There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

Easy answer, after a background and MENTAL HEALTH check, anyone over 18 can get a CC license!

Talk about equality, now YOU are the equal to any killer, robber, or rapist.

Oh, for a year or so we might have a spike in gun violence, but the amount of BAD GUYS taken off the street would dramatically drop!....After all, most bad guys don't want to be killed, and that MENTAL HEALTH check, would weed out many potential shooters.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

When will people like YOU come to understand HOW you are so "PLAYED" by the MSM?
YOU get all excited and agitated when a "mass murder" occurs but NOT one of you seem excited about homicides MOST of which take place in areas with strictest gun controls!

FACT... why don't you find out like I did? Do some f..king research!
The FBI defines mass murder as:
“Four or more murders occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders."
According to the 2010 FBI crime data, since 1980, single victim killings have dropped by more than 40 percent. While that's very good news, there's a new sobering trend: Mass murders are on the rise. This New York Times article researched the frequency of mass murders. It found during the 20th century there were about one to two mass murders per decade until 1980. Then for no apparent reason they spiked, with nine during the 1980s and 11 in the 1990s. Since the year 2000 there have been at least 26, including the massacre in Aurora, Colorado.
Mass Murders Are On The Rise | Psychology Today

Add the numbers up:
So 1900 to 1980 there are 7 decades 2 mass murders of 4 or more equals less the 100 people killed.

1980 to 2000 there have been 46 mass shootings of 4 or more or 184 people killed.

From 1900 to 2010.. total people killed via mass shootings..less then 300!

BIG F...king DEAL!!!
1950 - 6,961 murders
1960 - 9,145
1970 - 16,054
1980 - 23,108
1990 - 23,379
2000 - 15,478
2010 - 14,820
Over 70 years 1,089,446 murders!
Homicide Rate (per 100,000), 1950 2012 | Homicide Rate (per 100,000), 1950?2012 |

So over 70 years 1,089,446 murders.

Over 100 years less then 300 mass killings!

PLEASE FOLKS... common sense.
Don't make a totally blown WAY OUT of proportion angst about mass killings when nearly 363,149% MORE murders then mass killings!

This is so stupid that smart people can't figure out that the MSM takes these "if it bleeds it leads" to sell!
FOLKS... when you get agitated by another "mass killing" remember.. these are BLOWN way out of proportion by over 363,149%!
Easy answer, after a background and MENTAL HEALTH check, anyone over 18 can get a CC license!

Talk about equality, now YOU are the equal to any killer, robber, or rapist.

Oh, for a year or so we might have a spike in gun violence, but the amount of BAD GUYS taken off the street would dramatically drop!....After all, most bad guys don't want to be killed, and that MENTAL HEALTH check, would weed out many potential shooters.

Well shit a lot of parents abuse and kill their kids so shouldn't we mandate mental health checks for people before they have kids too?
We have strict measures to restrict access to explosives and track where they came from.
Shouldn't we give weapons the same scrutiny?

Anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry can cook up explosives .
Everyone can buy diesel fuel and fertilizer.

Everyone (except brainwashed bed wetters) can understand the simple truth that someone who wants to kill will do so.

Ordinary people should not be restricted to the best self defensive tools just because some moonbat tools will "feel" safer.
There is no gun-related tragedy so sad that liberals will not use as an "opportunity" to further their agenda.


There is also no Violent Act so isolated and specific to a particular individual that the liberals will not use it as an "opportunity" to destroy the liberty of the law-abiding citizens of the United States.
Easy answer, after a background and MENTAL HEALTH check, anyone over 18 can get a CC license!

Talk about equality, now YOU are the equal to any killer, robber, or rapist.

Oh, for a year or so we might have a spike in gun violence, but the amount of BAD GUYS taken off the street would dramatically drop!....After all, most bad guys don't want to be killed, and that MENTAL HEALTH check, would weed out many potential shooters.

Well shit a lot of parents abuse and kill their kids so shouldn't we mandate mental health checks for people before they have kids too?

You might be on to something.

The abortion clinics will shut down overnight if liberals have to be screened in order to keep their reproductive junk in tact.

We have strict measures to restrict access to explosives and track where they came from.
Shouldn't we give weapons the same scrutiny?

Anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry can cook up explosives .

Maybe so, but for some reason it doesn't give the same satisfaction of lining up innocent women and children in your sights and blasting away

Killing with a bomb is not part of the American fantasy. Loading up your AR-15 with a 30 round magazine and blasting away is

I don't see many video games sold that involve blowing people up

First, no one (except a bunch of socialists government agents) has ever "lined up innocent women and children in {their} sights and blast{ed} away. Sick degenerate individuals obviously target the weak. Give anyone one of those women a .38 and see if the tables aren't turned. All of these so called "mass shootings" you bed wetters crow about have involved people violating a long list of laws. From the acquisition of their weapons, to their entrance into "gun free zones" and of course MURDER(!!!!!). These laws DID NOTHING to prevent the carnage.

Secondly I will stipulate that perhaps mindless drones here on this board are brainwashed with the idea that "gun laws" will make a lick of difference in public safety. They're absolute fools, and the rest of us know it.

However the people manipulating and funding the anti-gun movement do not care even the slightest bit about "the children" or "public safety". They for GODDAMN SURE disdain individual rights to self defense. They have paid armed guards after all. The real motivation behind the anti-gun agenda is genocide. These criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians want to be able to manage humanity like a rancher with a herd of cattle. They don't call individual employees "Human Resources" because they love our many little quirks.

Anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry can cook up explosives .

Maybe so, but for some reason it doesn't give the same satisfaction of lining up innocent women and children in your sights and blasting away

Killing with a bomb is not part of the American fantasy. Loading up your AR-15 with a 30 round magazine and blasting away is

I don't see many video games sold that involve blowing people up

First, no one (except a bunch of socialists government agents) has ever "lined up innocent women and children in {their} sights and blast{ed} away. Sick degenerate individuals obviously target the weak. Give anyone one of those women a .38 and see if the tables aren't turned. All of these so called "mass shootings" you bed wetters crow about have involved people violating a long list of laws. From the acquisition of their weapons, to their entrance into "gun free zones" and of course MURDER(!!!!!). These laws DID NOTHING to prevent the carnage.

Secondly I will stipulate that perhaps mindless drones here on this board are brainwashed with the idea that "gun laws" will make a lick of difference in public safety. They're absolute fools, and the rest of us know it.

However the people manipulating and funding the anti-gun movement do not care even the slightest bit about "the children" or "public safety". They for GODDAMN SURE disdain individual rights to self defense. They have paid armed guards after all. The real motivation behind the anti-gun agenda is genocide. These criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians want to be able to manage humanity like a rancher with a herd of cattle. They don't call individual employees "Human Resources" because they love our many little quirks.

Gun laws work throughout the civilized world

It is just that we have decided against joining the civilized world
You are splitting hairs and you ought to know better. The reference is to 'illegally possessed' guns. You ought to know that too.
New Mexico has a high murder rate b/c of it's proximity to Mexico visa vi the illegal Mexican drug trade/cartels. You ought to know that.

No, I wasn't splitting hairs. If the reference is 'illegally possessed" firearms, that's what should be said, because the idea that firearms are illegal in and of themselves is a way to condition us to the idea that there's something wrong with firearms.
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Maybe so, but for some reason it doesn't give the same satisfaction of lining up innocent women and children in your sights and blasting away

Killing with a bomb is not part of the American fantasy. Loading up your AR-15 with a 30 round magazine and blasting away is

I don't see many video games sold that involve blowing people up

First, no one (except a bunch of socialists government agents) has ever "lined up innocent women and children in {their} sights and blast{ed} away. Sick degenerate individuals obviously target the weak. Give anyone one of those women a .38 and see if the tables aren't turned. All of these so called "mass shootings" you bed wetters crow about have involved people violating a long list of laws. From the acquisition of their weapons, to their entrance into "gun free zones" and of course MURDER(!!!!!). These laws DID NOTHING to prevent the carnage.

Secondly I will stipulate that perhaps mindless drones here on this board are brainwashed with the idea that "gun laws" will make a lick of difference in public safety. They're absolute fools, and the rest of us know it.

However the people manipulating and funding the anti-gun movement do not care even the slightest bit about "the children" or "public safety". They for GODDAMN SURE disdain individual rights to self defense. They have paid armed guards after all. The real motivation behind the anti-gun agenda is genocide. These criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians want to be able to manage humanity like a rancher with a herd of cattle. They don't call individual employees "Human Resources" because they love our many little quirks.

Gun laws work throughout the civilized world

It is just that we have decided against joining the civilized world

Then there's a whole big wide world where people live in a way that you approve of and you shouldn't waste anytime joining them.
Gun laws work throughout the civilized world

It is just that we have decided against joining the civilized world

^ :cuckoo:

Whether we are or are not part of the "civilized world" is not determined by whether a hose head laughable lolberal agrees with our policies or not.

If the problem is that too many very mentally sick people have too-ready access to guns, the solution is not found in depriving the rest of us of our right to bear arms.

The solution is found in properly limiting (or eliminating) the ability of the dangerously mentally ill to the same degree of access to guns.
Maybe so, but for some reason it doesn't give the same satisfaction of lining up innocent women and children in your sights and blasting away

Killing with a bomb is not part of the American fantasy. Loading up your AR-15 with a 30 round magazine and blasting away is

I don't see many video games sold that involve blowing people up

First, no one (except a bunch of socialists government agents) has ever "lined up innocent women and children in {their} sights and blast{ed} away. Sick degenerate individuals obviously target the weak. Give anyone one of those women a .38 and see if the tables aren't turned. All of these so called "mass shootings" you bed wetters crow about have involved people violating a long list of laws. From the acquisition of their weapons, to their entrance into "gun free zones" and of course MURDER(!!!!!). These laws DID NOTHING to prevent the carnage.

Secondly I will stipulate that perhaps mindless drones here on this board are brainwashed with the idea that "gun laws" will make a lick of difference in public safety. They're absolute fools, and the rest of us know it.

However the people manipulating and funding the anti-gun movement do not care even the slightest bit about "the children" or "public safety". They for GODDAMN SURE disdain individual rights to self defense. They have paid armed guards after all. The real motivation behind the anti-gun agenda is genocide. These criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians want to be able to manage humanity like a rancher with a herd of cattle. They don't call individual employees "Human Resources" because they love our many little quirks.

Gun laws work throughout the civilized world

It is just that we have decided against joining the civilized world

What "civilized world" wrongwinger?

Japan? So it's ok if people slash and stab to kill each other or use Sarin gas?

Australia? So it's fine with you when home invasions skyrocket and people are killed in the dead of night by assholes with clubs?

The euroweenies no longer have to worry about mass murders?

Do you people have a clue what goes on in the real world?

Gun laws work great for DESPOTS. That's it.

You might dream of a day when your moonbat messiah can round up all us mean old conservatives and wipe us out, but I guaranGODDAMNtee you, and all the fucktards like you, that you'll be the first to get shipped off to "re-education" camps because you'll be informing on each other in order to get on the local commissar's good graces for better rations.

Your "civilized world" already exists in North Korea. I'll help you pack.

Gun laws work throughout the civilized world

It is just that we have decided against joining the civilized world

^ :cuckoo:

Whether we are or are not part of the "civilized world" is not determined by whether a hose head laughable lolberal agrees with our policies or not.

If the problem is that too many very mentally sick people have too-ready access to guns, the solution is not found in depriving the rest of us of our right to bear arms.

The solution is found in properly limiting (or eliminating) the ability of the dangerously mentally ill to the same degree of access to guns.

I agree totally

Let's do it
Gun laws work throughout the civilized world

It is just that we have decided against joining the civilized world

^ :cuckoo:

Whether we are or are not part of the "civilized world" is not determined by whether a hose head laughable lolberal agrees with our policies or not.

If the problem is that too many very mentally sick people have too-ready access to guns, the solution is not found in depriving the rest of us of our right to bear arms.

The solution is found in properly limiting (or eliminating) the ability of the dangerously mentally ill to the same degree of access to guns.

I agree totally

Let's do it

Yes. Let's.

The first task, I suppose, might be to properly identify those who have serious mental illnesses. That's easier for those who have already been committed to mental health facilities (in the past).

It will become a bit thorny for those who have never been formally committed to a mental health facility.

But nobody said the task would be simple. Indeed, I expect it to be complicated. But that's no reason not to begin the process, eh?
^ :cuckoo:

Whether we are or are not part of the "civilized world" is not determined by whether a hose head laughable lolberal agrees with our policies or not.

If the problem is that too many very mentally sick people have too-ready access to guns, the solution is not found in depriving the rest of us of our right to bear arms.

The solution is found in properly limiting (or eliminating) the ability of the dangerously mentally ill to the same degree of access to guns.

I agree totally

Let's do it

Yes. Let's.

The first task, I suppose, might be to properly identify those who have serious mental illnesses. That's easier for those who have already been committed to mental health facilities (in the past).

It will become a bit thorny for those who have never been formally committed to a mental health facility.

But nobody said the task would be simple. Indeed, I expect it to be complicated. But that's no reason not to begin the process, eh?

If you are on certain medications you are not allowed to drive or operate heavy machinery.......same should apply to guns

Those suffering from depression should not be allowed near guns
Easy answer, after a background and MENTAL HEALTH check, anyone over 18 can get a CC license!

Talk about equality, now YOU are the equal to any killer, robber, or rapist.

Oh, for a year or so we might have a spike in gun violence, but the amount of BAD GUYS taken off the street would dramatically drop!....After all, most bad guys don't want to be killed, and that MENTAL HEALTH check, would weed out many potential shooters.

Well shit a lot of parents abuse and kill their kids so shouldn't we mandate mental health checks for people before they have kids too?

If we did, YOU wouldn't be here! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

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I agree totally

Let's do it

Yes. Let's.

The first task, I suppose, might be to properly identify those who have serious mental illnesses. That's easier for those who have already been committed to mental health facilities (in the past).

It will become a bit thorny for those who have never been formally committed to a mental health facility.

But nobody said the task would be simple. Indeed, I expect it to be complicated. But that's no reason not to begin the process, eh?

If you are on certain medications you are not allowed to drive or operate heavy machinery.......same should apply to guns

Those suffering from depression should not be allowed near guns

Not trying to be contentious: just honest.

One can be depressed without being sociopathic.

One can take meds that make reaction time less sure and certain. Thus the driving of motor vehicles is implicated.

But that same loss of reaction time might not impair proper judgment or make a person, who is not predisposed to committing a murder, commit a murder.

So, as I said before, I do expect it to get complicated.

That said, "complicated" is not the same thing as "impossible." It will just require a lot more heavy lifting.
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