There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
Quite frankly? The LEFT fears Islam...and why they won't say anything. Christians and Jews are softer targets to them.

No, we don't fear them, but unlike the Christians and the Jews for the most part, they are still following their Holy Book. When they follow it to the letter, all hell breaks loose. We need them to be just as casual about religion as most Jews and Christians so that we can get along but that's not fear.

And we don't spend all day beating up Islam, you guys do that for us, and you do it unfairly because you are throwing stones at glass houses.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

So you want to know why when we see another shooting with lots of carnage, we won't make it easier for the next wacko to kill even more people...

The problem is that all your proposals are both Unconstitutional and make a bad situation worse because you advocate policies that in reality only restrict gun rights for people who are not shooting anyone. And when anyone advocates changing our laws to make more sense, you get hysterical and demagogue them. So we end up staying where we are.
9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.

Well, you're watching the Christian and Jewish wackos. Of course the Muslims with "extreme reactionary religious views" are not a threat.
9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
Quite frankly? The LEFT fears Islam...and why they won't say anything. Christians and Jews are softer targets to them.

Ouch! That's a beat down. Great point. A list of Muslims blowing up innocent people is endless. Paint is more afraid of Christians and Jews, I'm not seeing an list from him.

Typically, liberals start with Timothy McVie who did it for political and not religious reasons and wasn't even a Christian. Then they draw a blank...

South Park demonstrated this too. They made a point with Super Best Friends to pick on the religious leaders of all religions, including having Jesus surf porn. The only threats they got were from Muslims.
9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.

Well, you're watching the Christian and Jewish wackos. Of course the Muslims with "extreme reactionary religious views" are not a threat.
That is incorrect. Tell me, why is it that you feel the need to be a partisan on this? Do you just think the Muslims are getting all the breaks? Is Obama a Secret Muslim, hmmm?
9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
Quite frankly? The LEFT fears Islam...and why they won't say anything. Christians and Jews are softer targets to them.

Ouch! That's a beat down. Great point. A list of Muslims blowing up innocent people is endless. Paint is more afraid of Christians and Jews, I'm not seeing an list from him.
The American Christians and Jew are my concern because of their concern for Israel. The Muslims here are of little concern to me since they are not trying to run the government or our foreign policy of the benefit of their faith or Zionism.

And all three faiths have enough blood on their hands to fill the dead (pun intended) sea. Just because you fear one of them doesn't change that.
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That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.

Well, you're watching the Christian and Jewish wackos. Of course the Muslims with "extreme reactionary religious views" are not a threat.
That is incorrect. Tell me, why is it that you feel the need to be a partisan on this? Do you just think the Muslims are getting all the breaks? Is Obama a Secret Muslim, hmmm?

LOL, you may want to look up the word partisan. I neither belong to nor advocate a party. I criticize them both.

Give me a list of these Christian and Jewish atrocities you're so concerned about.
The American Christians and Jew are my concern because of their concern for Israel

9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.


Can't keep your story straight even for one page? What are Christians and Jews blowing up?
9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
Quite frankly? The LEFT fears Islam...and why they won't say anything. Christians and Jews are softer targets to them.

Ouch! That's a beat down. Great point. A list of Muslims blowing up innocent people is endless. Paint is more afraid of Christians and Jews, I'm not seeing an list from him.

Typically, liberals start with Timothy McVie who did it for political and not religious reasons and wasn't even a Christian. Then they draw a blank...

South Park demonstrated this too. They made a point with Super Best Friends to pick on the religious leaders of all religions, including having Jesus surf porn. The only threats they got were from Muslims.

Very true. The Statist/Dem/Progs can't escape it either. They think they're smart. They have good reason to fear Islam...THEY and their lifestyles condemn them.
Well, you're watching the Christian and Jewish wackos. Of course the Muslims with "extreme reactionary religious views" are not a threat.
That is incorrect. Tell me, why is it that you feel the need to be a partisan on this? Do you just think the Muslims are getting all the breaks? Is Obama a Secret Muslim, hmmm?

LOL, you may want to look up the word partisan. I neither belong to nor advocate a party. I criticize them both.

Give me a list of these Christian and Jewish atrocities you're so concerned about.

Start with Genesis, and end with yesterday.
The American Christians and Jew are my concern because of their concern for Israel

9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.


Can't keep your story straight even for one page? What are Christians and Jews blowing up?

Muslim and Arab men, women, children, and lands currently.
That is incorrect. Tell me, why is it that you feel the need to be a partisan on this? Do you just think the Muslims are getting all the breaks? Is Obama a Secret Muslim, hmmm?

LOL, you may want to look up the word partisan. I neither belong to nor advocate a party. I criticize them both.

Give me a list of these Christian and Jewish atrocities you're so concerned about.

Start with Genesis, and end with yesterday.

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Paint turned his tail and fled.

So you're afraid of Christians because of the Crusades and the Incas? I didn't ask what Christians did in history, I asked what they are blowing up ... now. Obviously you're not afraid of Christians who lived centuries and millennia ago. As for Jews, they've spent a lot more history on the getting blown up end.

So, back it up. What are Christian and Jewish "extremists" blowing up that makes you afraid of them?
The American Christians and Jew are my concern because of their concern for Israel

That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.


Can't keep your story straight even for one page? What are Christians and Jews blowing up?

Muslim and Arab men, women, children, and lands currently.

You said you're afraid of extremists. Now you're afraid of Christians and Jews because the Israeli government is in a war? What does that have to do with "extremists" blowing things up? Most Christians and Jews support Israel.

When Muslims shoot rockets at innocent civilians you're OK with that. When Israel shoots them back targeting the ones shooting at them, suddenly that's extremists blowing shit up. Gotcha.
LOL, you may want to look up the word partisan. I neither belong to nor advocate a party. I criticize them both.

Give me a list of these Christian and Jewish atrocities you're so concerned about.

Start with Genesis, and end with yesterday.

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Paint turned his tail and fled.

So you're afraid of Christians because of the Crusades and the Incas? I didn't ask what Christians did in history, I asked what they are blowing up ... now. Obviously you're not afraid of Christians who lived centuries and millennia ago. As for Jews, they've spent a lot more history on the getting blown up end.

So, back it up. What are Christian and Jewish "extremists" blowing up that makes you afraid of them?

He is afraid of his creator in which he denies. It will suck to be him when HE is asked for an accounting by God.

Yes now know and are warned. God doesn't take lightly to feigned ignorance. YOU should be very afraid of things larger than YOU...and that means GOD that created YOU.
LOL, you may want to look up the word partisan. I neither belong to nor advocate a party. I criticize them both.

Give me a list of these Christian and Jewish atrocities you're so concerned about.

Start with Genesis, and end with yesterday.

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Paint turned his tail and fled.

So you're afraid of Christians because of the Crusades and the Incas? I didn't ask what Christians did in history, I asked what they are blowing up ... now. Obviously you're not afraid of Christians who lived centuries and millennia ago. As for Jews, they've spent a lot more history on the getting blown up end.

So, back it up. What are Christian and Jewish "extremists" blowing up that makes you afraid of them?
Unlike you, I'm not afraid of any of them. I keep an eye on them and their reactionary and extreme religious views, all of which are dangerous for a civil and open society. If you have concerns, your concerns should be for people using terror as a weapon. Terror is a poor man's way of fighting back at times, it also works when nations like ours drop bombs on people. Did you know that Jews blew up other Jews to increase migration to Israel? Terror is a Strategy, not a Faith.
Start with Genesis, and end with yesterday.

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Paint turned his tail and fled.

So you're afraid of Christians because of the Crusades and the Incas? I didn't ask what Christians did in history, I asked what they are blowing up ... now. Obviously you're not afraid of Christians who lived centuries and millennia ago. As for Jews, they've spent a lot more history on the getting blown up end.

So, back it up. What are Christian and Jewish "extremists" blowing up that makes you afraid of them?

He is afraid of his creator in which he denies. It will suck to be him when HE is asked for an accounting by God.

Yes now know and are warned. God doesn't take lightly to feigned ignorance. YOU should be very afraid of things larger than YOU...and that means GOD that created YOU.
I knew my creators well, they were called Mom and Dad. And I know Yeshua, and he is no creator, and neither is his spiritual father, the one you call God.

As for God existing, that is unknown, completely unknown. I'm open to him being dead or alive but if he's an active force in the world, you sure wouldn't know it. If he isn't dead, he might as well be.

Can't keep your story straight even for one page? What are Christians and Jews blowing up?

Muslim and Arab men, women, children, and lands currently.

You said you're afraid of extremists. Now you're afraid of Christians and Jews because the Israeli government is in a war? What does that have to do with "extremists" blowing things up? Most Christians and Jews support Israel.

When Muslims shoot rockets at innocent civilians you're OK with that. When Israel shoots them back targeting the ones shooting at them, suddenly that's extremists blowing shit up. Gotcha.
I'm not afraid of extremists, you are. I said that they, all of them, are a problem and we need to keep an eye on them, all of them.

And many Christians and most Jews do support Israel, and that's a problem since it shouldn't exist.
Start with Genesis, and end with yesterday.

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Paint turned his tail and fled.

So you're afraid of Christians because of the Crusades and the Incas? I didn't ask what Christians did in history, I asked what they are blowing up ... now. Obviously you're not afraid of Christians who lived centuries and millennia ago. As for Jews, they've spent a lot more history on the getting blown up end.

So, back it up. What are Christian and Jewish "extremists" blowing up that makes you afraid of them?
Unlike you, I'm not afraid of any of them. I keep an eye on them and their reactionary and extreme religious views, all of which are dangerous for a civil and open society. If you have concerns, your concerns should be for people using terror as a weapon. Terror is a poor man's way of fighting back at times, it also works when nations like ours drop bombs on people. Did you know that Jews blew up other Jews to increase migration to Israel? Terror is a Strategy, not a Faith.

LOL, I'm against the war on terror, at least how we're fighting it. Simpleton liberals. Not liberal = Republican. That's all you can grasp. I'm calling you on your shit, you can't infer from that correctly that means I support the Republican solution.

That is correct but we are certainly keeping a closer eye on people with extreme reactionary religious views. Pretty much all of them I would bet since they tend to blow shit up.

Dude, you said extremist Christians and Jews "tend to blow shit up." Back it up. What Christians and Jewish extremists have blown what up?

Extremist Muslims BTW ... do ... blow shit up. You want a list?

LOL, just admit you were full of crap and I'll let you off the hook.
I'm not afraid of extremists, you are. I said that they, all of them, are a problem and we need to keep an eye on them, all of them.

You also said that Christian and Jewish extremist tend to "blow shit up." It is that particular BS that I'm calling you out on. Give us a list and stop deflecting.

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