There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

There are 17 tapes that prove it.
They don't prove shit.
There are the multiple shell companies
Shell LLCs are legal entities, and there are numerous legit reasons to establish them, and, as such
are not prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. You'll need corroborative evidence to prove the allegation.
that were set up to launder the cash (a favored mafia tactic), and the dozens of suspicious activity reports.
Speculation without substantiation.
But hey, xiden could shoot someone right in front of you, and you would see nothing.

Right, cultist?
incompetent retort; weasel words have no argumentative value.
They don't prove shit.

Shell LLCs are legal entities, and there are numerous legit reasons to establish them, and, as such
are not prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. You'll need corroborative evidence to prove the allegation.

Speculation without substantiation.

incompetent retort; weasel words have no argumentative value.

What product do those shell companies produce? Go ahead, tell us. If they are legit, they produce something.

So, what is it?
No, I meant the parts before and after the cherry-picked 24 sec clip. Those others are just people giving their opinions. Real evidence requires the real deal. Try again.

I presented you the links. Go fetch.
These numbers are upper middle class numbers. If Biden was this corrupt guy you keep claiming.......

1. He wouldn't have allowed US Attorney David Weiss, assigned by Bill Barr to investigate Joe's son, Hunter, he wouldn't have allowed the investigation to continue, noting that no indictments have come for fore.

2. The numbers would be lot bigger for a man of his stature. In today's word of the rich, Biden's numbers are chump change.

3. You'd have hard evidence by now, and there just isn't any. Yes, circumstantial evidence warrants query, but nothing more than that.

Thanks, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Biden's biggest crimes are not likely to be reported on his 1040 form.

And we all know by now that the FBI, IRS etc. are providing cover for the Biden's by slow-walking everything.
Thanks, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Biden's biggest crimes are not likely to be reported on his 1040 form.

And we all know by now that the FBI, IRS etc. are providing cover for the Biden's by slow-walking everything.
So will we get to see Biden’s 1040? That would be refreshing, actually seeing a president’s tax returns! That hasn’t happened in awhile. Thank you Joe, for making American sane again. MASA!!!
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They don't prove shit.
How do you know what they do or don’t prove?
Shell LLCs are legal entities, and there are numerous legit reasons to establish them, and, as such
are not prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. You'll need corroborative evidence to prove the allegation.

And just as many illegit Reasons.
Speculation without substantiation.
Something people like you know a lot about.
incompetent retort; weasel words have no argumentative value.
How do you know what they do or don’t prove?
Okay CP, timestamp the parts in the tape that prove it, or provide transcripts.
You're making the claim, the onus is on you to prove it.
And just as many illegit Reasons.
Unless you have corroboration to an allegation, you have nothing.
Something people like you know a lot about.
I know what weasel words are. But, for your edification:

Like I said, you have to willfully ignore it.
I can listen to about 5 minutes of it. Ted Cruz makes a total ass out himself, I mean the stench of self righteous indignant pontificating is rancid as is his rambling on making wild accusations based on a 1023 form which merely is a form the FBI uses to note what someone says, the words of a Russian who could easily have an agenda, yet he's satisfied it's conclusive. Since anyone can say anything, the form is not proof of squat, yet, in Cruz's mind, he's assuming it is. Since he is a lawyer, he must know better, but he's not interested in facts, he's interested in impressing the camera. This is the worst kind of politicking, and you suck it up. My gawd you guys are such fools.

The other three videos are off topic, about FISA.

Show me some evidence, for jeezus fuck sakes. Don't you know what evidence is?

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