There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

Dude, soldiers are trained to shoot people so it makes sense they want targets to look like people.

Why would the military waste money teaching you to shoot skeet?

That's a good one there skull.

The military trains soldiers to shoot people instead of skeet.

And all the other gun owners (non military) who are very much afraid of thugs, rapists, thieves, murderers, etc, they are all out at the range practicing to shoot what......skeet?

You crack me up dude.

Yes, when we shoot skeet, it's because we're very much afraid of thugs, rapists, thieves and murderers. You got us. Here's a cookie, your mommy said you can play outside until dinner.

You dumb bitch. Skeet do not attack people. So when you are on the range skeet shooting and are not concerned that you can't hit anything, why bother having a gun?

Or are you afraid of being attacked by skeet? Instead of rapists, thieves and murderers.

If you had practiced hitting the skeet, maybe when the robber comes to get you, you could hit what you aim at. But I doubt it.

If it ain't skeet you ain't shooting it. Right, you dumb bitch?

Bam! That is the simple distiction the simpleton liberals don't grasp. Sure, the secret service, cops (like JoeB sees on TV), self defense classes use human targets. That is a point that wasn't in contention. The point made was exactly this. Self defense is a legitimate use of guns. And as you grasp because you are not a liberal moron, that does not mean you are doing it to shoot people. You are doing it to protect yourself. And not having a gun does not remove the gun of the criminal who attacks you.

Kaz, "self-defense' would be legitimate if it were a common occurance.

But the FBI says only about 200 people a year kill in self-defense iwth a gun, compared to the 19,500 suicides, 11,000 murders and 800 accidents that occur with guns.

It's really a case of the "solution" being worse than the "problem".

If Guns and Prisons made us safer, we'd be the safest country in the Industrialized World, not the most dangerous.

INstead, we have the Japanese Government publishing phamplets on how not to get shot in America after a Japanese teen was shot by a gun owner because he was going to a party and got the address wrong.

The vast majority of self defense cases do not involve killing an assailant. Why exactly is that statistic the only one that counts?

Also, I don't see statistics as a condition in the Constitution in the second amendment as being tied to gun rights. Where are you finding that exactly?
But should my rights be further restricted because someone commits suicide ?

Or if someone else commits a crime?


People who are in treatment and are deemed unstable should not have access to guns. Those on certain medications should not have access. Those suffering from depression or PTSD should not have access

If that applies to you ....then yes, your rights should be further restricted

Nice equivocation.

BTW none of those things apply to me and I would venture they don't apply to most people.

Then you have no reason to complain if we try to restrict gun access to those who are suicidal or mentally unstable
The restrictions are on HOW you use your car, not on how you GET you car. Plus you have to use your car wrong to be "punished." Its not based on the off chance you MAY use your car wrong, as is the basis of most gun control concepts.

Nice try.

Wrong, there are two restrictions getting a car.

Without a drivers license you can not purchase an auto...that is a restriction.


In order for you to buy a car you have to show proof of insurance and a valid drivers license, again more restrictions on how you get a car. In fact you can not drive the car off the deals lot without insurance.

Wrong. You insure your car in order to register and drive it on public roads it not to buy it.

People who are in treatment and are deemed unstable should not have access to guns. Those on certain medications should not have access. Those suffering from depression or PTSD should not have access

If that applies to you ....then yes, your rights should be further restricted

Nice equivocation.

BTW none of those things apply to me and I would venture they don't apply to most people.

Then you have no reason to complain if we try to restrict gun access to those who are suicidal or mentally unstable

Nice change of subject besides that's not the question I asked.

Suicide is not illegal so what grounds do you have for denying a person who may commit suicide a gun?

And if someone does commit suicide which is not a crime should suicides be used as a reason to restrict the gun rights of others?
I'm sorry...but that is one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

Having a car accident is not illegal yet we have hundreds of laws restricting your rights to drive a car

The restrictions are on HOW you use your car, not on how you GET you car. Plus you have to use your car wrong to be "punished." Its not based on the off chance you MAY use your car wrong, as is the basis of most gun control concepts.

Nice try.

Drunk driving laws and speeding are examples of how you may use your car wrong. You have not actually gotten into an accident, but are more likely to do so

There are many laws affecting how you GET your car. Restrictions on licensing, car safety standards

But those are illegal acts. you have to actually do them. They don't put governors on your car to restrict you to the speed limit, nor do they make you take a breath test every time you start your car (unless you have already

The difference is that once you meet some very very basic requirements on auto operation ANYONE can get the ability to use one. The government can't pick and choose who gets one, the government can't make you wait to get one, the government can't say all of a sudden SUV's are now for the exclusive use of the government.

The standards on cars are not in place to make it more difficult or impossible for lawful people to use their cars legally, gun control laws do EXACTLY that.

People who are in treatment and are deemed unstable should not have access to guns. Those on certain medications should not have access. Those suffering from depression or PTSD should not have access

If that applies to you ....then yes, your rights should be further restricted

Nice equivocation.

BTW none of those things apply to me and I would venture they don't apply to most people.

Then you have no reason to complain if we try to restrict gun access to those who are suicidal or mentally unstable

Only if it does not impact me. Also, I would only consider it if states like NY were forced to abandon their de facto gun bans.
Nice equivocation.

BTW none of those things apply to me and I would venture they don't apply to most people.

Then you have no reason to complain if we try to restrict gun access to those who are suicidal or mentally unstable

Nice change of subject besides that's not the question I asked.

Suicide is not illegal so what grounds do you have for denying a person who may commit suicide a gun?

And if someone does commit suicide which is not a crime should suicides be used as a reason to restrict the gun rights of others?

Once again you double down with one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

What possible reason would there be not to try to reduce suicides?
Car accidents are not illegal but we do everything possible to try to prevent them

If you are suicidal, then hell yes, your gun rights should be restricted
Wrong. You insure your car in order to register and drive it on public roads it not to buy it.


You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.

Do I need insurance to buy a new car?
Yes. The dealership won't let you roll off the lot without proof of insurance. If you're financing your new vehicle, the bank or other lender also requires proof of coverage.
Esurance ? New Car Insurance FAQs
Then you have no reason to complain if we try to restrict gun access to those who are suicidal or mentally unstable

Nice change of subject besides that's not the question I asked.

Suicide is not illegal so what grounds do you have for denying a person who may commit suicide a gun?

And if someone does commit suicide which is not a crime should suicides be used as a reason to restrict the gun rights of others?

Once again you double down with one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

What possible reason would there be not to try to reduce suicides?

IMO it's not my business if someone wants to commit suicide.

Car accidents are not illegal but we do everything possible to try to prevent them

True but you don't suspend a person's license because someone else drives drunk.
You don't suspend someone's license if they were in rehab.

If you are suicidal, then hell yes, your gun rights should be restricted

We disagree on this point but let's focus on the restriction of the rights of others because a third party commits suicide or a crime.
Wrong. You insure your car in order to register and drive it on public roads it not to buy it.


You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.

Do I need insurance to buy a new car?
Yes. The dealership won't let you roll off the lot without proof of insurance. If you're financing your new vehicle, the bank or other lender also requires proof of coverage.
Esurance ? New Car Insurance FAQs

You can't drive a car off the lot unless it's registered or has a dealer plate which carries it's own insurance. You can buy the car before you have insurance for it you cannot drive the car unless it is registered and you cannot register a car without insurance.
Wrong. You insure your car in order to register and drive it on public roads it not to buy it.


You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.

Do I need insurance to buy a new car?
Yes. The dealership won't let you roll off the lot without proof of insurance. If you're financing your new vehicle, the bank or other lender also requires proof of coverage.
Esurance ? New Car Insurance FAQs

You can't drive a car off the lot unless it's registered or has a dealer plate which carries it's own insurance. You can buy the car before you have insurance for it you cannot drive the car [/B]unless it is registered and you cannot register a car without insurance.

Thanks for proving me is a restriction on owning a car.
Nice change of subject besides that's not the question I asked.

Suicide is not illegal so what grounds do you have for denying a person who may commit suicide a gun?

And if someone does commit suicide which is not a crime should suicides be used as a reason to restrict the gun rights of others?

Once again you double down with one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

What possible reason would there be not to try to reduce suicides?

IMO it's not my business if someone wants to commit suicide.

Car accidents are not illegal but we do everything possible to try to prevent them

True but you don't suspend a person's license because someone else drives drunk.
You don't suspend someone's license if they were in rehab.

If you are suicidal, then hell yes, your gun rights should be restricted

We disagree on this point but let's focus on the restriction of the rights of others because a third party commits suicide or a crime.

IMO it's not my business if someone wants to commit suicide.

If a loved one is suicidal, it is none of your business?

Nobody is suggesting that your gun rights be suspended if you are not under psychiatric care, taking certain medications or suffering from depression
Those that are have no reason to be anywhere near a gun
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What are you citing as your control?

Is there another country out there with identical cultural and socio-economic properties as the US, but no guns?

Gotta love the hypothetical-as-fact argument.

England has the same books, CD's, movies, etc... and (gasp) black folks.
Somehow they have a much safer society. The difference; 2nd amendment here, no second amendment there.

Your turn;

If video games incite violence--ya know--the claptrap we keep hearing from gun nuts and their Grand Dragon Wayne Lapierre, why aren't they inciting gun violence overseas?

So, since England has the same language and potential access to the same media we do here in the US, their culture is identical to our's?

Wowzers. I think we're done right there :)

Nothing in the world is identical this the standard you gun nuts have to resort to?

Nice dodge of my question though. Amazing how pussified you have become.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

Get the President, Congress, SCOTUS & the ACLU agree to publicize a list of mentally defective people who should not have a gun & I will consider handing over high-capacity magazines of 10 rounds & up. A tube feed .22 varmint gun should still be allowed to hold 20 rounds of shorts. With an easily accessible online list citizens will know not to sell those people a gun & can keep an eye on them much better than authorities ever could.
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You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.

Do I need insurance to buy a new car?
Yes. The dealership won't let you roll off the lot without proof of insurance. If you're financing your new vehicle, the bank or other lender also requires proof of coverage.
Esurance ? New Car Insurance FAQs

You can't drive a car off the lot unless it's registered or has a dealer plate which carries it's own insurance. You can buy the car before you have insurance for it you cannot drive the car [/B]unless it is registered and you cannot register a car without insurance.

Thanks for proving me is a restriction on owning a car.

Not for OWNING a car for DRIVING a car

There is a difference.

I can walk down to the dealer pay for a car in cash on the spot. I now own the car even if it's not insured. I could then tow that car to my home put in in my garage and never insure or register it but I still own it.
Once again you double down with one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

What possible reason would there be not to try to reduce suicides?

IMO it's not my business if someone wants to commit suicide.

True but you don't suspend a person's license because someone else drives drunk.
You don't suspend someone's license if they were in rehab.

We disagree on this point but let's focus on the restriction of the rights of others because a third party commits suicide or a crime.

IMO it's not my business if someone wants to commit suicide.

If a loved one is suicidal, it is none of your business?

In the strictest sense no it is not. It certainly is none of my business if someone I don't know wants to commit suicide.

Nobody is suggesting that your gun rights be suspended if you are not under psychiatric care, taking certain medications or suffering from depression
Those that are have no reason to be anywhere near a gun

And just how pray tell do you determine who is suicidal or taking meds or under psychiatric care?

And what about people who are depressed and not under psychiatric care

The whole argument here is that because some people are nuts that other people have to comply to restrictions and some of you sheep are calling for the ban of guns for these reasons.
Wrong. You insure your car in order to register and drive it on public roads it not to buy it.


You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.

Do I need insurance to buy a new car?
Yes. The dealership won't let you roll off the lot without proof of insurance. If you're financing your new vehicle, the bank or other lender also requires proof of coverage.
Esurance ? New Car Insurance FAQs

Unless you transport the vehicle on a flatbed to your own property, and then use it only on your own property.
Wrong. You insure your car in order to register and drive it on public roads it not to buy it.


You don't need automobile insurance before you buy a new car, but you will need it before you can drive the car home from the dealer's lot.

Do I need insurance to buy a new car?
Yes. The dealership won't let you roll off the lot without proof of insurance. If you're financing your new vehicle, the bank or other lender also requires proof of coverage.
Esurance ? New Car Insurance FAQs

Unless you transport the vehicle on a flatbed to your own property, and then use it only on your own property.

So, it is possible to buy a car and even drive it without insurance. The requirement for insurance is to operate it on a public road.
Go for it

Explain to the nice people why our number one cause of murder shouldn't be our top priority

Guns don't cause anything. Guns are inanimate tools.

People are the number one cause of murder.

Guns don't kill people.....people with guns kill people

We can't ban people so what is left?

We can isolate people who are a threat to the rest of us until they are no longer a threat. For criminals, that means imprisonment. For the mentally ill, that means hospitalization. THAT will be more effective than your impotent solutions.

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