There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

So there it is. Your main concern is Obama. Not the 300,000 orphans we took in and buried somewhere because the Obama Administration's comment about DACA SPARKED the "trains of death" caravan of kids...

He SAT on this for nearly 3 years before clarifying DACA to Central America and toughening the border policy on unescorted minors. But -- THOSE kids to you are just collateral damage in your political wars..

So there it is...Your habitual dishonesty

Oh, it's supported on the very pages of USMB. But understanding you care more about the politics than the kids is the MORE important detail..

So there it is -- your PRIMARY motivation for "caring".... Not a word about the 300,000+ kids that rode the death train ALONE to end up CAGED in abandoned gyms and shelters around this country for up to a year.

Caged in gyms. Says it all right there.

You're so uninformed and FOS it's actually sad.. Selectively STUPID about the surge of migrant kids alone coming up from Central America under Obama..

They were kept in cages and abandoned gyms.. And kept there for times up to a year... But you didn't care about those kids..

And when did this mass child exodus begin? During the rhetoric of the Dream Act and later the DACA presidential order.


Don't think you've seen enough candycorn for your dishonesty to be wiped out.. Here's more of the aftermath of those 150,000 kids being housed and caged and virtually DISAPPEARING into GAWD knows where in America.

They should be disappeared into God knows where the fuck they came from.
There is a crisis; we now live in a country that has concentration camps on the border housing 10,000+ illegal aliens. Its happening in 17 states actually.

From June, 2018:

Migrant children being held in camps in 17 states

And, their parents shouldn't have put them in that situation.


And Obama shouldn't have invited the 350,000 unescorted minors to enter in 2012 thru 15.. Uncle Sam ran an low effort ORPHANAGE for most of these. And your govt sucks as being Daddy Warbucks.. No one fucking cares what happened to those kids. Do they candycorn ?
Link to the invitation Obama sent please.

So there it is. Your main concern is Obama. Not the 300,000 orphans we took in and buried somewhere because the Obama Administration's comment about DACA SPARKED the "trains of death" caravan of kids...

He SAT on this for nearly 3 years before clarifying DACA to Central America and toughening the border policy on unescorted minors. But -- THOSE kids to you are just collateral damage in your political wars..
Those kids should never have come here and no. I don't care about them. Half or more were undoubtedly taken in by gangs and are dead in some turf war.
So there it is...Your habitual dishonesty

Oh, it's supported on the very pages of USMB. But understanding you care more about the politics than the kids is the MORE important detail..

So there it is -- your PRIMARY motivation for "caring".... Not a word about the 300,000+ kids that rode the death train ALONE to end up CAGED in abandoned gyms and shelters around this country for up to a year.

Caged in gyms. Says it all right there.

You're so uninformed and FOS it's actually sad.. Selectively STUPID about the surge of migrant kids alone coming up from Central America under Obama..

They were kept in cages and abandoned gyms.. And kept there for times up to a year... But you didn't care about those kids..

And when did this mass child exodus begin? During the rhetoric of the Dream Act and later the DACA presidential order.


Don't think you've seen enough candycorn for your dishonesty to be wiped out.. Here's more of the aftermath of those 150,000 kids being housed and caged and virtually DISAPPEARING into GAWD knows where in America.

They should be disappeared into God knows where the fuck they came from.

Not HERE... I think when we have a choice of being an orphanage (and an irresponsible one at that) or giving them back to their parents -- Janet Reno sent armed men to take Elian Gonzalez BACK to Cuba BECAUSE -- "his closest family" was there. When did everyone change their minds?

THIS is part of the "crisis at the border" that the brain damaged OP of this thread does not COUNT. Their parents were TOLD by coyotes that the US was gonna allow children to STAY in the US because of the Dream Act and DACA.. Was NOT completely true, but the Obama Admin didn't fix this soon enough. And Obama paid the price in getting scorn and then "sunk" this whole story. You couldn't find anyone who thought it worth it to follow up on 150,000 orphaned migrant children SOMEWHERE NOW in the USA...
Illegal immigrants are dangerous. Anyone who has been hit in the eye with a taco with spicy salsa knows what I mean!

The nearly 600 Texans they killed in the last 7 years also know.


Note that the stats don't include people killed in vehicle accidents involving people who have no authority to drive in this State.
Lawful Presence Determined Through PEP
According to DHS status indicators, over 276,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and December 31, 2018, of which over 186,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and December 31, 2018, these 186,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 291,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 539 homicide charges; 32,401 assault charges; 5,685 burglary charges; 36,791 drug charges; 395 kidnapping charges; 15,843 theft charges; 23,473 obstructing police charges; 1,648 robbery charges; 3,425 sexual assault charges; 2,152 sexual offense charges; and 2,943 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 119,000 convictions including 238 homicide convictions; 13,538 assault convictions; 3,131 burglary convictions; 17,783 drug convictions; 171 kidnapping convictions; 7,056 theft convictions; 11,249 obstructing police convictions; 1,011 robbery convictions; 1,689 sexual assault convictions; 1,147 sexual offense convictions; and 1,278 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data
Many of the more recent arrest haven't gone to trial, so the conviction rates will increase. I wonder if you have the capacity to extrapolate those numbers across the country. The numbers aren't small.

Illegal immigrants are dangerous. Anyone who has been hit in the eye with a taco with spicy salsa knows what I mean!

The nearly 600 Texans they killed in the last 7 years also know.


Note that the stats don't include people killed in vehicle accidents involving people who have no authority to drive in this State.
Lawful Presence Determined Through PEP
According to DHS status indicators, over 276,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and December 31, 2018, of which over 186,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and December 31, 2018, these 186,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 291,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 539 homicide charges; 32,401 assault charges; 5,685 burglary charges; 36,791 drug charges; 395 kidnapping charges; 15,843 theft charges; 23,473 obstructing police charges; 1,648 robbery charges; 3,425 sexual assault charges; 2,152 sexual offense charges; and 2,943 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 119,000 convictions including 238 homicide convictions; 13,538 assault convictions; 3,131 burglary convictions; 17,783 drug convictions; 171 kidnapping convictions; 7,056 theft convictions; 11,249 obstructing police convictions; 1,011 robbery convictions; 1,689 sexual assault convictions; 1,147 sexual offense convictions; and 1,278 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data
Many of the more recent arrest haven't gone to trial, so the conviction rates will increase. I wonder if you have the capacity to extrapolate those numbers across the country. The numbers aren't small.


I am able to extrapolate 238 homicide victims, which is a far cry from your claim of "almost 600", but, like most people on the Right, I am sure that you assume that the 539 homicide charges are guilty without a trial, especially if they are illegal aliens. That is a perfect example of "fake news". But, no matter, I expected that, which is why I asked for the link..
The orange idiot is worried about Mueller, NYSD and the NYS AG, what is tis moron in chief to do???...............Deflect to a made-up "crisis"

Mueller is just collecting a paycheck now and YOU calling the President a "moron" is funny as hell since you are without a doubt, the dumbest poster in the history of USMB....nobody else is even close.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.
Those who argue that the government shutdown is Trump forget that Trump hasn't veto'd anything. Nobody passed a bill for him to veto so it's not his shutdown yet.
I'm ok with the McConnell shutdown. The Senate didn't even vote.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.

You might as well add up all the jay walking tickets and call it a national emergency as jay walking can lead to auto vs. pedestrian accidents.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.

You might as well add up all the jay walking tickets and call it a national emergency as jay walking can lead to auto vs. pedestrian accidents.

Right on that, Captain Straw Man.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.

You might as well add up all the jay walking tickets and call it a national emergency as jay walking can lead to auto vs. pedestrian accidents.

Right on that, Captain Straw Man.

it's not a strawman. There is no more an emergency with our southern border as there are people getting hit crossing the street illegally. I'm going to guess that more people die by being hit by a car than illegal immigration as well.

Comparing our current southern border situation to any sort of national emergency is what is a straw man. Duh.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?
400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?
400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

he's a contrarian like Mac, hates both sides and if it looks like one side is winning will jump in to even to attempt to even out the playing field. Bothsiderism partisanship.
400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol. Until then, I assume you're done wasting everyone's time making stupid comments in an attempt to deflect from your poorly stated opinion?

Sure, loser.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.

400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?
400k apprehensions or inadmissibles.
That number is in line with prior years and has in no way risen to the level of a "national emergency" or even a crisis. To characterize it as such is dishonest.

You're obviously free to have your own opinion even when it's wrong.
You're free to mistepresent numbers as well.
How many years do you estimate have we been in crisis?

If you feel the numbers are misrepresented take it up with the Customs and Border Patrol

You misrepresented them. I corrected you from your own link.

How many years do you estimate we have been in crisis?

he's a contrarian like Mac, hates both sides and if it looks like one side is winning will jump in to even to attempt to even out the playing field. Bothsiderism partisanship.

Well, he should go out of his way to be an honest broker then.

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