There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Mt 24:14) In the first century, the gospel was preached in all the nations (Rom 1:8; 16:25-26; Col 1:5b-6, 23).

Nation fought against nation in the Jewish-Roman wars.

Which diaspora?

He didn't say anything that was written would be a long long time off in the future. None of it.

I think they are operating from a lot of assumptions under the influence of Hal Lindsey.
And they don't read the Scriptures as the Hebrews read them. Contemporary readers, for example, think that Hebrews thought the world was a planet.

I know.. They keep trying to apply first century writings to the USA, Russia, the EU or the Pope. Its a red flag for charltans.
We're not expecting anyone within any time frame.
I don't know where you got that from.

I thought the Jews expected an anointed warrior king who would vanquish their enemies????

I'm teachable.. Explain it to me.
And they don't read the Scriptures as the Hebrews read them. Contemporary readers, for example, think that Hebrews thought the world was a planet.
think that Hebrews thought the world was a planet

You mean like the intercalation of months and years based on the planets in Tractate Sanhedrin?
Do you know anything?
Nor do I . Paul seems to think the coming would be soon.. and recommended staying unmarried.. Am I even in the ball park?
The distress leading to the conflict that the prophets and the Lord revealed in their visions was the reality that unfolded before Paul’s eyes and taxed him in the waning years of his life, discouraging him from marrying or making significant changes in his life (1 Cor 7:26).

That was a personal choice. Paul encouraged remarrying and childbearing for others (1 Tim 5:14). Though he himself felt no compulsion to marry in the last days, he nonetheless encouraged the propagation of the faithful on the earth. In other words, the earth was not going anywhere anytime soon, and so neither was the Lord’s reign on it. Many would suffer through hardship and war, but the kingdom would go on.

And simply stated about the Parousia is that so many people expect it in a corporeal sense, and that Christ will literally float in on a cloud, or a puff of condensation in the troposphere. They get both the nature and the medium dead wrong.

The Lord accompanied Israel in a cloud to judge Egypt (Is 19:1). Nahum referred to clouds as the dust of God’s feet when He judged Nineveh (1:3). The psalmist referred to clouds as the Lord’s chariot (104:3), a horse-drawn vehicle He used in warfare.

A cloud is a cloud of shekinah glory, as the rabbis called it, not a fog overhead.

Though the war was a local event in an insignificant Roman province, the Parousia is evident to those who believe and understand.
I thought the Jews expected an anointed warrior king who would vanquish their enemies????

I'm teachable.. Explain it to me.

Jews expect the return of prophecy.
Kingdom, sovereignty is a vehicle,
for the revival of the royal house.

All stages of the same process.
What are you talking about?
Applying your argument to Islam.

Why do you assume it's wrong for Christians to apply 1st-century writings today,
yet legit for the Muslims to apply their 7th-century writings and force it on others??
Jews expect the return of prophecy.
Kingdom, sovereignty is a vehicle,
for the revival of the royal house.

All stages of the same process.

Hosea 3:4-5 - "For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or idol. Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the LORD and to his blessings in the last days."
Applying your argument to Islam.

Why do you assume it's wrong for Christians to apply 1st-century writings today,
yet legit for the Muslims to apply their 7th-century writings and force it on others??

Revelation is written to the first century Christians.. Its in the past.

Are you talking about prophecy in the Koran or what exactly?
We're not expecting anyone within any time frame.

Right. What about Menachem Mendel Schneerson? lol...What about the fact that the concept of a messianic redemption has been present in Jewish tradition, in one form or another, for millennia?

I do understand that you may be skeptical because you have seen many false messiahs come and go but, seriously, if someone actually did show up with that fit the bill would you say that now is a time when you would least expect it?

I don't know where you got that from.


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