There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

How then did this happen? Time and time again.

In 2006, Democrats were saying ‘build that fence!’
By Annie Linskey GLOBE STAFF JANUARY 27, 2017

WASHINGTON — As a senator, Barack Obama once offered measured praise for the border control legislation that would become the basis for one of Donald Trump’s first acts as president.

“The bill before us will certainly do some good,” Obama said on the Senate floor in October 2006. He praised the legislation, saying it would provide “better fences and better security along our borders” and would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”

Obama was talking about the Secure Fence Act of 2006, legislation authorizing a barrier along the southern border passed into law with the support of 26 Democratic senators including party leaders like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer.

In 2006, Democrats supported legislation to build border fence - The Boston Globe

5:48 PM 12/13/2018 | POLITICS

President Trump used old clips of Democrat leaders sharing their past — and somewhat surprising — ideas about immigration in a recent video released in favor of border security.

“The Democrats are absolute hypocrites. All along, they’ve been supporting walls,” Trump began in the video, speaking from the White House Rose Garden. The video then cuts to clips of Democratic leaders Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer talking tough on immigration.

Trump Shares Old Videos Of Schumer, Hillary, Obama Supporting Border Security

Chuck Schumer in 2009:

-Americans don't like illegal immigration
-"Illegal immigration is wrong"
-People illegally in the U.S. are "illegal aliens," not "undocumented"
-Border fence made the southern border "far more secure...created a significant barrier to illegal immigration"

10:44 PM - Dec 27, 2018

Since Trump well knows that his cult members are ignorant morons, he has been able to further convince them that the "crisis" facing our country boils down to a caravan of kids from central America........

The orange idiot is worried about Mueller, NYSD and the NYS AG, what is tis moron in chief to do???...............Deflect to a made-up "crisis"

Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
Right because illegal aliens are going to answer a survey.
We have anything BUT a "wide open border"

Hypothetically, let's presume that "we have "anything BUT a 'wide open border'".

How then is this happening? We're not simply talking about illegal aliens. We're talking gangs, setting up drug and human trafficking routes along with massive criminal enterprises. Progressives don't like that being brought up.

Illegal is illegal...

Progressives hypocrisy is predictable
Here's the fix. The US of Great Satans govt, Inc should own zero land anywhere other than bases and buildings. It goes back to the individual states.This includes national parks.
Then.Each state has a crossing line and they decide who crosses or not.
Gov Bush of Texas( be patient) will open the border and let Mezkins come and go freely.The governer of Oklahoma or Lousyanner may decide to toss them in a gas chamber if thats what the state wants.
The federal govt needs to fucking disappear.
AZ " cross this line without permission and you will be machine gunned"
TX/CA "Bienvenidos hermanos y hermanas. Pase, no problema"
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
it is our own policy that is the problem.

We should have no illegal problem. We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause.
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
it is our own policy that is the problem.

We should have no illegal problem. We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause.
We have an enforcement problem. Or lack there of.
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
it is our own policy that is the problem.

We should have no illegal problem. We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause.
No such thing as natural rights
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
it is our own policy that is the problem.

We should have no illegal problem. We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause.
We have an enforcement problem. Or lack there of.
To establish an uniform rule of naturalization is the actual power. there is no immigration clause.
I’m from Arizona. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
it is our own policy that is the problem.

We should have no illegal problem. We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause.
We have an enforcement problem. Or lack there of.
That is an understatement...
With 60,000+ illegals a month caught trying to enter the US thru the southern border, yes we do have a national crisis. How many are not caught that need to be?
Obama mimics Bush on the border fence
Obama mimics Bush on the border fence
Construction of a wall was completed under Obama, and he's poised to spend millions more on sensors and cameras

MAY 14, 2011 7:01PM (UTC)

President Obama traveled to El Paso, Texas, this week and delivered an immigration speech that was widely viewed as an appeal to Hispanic voters.

While there's virtually no prospect of comprehensive immigration reform getting through the current Congress, the Obama administration has been emphasizingenforcement and border security. One under-examined aspect of the administration's policy is the continuation of Clinton- and Bush-era efforts to build a physical -- and virtual -- fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. In El Paso, Obama actually touted the fact that his administration had completed the fence. So we thought it was a good time to check in on the status of the fence, whether it's working, and what's planned for the future.
Obama mimics Bush on the border fence
Note the date on the article from left wing salon

And the virtual wall, after spending over a billion was scrapped by Obama, as it didn’t work. He then proceeded to start work on a wall.
I lived in SoCal until recently. Go sell your dumb ass stories to someone more ignorant than yourself.
Yeah, like Cal is a good example of how to deal with it. I asked Kate Stienly and Officer Singh how they thought California was doing but they haven’t got back to me yet.
it is our own policy that is the problem.

We should have no illegal problem. We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause.
No such thing as natural rights
that is why we don't take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Abortion is just another word for killing for convenience, And yes it is an right.

Abortion should be an states issue...
you are just upset you can't mine the border.
Your newest talking point contradicts Trump hitler separating kids blah blah blah,,,,,,,killing kids in custody......sign of lib...keep changing talking points until maybe one seems to work

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