There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

Show me any motor vehicle law against accidents

Failure you yield right of way, reckless driving, speeding, running red lights, they are all laws that have no intent other than preventing accidents.

Exactly. They are all potential causes of accidents but not the accident itself

Same applies to guns. We don't eliminate the guns themselves but the actions which can lead to the crime

You see the buying of a gun as a potential cause not the behavior that actually causes harm.

To keep it simple, I believe our society should do everything in its power to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. No loopholes, no bullshit

Our recent massacres have demonstrated that

When all guns are gone, what do you do with all the knife deaths that will replace guns?.....Currently murders by both are quite close!

There is no evidence that once guns are not available that knives replace them in either murder or suicide

And NO......knife murders are nowhere close to the number of gun murders

There is evidence though that strict gun control does nothing to change either. I gave you the numbers in this thread already. Numbers that you closed your eyes to and refuse to refute because you cant. FACTS that simply destroy your preconceived notions that gun control does a damn thing.
I just wish every parent who's kid gets shot would be a proud member of the NRA. Or instead of innocent Gabby Gifford why couldn't it be one of those republicans who takes money from the NRA who gets shot? Then maybe they would pass some common sense gun legislation.

Oh, and I find it ironic that the GOP is the party that is anti abortion because they say "all life is precious". It isn't so precious that you will give an inch on your 2nd amendment rights.

Can I have anti tank and surface to air missles? Why not? I want weapons that can protect me in case my government tries to tread on me. What if I am the former owner of the Clippers and I have 2 billion dollars? Can I buy a nuke from Russia? Why not? The government has nukes.

So maybe we should only have long range rifles for hunting, shot guns for home protecting and revolvers or glocks with only 10 rounds max?

I like my guns too but god damn!
I just wish every parent who's kid gets shot would be a proud member of the NRA. Or instead of innocent Gabby Gifford why couldn't it be one of those republicans who takes money from the NRA who gets shot? Then maybe they would pass some common sense gun legislation.

Oh, and I find it ironic that the GOP is the party that is anti abortion because they say "all life is precious". It isn't so precious that you will give an inch on your 2nd amendment rights.

Can I have anti tank and surface to air missles? Why not? I want weapons that can protect me in case my government tries to tread on me. What if I am the former owner of the Clippers and I have 2 billion dollars? Can I buy a nuke from Russia? Why not? The government has nukes.

So maybe we should only have long range rifles for hunting, shot guns for home protecting and revolvers or glocks with only 10 rounds max?

I like my guns too but god damn!

I want you to know you disgust me wishing pain or death on ANYONE, for any reason. If I could neg you 2,000 times for that post, I would.

John Roll was Republican who was serving as a United States federal judge on the United States District Court for the District of Arizona until he was shot and killed by Jared Loughner at Giffords's event. So, I guess you got your evil wish.
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I just wish every parent who's kid gets shot would be a proud member of the NRA. Or instead of innocent Gabby Gifford why couldn't it be one of those republicans who takes money from the NRA who gets shot? Then maybe they would pass some common sense gun legislation.

Oh, and I find it ironic that the GOP is the party that is anti abortion because they say "all life is precious". It isn't so precious that you will give an inch on your 2nd amendment rights.

Can I have anti tank and surface to air missles? Why not? I want weapons that can protect me in case my government tries to tread on me. What if I am the former owner of the Clippers and I have 2 billion dollars? Can I buy a nuke from Russia? Why not? The government has nukes.

So maybe we should only have long range rifles for hunting, shot guns for home protecting and revolvers or glocks with only 10 rounds max?

I like my guns too but god damn!

What I think is interesting is that it is usally people such as yourself demanding gun control and then wishing that people were shot and killed. Kids in this case - even worse.

That should not surprise me though. Your argument must rely on emotion because facts dose not back it up.
Americans love our guns...

Nothing can change that

We had JFK, RFK, MLK, Reagan shot and we just sighed and said too bad
We had Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech and finally Newton and we did nothing
Our murder rate is triple of that in similar countries...we do nothing

We have our second amendment and are willing to put up with some bloodshed. It is the price of freedom

do you propose banning all guns? i mean really, all you ever do is fucking whine, you never, ever offer any solutions.
what the solutions people?

all i see are anti gun threads with never a solution.

you whine about the second amendment, yet, you never offer any solutions.
Show me any motor vehicle law against accidents

Failure you yield right of way, reckless driving, speeding, running red lights, they are all laws that have no intent other than preventing accidents.

Exactly. They are all potential causes of accidents but not the accident itself

Same applies to guns. We don't eliminate the guns themselves but the actions which can lead to the crime

Such as the creation of GUN FREE ZONES?

such as the actions of overzealous prosecutors who persecute those who stand their ground?
I just wish every parent who's kid gets shot would be a proud member of the NRA. Or instead of innocent Gabby Gifford why couldn't it be one of those republicans who takes money from the NRA who gets shot? Then maybe they would pass some common sense gun legislation.

Oh, and I find it ironic that the GOP is the party that is anti abortion because they say "all life is precious". It isn't so precious that you will give an inch on your 2nd amendment rights.

Can I have anti tank and surface to air missles? Why not? I want weapons that can protect me in case my government tries to tread on me. What if I am the former owner of the Clippers and I have 2 billion dollars? Can I buy a nuke from Russia? Why not? The government has nukes.

So maybe we should only have long range rifles for hunting, shot guns for home protecting and revolvers or glocks with only 10 rounds max?

I like my guns too but god damn!

What I think is interesting is that it is usally people such as yourself demanding gun control and then wishing that people were shot and killed. Kids in this case - even worse.

That should not surprise me though. Your argument must rely on emotion because facts dose not back it up.

You are right. I gave up trying to even come up with a solution to this because there is no solution. So, from now on, I'm going to just hope that every person that gets shot in the future is a christian. Because christians are so sure that they are going to heaven, I don't want any people who are atheists or agnostic or another religion that isn't christian to go to hell so from now on I'm going to hope all victims are christians because they get to go to heaven so cool if they get shot, right? And I hope the shooter is a christian too because before he or the police take him out he can just ask for forgiveness and he'll go to heaven and hang out with the people he killed.
I just wish every parent who's kid gets shot would be a proud member of the NRA. Or instead of innocent Gabby Gifford why couldn't it be one of those republicans who takes money from the NRA who gets shot? Then maybe they would pass some common sense gun legislation.

Oh, and I find it ironic that the GOP is the party that is anti abortion because they say "all life is precious". It isn't so precious that you will give an inch on your 2nd amendment rights.

Can I have anti tank and surface to air missles? Why not? I want weapons that can protect me in case my government tries to tread on me. What if I am the former owner of the Clippers and I have 2 billion dollars? Can I buy a nuke from Russia? Why not? The government has nukes.

So maybe we should only have long range rifles for hunting, shot guns for home protecting and revolvers or glocks with only 10 rounds max?

I like my guns too but god damn!

I want you to know you disgust me wishing pain or death on ANYONE, for any reason. If I could neg you 2,000 times for that post, I would.

John Roll was Republican who was serving as a United States federal judge on the United States District Court for the District of Arizona until he was shot and killed by Jared Loughner at Giffords's event. So, I guess you got your evil wish.

Course now I feel bad. I don't want anyone shot or murdered really. JK. :(:eusa_silenced::eusa_silenced:
I just wish every parent who's kid gets shot would be a proud member of the NRA. Or instead of innocent Gabby Gifford why couldn't it be one of those republicans who takes money from the NRA who gets shot? Then maybe they would pass some common sense gun legislation.

Oh, and I find it ironic that the GOP is the party that is anti abortion because they say "all life is precious". It isn't so precious that you will give an inch on your 2nd amendment rights.

Can I have anti tank and surface to air missles? Why not? I want weapons that can protect me in case my government tries to tread on me. What if I am the former owner of the Clippers and I have 2 billion dollars? Can I buy a nuke from Russia? Why not? The government has nukes.

So maybe we should only have long range rifles for hunting, shot guns for home protecting and revolvers or glocks with only 10 rounds max?

I like my guns too but god damn!

What I think is interesting is that it is usally people such as yourself demanding gun control and then wishing that people were shot and killed. Kids in this case - even worse.

That should not surprise me though. Your argument must rely on emotion because facts dose not back it up.

You are right. I gave up trying to even come up with a solution to this because there is no solution. So, from now on, I'm going to just hope that every person that gets shot in the future is a christian. Because christians are so sure that they are going to heaven, I don't want any people who are atheists or agnostic or another religion that isn't christian to go to hell so from now on I'm going to hope all victims are christians because they get to go to heaven so cool if they get shot, right? And I hope the shooter is a christian too because before he or the police take him out he can just ask for forgiveness and he'll go to heaven and hang out with the people he killed.

You are a sad and sick individual. You certainly do not do anything for your cause. People like you give others fighting for your cause a really bad name.

Murders and suicides by the psychotic are more than a few dozen and should be a definite concern of a caring society

Background checks on guns won't prevent all murders and suicides by the psychotic. They'll prevent only those murders and suicides by -diagnosed- psychotics who, if they cannot obtain a firearm legally, will be completely dissuaded from their desire to murder or commit suicide. And suicide? We need to trade in our rights to dissuade people from killing themSELVES!? I'm sorry, but I would absolutely refuse to give up one iota of my freedom, to -RISK- one iota of my freedom, if you could guarantee to me that it would dissuade every suicide from now until the end of fucking time! I'm not down with forcing people to go on living, and I'm certainly not willing to PAY to force people to go on living, ESPECIALLY when the currency with which I pay would have to be my liberty. Holy fucking fuck fuck fuck I can't believe that you would even imply that such a trade would be SANE!

It's also fairly arrogant to assume that your definition of a caring society is something that I would strive to achieve. Why is it that liberalism has gone from "live and let live" to "live as I say live"? In short, fuck your "caring society" justification. That's not an argument, it's your own personal moral value. I don't see why I should be subject to it.

So you feel that because we can't stop every murder or suicide, we should not try to stop any

Fact is that guns are the number one weapon in both murder and suicide. Those countries that have restricted public access to guns see significantly lower murder and suicide rates

But we got a second amendment, so who gives a fuck?

Why is everything all or nothing with you numbskulls on this argument?

We shouldn't do anything to prevent murders? Yes, because when I said that I don't believe in imposing background and psych checks as a condition to exercising a Constitutional right, I also said that we should remove all laws against murder from the books. All those harsh 25 to life penalties that dissuade people from acting on homicidal desires? Get rid of 'em. Let's have mayhem!

Please, blow your straw man argument out of the nearest convenient orifice and try to stay on the argument you and I are actually having ;)
There is no panacea, no single solution, no (to borrow a phrase from the gun culture) magic bullet that can be imposed to stop gun violence entirely. Just as speed limits and DUI check points do not completely eradicate death by drunk driver, no one implementation of regulation or law will make us suddenly safe.

Just as arming as many people as possible will make us safe. In a confused, highly charged confrontation with guns how can we expect the prospect of more bullets flying around to make the situation less dangerous. Surrounding people with more guns has already proven ineffective. In March of 1981 four people were grievously wounded on a sidewalk in Washington D.C. These people were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in world history, yet a mad man with a gun managed to shoot a D.C. cop, a press secretary and a President of the United States.

Imagine how a fourth grade teacher would react.
There is no panacea, no single solution, no (to borrow a phrase from the gun culture) magic bullet that can be imposed to stop gun violence entirely. Just as speed limits and DUI check points do not completely eradicate death by drunk driver, no one implementation of regulation or law will make us suddenly safe.

Just as arming as many people as possible will make us safe. In a confused, highly charged confrontation with guns how can we expect the prospect of more bullets flying around to make the situation less dangerous. Surrounding people with more guns has already proven ineffective. In March of 1981 four people were grievously wounded on a sidewalk in Washington D.C. These people were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in world history, yet a mad man with a gun managed to shoot a D.C. cop, a press secretary and a President of the United States.

Imagine how a fourth grade teacher would react.

Sorry, what is your argument here? That there is no soluton to gun violence? That the solution is to restrict guns? That fourth grade teachers shouldnt be trusted to protect the president?
There is no panacea, no single solution, no (to borrow a phrase from the gun culture) magic bullet that can be imposed to stop gun violence entirely. Just as speed limits and DUI check points do not completely eradicate death by drunk driver, no one implementation of regulation or law will make us suddenly safe.

Just as arming as many people as possible will make us safe. In a confused, highly charged confrontation with guns how can we expect the prospect of more bullets flying around to make the situation less dangerous. Surrounding people with more guns has already proven ineffective. In March of 1981 four people were grievously wounded on a sidewalk in Washington D.C. These people were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in world history, yet a mad man with a gun managed to shoot a D.C. cop, a press secretary and a President of the United States.

Imagine how a fourth grade teacher would react.

Sorry, what is your argument here? That there is no soluton to gun violence? That the solution is to restrict guns? That fourth grade teachers shouldnt be trusted to protect the president?
My question is: why is it every solution proffered is dismissed out of hand as ineffective, impractical or unconstitutional? I believe the right approach can be found in taking the wisest parts of each suggestion. For instance: universal back ground checks. They are not an infringement of rights, the can be fine tuned to be more effective and they are embraced as a bipartisan solution. An effective assault weapons ban not written by the gun lobby and focusing on cosmetics, but a ban on firing and reloading systems.

So far the only solutions I've seen offered by the gun nuts is more guns.
There is no panacea, no single solution, no (to borrow a phrase from the gun culture) magic bullet that can be imposed to stop gun violence entirely. Just as speed limits and DUI check points do not completely eradicate death by drunk driver, no one implementation of regulation or law will make us suddenly safe.

Just as arming as many people as possible will make us safe. In a confused, highly charged confrontation with guns how can we expect the prospect of more bullets flying around to make the situation less dangerous. Surrounding people with more guns has already proven ineffective. In March of 1981 four people were grievously wounded on a sidewalk in Washington D.C. These people were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in world history, yet a mad man with a gun managed to shoot a D.C. cop, a press secretary and a President of the United States.

Imagine how a fourth grade teacher would react.

Sorry, what is your argument here? That there is no soluton to gun violence? That the solution is to restrict guns? That fourth grade teachers shouldnt be trusted to protect the president?
My question is: why is it every solution proffered is dismissed out of hand as ineffective, impractical or unconstitutional? I believe the right approach can be found in taking the wisest parts of each suggestion. For instance: universal back ground checks. They are not an infringement of rights, the can be fine tuned to be more effective and they are embraced as a bipartisan solution. An effective assault weapons ban not written by the gun lobby and focusing on cosmetics, but a ban on firing and reloading systems.

So far the only solutions I've seen offered by the gun nuts is more guns.

They are dismissed out of hand because we have over 100 years experience with different attempts at gun control and every one of them is a failure. Universal background checks will not prevent thugs from trading guns for drugs. They will impede commerce from one citizen to another. This is so obvious it seems unnecessary even to say it.
As for an assault weapons ban, what do you consider an assault weapon? The focus was on cosmetics because that is the ONLY defining characteristic of an assault weapon. The term itself is ludicrous, simply made up by the press.
Sorry, what is your argument here? That there is no soluton to gun violence? That the solution is to restrict guns? That fourth grade teachers shouldnt be trusted to protect the president?
My question is: why is it every solution proffered is dismissed out of hand as ineffective, impractical or unconstitutional? I believe the right approach can be found in taking the wisest parts of each suggestion. For instance: universal back ground checks. They are not an infringement of rights, the can be fine tuned to be more effective and they are embraced as a bipartisan solution. An effective assault weapons ban not written by the gun lobby and focusing on cosmetics, but a ban on firing and reloading systems.

So far the only solutions I've seen offered by the gun nuts is more guns.

They are dismissed out of hand because we have over 100 years experience with different attempts at gun control and every one of them is a failure. Universal background checks will not prevent thugs from trading guns for drugs. They will impede commerce from one citizen to another. This is so obvious it seems unnecessary even to say it.
As for an assault weapons ban, what do you consider an assault weapon? The focus was on cosmetics because that is the ONLY defining characteristic of an assault weapon. The term itself is ludicrous, simply made up by the press.

An Assault weapon, as I define it, is a gun with a semi automatic firing system and the ability to be fitted with a high capacity ammunition magazine. Bolt action rifles, revolvers and pump action shot guns do not apply.

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