There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

Done. But of course, you're brain will explode trying to put the pieces together, and in denial, you will say нет 🖕

ahh, I don't think so:

Doesn't everyone have over 20 bank accounts across several states, and a couple dozen LLC shell corporations?

And who doesn't have those banks file numerous SARs to the IRS about our sketchy banking habits?

Shit happens to everyone!
Yes indeed. We need to be fair to Brandon and his family businesses. We should be at least as fair to him as the Dims have been to Trump.
Samofvt, Dan (who I know) was making allegations without evidence.
Well, I don't think you understand how things work.

MAGA World™ doesn't need to actually prove anything, because everyone is corrupt but them.

And because they're far more intelligent, independent-thinking and accurately-informed than the rest of us, it is safe for us to assume that if they say something is true, then it must be true. And you also need to understand that if you don't think just like them, you're an evil demonic Deep State Hitler commie. And who wants to be that?

So this "prove it" stuff is unfair. And wrong. And evil. Stop it.
Doesn't everyone have over 20 bank accounts across several states, and a couple dozen LLC shell corporations?

And who doesn't have those banks file numerous SARs to the IRS about our sketchy banking habits?

Shit happens to everyone!

Most wealthy people do.
Point is, all of Biden's taxes are public record.
Trump's, not so much.
Doesn't everyone have over 20 bank accounts across several states, and a couple dozen LLC shell corporations?

And who doesn't have those banks file numerous SARs to the IRS about our sketchy banking habits?

Shit happens to everyone!
Is anyone that owns 20 guns a terrorist? That seems to be your logic!
There is a similarity here to Newton's Third Law: Action & Reaction, which states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Consequently, the worse Trump's legal woes get the more The Following needs to believe Biden is equally corrupt. A desire that overcomes the need for actual evidence Biden did something wrong.
ahh, I don't think so:

You hope like hell they aren’t real…But, not to worry, more evidence is being gathered as we type…
There is a similarity here to Newton's Third Law: Action & Reaction, which states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Consequently, the worse Trump's legal woes get the more The Following needs to believe Biden is equally corrupt. A desire that overcomes the need for actual evidence Biden did something wrong.
Only problem is Biden IS a corrupt traitor.
Right on cue. Yours is a desire that overcomes the need for actual evidence Biden did something wrong.
There’s that patience thing you guys have so much trouble with…See, we don’t start with the conclusion and work backwards like you people do…
Of course he did not take a bribe.

There is no evidence of such.

Emails Show Burisma Executive Opened Maltese Bank Account for Hunter Biden


Burisma Holdings executive Vadym Pozharskyi informed Hunter Biden in 2016 that he was opening a Maltese bank account for him, emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show.

Pozharskyi was an associate of Mykola Zlochevsky, who allegedly paid Hunter and Joe Biden each $5 million in a pay-for-play scheme. According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), an FBI informant document indicates Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy.”

Please don't bother to ridicule this post. I know you'd rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit you backed the wrong horse.

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