There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws


We already know that the UK doesn't count a killing a murder unless there is a conviction.

I actually asked a British person I knew about that, and he looked at me funny.

But you read it on a National Rampage Association website, so you think it's true.
No, the reason why we made drugs illegal was because by the turn of the century, we had 2 million drug addicts out of a population of 100 million.

And, yes, making drugs illegal did reduce the number of drug addicts.

The so called war on drugs has had no impact on drug use

But it is one of the key reasons that we have so high an incarceration rate.

Wait, so are the pro-gun control liberals making an argument in favor of keeping drugs illegal? And the pro-2nd Amendment conservatives are countering that the drug war is useless, and drugs should be legalized?


But it is one of the key reasons that we have so high an incarceration rate.

Wait, so are the pro-gun control liberals making an argument in favor of keeping drugs illegal? And the pro-2nd Amendment conservatives are countering that the drug war is useless, and drugs should be legalized?

Hey, that is one of the key reasons that I am not a republican. The logic is not consistent...
The big picture is that America loves its guns

We are willing to put up with any atrocity........assassinations, mass murder of little children, movie theater and school mass murders

We are content to do nothing. The rest of the world is puzzled but we shrug and embrace our second amendment
The big picture is that America loves its guns

We are willing to put up with any atrocity........assassinations, mass murder of little children, movie theater and school mass murders

We are content to do nothing. The rest of the world is puzzled but we shrug and embrace our second amendment

Well, what would you suggest that would be:
1) Legal
2) Effective.
Let's hear it.
I'm sorry...but that is one of the dumbest responses I've seen in weeks

Having a car accident is not illegal yet we have hundreds of laws restricting your rights to drive a car

I'm literally speechless here.... Having a car accident is "not illegal"?!? Really RW? Then why do you get cited by law enforcement for having a car accident and have to appear in court or pay a fine???

I'm telling you something, liberals are the scariest creatures in the world. They are completely and totally oblivious to reality. And as such, they just make up their own version as the go.

Show me any motor vehicle law against accidents

Again....I'm completely speechless here. What world do you live in RW?!?

If you are the cause of a traffic accident, you will receive a citation for causing the accident. There are a host of ordinances they can hit you with, but the most prevalent will be failure to control your vehicle.

"Often, a citation issued at an accident scene is a proper description how one driver was wrong and caused the accident."

Criminal Defense - About accident citations
The big picture is that America loves its guns

We are willing to put up with any atrocity........assassinations, mass murder of little children, movie theater and school mass murders

We are content to do nothing. The rest of the world is puzzled but we shrug and embrace our second amendment

Still spouting emotional bullshit and still ignoring the facts I see. Fact that completely disprove your asinine assertions.

You are the shining example of WHY gun control has failed. It has little to do with the NRA and 'gun lovers' and everything to do with failed solutions that ignore facts.

But it is one of the key reasons that we have so high an incarceration rate.

Wait, so are the pro-gun control liberals making an argument in favor of keeping drugs illegal? And the pro-2nd Amendment conservatives are countering that the drug war is useless, and drugs should be legalized?

Well, I would argue the problem with the war on drugs is we are treating a medical problem as a criminal one, which is kind of stupid. I don't think we should legalize drugs because I think that would do too much harm, but I don't think locking people up for a little weed is a good idea.

Unless your goal is to provide a large slave labor force for a prison industrial complex AND disenfranchising a large portion of the less affluent before they vote for socialism or something.

Of course, if we let the 2 million prisoners and 7 million on probation or parole vote, we'd have a very different country.

Anyway- the main reason I am against private gun ownership is that there is no real good reason for an average citizen to own a gun.

Guns are almost never used in self-defense, no matter what horseshit the NRA tells you. And you are never going to beat a Government Tank with you Saturday night special.

The Gun Industry is very good at selling fear.

We already know that the UK doesn't count a killing a murder unless there is a conviction.

I actually asked a British person I knew about that, and he looked at me funny.

But you read it on a National Rampage Association website, so you think it's true.

Do we look like the freaking UK to you, Joe? Ugh, eurocentrists.

No. Unfortunately, to the rest of the world, Americans kind of look like the special retard.

We really need to work on that image.
But it is one of the key reasons that we have so high an incarceration rate.

Wait, so are the pro-gun control liberals making an argument in favor of keeping drugs illegal? And the pro-2nd Amendment conservatives are countering that the drug war is useless, and drugs should be legalized?

Well, I would argue the problem with the war on drugs is we are treating a medical problem as a criminal one, which is kind of stupid. I don't think we should legalize drugs because I think that would do too much harm, but I don't think locking people up for a little weed is a good idea.

Unless your goal is to provide a large slave labor force for a prison industrial complex AND disenfranchising a large portion of the less affluent before they vote for socialism or something.

Of course, if we let the 2 million prisoners and 7 million on probation or parole vote, we'd have a very different country.

Anyway- the main reason I am against private gun ownership is that there is no real good reason for an average citizen to own a gun.

Guns are almost never used in self-defense, no matter what horseshit the NRA tells you. And you are never going to beat a Government Tank with you Saturday night special.

The Gun Industry is very good at selling fear.

Joe, your baseless assertions make you the official Buffoon of USMB
Here's your sign.
No you fucking idiot; you brandish a weapon during the commission a crime you get 25 years no parole--no need to fire it.
You're the IDIOT. Martybegan's comment was correct, since you initially didn't specify "during the commission a crime" and only threw that in, in a feeble attempt to save face, as you crawled on your belly begging for forgiveness that you don't deserve. Eat that.

As for the death penalty being a joke, you are without a clue about the thousands of innocent people who have been killed, BECAUSE the death penalty was not enacted ? Looks like it.
next time be more clear you fucking dolt. Also knowing you gun grabber assholes you would then make being in possession of a gun when getting a parking ticket a crime. You can't be trusted just to stop at criminals, you feel a need to get us ALL disarmed.
I'm getting that feeling more and more every day that I hear them talk. Maybe the disarming has already started, with all the idiotic "GUN-FREE ZONES" popping up in places where law-abiding citizens carrying guns are needed the most.
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Not exactly. Try reading 18 USC 922 (q) a little deeper >>


(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.
BUT: follow it down to >> (B) (ii)

(B)Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—

(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;

Looks like this is saying as long as you have a CCW license, then Yes you can carry the gun in a school zone.

No you fucking idiot; you brandish a weapon during the commission a crime you get 25 years no parole--no need to fire it.
You're the IDIOT. Martybegan's comment was correct, since you initially didn't specify "during the commission a crime" and only threw that in, in a feeble attempt to save face, as you crawled on your belly begging for forgiveness that you don't deserve. Eat that.

As for the death penalty being a joke, you are without a clue about the thousands of innocent people who have been killed, BECAUSE the death penalty was not enacted ? Looks like it.

The point was clear long before either one of you decided you wanted to comment on it. But don't let facts get in your way; you never do.

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