There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

More proof than you’ve had on Trump for 7 years now…
The transcript from Individual 1's call to Zelensky......
.........would have ended his presidency before he could have attempted a coup but Repub senators feared the backlash from brainwashed rubes like you.

Emails Show Burisma Executive Opened Maltese Bank Account for Hunter Biden


Burisma Holdings executive Vadym Pozharskyi informed Hunter Biden in 2016 that he was opening a Maltese bank account for him, emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show.

Pozharskyi was an associate of Mykola Zlochevsky, who allegedly paid Hunter and Joe Biden each $5 million in a pay-for-play scheme. According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), an FBI informant document indicates Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy.”

Please don't bother to ridicule this post. I know you'd rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit you backed the wrong horse.

What's to ridicule? Where are the tapes?

Emails Show Burisma Executive Opened Maltese Bank Account for Hunter Biden


Burisma Holdings executive Vadym Pozharskyi informed Hunter Biden in 2016 that he was opening a Maltese bank account for him, emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show.

Pozharskyi was an associate of Mykola Zlochevsky, who allegedly paid Hunter and Joe Biden each $5 million in a pay-for-play scheme. According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), an FBI informant document indicates Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy.”

Please don't bother to ridicule this post. I know you'd rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit you backed the wrong horse.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s special envoy to Ukraine met last year with a top official of the same Ukrainian energy firm that paid former Vice President Joe Biden’s son to serve on its board. The meeting took place even as Trump’s private lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was pressing Ukraine’s government to investigate the company and the Bidens’ involvement with it.

Kurt Volker, who abruptly resigned his post as U.S. special representative for Ukraine negotiations last week, met in late September 2018 in New York with Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of directors of Burisma Group, the Ukrainian firm that had hired Hunter Biden as a director in 2014.

Their encounter on the sidelines of a think tank event was confirmed by several others who attended the event, as well as by an account and photo of the two men together posted on Burisma’s website. The event was organized by the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank.

The Sept. 24, 2018, encounter between Volker and Pozharskyi highlights the dissonance between Giuliani’s assertions on Twitter that Burisma was a “corrupt company” and demands that the Bidens’ role be investigated, and the envoy’s efforts to conduct day-to-day relations with Ukraine’s government and corporate interests.

I imagine an enterprising conspiracy theorist could come up with some bullshyte story about Trump and his envoy if there was an appetite for such nonsense on the Left. But they would quickly be drowned out by real stories. Like Trump's attempt to extort Zelensky over campaign assistance.
What's to ridicule? Where are the tapes?
Patience grasshopper! Patience! :D

Patience grasshopper! Patience! :D

You know that just shows us how misinformed you are...

Trump Campaign passed information to Russia and Russia helped Trump Campaign..

Hunter Laptop Cover up... Where the fuck is this laptop? Any actual proof?

Open Border Crisis - Ask who cut the funding to latin countries security? Then the right go oh fuck we got a lot of asylum seekers... Wonder how that happened... Better blame Democrats..

Lab Leak - Conspiracy Theory level shit still

Lockdowns & Masks work and the proof is comparing Europe to US death rates. Lets be clear, if Trump was in charge of a Western European Country he would have been resigned for being incompetent at work. Trump's handling of COVID was one of the worst in the first world. There are over a million dead and Trumpets have the gaul to double down... In this you are embarrassing little troll... Million US citizens dead and you piss on their graves..
Most wealthy people do.
The fuck they do.....The wealthiest of wealthy may have a handful of trusts and LLCs, but they don't have dozens...You know fuckall about the topic.
Point is, all of Biden's taxes are public record.
Trump's, not so much.
The inevitable whataboutism...

The money has been laundered through family members, whose taxes are private....The slew of SARs filed on PedoPete's taxes are now a mater of public record.....How may SARs does Trump have?
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You know that just shows us how misinformed you are...

Trump Campaign passed information to Russia and Russia helped Trump Campaign..

Hunter Laptop Cover up... Where the fuck is this laptop? Any actual proof?

Open Border Crisis - Ask who cut the funding to latin countries security? Then the right go oh fuck we got a lot of asylum seekers... Wonder how that happened... Better blame Democrats..

Lab Leak - Conspiracy Theory level shit still

Lockdowns & Masks work and the proof is comparing Europe to US death rates. Lets be clear, if Trump was in charge of a Western European Country he would have been resigned for being incompetent at work. Trump's handling of COVID was one of the worst in the first world. There are over a million dead and Trumpets have the gaul to double down... In this you are embarrassing little troll... Million US citizens dead and you piss on their graves..

Ummmmm, dumbass, those claims were PROVEN TO BE LIES.

A long time ago.
I haven't seen it. I'm seen some stuff y'all think is proof, but, when the rubber hits the road, it's not.

You know the old saying.....

Put up or shut up!

Show me whatcha got.
No one cares what you believe, douchebag. We all know you're a scumbag liar.
Those are charges.
The charges only come, if the evidence presented by the prosecution to the grand jury gives probable cause of a criminal act, against U.S. CODE....was committed.

There has to be probable cause for a grand jury, by majority, to indict.

However, in the trial, the defendant has due process, discovery....lawyers representing and advising him, and presents their defense with their own evidence and witnesses.

The jury can only find the defendant guilty in a trial if it is proven that beyond a reasonable doubt, they committed the crime..... which is a greater level of guilt, than a probable cause level...

And all 12 jurors must agree that beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant is guilty before the defendant is found guilty.

If just 1 of the 12 jurors does not agree, then it is a hung jury and the defendant goes home....

A trial is where most everything is in the defendant's favor, while a grand jury for indictment is in the prosecutor's imo....

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