Ok, so he was actually naked. So, did he have a big shlong? Was he circumsized?

Your homosexual obsession doesn't help your credibility as a decent person.

So why doesn't your god just eliminate evil? He a fucking big fat douche?

And this makes you on the level of a bigot. Hater.
When you can't attack the point, attack the poster.:clap2:

No. Normal people can't talk to people who have poo in their mouths.
I am sure you believe GOD knows everything, including the future. If GOD already knows which way someone is going to choose- where is the free will.

THINK!!! Just because God is outside time and already knows what your choice was=is does not change the fact it was all ""your"" choice!!!

So why doesn't god eliminate all the bad choices? He a useless fat fuck or something?

God has always given mankind a choice (choices). He's given us the tools and the information to choose wisely but, unfortunately, mankind generally chooses wrongly. Fortunately for all of us, He gave us a means by which our bad choices can be blotted out and we can be forgiven for our shortcomings. By grace can we be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. By no other means can imperfect mankind enter through the gates of Heaven.
I thought the christian doctrine was the Jesus was the son of God. But you say we can all become sons of God by accepting Jesus as our saviour.

I suggest that we are already sons of God and what we do or think makes no difference.
Occultism teaches that no one is lost or wasted, and all experience leads us to ultimate enlightenment.

Which is what differentiates Christianity from the occult. Followers of Satan are the sons and daughters of Satan, and will spend eternity with Him, so some will indeed be lost. Those who follow Christ will spend eternity with Him, and His Father as God's children.

YES!!! Jesus is the only SON of God but we believers become adopted sons when we believe and accept Jesus as our lord and savior!

So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.
THINK!!! Just because God is outside time and already knows what your choice was=is does not change the fact it was all ""your"" choice!!!

So why doesn't god eliminate all the bad choices? He a useless fat fuck or something?

God has always given mankind a choice (choices). He's given us the tools and the information to choose wisely but, unfortunately, mankind generally chooses wrongly. Fortunately for all of us, He gave us a means by which our bad choices can be blotted out and we can be forgiven for our shortcomings. By grace can we be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. By no other means can imperfect mankind enter through the gates of Heaven.

So he IS a useless fat fuck, he puts all these bad choices out there, then punishes us when we pick the wrong one. What a FUCKING RETARD your god is.
I think you do not understand the difference between "believed" and "believes".

I'll reserve my worship for a deity who would not ignore the prayers of an innocent child and abandon her to be raped and beaten.

So you gamble your eternity on your opinion that God did not answer the prayers of a five year old???? best you pray for some wisdom and understanding!!! and forget your satan inspired excuse!!!

It is not my "opinion" that God ignored her prayers. She prayed for her rape and abuse to stop. It didn't.

But it wasn't God's fault that a person endures bad situations. The biblical patriarch, Job, endured many trials and tribulations at the hands of Satan. His (Job's) faith remained steadfast even during those trials and he was richly rewarded as a result. Job's story of trial and triumph is an inspiration for us all.

All of us have had to endure tough times. We have a choice as to how we handle those trials. We can dwell on them and blame God for all the bad things that have happened or we can learn and grow from our experiences and bring hope to someone else who is currently suffering. Choose wisely!!!
YES!!! Occult teaching are demon satan inspired lies from hell.WISE UP!!!
So why doesn't god eliminate all the bad choices? He a useless fat fuck or something?

God has always given mankind a choice (choices). He's given us the tools and the information to choose wisely but, unfortunately, mankind generally chooses wrongly. Fortunately for all of us, He gave us a means by which our bad choices can be blotted out and we can be forgiven for our shortcomings. By grace can we be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. By no other means can imperfect mankind enter through the gates of Heaven.

So he IS a useless fat fuck, he puts all these bad choices out there, then punishes us when we pick the wrong one. What a FUCKING RETARD your god is.

He also puts as many GOOD choices. Choose wisely and stop blaming Him for your poor choices.
So you gamble your eternity on your opinion that God did not answer the prayers of a five year old???? best you pray for some wisdom and understanding!!! and forget your satan inspired excuse!!!

It is not my "opinion" that God ignored her prayers. She prayed for her rape and abuse to stop. It didn't.

But it wasn't God's fault that a person endures bad situations. The biblical patriarch, Job, endured many trials and tribulations at the hands of Satan. His (Job's) faith remained steadfast even during those trials and he was richly rewarded as a result. Job's story of trial and triumph is an inspiration for us all.

All of us have had to endure tough times. We have a choice as to how we handle those trials. We can dwell on them and blame God for all the bad things that have happened or we can learn and grow from our experiences and bring hope to someone else who is currently suffering. Choose wisely!!!

C'mon man, just admit it, your god is POWERLESS, just like a sack of shit.
God has always given mankind a choice (choices). He's given us the tools and the information to choose wisely but, unfortunately, mankind generally chooses wrongly. Fortunately for all of us, He gave us a means by which our bad choices can be blotted out and we can be forgiven for our shortcomings. By grace can we be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. By no other means can imperfect mankind enter through the gates of Heaven.

So he IS a useless fat fuck, he puts all these bad choices out there, then punishes us when we pick the wrong one. What a FUCKING RETARD your god is.

He also puts as many GOOD choices. Choose wisely and stop blaming Him for your poor choices.

I blame god for putting bad choices out there. He could have chose not to, but he's got a sick, twisted mind, and likes to see people suffer, and doesn't even care if they burn in hell forever. What a fucking DOUCHEBAG!
Which is what differentiates Christianity from the occult. Followers of Satan are the sons and daughters of Satan, and will spend eternity with Him, so some will indeed be lost. Those who follow Christ will spend eternity with Him, and His Father as God's children.

YES!!! Jesus is the only SON of God but we believers become adopted sons when we believe and accept Jesus as our lord and savior!

So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.

All believers are sons and daughters of God but Jesus is the only "begotten" Son of God.
It is not my "opinion" that God ignored her prayers. She prayed for her rape and abuse to stop. It didn't.

But it wasn't God's fault that a person endures bad situations. The biblical patriarch, Job, endured many trials and tribulations at the hands of Satan. His (Job's) faith remained steadfast even during those trials and he was richly rewarded as a result. Job's story of trial and triumph is an inspiration for us all.

All of us have had to endure tough times. We have a choice as to how we handle those trials. We can dwell on them and blame God for all the bad things that have happened or we can learn and grow from our experiences and bring hope to someone else who is currently suffering. Choose wisely!!!

C'mon man, just admit it, your god is POWERLESS, just like a sack of shit.

And yet He brought the universe and all life into existence. Doesn't sound too "powerless" to me. But you've clearly made your choice. You seem satisfied with your choice so you should be happy that your choice was made available to you. What are you crying about?
YES!!! Jesus is the only SON of God but we believers become adopted sons when we believe and accept Jesus as our lord and savior!

So Jesus is the only son of God. So why did he tell us to pray to our father, and not his father, and why did he say of his works, "even greater things than these shall ye do"?

The idea that all we have to do is pay lip service to Jesus to be saved forever is unreasonable. It means that a nazi who gassed the Jews or a rapist or murderer can just pray to Jesus and be saved. Do you think truly good people want to share eternal heaven
with murderers, just because they repented at the last minute?

The occult teaches we pay for everything we do over countless incarnations, and we have to account for every wrong action before reaching enlightenment at the end of our cycle of incarnations. Only then, in a state of grace, do we go on as immortal spirits in the afterlife.

The occult teaches that Jesus said, " I was with God before the world began" and this means he completed his cycle of incarnations on other worlds before this one.
The occult teachers say we are all sons of God working our way back to our divinity.

All believers are sons and daughters of God but Jesus is the only "begotten" Son of God.

Wrong, I'm god's begotten son too, he told me himself. That's why he made me in his image.
So he IS a useless fat fuck, he puts all these bad choices out there, then punishes us when we pick the wrong one. What a FUCKING RETARD your god is.

He also puts as many GOOD choices. Choose wisely and stop blaming Him for your poor choices.

I blame god for putting bad choices out there. He could have chose not to, but he's got a sick, twisted mind, and likes to see people suffer, and doesn't even care if they burn in hell forever. What a fucking DOUCHEBAG!

What kind of person wants to try to argue and fight against almighty God? Best you learn your place in creation,compared to God mankind is less than a germ on a worm on a germ,how can we think we can match our little brain power against ALMIGHTY GOD! YET! GOD LOVES US!!!!==For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.John 3:16
He also puts as many GOOD choices. Choose wisely and stop blaming Him for your poor choices.

I blame god for putting bad choices out there. He could have chose not to, but he's got a sick, twisted mind, and likes to see people suffer, and doesn't even care if they burn in hell forever. What a fucking DOUCHEBAG!

What kind of person wants to try to argue and fight against almighty God? Best you learn your place in creation,compared to God mankind is less than a germ on a worm on a germ,how can we think we can match our little brain power against ALMIGHTY GOD! YET! GOD LOVES US!!!!==For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.John 3:16
Shut up you fucking lunatic, the adults are talking.
I blame god for putting bad choices out there. He could have chose not to, but he's got a sick, twisted mind, and likes to see people suffer, and doesn't even care if they burn in hell forever. What a fucking DOUCHEBAG!

What kind of person wants to try to argue and fight against almighty God? Best you learn your place in creation,compared to God mankind is less than a germ on a worm on a germ,how can we think we can match our little brain power against ALMIGHTY GOD! YET! GOD LOVES US!!!!==For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.John 3:16
Shut up you fucking lunatic, the adults are talking.

So he IS a useless fat fuck, he puts all these bad choices out there, then punishes us when we pick the wrong one. What a FUCKING RETARD your god is.

He also puts as many GOOD choices. Choose wisely and stop blaming Him for your poor choices.

I blame god for putting bad choices out there. He could have chose not to, but he's got a sick, twisted mind, and likes to see people suffer, and doesn't even care if they burn in hell forever. What a fucking DOUCHEBAG!

The bad choices you refer to are known as obstacles and choices and how you address them is part of the learning process derived from Free-Will.

Do you blame your God for making you a tortured Homosexual Degenerate ? You don't have to be, a tortured Homosexual Degenerate that is - there is help .

People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.
It doesn't feel as good to delay gratification even though generally religious people are generally happier than non believers. It's all about the feelings.
It doesn't feel as good to delay gratification even though generally religious people are generally happier than non believers. It's all about the feelings.

Feelings certainly play an important role but I heard someone say once that "feelings aren't facts." Sometimes our feelings can mislead us.

For me, feelings are important but my aim and my hope is the end result - that is - everlasting life in the Kingdom of God.
It was feelings that made me give up bible classes in the 1960's because I could not accept that God would burn anyone in eternal hellfire. I was sixteen when I rejected the God of wrath in the bible and I was a little scared I was wrong, and would go to hell.
But my feelings told me that I was right, so I went in search of a better God.

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