel they need to do this because of him barging himself into a FUNERAL he was asked to stay away from

the man is PUKE.
Apparently they're going to protest the idea that mass shootings have a political solution.

That'll teach him.

I mean as though there is a solution to regular mass shootings! Doesn't every country have them?
I think the plans might fall through.

The righties are expecting 24,000 protesters, but the entire population of Roseburg is just over 21,000.

So, 2, maybe 3 people will be there.


Where are you getting the information about 24,000 protesters?
The news only said thousands.
The college has 27,000 students.
If there will be a protest, Obama will think that it is demonstration of support and love for him.

Kind of like Ceausescu back in Bucharest in 1989.

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