It was feelings that made me give up bible classes in the 1960's because I could not accept that God would burn anyone in eternal hellfire. I was sixteen when I rejected the God of wrath in the bible and I was a little scared I was wrong, and would go to hell.
But my feelings told me that I was right, so I went in search of a better God.

TRY TO THINK!!! If you go to hell it will be ""all"" your choice!!! GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY PERISH.====== For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16
It was feelings that made me give up bible classes in the 1960's because I could not accept that God would burn anyone in eternal hellfire. I was sixteen when I rejected the God of wrath in the bible and I was a little scared I was wrong, and would go to hell.
But my feelings told me that I was right, so I went in search of a better God.

The best God is the only God. God made us in His image. Unfortunately, folks have been trying to remake Him in their image ever since. We drift like sand on a beach or sway like reeds in the wind but God changes not. He has always made it clear that there would be consequences for our acceptance of Him or our rejection of Him. We are wise not to question His intent; His Word; His promises; or His ultimate plan. We are wise to accept Him in His completeness and trust that His wisdom is much greater than our own.
If I rejected the God of wrath when I was sixteen, it is not likely I am going to run scared of him now, fifty years later. I take the view that if God burns even one soul in hellfire for any reason he is a monster that should die. Here is a quote that says it better than I can.

"I cannot believe that there is any being in this universe who has created a human soul for eternal pain. I would rather that every god would destroy himself; I would rather that we all should go to eternal chaos, to black and starless night, than that just one soul should suffer eternal agony".

Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-99):
Shut up you fucking lunatic, the adults are talking.


If your 'WE" hears Satan and demons CRYING SCREAMING CURSING etc., its all in your head. Apparently for you, the light at the end of the tunnel was a freight train.

Does anyone still not understand why it is important to distinguish between what food for thought is clean or unclean before allowing anything to enter and take root in ones mind?

Does anyone still not believe that the danger of not standing guard over the purity of ones mind is real and the consequences for failing to do so easily tested and verifiable?

Would any rational person exchange a life of suffering to further the cause of what is right for even one second of comfort in pretense if it meant risking becoming like GISM for the rest of their days?

It was feelings that made me give up bible classes in the 1960's because I could not accept that God would burn anyone in eternal hellfire. I was sixteen when I rejected the God of wrath in the bible and I was a little scared I was wrong, and would go to hell.
But my feelings told me that I was right, so I went in search of a better God.

I had a similar experience. My thought was that if God existed and you came knocking on his door thinking he was a capricious and puerile petty scumbag he would probably throw you right out into the darkness on your ass and you wouldn't even know what hit you..

I suspect you have already found a better God or at least believe in a better one.

As Jesus said, if you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.
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GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. Living a life blessed by GOD. Living in health,wealth (no debts) new brick home on the golf course driving a new BMW,pretty wife of 51 years,wonderful believing children,grand children. Took early retirement now playing tennis most every day, day trading stocks on-line as a hobby and posting GOD'S word to you poor losy souls!!!! YES!!!! NO BRAG,JUST FACTS!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS FROM GOD!!!
GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. Living a life blessed by GOD. Living in health,wealth (no debts) new brick home on the golf course driving a new BMW,pretty wife of 51 years,wonderful believing children,grand children. Took early retirement now playing tennis most every day, day trading stocks on-line as a hobby and posting GOD'S word to you poor losy souls!!!! YES!!!! NO BRAG,JUST FACTS!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS FROM GOD!!!

You have done extremely well conforming to and reflecting the image and likeness of a nonexistent triune god who , according to your own testimony, is a dick..

GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. Living a life blessed by GOD. Living in health,wealth (no debts) new brick home on the golf course driving a new BMW,pretty wife of 51 years,wonderful believing children,grand children. Took early retirement now playing tennis most every day, day trading stocks on-line as a hobby and posting GOD'S word to you poor losy souls!!!! YES!!!! NO BRAG,JUST FACTS!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS FROM GOD!!!

You have done extremely well conforming to and reflecting the image and likeness of a nonexistent triune god who , according to your own testimony, is a dick..


YES!!! Living my life as a son of GOD has no downdide, GOD'S blessings gifts and protection is WONDERFUL. and you??
GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. Living a life blessed by GOD. Living in health,wealth (no debts) new brick home on the golf course driving a new BMW,pretty wife of 51 years,wonderful believing children,grand children. Took early retirement now playing tennis most every day, day trading stocks on-line as a hobby and posting GOD'S word to you poor losy souls!!!! YES!!!! NO BRAG,JUST FACTS!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS FROM GOD!!!

You have done extremely well conforming to and reflecting the image and likeness of a nonexistent triune god who , according to your own testimony, is a dick..


YES!!! Living my life as a son of GOD has no downdide, GOD'S blessings gifts and protection is WONDERFUL. and you??


I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such an ass.
You have done extremely well conforming to and reflecting the image and likeness of a nonexistent triune god who , according to your own testimony, is a dick..


YES!!! Living my life as a son of GOD has no downdide, GOD'S blessings gifts and protection is WONDERFUL. and you??


I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such an ass.

LOL!!! NO need for "sorry" sons of GOD live a happy blessed life!!!===============GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. Living a life blessed by GOD. Living in health,wealth (no debts) new brick home on the golf course driving a new BMW,pretty wife of 51 years,wonderful believing children,grand children. Took early retirement now playing tennis most every day, day trading stocks on-line as a hobby and posting GOD'S word to you poor losy souls!!!! YES!!!! NO BRAG,JUST FACTS!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS FROM GOD!!!
He also puts as many GOOD choices. Choose wisely and stop blaming Him for your poor choices.

I blame god for putting bad choices out there. He could have chose not to, but he's got a sick, twisted mind, and likes to see people suffer, and doesn't even care if they burn in hell forever. What a fucking DOUCHEBAG!

The bad choices you refer to are known as obstacles and choices and how you address them is part of the learning process derived from Free-Will.

Do you blame your God for making you a tortured Homosexual Degenerate ? You don't have to be, a tortured Homosexual Degenerate that is - there is help .

People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.

Sorry to burst your homophobic bubble, but I'm not gay. :lol:

But glad to see that you're still obsessing over cocks in anuses. Just like Jesus would want you to.
YES!!! Living my life as a son of GOD has no downdide, GOD'S blessings gifts and protection is WONDERFUL. and you??


I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such an ass.

LOL!!! NO need for "sorry" sons of GOD live a happy blessed life!!!===============GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. !

Don't you worry your chubby self silly.

I said that I would feel sorry for you IF you weren't such an ass.

As it is I am perfectly OK with your eyes rotting in their sockets and your tongue rotting in your mouth as your flesh rots exactly where you stand.

It couldn't be happening to a nicer guy!
But it wasn't God's fault that a person endures bad situations. The biblical patriarch, Job, endured many trials and tribulations at the hands of Satan. His (Job's) faith remained steadfast even during those trials and he was richly rewarded as a result. Job's story of trial and triumph is an inspiration for us all.

All of us have had to endure tough times. We have a choice as to how we handle those trials. We can dwell on them and blame God for all the bad things that have happened or we can learn and grow from our experiences and bring hope to someone else who is currently suffering. Choose wisely!!!

C'mon man, just admit it, your god is POWERLESS, just like a sack of shit.

And yet He brought the universe and all life into existence. Doesn't sound too "powerless" to me. But you've clearly made your choice. You seem satisfied with your choice so you should be happy that your choice was made available to you. What are you crying about?
So you're saying it was her choice to get raped? Man, you're just as big of an asshole as your god. My god is waaayyyy cooler. He doesn't send you to burn for eternity because he couldn't control you. I bet your god would even forgive the rapist, making your god TOTALLY IRRELEVANT!
GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. Living a life blessed by GOD. Living in health,wealth (no debts) new brick home on the golf course driving a new BMW,pretty wife of 51 years,wonderful believing children,grand children. Took early retirement now playing tennis most every day, day trading stocks on-line as a hobby and posting GOD'S word to you poor losy souls!!!! YES!!!! NO BRAG,JUST FACTS!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THE BLESSINGS AND GIFTS FROM GOD!!!

You have done extremely well conforming to and reflecting the image and likeness of a nonexistent triune god who , according to your own testimony, is a dick..


YES!!! Living my life as a son of GOD has no downdide, GOD'S blessings gifts and protection is WONDERFUL. and you??

It must be comforting to have complete faith in your doctrine, even if you have the devil and demons to contend with.
However I think your doctrine is just something you learned parrot fashion from the bible.

You ask me to think, but I have been thinking about such things all my life, and I believe that a God capable of creation of the universe would not cast people into hell, no matter what they did. People are only small and they do not usually see beyond their own lives so how can they know the ultimate truths. You are just bashing the bible, but I have studied many other teachings including the trance lectures of spiritualist mediums. They teach that no soul will ever be lost or wasted and everyone will finally be redeemed after many, many incarnations. There is no supreme devil, and no hellfire. We are all a tiny part of God and we will ultimately realize ourselves, and merge back into the Godhead.

I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such an ass.

LOL!!! NO need for "sorry" sons of GOD live a happy blessed life!!!===============GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. !

Don't you worry your chubby self silly.

I said that I would feel sorry for you IF you weren't such an ass.

As it is I am perfectly OK with your eyes rotting in their sockets and your tongue rotting in your mouth as your flesh rots exactly where you stand.

It couldn't be happening to a nicer guy!
YES!!! Those left behind on rapture day will try to stay alive under anti-christ rule and the years of the "GREAT TRIBULATION" (GOD'SJUDGMENTS) ON A SIN,EVIL,loving GOD rejecting world!!!
How blessed are those whose way is blameless,
Who walk in the law of the Lord.
How blessed are those who observe His testimonies,
Who seek Him with all their heart.
They also do no unrighteousness;
They walk in His ways.
You have ordained Your precepts,
That we should keep them diligently.
Oh that my ways may be established
To keep Your statutes!
Then I shall not be ashamed
When I look upon all Your commandments.
I shall give thanks to You with uprightness of heart,
When I learn Your righteous judgments.
I shall keep Your statutes. PSALMS 119:1-8
LOL!!! NO need for "sorry" sons of GOD live a happy blessed life!!!===============GISMYS=GOD IS MY SOURCE =GISMYS!!! PTL. !

Don't you worry your chubby self silly.

I said that I would feel sorry for you IF you weren't such an ass.

As it is I am perfectly OK with your eyes rotting in their sockets and your tongue rotting in your mouth as your flesh rots exactly where you stand.

It couldn't be happening to a nicer guy!
YES!!! Those left behind on rapture day will try to stay alive under anti-christ rule and the years of the "GREAT TRIBULATION" (GOD'SJUDGMENTS) ON A SIN,EVIL,loving GOD rejecting world!!!
Do you have any good stuff that I can have? Or does all your shit smell like wet sacramental bread?
JUDGMENT DAY!!!! Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15 And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.REVELATION 20:11-15
JUDGMENT DAY!!!! Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15 And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.REVELATION 20:11-15

When you're standing in front of the throne, is the seat up, or down? :dunno:
SUNDAY! = early Church singing prasise to GOD,reading GOD'S word and hearing GOD'S WORD TAUGHT,What blessings,now this afternoon I play a tennis match,FUN IN THE SOUTHERN SUN!!!=GOD IS GOOD!!! PTL.

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