There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

Yeah, tell that to the mayor of El Paso who is getting 3500 illegals dumped in lap a week because the courts won't allow us to hold them.

With 60,000+ illegals a month caught trying to enter the US thru the southern border, yes we do have a national crisis. How many are not caught that need to be?
we don't have an immigration clause. we have a naturalization clause. we should have no illegal problem.
You dems can run on open borders. The voters will decide whose policy they prefer.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.
There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

400,000 being apprehended on the southern border in 2018 for an illegal crossing is most certainly a crisis. I don't know how you would describe it as anything else. Bear in mind, those are just the people who were apprehended. Who knows how many more were successful?

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

You can argue what the proper solution is, but to say it's not a crisis is blatantly dishonest and pure partisanship.
The illegal aliens caught are just tip of the iceberg... in comparison of those that make it
With 60,000+ illegals a month caught trying to enter the US thru the southern border, yes we do have a national crisis. How many are not caught that need to be?
we don't have an immigration clause. we have a naturalization clause. we should have no illegal problem.
You dems can run on open borders. The voters will decide whose policy they prefer.
we have an express establishment clause for naturalization. we should have no illegal problem with a naturalization regime and we could be generating revenue from foreign nationals in the process.

our illegal problem is bogus. it has no Constitutional basis.

socialism on a national basis is all the right wing knows how to do.

Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing while Losing money on border policy instead of Making money like Good Capitalists.
Those who argue that the government shutdown is Trump forget that Trump hasn't veto'd anything. Nobody passed a bill for him to veto so it's not his shutdown yet.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

Dude. We do not have an open southern border.
If we have an open border ....... Is that mean this lousy Trump is doing a lousy job as it ii?

Why do you people always lie? Like Trump always lying.

This is the reason people haters or anti Trump will grow.

Trump, Nielsen (HLS), Sanders...... Claimed 4,000 terrorist enter the southern border. This was blasted by FOX NEWS. These 4,000 was stopped at the airport. Not at the border.

Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
I like how Sanders raaaaaaanted about all the terrorists that were captured trying to cross. Captured! So why do we need a wall, Sarah?

Because the boogy man is coming!

That was a bunch of lie.

They were stopped at the airport. Not at the border.
Trump tell them to lie.

Here is Chris Wallace blasting Sanders.

Fox’s Chris Wallace challenges Sarah Sanders on claim terrorists enter at southern border
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.

Again, not your call Timmy. Your definition of an emergency is irrelevant

Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Quit falling down the well
The vast majority of the southern border looks like this...


Yeah. Cause a lot of it is empty wasteland . Why bother putting a wall where no one is at ?
But they ARE there. Every night. Ranchers find their garbage everywhere. They do come and some of them make it. The estimates on how many is up to the political party.

Trumps wall is the biggest con ever perpetrated on the American people. And Sanders is a piece of no good scum for contuining to lie for that deranged bastard. Some people will do anything for money. Is your soul worth it, Sarah?
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Quit falling down the well
The vast majority of the southern border looks like this...


Yeah. Cause a lot of it is empty wasteland . Why bother putting a wall where no one is at ?
But they ARE there. Every night. Ranchers find their garbage everywhere. They do come and some of them make it. The estimates on how many is up to the political party.
This misses the point.

No one is saying that there is no immigration issue that needs to be addressed.

At issue is Trump’s lying, fear, bigotry, and hate that there is some sort of ‘crisis’ or ‘emergency’ on the Southern border that warrants a ‘wall’ or closing the border or some other such moronic demagoguery and nonsense.

And needless to say, it’s the GOP that stands in the way of implementing viable immigration reform that will address the issues with immigration.

Bullshit, at issue is denying Trump what most every commiecrat voted for in the past, just because Trump wants it.

There is a crisis; we now live in a country that has concentration camps on the border housing 10,000+ illegal aliens. Its happening in 17 states actually.

From June, 2018:

Migrant children being held in camps in 17 states

And, their parents shouldn't have put them in that situation.


And Obama shouldn't have invited the 350,000 unescorted minors to enter in 2012 thru 15.. Uncle Sam ran an low effort ORPHANAGE for most of these. And your govt sucks as being Daddy Warbucks.. No one fucking cares what happened to those kids. Do they candycorn ?
There is a crisis; we now live in a country that has concentration camps on the border housing 10,000+ illegal aliens. Its happening in 17 states actually.

From June, 2018:

Migrant children being held in camps in 17 states

And, their parents shouldn't have put them in that situation.


And Obama shouldn't have invited the 350,000 unescorted minors to enter in 2012 thru 15.. Uncle Sam ran an low effort ORPHANAGE for most of these. And your govt sucks as being Daddy Warbucks.. No one fucking cares what happened to those kids. Do they candycorn ?
Link to the invitation Obama sent please.

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