There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

he's a contrarian like Mac, hates both sides and if it looks like one side is winning will jump in to even to attempt to even out the playing field. Bothsiderism partisanship.

Well, he should go out of his way to be an honest broker then.

I agree, I don;t think he or Mac or honest.
400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

400,000. I believe that. However, in our lifetimes, the number of apprehensions has topped a million. There wasn't a "state of emergency" then.


The nation didn't go into some depression; in fact the 1990's is largely remembered for it's peace and prosperity as much as it is remembered for a stained blue dress. Then under Bush II, it was back up over a million according to the CBP.... We had some economic factors but I doubt illegal aliens were the ones bundling derivatives and causing the housing bubble that almost sunk the economy.

So 400,000 is not an emergency if history is our guide.

But my question to you is this; you're known for your brutal honesty and we've been on the same side of some arguments and on opposing sides of some arguments so I'll take you at your word....lets say they didn't corral the 400,000 people. Do you think your life would be measurably different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? If so, how do you think the illegal aliens would be responsible.

Consider those and answer at your convenience; would you please?
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?
Most of these nations have rich and fertile land. They also benefited from the United States protection. Over the decades we have given a lot of money and resources to them. We even liquidated loans to them. I am not a war monger. But you can see that one is due. The Western Hemisphere is due. And the weapons we have can be surgical in scope. Just like we have people who leave high tax areas of our nation for cheaper places and then bring the same views to the places they move to, the people that try to emigrate here are doing the same with their views of the home country a blue print for the new United States. The stirring of the pot by sell out politicians and TV/entertainment shills has cause massive damage.
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?
  1. Most of these nations have rich and fertile land. They also benefited from the United States protection. Over the decades we have given a lot of money and resources to them. We even liquidated loans to them. I am not a war monger. But you can see that one is due.

  2. The Western Hemisphere is due.

  3. And the weapons we have can be surgical in scope.

  4. Just like we have people who leave high tax areas of our nation for cheaper places and then bring the same views to the places they move to, the people that try to emigrate here are doing the same with their views of the home country a blue print for the new United States.

  5. The stirring of the pot by sell out politicians and TV/entertainment shills has cause massive damage.
  1. Having rich and fertile land has never been a guarantor for a nation's people doing well. Nothing is free ('Freedom isn't Free' ring a bell?). The costs of American 'protection(s)' has involved, coups, death squads, selling of arms to both sides, and making sure American businesses did well and were exempt from scrutiny and wishes of the people in Central/SA nations. I am no fan of leftist strongmen, but am also no fan of rightwing strongmen who have slaughtered their own people in the name of _____(fill in the blank). I think people like Allende had it coming, but when we joined those who wanted a coup -- we became complicit in what followed

  2. Due for what?

  3. Surgical does not = zero innocent deaths/collateral damage. Believing that technology makes killing sterile is a sick idea

  4. Ben Franklin said that about the dirty filthy German immigrants (who gave us Trump)

  5. Donald John Trump fits that profile to a 'T'
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?
  1. Most of these nations have rich and fertile land. They also benefited from the United States protection. Over the decades we have given a lot of money and resources to them. We even liquidated loans to them. I am not a war monger. But you can see that one is due.

  2. The Western Hemisphere is due.

  3. And the weapons we have can be surgical in scope.

  4. Just like we have people who leave high tax areas of our nation for cheaper places and then bring the same views to the places they move to, the people that try to emigrate here are doing the same with their views of the home country a blue print for the new United States.

  5. The stirring of the pot by sell out politicians and TV/entertainment shills has cause massive damage.
  1. Having rich and fertile land has never been a guarantor for a nation's people doing well. Nothing is free ('Freedom isn't Free' ring a bell?). The costs of American 'protection(s)' has involved, coups, death squads, selling of arms to both sides, and making sure American businesses did well and were exempt from scrutiny and wishes of the people in Central/SA nations. I am no fan of leftist strongmen, but am also no fan of rightwing strongmen who have slaughtered their own people in the name of _____(fill in the blank). I think people like Allende had it coming, but when we joined those who wanted a coup -- we became complicit in what followed

  2. Due for what?

  3. Surgical does not = zero innocent deaths/collateral damage. Believing that technology makes killing sterile is a sick idea

  4. Ben Franklin said that about the dirty filthy German immigrants (who gave us Trump)

  5. Donald John Trump fits that profile to a 'T'
Illegal is illegal, and their well-being is none of our concern
You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

400,000. I believe that. However, in our lifetimes, the number of apprehensions has topped a million. There wasn't a "state of emergency" then.

View attachment 239104

The nation didn't go into some depression; in fact the 1990's is largely remembered for it's peace and prosperity as much as it is remembered for a stained blue dress. Then under Bush II, it was back up over a million according to the CBP.... We had some economic factors but I doubt illegal aliens were the ones bundling derivatives and causing the housing bubble that almost sunk the economy.

So 400,000 is not an emergency if history is our guide.

But my question to you is this; you're known for your brutal honesty and we've been on the same side of some arguments and on opposing sides of some arguments so I'll take you at your word....lets say they didn't corral the 400,000 people. Do you think your life would be measurably different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? If so, how do you think the illegal aliens would be responsible.

Consider those and answer at your convenience; would you please?
A lot more get across without getting caught than the ones caught... because we have no border security.
Its a fucking clown show
Illegal immigration is down...border crossings are down

Illegal immigration is down...border crossings are down

The reason why is because we have no border security and most are not caught crossing. It’s a fucking clown show down there it’s like Groundhog Day a failure every day
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?
  1. Most of these nations have rich and fertile land. They also benefited from the United States protection. Over the decades we have given a lot of money and resources to them. We even liquidated loans to them. I am not a war monger. But you can see that one is due.

  2. The Western Hemisphere is due.

  3. And the weapons we have can be surgical in scope.

  4. Just like we have people who leave high tax areas of our nation for cheaper places and then bring the same views to the places they move to, the people that try to emigrate here are doing the same with their views of the home country a blue print for the new United States.

  5. The stirring of the pot by sell out politicians and TV/entertainment shills has cause massive damage.
  1. Having rich and fertile land has never been a guarantor for a nation's people doing well. Nothing is free ('Freedom isn't Free' ring a bell?). The costs of American 'protection(s)' has involved, coups, death squads, selling of arms to both sides, and making sure American businesses did well and were exempt from scrutiny and wishes of the people in Central/SA nations. I am no fan of leftist strongmen, but am also no fan of rightwing strongmen who have slaughtered their own people in the name of _____(fill in the blank). I think people like Allende had it coming, but when we joined those who wanted a coup -- we became complicit in what followed

  2. Due for what?

  3. Surgical does not = zero innocent deaths/collateral damage. Believing that technology makes killing sterile is a sick idea

  4. Ben Franklin said that about the dirty filthy German immigrants (who gave us Trump)

  5. Donald John Trump fits that profile to a 'T'
I do not know who you are. If you are a middle class working person we are peasants. When you speak of the ruling class, they have the power. This is not a white thing. But many with that power are white. I am a realist. People are set up to be slaughtered or impoverished or taken advantage of everywhere. You believe that Progressive Socialists are on your side. Did they grease your wheels a bit? Are you a government employee? Or employed by a monopoly or privileged trade union? That and other jobs in that sphere would make you quite privileged. Those nations have fertile land with resources. Their own heritage sells them out. The pushing of pure socialism has destroyed them. War is due here when we become more like them. And it will happen if we can not expand growth. When people came here a century ago there was no social safety nets. Today there is a massive safety net apparatus. How much more do you think people can pay for it? Do not say the rich. Because progressive socialists have had their chance and for some reason did not do a thing. The working class pays. They always pay. And those in unprotected non privileged jobs are the ones skewered all the time. Yeah....the real power will depopulate areas for their goals if they want it. If you want Central and South America style living then keep this up. We know they are paradises and not chittholes.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

400,000. I believe that. However, in our lifetimes, the number of apprehensions has topped a million. There wasn't a "state of emergency" then.

View attachment 239104

The nation didn't go into some depression; in fact the 1990's is largely remembered for it's peace and prosperity as much as it is remembered for a stained blue dress. Then under Bush II, it was back up over a million according to the CBP.... We had some economic factors but I doubt illegal aliens were the ones bundling derivatives and causing the housing bubble that almost sunk the economy.

So 400,000 is not an emergency if history is our guide.

But my question to you is this; you're known for your brutal honesty and we've been on the same side of some arguments and on opposing sides of some arguments so I'll take you at your word....lets say they didn't corral the 400,000 people. Do you think your life would be measurably different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? If so, how do you think the illegal aliens would be responsible.

Consider those and answer at your convenience; would you please?
A lot more get across without getting caught than the ones caught... because we have no border security.
Its a fucking clown show

Most come in legally and just overstay their visa after they land in Chicago, LA, NY, Atlanta, Miami, etc… Your obsession with the border is certainly passionate but incredibly misplaced.
If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

400,000. I believe that. However, in our lifetimes, the number of apprehensions has topped a million. There wasn't a "state of emergency" then.

View attachment 239104

The nation didn't go into some depression; in fact the 1990's is largely remembered for it's peace and prosperity as much as it is remembered for a stained blue dress. Then under Bush II, it was back up over a million according to the CBP.... We had some economic factors but I doubt illegal aliens were the ones bundling derivatives and causing the housing bubble that almost sunk the economy.

So 400,000 is not an emergency if history is our guide.

But my question to you is this; you're known for your brutal honesty and we've been on the same side of some arguments and on opposing sides of some arguments so I'll take you at your word....lets say they didn't corral the 400,000 people. Do you think your life would be measurably different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? If so, how do you think the illegal aliens would be responsible.

Consider those and answer at your convenience; would you please?
A lot more get across without getting caught than the ones caught... because we have no border security.
Its a fucking clown show

Most come in legally and just overstay their visa after they land in Chicago, LA, NY, Atlanta, Miami, etc… Your obsession with the border is certainly passionate but incredibly misplaced.
Na, not really
It’s a fucking clown show down there, illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year. And we have no border security in any form
You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

400,000. I believe that. However, in our lifetimes, the number of apprehensions has topped a million. There wasn't a "state of emergency" then.

View attachment 239104

The nation didn't go into some depression; in fact the 1990's is largely remembered for it's peace and prosperity as much as it is remembered for a stained blue dress. Then under Bush II, it was back up over a million according to the CBP.... We had some economic factors but I doubt illegal aliens were the ones bundling derivatives and causing the housing bubble that almost sunk the economy.

So 400,000 is not an emergency if history is our guide.

But my question to you is this; you're known for your brutal honesty and we've been on the same side of some arguments and on opposing sides of some arguments so I'll take you at your word....lets say they didn't corral the 400,000 people. Do you think your life would be measurably different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? If so, how do you think the illegal aliens would be responsible.

Consider those and answer at your convenience; would you please?
A lot more get across without getting caught than the ones caught... because we have no border security.
Its a fucking clown show

Most come in legally and just overstay their visa after they land in Chicago, LA, NY, Atlanta, Miami, etc… Your obsession with the border is certainly passionate but incredibly misplaced.
Na, not really
It’s a fucking clown show down there, illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year. And we have no border security in any form

Somehow we caught 400,000 last year. Not sure how you call that “no border security” but….whatever.
If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

400,000. I believe that. However, in our lifetimes, the number of apprehensions has topped a million. There wasn't a "state of emergency" then.

View attachment 239104

The nation didn't go into some depression; in fact the 1990's is largely remembered for it's peace and prosperity as much as it is remembered for a stained blue dress. Then under Bush II, it was back up over a million according to the CBP.... We had some economic factors but I doubt illegal aliens were the ones bundling derivatives and causing the housing bubble that almost sunk the economy.

So 400,000 is not an emergency if history is our guide.

But my question to you is this; you're known for your brutal honesty and we've been on the same side of some arguments and on opposing sides of some arguments so I'll take you at your word....lets say they didn't corral the 400,000 people. Do you think your life would be measurably different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? If so, how do you think the illegal aliens would be responsible.

Consider those and answer at your convenience; would you please?
A lot more get across without getting caught than the ones caught... because we have no border security.
Its a fucking clown show

Most come in legally and just overstay their visa after they land in Chicago, LA, NY, Atlanta, Miami, etc… Your obsession with the border is certainly passionate but incredibly misplaced.
Na, not really
It’s a fucking clown show down there, illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year. And we have no border security in any form

Somehow we caught 400,000 last year. Not sure how you call that “no border security” but….whatever.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, it’s an absolute failure.
Like I said it’s a fucking clown show down there, it’s like Groundhog Day a failure every day
. You believe that Progressive Socialists are on your side. Did they grease your wheels a bit?
No I do not. And if you had any reading and comprehension skills you'd have understood what I meant when I wrote "I think people like Allende had it coming, but when we joined those who wanted a coup -- we became complicit in what followed"

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