Which is what differentiates Christianity from the occult. Followers of Satan are the sons and daughters of Satan, and will spend eternity with Him, so some will indeed be lost. Those who follow Christ will spend eternity with Him, and His Father as God's children.

YES!!! Jesus is the only SON of God but we believers become adopted sons when we believe and accept Jesus as our lord and savior!

So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.

Christ teaches us that He paid for everything so we won't have to. See the difference? :eusa_angel:
So you're saying it was her choice to get raped? Man, you're just as big of an asshole as your god.

No. I'm saying that it's her choice as to how she handles her trials and tribulations just as it is everyone's choice as to how we handle adversity.

My god is waaayyyy cooler. He doesn't send you to burn for eternity because he couldn't control you. I bet your god would even forgive the rapist, making your god TOTALLY IRRELEVANT!

But your "god" didn't die and shed his blood so that you don't have to suffer hell. Therefore, there is no salvation in your god.
YES!!! Jesus is the only SON of God but we believers become adopted sons when we believe and accept Jesus as our lord and savior!

So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.

Christ teaches us that He paid for everything so we won't have to. See the difference? :eusa_angel:

The occult teaches that every one of us will face our own Crucifixion or the equivalent before we are free. The human, lower self has to sacrifice itself for the divinity latent within us. So I do not believe in the christian doctrine that Jesus died to save us all from our sins. I believe we are faced with working out the last detail of everything we have done until we ultimately reedeem ourselves.
The occult teaches that every one of us will face our own Crucifixion or the equivalent before we are free. The human, lower self has to sacrifice itself for the divinity latent within us. So I do not believe in the christian doctrine that Jesus died to save us all from our sins. I believe we are faced with working out the last detail of everything we have done until we ultimately reedeem ourselves.

Do you base your belief on your personal opinion or wishful thinking? In other words, how did you reach your conclusion?

I base my beliefs on the cohesive, historical documentation found in the inspired Word of God -- the Bible.
So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.

All believers are sons and daughters of God but Jesus is the only "begotten" Son of God.

Wrong, I'm god's begotten son too, he told me himself. That's why he made me in his image.

You have begotten Son confused with sons of man. And God confused with Satan. Satan is who is telling you, not God. Your posts confirm it. You belong to your father, Satan. You are a chip off the old block. You look just like him. Congrats. :eusa_angel:
The occult teaches that every one of us will face our own Crucifixion or the equivalent before we are free. The human, lower self has to sacrifice itself for the divinity latent within us. So I do not believe in the christian doctrine that Jesus died to save us all from our sins. I believe we are faced with working out the last detail of everything we have done until we ultimately reedeem ourselves.

Do you base your belief on your personal opinion or wishful thinking? In other words, how did you reach your conclusion?

I base my beliefs on the cohesive, historical documentation found in the inspired Word of God -- the Bible.

I attended many trance lectures by spiritualist mediums during the 1970's and my views are mostly drawn from their teachings. I have also been involved in a number of cults. So I do not need a book thousands of years old because I have listened to the voices of the spirit of the departed in my own lifetime.

One of the mediums was Ursula Roberts, and some of her teachings are on the following link.

Wisdom of Ramadahn
So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.

Christ teaches us that He paid for everything so we won't have to. See the difference? :eusa_angel:

The occult teaches that every one of us will face our own Crucifixion or the equivalent before we are free. The human, lower self has to sacrifice itself for the divinity latent within us. So I do not believe in the christian doctrine that Jesus died to save us all from our sins. I believe we are faced with working out the last detail of everything we have done until we ultimately reedeem ourselves.

Hi D, ask the occult some questions for me. For instance:
What purpose did Christ serve in coming here and why occult would crucify an innocent man if not to take our place on the cross?
And does the occult not have a problem with double jeopardy? If Christ who was blameless died for our sins and we do too, what's up with that?
Has occult ever brought any one back from the dead, and how do they explain Christ walking around on this earth for forty days after He died? Do we come back like Christ did too?
Does occult literally nail us to the cross, and if not why was Christ literally nailed to one?
And if we are all going to be crucified, why not live like hell and not strive to be good since the conclusion is the same regardless?
So you're saying it was her choice to get raped? Man, you're just as big of an asshole as your god.

No. I'm saying that it's her choice as to how she handles her trials and tribulations just as it is everyone's choice as to how we handle adversity.

My god is waaayyyy cooler. He doesn't send you to burn for eternity because he couldn't control you. I bet your god would even forgive the rapist, making your god TOTALLY IRRELEVANT!

But your "god" didn't die and shed his blood so that you don't have to suffer hell. Therefore, there is no salvation in your god.
Jesus isn't god you fucking moron. And he didn't save me from hell, I can still go there if I don't obey a 2000 year old books of drivel, can't I? So Jesus died for nothing with his Shlong hanging out.

So god can't save a little girl from being raped? He's a fucking wimp with zero power. Or else he's a fucking fool. Which is it?
Jesus is God.
Satan hurt that little girl, God will make her whole. Giving her a loving compassion husband is a good start. And if they forgive her tormentors, so will their Father, because He is that loving also. If she demands justice, she will receive it because her Father is that fair.

This is earth. Bad things happen. The rain falls on the just and the unjust down here. Christ will be returning to rectify that situation in the fullness of time. Until then, He offers the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to take away the pain of her childhood and replace it with joy if she asks. She is not the only person to suffer at Satan's hands. She is promised justice and peace though, by her Father's right hand. She has a very bright future.
Christ teaches us that He paid for everything so we won't have to. See the difference? :eusa_angel:

The occult teaches that every one of us will face our own Crucifixion or the equivalent before we are free. The human, lower self has to sacrifice itself for the divinity latent within us. So I do not believe in the christian doctrine that Jesus died to save us all from our sins. I believe we are faced with working out the last detail of everything we have done until we ultimately reedeem ourselves.

Hi D, ask the occult some questions for me. For instance:
What purpose did Christ serve in coming here and why occult would crucify an innocent man if not to take our place on the cross?
And does the occult not have a problem with double jeopardy? If Christ who was blameless died for our sins and we do too, what's up with that?
Has occult ever brought any one back from the dead, and how do they explain Christ walking around on this earth for forty days after He died? Do we come back like Christ did too?
Does occult literally nail us to the cross, and if not why was Christ literally nailed to one?
And if we are all going to be crucified, why not live like hell and not strive to be good since the conclusion is the same regardless?

The spirits teach that Christ was the greatest spiritual master to visit the earth. He came to teach us and to give himself for our sakes, but not to save us from paying our own debts. He confronted the authorities of his time and they crucified him for it, like they did so many other people of the times. I don't think he died for our sins, that is just the doctrine that has grown around his story. We face our own sins by reincarnation into difficult lives.
The occult cannot bring people back from the dead. We are not literally crucified but at some time toward the end of our cycle of reincarnations we are put to the ultimate test of our spiritual strength, which makes us choose between the desire of the human self and the ideals of the spiritual self. The conclusion is not the same whatever we do.
So you're saying it was her choice to get raped? Man, you're just as big of an asshole as your god.

No. I'm saying that it's her choice as to how she handles her trials and tribulations just as it is everyone's choice as to how we handle adversity.

My god is waaayyyy cooler. He doesn't send you to burn for eternity because he couldn't control you. I bet your god would even forgive the rapist, making your god TOTALLY IRRELEVANT!

But your "god" didn't die and shed his blood so that you don't have to suffer hell. Therefore, there is no salvation in your god.
Jesus isn't god you fucking moron. And he didn't save me from hell, I can still go there if I don't obey a 2000 year old books of drivel, can't I? So Jesus died for nothing with his Shlong hanging out.

So god can't save a little girl from being raped? He's a fucking wimp with zero power. Or else he's a fucking fool. Which is it?

He can save you from hell, and you only have to obey 2 things: Love God, and love each other. If you are incapable of love, then prayer is required to soften your heart. Not your prayer, but our prayer on your behalf. I choose to love you.
Go love someone Chaussette. It will make you feel better. :smiliehug:
No. I'm saying that it's her choice as to how she handles her trials and tribulations just as it is everyone's choice as to how we handle adversity.

But your "god" didn't die and shed his blood so that you don't have to suffer hell. Therefore, there is no salvation in your god.
Jesus isn't god you fucking moron. And he didn't save me from hell, I can still go there if I don't obey a 2000 year old books of drivel, can't I? So Jesus died for nothing with his Shlong hanging out.

So god can't save a little girl from being raped? He's a fucking wimp with zero power. Or else he's a fucking fool. Which is it?

He can save you from hell, and you only have to obey 2 things: Love God, and love each other. If you are incapable of love, then prayer is required to soften your heart. Not your prayer, but our prayer on your behalf. I choose to love you.
Go love someone Chaussette. It will make you feel better. :smiliehug:

Are you talking about man-love, like Jesus practised with his apostles? :confused:
THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE TO LIVING YOUR LIFE AS A son OF GOD.==103 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle. psalm 103:1-5

Socrates once stated that if there ever was a man born without sin in this wicked world he would be murdered.

Socrates was right. There is a price to pay.
And what about us non-believers? Are we doomed just because we don't believe in a bunch of made up stories?

Either you believe or you don't; there's no middle ground there. And you can't make yourself believe if you don't.
And what about us non-believers? Are we doomed just because we don't believe in a bunch of made up stories?

Either you believe or you don't; there's no middle ground there. And you can't make yourself believe if you don't.

if there is no God then yes, you are kind of doomed. :eek:
And what about us non-believers? Are we doomed just because we don't believe in a bunch of made up stories?

Either you believe or you don't; there's no middle ground there. And you can't make yourself believe if you don't.

Then jesus wants you to burn in hell for all eternity. Nice guy, isn't he?
It depends what one means by "Living your life?"

Does that mean dedicating your life to God?

Well, there certainly is a ginormous downside to dedicating your life to God if there is no God.

But if it means believing in God and generally being a good person, I would tend to agree.

Pascal's Wager and all that.
Whole thread might have taken a different turn had it spoken of "a child of God" rather than the sexist "son of God". Which makes me wonder if it all started based on 14th century (now back in vogue) Roman Catholicism.
quite a bad case of tunnel vision you have there pal.
So those believers who are suffering the evils of this world are not true believers? Is that right?

only god knows the hearts of mankind. Your big concern should be =do you know god???

do you think god knows everything? Including what hasn't happened yet?

yes!!! God sees the beginning of time to the end of this age now,god say to him a day is like 1000 years and 1000 years as a day,so god is outside time! God says he is the alpha and omega the beginning and the end!!!

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