There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

Suicides do not count.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of gun owners will never point their weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill another person.

I don't hold people who have done nothing wrong responsible for the crimes of others nor do I believe in curbing the rights of others to assuage my own fears as you do.

People kill people
People always have killed people
People always will kill people

Those are the facts proven over the entirety of our existence.

Suicides do count to the persons family. And a gun is the number one form of suicide

Suicide is not illegal nor should it be.

Therefore no one's rights should be curbed because of suicide.
I don't give a shit what other people do. Haven't you figured that out yet?

And there you go again projecting your fear on others.

Only fearful people want to ban things.

Wtf are you talking about? I just asked if all the civilians at the shooting range are there to practice to shoot skeet. According to you, this would be correct. Yes or no.

Has nothing to do with a ban on anything. I mean, skeet are not endangered. Right?

As to whether or not you care what other people do. That's not really the truth now is it?
If you REALLY didn't care what others think or do, you wouldn't bother to respond to posts at all. You'd post your opinion and move on. Cause who cares what others think.

But really, telling gun nutters how fearful they are is not very nice. Because only fearful people go out and shoot up boxes of skeet. Ban skeet shooting is what I say.

You asked a question I answered it.

You cannot compare the military in any way to civilian life.

The military exists solely to kill people and destroy things so of course they train to that end and that end only.

And I don't know nor do I care what kinds of targets other civilians shoot at because it doesn't matter.

People who accuse others of being fearful in my experience are actually the ones who are the most afraid.

Isn't that kind of accusing others of being fearful? Lol

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=48060]guno[/MENTION], [MENTION=47594]PaintMyHouse[/MENTION], [MENTION=20155]paperview[/MENTION]

Yes, none explain all the other things people do to hit targets. None of them also explain why if guns are only to kill people why they like to shoot them. And none of them ever meet anyone else who shoots guns who isn't a liberal caricature of gun owners. They just love the lie that they know guns and gun owners because they are them, and that's how they know we're one tree twig snap of a shooting rampage.

So gentlemen, I invited you here for a challenge. Act on your lie and your stereotypical liberal elitist snobby views of gun owners. Go down to your local shooting club and walk the walk of telling them you are imagining shooting people with every target and that's the only purpose of guns and ask them what shooting rampage fantasizes they have. If you want to maintain the lie, do it. The response you get isn't remotely what you think it will be...

You have a point. Most of the targets I shot at in the army were shaped like a person.

Now, why make a paper target look like a person if the purpose of the gun wasn't to SHOOT PEOPLE!!!

Come on, dude, this ain't rocket science.

LOL, non-sequitur. Once again you jump to your experience with guns. TV. You're talking about the cop shows you watch where they practice on the firing range with human targets. First of all, that's for defense not your accusation of they want to go on a shooting rampage. But yeah, when you're defending yourself, you have to be able to shoot a human target. That does not mean they are targeting humans.

What you did not address at all was the question. I asked about the majority of Americans who overwhelmingly are not shooting at paper targets. Other than self defense classes (see the first paragraph for why they are doing that), Human cutouts are not a common thing to see in my experience.
Suicides do not count.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of gun owners will never point their weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill another person.

I don't hold people who have done nothing wrong responsible for the crimes of others nor do I believe in curbing the rights of others to assuage my own fears as you do.

People kill people
People always have killed people
People always will kill people

Those are the facts proven over the entirety of our existence.

Suicides do count to the persons family. And a gun is the number one form of suicide

Suicide is not illegal nor should it be.

Therefore no one's rights should be curbed because of suicide.

I'm sorry...but that is one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

Having a car accident is not illegal yet we have hundreds of laws restricting your rights to drive a car
Suicides do count to the persons family. And a gun is the number one form of suicide

Suicide is not illegal nor should it be.

Therefore no one's rights should be curbed because of suicide.

I'm sorry...but that is one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

Having a car accident is not illegal yet we have hundreds of laws restricting your rights to drive a car

The restrictions are on HOW you use your car, not on how you GET you car. Plus you have to use your car wrong to be "punished." Its not based on the off chance you MAY use your car wrong, as is the basis of most gun control concepts.

Nice try.
you people don't care about human life or you would care about the 1000's of abortions done DAILY

go take your fake selves and stomp on someone else for your faux outrages

you make me ill

Boom! And Stephanie delivers the knockout blow! Down goes liberals! Down goes liberals!

Over one million babies murdered per year and the libs want to shed fake tears for someone shot because they were too lazy and/or careless to be armed?

Kidney-bean sized fetuses aren't "babies", dude.

Because you don't want to see them as babies. You can't feel comfortable killing them if they are babies. We all understand that the only way to justify abortion is to demonize the thing that had the audacity to grow inside the woman. It's just like a cancer really, right?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

19k of those are suicides, they don't count. Stop using shit numbers.

You mean those guys aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

Lady I used to work with had a son who shot himself with that gun she bought for protection.

It isn't a "shit number" to her.
[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=48060]guno[/MENTION], [MENTION=47594]PaintMyHouse[/MENTION], [MENTION=20155]paperview[/MENTION]

Yes, none explain all the other things people do to hit targets. None of them also explain why if guns are only to kill people why they like to shoot them. And none of them ever meet anyone else who shoots guns who isn't a liberal caricature of gun owners. They just love the lie that they know guns and gun owners because they are them, and that's how they know we're one tree twig snap of a shooting rampage.

So gentlemen, I invited you here for a challenge. Act on your lie and your stereotypical liberal elitist snobby views of gun owners. Go down to your local shooting club and walk the walk of telling them you are imagining shooting people with every target and that's the only purpose of guns and ask them what shooting rampage fantasizes they have. If you want to maintain the lie, do it. The response you get isn't remotely what you think it will be...

You have a point. Most of the targets I shot at in the army were shaped like a person.

Now, why make a paper target look like a person if the purpose of the gun wasn't to SHOOT PEOPLE!!!

Come on, dude, this ain't rocket science.

So by your "logic" - why is the Secret Service heavily armed? So that they can shoot the president? :bang3:

Bam! That is the simple distiction the simpleton liberals don't grasp. Sure, the secret service, cops (like JoeB sees on TV), self defense classes use human targets. That is a point that wasn't in contention. The point made was exactly this. Self defense is a legitimate use of guns. And as you grasp because you are not a liberal moron, that does not mean you are doing it to shoot people. You are doing it to protect yourself. And not having a gun does not remove the gun of the criminal who attacks you.
So by your "logic" - why is the Secret Service heavily armed? So that they can shoot the president? :bang3:

The purpose of a gun is not to "shoot people". The purpose of a gun is to neutralize a threat. Sadly, most often that threat comes in the form of a person - hence the reason to practice on targets shaped like a person. However, it can also come in the form of a bear, a wolf, or other dangerous animal. They are, of course, also used for hunting.

Just think, if you Dumbocrats weren't so soft on crime and working 24x7 to keep criminals on the streets, we wouldn't need so many guns. But lets not talk about that liberal failure... :eusa_shhh:

Poodle, don't be dense. The Secret Service has guns to shoot people who want to shoot the President.

But....but....but....I thought guns weren't used for defense? I thought they were just used to slaughter people? That's what you just said. Now you're changing your story already.

I love how guns are sooooo bad in the mind of libtards, yet they never ask their leaders to disarm. Barack Obama? Surrounded by guns 24x7. Bill & Hillary Clinton? Surrounded by guns 24x7. Michael Bloomberg? Surrounded by guns 24x7. It's so bizarre that these people have an armory 24x7 and yet your dumb ass is worried about disarming me... :eusa_doh:

We could also ask the question, if criminals "on the street" are the problem, how is it that we lock up 2 million people and are still so fucking scared, while Germany locks up only 78,000, and yet they have less than a 600 murders a year, and most of their citizens don't own guns?

Because genius, this nation has 30 million criminals (and growing thanks to Obama funneling in MS-13 gang members from Honduras and drug cartel members from Mexico in hopes of legalizing them to expand his voter base beyond real U.S. citizens). A bit math challenged, are we? Here, let me help you chief - 30 million criminals minus 2 million in prison, equals 28 million still on the street.

If guns and prisons were the answer to crime, we'd have the lowest crime rate in the industrialized world,not the highest.

Guns are the answer to crime. Unfortunately, you libtards are too stupid to carry a gun and you keep fighting to create more victim zones in the U.S. Every single victim in the recent California shooting was unarmed. Every single one of them. That's why we are referring to them as "victims" today and in the past tense. This is so simple and obvious, even a 6-year old can figure it out. So why are you struggling?

And, as I already stated, you libtards won't put people in prison. So that's why that great solution isn't working. In fact, you fight to keep them out. Like when all you sick liberal fuck's were raping women at Occupy Wall Street and then demanding that the poor victims not report it to the police...:eusa_whistle:

Of course, Germany, Japan, the UK, France. They don't have lots of guns or lots of prisons. What they do have is an economic system where everyone is promised a job, and those who can't work get good benefits and everyone gets free medical care. Fucking commie socialist bastards making us look bad.

Which begs the question - why won't you get up off of your lazy ass and provide everyone a job? I've asked you this a thousand times and you've refused to answer. The one time you did respond you gave the most absurd response and completely humiliated yourself when you said "I don't want to become a rich douche". Even though it's painfully obvious that all you care about is money - you spend every single second crying about the wealthy because of your insane envy of them. Plus that pitiful response ignores your civic duty of providing jobs (according to your "logic"). So I'll ask yet again Joseph - why won't you get up off of your lazy ass and provide everyone with a job?
[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], [MENTION=48060]guno[/MENTION], [MENTION=47594]PaintMyHouse[/MENTION], [MENTION=20155]paperview[/MENTION]

Yes, none explain all the other things people do to hit targets. None of them also explain why if guns are only to kill people why they like to shoot them. And none of them ever meet anyone else who shoots guns who isn't a liberal caricature of gun owners. They just love the lie that they know guns and gun owners because they are them, and that's how they know we're one tree twig snap of a shooting rampage.

So gentlemen, I invited you here for a challenge. Act on your lie and your stereotypical liberal elitist snobby views of gun owners. Go down to your local shooting club and walk the walk of telling them you are imagining shooting people with every target and that's the only purpose of guns and ask them what shooting rampage fantasizes they have. If you want to maintain the lie, do it. The response you get isn't remotely what you think it will be...

You have a point. Most of the targets I shot at in the army were shaped like a person.

Now, why make a paper target look like a person if the purpose of the gun wasn't to SHOOT PEOPLE!!!

Come on, dude, this ain't rocket science.

So by your "logic" - why is the Secret Service heavily armed? So that they can shoot the president? :bang3:

The purpose of a gun is not to "shoot people". The purpose of a gun is to neutralize a threat. Sadly, most often that threat comes in the form of a person - hence the reason to practice on targets shaped like a person. However, it can also come in the form of a bear, a wolf, or other dangerous animal. They are, of course, also used for hunting.

Just think, if you Dumbocrats weren't so soft on crime and working 24x7 to keep criminals on the streets, we wouldn't need so many guns. But lets not talk about that liberal failure... :eusa_shhh:

Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

19k of those are suicides, they don't count. Stop using shit numbers.

You mean those guys aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

Lady I used to work with had a son who shot himself with that gun she bought for protection.

It isn't a "shit number" to her.

You mean that if they commit suicide without using a gun they aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?
Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

19k of those are suicides, they don't count. Stop using shit numbers.

You mean those guys aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

Lady I used to work with had a son who shot himself with that gun she bought for protection.

It isn't a "shit number" to her.

So there is a 100% chance that the person would have decided NOT to commit suicide if a gun wasn't around?

its just fluffing the numbers to advance your asshole gun grabber agenda, nothing more.
Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

Suicides do not count.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of gun owners will never point their weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill another person.

I don't hold people who have done nothing wrong responsible for the crimes of others nor do I believe in curbing the rights of others to assuage my own fears as you do.

People kill people
People always have killed people
People always will kill people

Those are the facts proven over the entirety of our existence.

Suicides do count to the persons family. And a gun is the number one form of suicide

Most cars never get in accidents but we have rules that apply to everyone

And if they didn't have a gun they would have just been happy as a lark and never considered using any other form of self murder.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Boom! And Stephanie delivers the knockout blow! Down goes liberals! Down goes liberals!

Over one million babies murdered per year and the libs want to shed fake tears for someone shot because they were too lazy and/or careless to be armed?

Kidney-bean sized fetuses aren't "babies", dude.

Because you don't want to see them as babies. You can't feel comfortable killing them if they are babies. We all understand that the only way to justify abortion is to demonize the thing that had the audacity to grow inside the woman. It's just like a cancer really, right?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

It doesn't matter what I see them as.

It matters what the woman it is inside sees them as.

If she sees it as "that problem I need to take care of", that kind of settles it.

It's not a matter of justifying it, it's a matter of recognizing reality.

When the religious whacks support welfare without shame, universal health care and paid family leave, then and only then will I take your whinging about "babies" seriously.
Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

19k of those are suicides, they don't count. Stop using shit numbers.

You mean those guys aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

Lady I used to work with had a son who shot himself with that gun she bought for protection.

It isn't a "shit number" to her.

You mean that if they commit suicide without using a gun they aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

And if someone had been armed in Newtown a lot of those teachers and kids could be alive now. And the kid could have killed himself in a hundred other ways. It's not an argument.
Skull, we've kind of established you're a nihilist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

But it's not a good reason why we should tolerate 32,000 gun deaths a year because the gun fetishists have misinterpreted a 200 year old law.

19k of those are suicides, they don't count. Stop using shit numbers.

You mean those guys aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

Lady I used to work with had a son who shot himself with that gun she bought for protection.

It isn't a "shit number" to her.

Yeah, because without the gun, the kid could NEVER have figured out how to commit suicide and he would have just given up. He wouldn't have slit his wrists. Or hung himself. Or taken too many pills. Or jumped off of a building. Or dropped a toaster in his bathtub. Or driven his vehicle into on coming traffic. Of sat in his garage with an engine running. You know, none of the stuff that millions of people have done through out history. Nope. If it wasn't for that damn gun the kid would be alive today.

Dumb ass...
19k of those are suicides, they don't count. Stop using shit numbers.

You mean those guys aren't dead?

Those lovable scamps are faking it?

Lady I used to work with had a son who shot himself with that gun she bought for protection.

It isn't a "shit number" to her.

So there is a 100% chance that the person would have decided NOT to commit suicide if a gun wasn't around?

its just fluffing the numbers to advance your asshole gun grabber agenda, nothing more.

100% chance? No.

95% chance? Maybe.

Here's the thing about other methods. YOu have a very good chance of surviving them, and a lot of people who attempt suicide don't try again after a failure.

Yeah, because without the gun, the kid could NEVER have figured out how to commit suicide and he would have just given up. He wouldn't have slit his wrists. Or hung himself. Or taken too many pills. Or jumped off of a building. Or dropped a toaster in his bathtub. Or driven his vehicle into on coming traffic. Of sat in his garage with an engine running. You know, none of the stuff that millions of people have done through out history. Nope. If it wasn't for that damn gun the kid would be alive today.

Dumb ass...

Poodle, he'd have had a much better chance of surviving most of those.

And he didn't try any of those. He took mom's gun and killed himself.
Suicides do count to the persons family. And a gun is the number one form of suicide

Suicide is not illegal nor should it be.

Therefore no one's rights should be curbed because of suicide.

I'm sorry...but that is one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

Having a car accident is not illegal yet we have hundreds of laws restricting your rights to drive a car

You do not have a right to drive a car.

That said if someone else drives drunk which is a crime, should you have restrictions place on your license?

So why if someone who commits suicide which is not a crime be a reason to put restrictions on another person's right to have weapons?
Suicides do not count.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of gun owners will never point their weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill another person.

I don't hold people who have done nothing wrong responsible for the crimes of others nor do I believe in curbing the rights of others to assuage my own fears as you do.

People kill people
People always have killed people
People always will kill people

Those are the facts proven over the entirety of our existence.

Suicides do count to the persons family. And a gun is the number one form of suicide

Most cars never get in accidents but we have rules that apply to everyone

And if they didn't have a gun they would have just been happy as a lark and never considered using any other form of self murder.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Its possible they would consider another way

But just as likely that the gun was there, it was loaded and they made an instantaneous decision to pull the trigger. Once that decision is made...there is no turning back

Other methods like pills, poison, carbon monoxide and slitting your wrists give you time to decide you want to live
Methods like jumping off a bridge or in front of a moving train terrorize people and are less likely to be a method of choice
You have a point. Most of the targets I shot at in the army were shaped like a person.

Now, why make a paper target look like a person if the purpose of the gun wasn't to SHOOT PEOPLE!!!

Come on, dude, this ain't rocket science.

Dude, soldiers are trained to shoot people so it makes sense they want targets to look like people.

Why would the military waste money teaching you to shoot skeet?

That's a good one there skull.

The military trains soldiers to shoot people instead of skeet.

And all the other gun owners (non military) who are very much afraid of thugs, rapists, thieves, murderers, etc, they are all out at the range practicing to shoot what......skeet?

You crack me up dude.

Yes, when we shoot skeet, it's because we're very much afraid of thugs, rapists, thieves and murderers. You got us. Here's a cookie, your mommy said you can play outside until dinner.

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