There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

Illegal immigrants are dangerous. Anyone who has been hit in the eye with a taco with spicy salsa knows what I mean!
I worked with quite a few. On my crew I'd take them to lunch and would be extremely embarrassed as we;d pass drugged out, and drunken losers all native born begging.. the hard working illegals would ask me "why?"

Oh they had a share of their own who were bums like the native born Americans .. but they did not make excuses for them or demand Uncle Sam fix them
So waddle your fat ass down there and start helping those people. Make sure to take your own money because I won’t be sending any.
Those people are being helped. Why don't you g o down there and start building a fuckin wall?
If they’re already being helped what was the point of your post? Approve the fucking money and I’ll go help build the fucking wall. Deal?
Illegal immigrants are dangerous. Anyone who has been hit in the eye with a taco with spicy salsa knows what I mean!
I worked with quite a few. On my crew I'd take them to lunch and would be extremely embarrassed as we;d pass drugged out, and drunken losers all native born begging.. the hard working illegals would ask me "why?"

Oh they had a share of their own who were bums like the native born Americans .. but they did not make excuses for them or demand Uncle Sam fix them
So you’re the problem then. You’re the one hiring them. People like you should be deported with your buddies since you’re all criminals.
Approve the fucking money and I’ll go help build the fucking wall. Deal?
throwing hissy fits without a few million or billion in your pocket just makes you look like a bigger fool

No wall. Fence, border security. Try looking at the border. The NYT had a "Yuge" spread on it
Approve the fucking money and I’ll go help build the fucking wall. Deal?
throwing hissy fits without a few million or billion in your pocket just makes you look like a bigger fool

No wall. Fence, border security. Try looking at the border. The NYT had a "Yuge" spread on it
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
So you’re the problem then. You’re the one hiring them. People like you should be deported with your buddies since you’re all criminals.
Didn't say I hired them. Said they were on my crew,

another wingnut with a grasp of English below ESL
Yet you didn’t report them or your company. Aiding and abetting I believe they call that. You’re no better than all those that were helping that illegal pile of shit after he shot that cop.
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?
I say with immigration caravans… Shoot first ask questions later
Illegal immigrants are dangerous. Anyone who has been hit in the eye with a taco with spicy salsa knows what I mean!
I say why even give a fuck about these fucking assholes trying to get into this country illegally.

Let the fuckers rot in Mexico
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?
I say with immigration caravans… Shoot first ask questions later
Start with A-10 strafe runs when they are about 300 miles out.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.'s a graph by Mother Jones so it must be accurate....right? :lol:

There is a crisis; we now live in a country that has concentration camps on the border housing 10,000+ illegal aliens. Its happening in 17 states actually.

From June, 2018:

Migrant children being held in camps in 17 states
There would be no need to hold them if they had not crossed the US border illegally.

How very German of you
There would be no need to hold them if they had not crossed the US border illegally.

In violation of United States law, and to the detriment of The People and their Republic.

Fun time's over... back they go... that many fewer future Democratic voters. :21:
Illegal immigrants are dangerous. Anyone who has been hit in the eye with a taco with spicy salsa knows what I mean!
I worked with quite a few. On my crew I'd take them to lunch and would be extremely embarrassed as we;d pass drugged out, and drunken losers all native born begging.. the hard working illegals would ask me "why?"

Oh they had a share of their own who were bums like the native born Americans .. but they did not make excuses for them or demand Uncle Sam fix them
So you’re the problem then. You’re the one hiring them. People like you should be deported with your buddies since you’re all criminals.

As a matter of fact, Jesus trims my citrus trees every year. He does great work, and once fed the entire neighborhood on a single orange off my tree!
There is a crisis; we now live in a country that has concentration camps on the border housing 10,000+ illegal aliens. Its happening in 17 states actually.

From June, 2018:

Migrant children being held in camps in 17 states
There would be no need to hold them if they had not crossed the US border illegally.

How very German of you
There would be no need to hold them if they had not crossed the US border illegally.

In violation of United States law, and to the detriment of The People and their Republic.

Fun time's over... back they go... that many fewer future Democratic voters. :21:

Too bad trump shut the gov down . They can’t do deportations cause immigration courts are closed !
There is a crisis; we now live in a country that has concentration camps on the border housing 10,000+ illegal aliens. Its happening in 17 states actually.

From June, 2018:

Migrant children being held in camps in 17 states
There would be no need to hold them if they had not crossed the US border illegally.

How very German of you
There would be no need to hold them if they had not crossed the US border illegally.

In violation of United States law, and to the detriment of The People and their Republic.

Fun time's over... back they go... that many fewer future Democratic voters. :21:

Too bad trump shut the gov down . They can’t do deportations cause immigration courts are closed !
That just means we pack more Beaners into the camps until the courts reopen.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

Oh great moron.. So --- we can close down customs at all Intl Airports in the US --- because "net traffic" is ZERO??? :21: We just should not CARE who's coming in and with what illegal goods or background, because an EQUAL number of aliens are leaving... Great moments in brain failure...

My gawd -- leftists don't spend 3 minutes a day thinking for themselves or analyzing anything. Not even on the toilet..

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