There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

Facts are facts... This country does not benefit from illegal aliens in anyway.
BTW I happen to be a minority... Obviously you don’t know what real racism is
change the law; we don't have an immigration clause.
Yep, we have an wide open southern border.
Without a border there is no such thing as border security or a country for that matter
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Our northern border is even less secure.
Americas border security is a fucking joke all away around both northern and southern...
Good thing we have oceans on the east and west… LOL
Because ya haven't been invented yet
Fortunately there’s not very many refugees trying to take their little boats across the whole oceans.
Facts are facts... This country does not benefit from illegal aliens in anyway.
BTW I happen to be a minority... Obviously you don’t know what real racism is
change the law; we don't have an immigration clause.
Yep, we have an wide open southern border.
Without a border there is no such thing as border security or a country for that matter
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Our northern border is even less secure.

Americas border security is a fucking joke all away around both northern and southern...
Good thing we have oceans on the east and west… LOL

You think, err...of course not, you believe our ports are secure?

See one example here:

Chinese Smuggled Into Port Arrested

I demand trump order every port, every bay, every cove on our coast lines to be secured with steel gates, and require every vessel seeking entrance to pass inspection by the Coast Guard on Cutter's outside the perimeter.
Like I’ve always said we are fucked… Political correctness has assured that
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
Doesn't matter.

It's time to bring the hammer down on 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our express prior consent.

It's time to secure the border in such a way that such volumes which brought them here are no longer possible in future.

The trend de jour is immaterial; it'll just reverse again, next year, or the year beyond, or the year beyond that.

And it's those future times that are now at-issue now.

We are looking for a long-term, sustainable solution, that will slow or stop future invasions of our sovereign soil.

You (Immigrant advocates) have had years in which to engage in a dialogue that could have softened the proposed range of measures.

The patient of the American People at-large has now been exhausted in that context.

No more talk; no more studies; no more trends; no more studies; we're done.

The time for conversation is now over.

The time to take long-lasting preventive measures is now upon us.

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You gotta laugh at lefties who have been telling us about a "crisis" in the climate for the last twenty years but they see no problem with illegal aliens crossing the border and killing Cops and citizens.
our right wing, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror is creating the conditions that engenders refugees.

everybody should be making money via Capitalism.
The crisis is that the gang members, drug smugglers and people with criminal records will continue to come.

Build the wall.

"There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None."


No ‘crisis.’

No ‘emergency.’

Just Trump’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate – and that of most others on the right.

With thousands of illegals coming up in caravans, and the border patrol catching more than 60,000 illegals a month, that is a crisis and the wall is needed as a matter of national security. I hope Trump invokes a national emergency and puts the wall up and gives the finger to Chuck and Nancy...
Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Quit falling down the well
The vast majority of the southern border looks like this...


Yeah. Cause a lot of it is empty wasteland . Why bother putting a wall where no one is at ?
But they ARE there. Every night. Ranchers find their garbage everywhere. They do come and some of them make it. The estimates on how many is up to the political party.
This misses the point.

No one is saying that there is no immigration issue that needs to be addressed.

At issue is Trump’s lying, fear, bigotry, and hate that there is some sort of ‘crisis’ or ‘emergency’ on the Southern border that warrants a ‘wall’ or closing the border or some other such moronic demagoguery and nonsense.

And needless to say, it’s the GOP that stands in the way of implementing viable immigration reform that will address the issues with immigration.
...No one is saying that there is no immigration issue that needs to be addressed...
Indeed. And it's a matter of "how" and "when" and "effectiveness" .

...At issue is Trump’s lying, fear, bigotry, and hate that there is some sort of ‘crisis’ or ‘emergency’ on the Southern border that warrants a ‘wall’ or closing the border or some other such moronic demagoguery and nonsense...
I don't like his tactics either. But that does not detract from the position that draconian measures are now likely to materialize. Legal measures.

The White House is now looking at declaring a national state of emergency, to circumvent posse comitatus, and get the military to build The Wall.

Constitutionally, I think he can probably do it.

...And needless to say, it’s the GOP that stands in the way of implementing viable immigration reform that will address the issues with immigration.
Oh, hell, both Pubs AND Dems have been kicking this can down the road for decades.

We've now reached the end of that particular road, apparently.

Good... it's long-overdue... let the games begin.
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You gotta laugh at lefties who have been telling us about a "crisis" in the climate for the last twenty years but they see no problem with illegal aliens crossing the border and killing Cops and citizens.
our right wing, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror is creating the conditions that engenders refugees.

everybody should be making money via Capitalism.
There is nothing wrong about making money on capitalism. You are right. But the suckers who sa purchase cars and get nothing but troubles and are ripped off by car dealers and car repair stores with vehicles that break down earlier is just tiresom. Many people would watch 9/11 results against these crooks. Would you?
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

Haha....I love this ignorant post posted only by those with the most severe case of HeadInAssItus. You’ve obviously never been to South Mexifornia where English is the second language, where a Caucasian is a Unicorn, where thirdworld human cockroaches live on top of one another, where people are pissing, shitting and dying in the streets, where stray pit bulls run amuck. Tijuana and Los Angeles are identical because the cockroaches, the inhabitants are identical.

Do these numbers indicate a “crisis” to you...what’s your number? At what point would you call it a crisis? If 396,579 were caught how many weren’t caught? You can’t possibly be so ignorant that you’d buy that “zero net immigration” bullshit...are you?
In November, 51,856 people were apprehended between ports of entry on the Southwest Border, compared with 51,001 in the month of October. In FY18, a total of 396,579 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border.
Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
You gotta laugh at lefties who have been telling us about a "crisis" in the climate for the last twenty years but they see no problem with illegal aliens crossing the border and killing Cops and citizens.
our right wing, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror is creating the conditions that engenders refugees.

everybody should be making money via Capitalism.
There is nothing wrong about making money on capitalism. You are right. But the suckers who sa purchase cars and get nothing but troubles and are ripped off by car dealers and car repair stores with vehicles that break down earlier is just tiresom. Many people would watch 9/11 results against these crooks. Would you?
a more consistent income means more consistent money management practice.
If it’s not an issue so we don’t need a wall then why do you need DACA, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states and want to eliminate ICE?

Surely if we don’t have an illegal alien problem all that is not needed either.

And a wall does nothing about those “problems” you listed .

Trump administration border chief says US needs 'to invest in Central America,' at odds with president's tweet saying aid to countries will be cut off

Speaking about the migration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Trump administration's border chief said Sunday that the United States needs to "invest in Central America," which was at odds with a tweet from the president saying he would cut off aid to those countries.

"I think this is a multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-faceted solution," Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), told "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz on the crisis at the southern border.

“We also need to invest in Central America," he said Sunday. "The State Department's announcement of an unprecedented increase in aid, I think is a tremendous step forward. Our green shoots of progress, both on security and the economic front in Central America, we need to foster that and help improve the opportunities to stay at home."

If it’s not an issue so we don’t need a wall then why do you need DACA, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states and want to eliminate ICE?

Surely if we don’t have an illegal alien problem all that is not needed either.

And a wall does nothing about those “problems” you listed .
So you admit we have a problem then. What are we going to do about it? Wouldn’t the prudent thing be to keep them from getting here in the first place?
Two thousand illegals cross on average every day and bitch Pelosi says we do not need a wall and you stupid liberals drink her koolaid .
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View attachment 238540
Trump administration border chief says US needs 'to invest in Central America,' at odds with president's tweet saying aid to countries will be cut off originally appeared on

Trump administration border chief says US needs 'to invest in Central America,' at odds with president's tweet saying aid to countries will be cut off

and your pathetic image is poor as far as caricatures go

but here is one that is quite a good caricature

So waddle your fat ass down there and start helping those people. Make sure to take your own money because I won’t be sending any.
The people of central American countries are not worth investing in...
Until they rot and turn the hemisphere into a seriously dangerous place, and then will people like you send your families to fight, or will you volunteer others?

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