"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

Well, not anymore thanks to that thug President and all his RACE hustling people he calls, Friends. Sharpton being the slimiest, who he has hosted at our white house over 60 times. so that tells you all you need to know about him and their intentions.

We tried to warn you what would happen and now thanks to you all who voted for him, we are now ALL living with it
My Gawd, what are RWNJs a bunch of loser bellyaching bitchers. Bitch-bitch-bitch.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So let me get this straight, bigots, racists and haters were not this way before Oblama was elected? Ha! At least we are not having a civil war over it..Which means the racists are not the revolutionaries they claim to have been since their last failed attempt..

Obama fanned the flames and used it for political reasons what kind of person does that make him?

Makes him one the worst people for President I have lived under in my 60 years

If we get through this next year and a half with him, it will be a gawddamn miracle
Then you can find something else to hate, life is great!
She will REALLY hate Hillary.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Remember when Obama was running for POTUS republicans was trying to bring us all together by defending people with Curious George dolls with Obama written on it?

Teaper side step. Notice, not one question addressed.
So now you think I'm a Tea Partier. This place is a hoot.

You complain about the perceived hatred of others with your own.

Yep, a fascinating psychological/sociological/anthropological study this place is, indeed.

You argue like a teaper. tell me about the side Obama chose. Tell me if Johnson and leaders n the 60's were race baters.

You have too much teaper in you to have an honest discussion. In a minute, you will go off about PC nonsense. Just a fucking teaper, whether you admit it or not. Damned that NEGRO President...he chose sides!
And, given your nasty, hate-filled, emotional rants, it's easy to have an honest discussion with you.

Got it.


the rabid left are just so loving and tolerant, aren't they?
miserable and downright hateful all the time is more like it. creeps me out...lol
:lol: So sayeth the racist welfare queen.

She has an interesting around the house wardrobe:

What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?
Democrats created Jim Crow. If democrats didn't own the public school system, people would know that.
Well if you can be half right,, why not.......It had more to do with a regional move, than a political party move..
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

I saw every one of those accounts and I then heard the conservative talking heads inculcate their base with their objections to them. Obama spoke his mind and I respect that. White presidents haven't been as forthcoming about domestic issues. They preferred to let the cops handle those matters until one Black man threatened to put police brutality on a world stage. Thanks MLK.

Obama didn't handle those situations wrongly in the minds of many Americans, just some of them. Can you guess who?
In fact his handling of those racial incidents reflected a departure from the indifference marking past administrations. But Gates was no thug, he was Obama's peer and colleague. I wouldn't have gone public with my feelings but I'm not Obama.

Liberal narrative of white racism? Is the liberal narrative of White racism any different than ay other narrative of White racism? Is that the narrative that begot the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Is that the narrative that was the impetus behind Martin Luther King's strategy? That liberal narrative seems based on factual evidence to me. There is plenty of documentation to back it up. Obama just has the backbone to articulate what past presidents would not or could not. The legacy of the Black struggle in America is inextricably tied to White racism and you know it. Let's not pretend it isn't so!

Obama could have rose above all the bullshit and used himself as an example. Racism doesn't hold anybody down in this country

Bullshit, you racst Jew. If Carson were a liberal, you , your fellow jew racists, and the teapers would be saying Ben Carson made it through college only because of AA. You fucking teapers and teaper jews are so fucking pathetc and hypocrites.

My God...jewish racists...I have to rethink my postion on the Jews. They HAD my undying support...now I am thinkng we need to re-educate the racists little kykes.
What should he have done differently?

Stopped golfing
Knock off the parties
Do some work (with Congress...not against Congress)
Never apologized for America
Kept Al fucking Sharpton the hell out of the Whitehouse
Stop encouraging illegals to flood the borders

He should have done this for starters
Tell that to the teapers...then we can move forward. So much hate from the tepaer crowd....it is destroying America.

Oh blow it out your ass, liberals openly and proudly hate the right, they bad mouth us every chance they get the lying scum. Why the double standard?
I have friends and ex-employers that are not only righties but Congressmen and women I have been associated with for 30 years, now tell me that lie again...
The correct whey to say it is, I know that some of the left hate the right....

Did you flunk reading comprehension? Did I say all liberals? No. Do you think you're personal situation is representative of a large number of liberals, if so lets see you're data, for all we know you are a rare anomaly among liberals. Hence you're post rates a FAIL. If you want to have a discussion with me you need to bring more of your brain to the table.
Liberals, meaning all, if you do not identify the usage by specific design..
So now you think I'm a Tea Partier. This place is a hoot.

You complain about the perceived hatred of others with your own.

Yep, a fascinating psychological/sociological/anthropological study this place is, indeed.

You argue like a teaper. tell me about the side Obama chose. Tell me if Johnson and leaders n the 60's were race baters.

You have too much teaper in you to have an honest discussion. In a minute, you will go off about PC nonsense. Just a fucking teaper, whether you admit it or not. Damned that NEGRO President...he chose sides!
And, given your nasty, hate-filled, emotional rants, it's easy to have an honest discussion with you.

Got it.


the rabid left are just so loving and tolerant, aren't they?
miserable and downright hateful all the time is more like it. creeps me out...lol
:lol: So sayeth the racist welfare queen.

She has an interesting around the house wardrobe:

How could yo post a picture of a beautiful women...and make a reference to that old hag, Stephanie! My God...USMB has gone crazy.l
but only 2 years later in an historic epic beating we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed.

And promptly lost to President Obama again in 2012. Priceless.

Obama had to lie through his teeth to get re-elected, with assholes like Reid also making up lies about Romney. You left out that part didn't you. And when his lies became apparent to voters what happened? Yes the Democrats were squashed like a bug in the 2014 election, losing the Senate and even more House seats. OH SNAP! lol
It's threads like these that remind me that more Sanitoriums are needed in the USA.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Tell that to the teapers...then we can move forward. So much hate from the tepaer crowd....it is destroying America.

Oh blow it out your ass, liberals openly and proudly hate the right, they bad mouth us every chance they get the lying scum. Why the double standard?
:lol: Keep on lying to yourself if it makes you feel better. But we know the truth about your ilk...not everyuone is a low info lemming teaper and can see the truth.

Teaper victimization is hilarious.

Ahahaha do you feel better after getting that off your chest, did it fill some void in your life? It looks like the right is living rent free in your brain. :laugh:
You are a racist teaper who crys victimization all of the time. Nothing to get off my chest...I am just praying for your ilk to start your revolution so I can watch your deaths on the boob tube.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
Was it in the 60's when we had super awesome race relations?


Look at that fun!!

Was it the 70's?


Weeee!!!! Fun Stuff there
1) Two cops rush man to hospital saving his life.
2) 4 armed thugs loose fight with cop.. impressive.
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

So there is no police brutality ever? I guess we just made Walter Scott and Eric Garner up right? It must be a coup to bring on WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
They are just hypocrite racists. They say blacks cry wolf...meanwhile, all we hear about s white genocide and Affirmative Action. I am so sick of these fucking teapers. Hateful bigots and hypcocrites...and now they have infected the Jews. I am going to have to make friends with the Germans. The Jews are getting a little to uppity and racist for their own good.

Man, Jewish racists. A people that was gassed and killed by the millions, because of hate....these fucking idiots are now spewing hate of their own. Perhaps Hitler was right. need to re-evaluate.
Tell that to the teapers...then we can move forward. So much hate from the tepaer crowd....it is destroying America.

Oh blow it out your ass, liberals openly and proudly hate the right, they bad mouth us every chance they get the lying scum. Why the double standard?
I have friends and ex-employers that are not only righties but Congressmen and women I have been associated with for 30 years, now tell me that lie again...
The correct whey to say it is, I know that some of the left hate the right....

Did you flunk reading comprehension? Did I say all liberals? No. Do you think you're personal situation is representative of a large number of liberals, if so lets see you're data, for all we know you are a rare anomaly among liberals. Hence you're post rates a FAIL. If you want to have a discussion with me you need to bring more of your brain to the table.
Liberals, meaning all, if you do not identify the usage by specific design..

That is an incorrect assumption on you're part, as was thinking you're particular situation was somehow representative of other liberals, its meaningless as a statistic.
Was it in the 60's when we had super awesome race relations?


Look at that fun!!

Was it the 70's?


Weeee!!!! Fun Stuff there
1) Two cops rush man to hospital saving his life.
2) 4 armed thugs loose fight with cop.. impressive.
Another racist and hypocrit teaper. Kill a black man...A-ok. Try to enforce a lawful court order at the Bundy Ranch...KILL ALL LEO.

Fucking racist teapers....lPLEASE START YOUR RACE WAR

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