There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

I never said my posts were proof of corruption. I just said I've known it from the beginning and there's proof I did since you need proof and justice of everything when it's not your rival.
Ask any older person and they'll tell you there has always been rumblings about his corruption and schemes.
if you ignore tangible proof or willingly accept your news source controlling your info like they did turning off Trumps rebuttle, then that's all on you, the burden then turns to you as to why you chose the bizarro version of a normal stable existence? Why do you choose evil?
Why do you inflict pain on yourself and your offspring (if you have any)? I ask the last part because his favors for China and Russia and Ukraine all have made your own life harder, riskier, less stable, and harmed the offspring.

If I had seen any corruption by Biden, I'd be accusing him of it. I see a lot of it from Trump.
But, I don't see it. People show me stuff that doesn't rise above the circumstantial, that's not enough for me.
Biden is a nice guy, it doesn't make sense to me that he is corrupt. As for Hunter, he's not in politics, so who cares? But take Trump, he lies all day long, calls people names, gets into petty squabbles with unimportant people, and bamboozled 65 million people into beleiving Dems stole the election. Then his Son in law gets 2 billion from MBS, which he wouldn't have got but for Trump, not to mention this:

Plus the incriminating audio tape on the indictment, there's plenty to pin on Trump. But the evidence on Biden is scant.
I was not gonna post in these forums anymore, but above tasty fried in fat idiot is so easy to crush with actual truth I could not resist...

Here is link to Dan Bongino podcast, you lazy little fascist deviants can breathe easy, you need only listen to the first 15-minutes, indeed fast forward to 2:40 minute mark and watch and listen from there. In the two phone leaks of Biden conspiring with Petra Poroshenko in 2016, the then president of Ukraine, Biden destroys above idiots ridiculously stated position, further Robert Mueller's top prosecutor in the scam Special Council investigation into Trump, is fully implicated in obstruction of justice in making it all go away as the DOJ's Fraud Chief! I am absolutely positive not a one of you knew these phone calls had been leaked..... Enjoy!

I listened from 2:40 up to 12:00, and finally they played a tape of Biden.

NOthing in the audio of Biden speaking has anything to do with a Bribe from what I can tell.

Are there more tapes? Let's here them, and what I DO NOT NEED are 'opinions about what the tapes mean'. either the tapes speak for themselves, or they do not. Bongino is making a lot of speculative CONJECTURE which is NOT corroborated in the tape. either you have hard evidence or you don't. Show me a tape without some partisan wingnut telling me what HE THINKS the tape means.

US Attorney David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for over 3 years, he was appointed by Bill Barr. he was left to finish the job by Joe Biden. NOTHING yet, no indictments.
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I listened from 2:40 up to 12:00, and finally they played a tape of Biden.

NOthing in the audio of Biden speaking has anything to do with a Bribe from what I can tell.

Are there more tapes? Let's here them, and what I DO NOT NEED are 'opinions about what the tapes mean'. either the tapes speak for themselves, or they do not.
I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinski....and I have no idea how my sperm got on her dress.......remember....democrats never lie the little angels
View attachment 794967

I have repeatedly watched members provide you with links, articles. Oversight Committee reports, eye-witness testimony, whistleblower testimony and now there are audio recordings made by the guy who bribed Biden.

You are a waste of time and will never see any evidence against Biden because of your 1 main problem...

View attachment 794968

Translation: 'I have no evidence, but I am a magaturd shitlord who's still going to talk a lot of shit about other stuff now. Dems = commies. *Mic drop*'
Lol, no one cares what you do. rump hole. And, you vermin don't accept proof unless it agrees with your lies. Ram it.

You don't have proof, and that's the bottom line. If it you had it, US Attorney David Weiss would have it, and would have empaneled a grand jury to indict.

Guess what, 3 years have passed and NOTHING.

Put that in your moron cap and suck on it.

You talk shit, but you do not prove shit.
There has been no whistleblower testimony Joe Biden took a bribe.

There have been no audio recordings of Joe Biden taking a bribe.

You are mentally ill.

All we have are statements by politicians who are flinging as much poo and making as much noise as possible to distract from Dear Leader's crimes and indictments.

They have been flinging accusations of all varieties for MONTHS, and come up empty every time. This Biden bribery bullshit is the scraping of the bottom of the barrel.

So tell me, credulous rube. What did Joe Biden do for Burisma in exchange for this mythical $5 million? That's the other half of the made up pay-for-play equation, after all.

Remember when you said “wait for the testimony” before forging an opinion on the Russian collusion fairytale?
Yeah I don’t either…weird huh?
I was not gonna post in these forums anymore, but above tasty fried in fat idiot is so easy to crush with actual truth I could not resist...

Here is link to Dan Bongino podcast, you lazy little fascist deviants can breathe easy, you need only listen to the first 15-minutes, indeed fast forward to 2:40 minute mark and watch and listen from there. In the two phone leaks of Biden conspiring with Petra Poroshenko in 2016, the then president of Ukraine, Biden destroys above idiots ridiculously stated position, further Robert Mueller's top prosecutor in the scam Special Council investigation into Trump, is fully implicated in obstruction of justice in making it all go away as the DOJ's Fraud Chief! I am absolutely positive not a one of you knew these phone calls had been leaked..... Enjoy!

Those are old tapes, they've been edited, and debunked As I listened to Bongino, he was tall on conjecture, but nothing in the tapes corroborated his wild ass speculations. You need to provide tapes without editing and without some partisan blabbing in the background blurting out what he thinks the tapes mean.

Translation: 'I have no evidence, but I am a magaturd shitlord who's still going to talk a lot of shit about other stuff now. Dems = commies. *Mic drop*'
The story appears to be collapsing, so now they just attack.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Their "evidence" always turns out to be shit made up in MAGA World™.

Meanwhile, the indictments for the orange buffoon are rolling in, with evidence provided by HIS OWN PEOPLE.
Well if you haven’t seen evidence of something there’s no way it happened.……

How many of the classified documents Trump took have you seen? But he did take them righ?

He's been indicted. Like Garland said, he'll let the court filings do the talking. Read the indictment.
Those are old tapes, they've been edited, and debunked As I listened to Bongino, he was tall on conjecture, but nothing in the tapes corroborated his wild ass speculations. You need to provide tapes without editing and without some partisan blabbing in the background blurting out what he thinks the tapes mean.

But, of course, Trump's 'tapes' are solid gold evidence against him??
Fail. As I said,

"Show me the itemization of the $10 million. You can't."

Biden reported $10M income in 2017 on his 1040X. He does not say where it came from.

You have no idea where it came from. You say book deals and speaking. Prove it.

For all we know, $5M or more could be bribes.

In 2016, he reported $0 from these S Corps. In 2018, he reported $3.2M
Fully accounted for in by Forbes

But, of course, Trump's 'tapes' are solid gold evidence against him??
Trump's tapes incriminate him. Biden's tapes do not.

Either they do, or they don't. One does, the other doesn't.

So what is your problem?
Trump's tapes incriminate him. Biden's tapes do not.

Either they do, or they don't. One does, the other doesn't.

So what is your problem?
The problem, Rumpy, is that you've not heard either 'tape' yet here you are playing make believe that you 'know' whose 'tapes' are legit.
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Since you can't produce proof of a Biden Bride, I accept your defeat on that point.

YOur comment is irrelevant and non sequitur

There are 17 tapes that prove it. There are the multiple shell companies that were set up to launder the cash (a favored mafia tactic), and the dozens of suspicious activity reports.

But hey, xiden could shoot someone right in front of you, and you would see nothing.

Right, cultist?
Translation: 'I have no evidence, but I am a magaturd shitlord who's still going to talk a lot of shit about other stuff now. Dems = commies. *Mic drop*'


Update: they now say they'll be able to trace 20-30 million laundered to the Biden crime family. Stay tuned
"God save the Queen"-(he probably still has the WH lawn flasher on his mind.

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