There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

You’re lying.

Of course he is. There are no tapes. The whole story was created by Rudy Julie Annie.

Trump's tapes incriminate him. Biden's tapes do not.
Biden's classified doc's sure as hell incriminate him. Notice Trump special prosecutors are leaking but Biden's SP quiet as a church mouse.

Is this like the left wings answer to Gateway Pundit?
Nice cherry-picking! 24 seconds, really? Why are the MAGA types afraid to put out more? Could it be that would prove they’re idiots? Sorry, rhetorical question.
You don't show all your cards on the table, dude.
All legally accounted for, in this Forbes article, but no bribe, sorry
Comer is looking at while Biden was VP......nice try.
US Attorney David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for over 3 years, he was appointed by Bill Barr. he was left to finish the job by Joe Biden. NOTHING yet, no indictments.
Still nothing except recent WB evidence from several people offered to the investigation.
Of course he is. There are no tapes. The whole story was created by Rudy Julie Annie.
How did Comer and Grassley have a copy of the 1023 FBI had been dancing around about having?
Because the WB gave it to them.
I got a hunch the WB is the guy with the tapes too.
No, delldude, no: no Dems are guilty of willful withholding of classified documents and lying to the Government and moving documents around.

Trump did all of that and more.
But Biden having classified docs in several unsecured, unlocked places, when he had no business having them outside of DC....and that is nothing?

Trump will argue the PRA as all those records were declared His personal possessions.
Making stuff up again, I see.

Not me... Sean Hannity. Please note Hannity has since deleted this page from his website...

The Burisma whistleblower…has been identified as the wife of the former Burisma owner Mykola Lisin, who also died in suspicious circumstances during the years of the Obama administration when vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter were active in Ukraine.

[Former Mayor] Giuliani discussed the fate of the now-deceased whistleblower during an interview on Newsmax’s “Saturday Report” with Rita Cosby.

Giuliani said he gave the DOJ “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”

And now she’s dead.

This story is developing…

Not me... Sean Hannity. Please note Hannity has since deleted this page from his website...

The Burisma whistleblower…has been identified as the wife of the former Burisma owner Mykola Lisin, who also died in suspicious circumstances during the years of the Obama administration when vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter were active in Ukraine.
[Former Mayor] Giuliani discussed the fate of the now-deceased whistleblower during an interview on Newsmax’s “Saturday Report” with Rita Cosby.
Giuliani said he gave the DOJ “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”
And now she’s dead.
This story is developing…

You stooping to new personal lows quoting Hannity and Newsmax.....:highfive:

Not surprised, high level expose regarding the Big Guy can lead to unintended consequences.

So who has the tapes?

You stooping to new personal lows quoting Hannity and Newsmax.....:highfive:

Not surprised, high level expose regarding the Big Guy can lead to unintended consequences.

So who has the tapes?

No one has them. They don't exist. The unidentified source of that 1023, filled out 3 years ago, is looking like it's Rudy himself, who admits he gave this information to the DiJ 3 years ago.

We can believe Rudy Julie Annie, right?
No one has them. They don't exist. The unidentified source of that 1023, filled out 3 years ago, is looking like it's Rudy himself, who admits he gave this information to the DiJ 3 years ago.

We can believe Rudy Julie Annie, right?
You're now saying Rudy has been one of the FBI's most trusted and reliable sources since Obama and who has collected some $200,000 for their efforts?
You're now saying Rudy has been one of the FBI's most trusted and reliable sources since Obama and who has collected some $200,000 for their efforts?

He says he gave them this information. Is he lying about that too?
You can watch it on YouTube dumbass.
What, that 24 sec clip that doesn’t really say much? Why don’t they post what was said before and after? Could it be because it proves that the “evidence” is all a lie? I want to see more or that’s the only conclusion I can come to.
Fully accounted for in by Forbes

Fully accounted for in a vague press statement made by the BIden Campaign.

"When Biden left the West Wing, the big money started coming. In 2017, the Bidens declared $11.1 million in total earnings, nearly twice as much in a single year as they had made in the previous 18 years combined. About $10 million of that flowed through two S-corporations called CelticCapri and Giacoppa. The Biden campaign explained in a press release last year that the money in those entities came from speaking engagements and book payments connected to Joe’s memoir, Promise Me, Dad, and Jill’s memoir, Where the Light Enters. Publishers Weekly reported in 2017 that the couple’s book deal with Flatiron Books was valued at $8 million."

That's much different than the other numbers which can be verified with tax documents.

So no, the Forbes link doesn't add anything.
What, that 24 sec clip that doesn’t really say much? Why don’t they post what was said before and after? Could it be because it proves that the “evidence” is all a lie? I want to see more or that’s the only conclusion I can come to.

There is a video that runs for several minutes. It takes wilful behavior to ignore it.


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