There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Both Gandhi and Martin Luther King studied the Sermon on the Mount. Too bad it means nothing to you.
LOL I read it too It is very Pharisee. Too bad that you don't understand that. ---an interesting anecdote - I came to know an Israeli women who had come with her husband to the USA -----the husband friends of hubby's. Her background was something like
Iranian-Kurd. She was "religious" and very intelligent. She had a keychain with a
medallion upon which was written---in english and hebrew "The Lord's prayer"
I said----"do you know what this is" "of course, it is a prayer" I said ---it is a christian
prayer" She looked at it and said "NO---IT IS JEWISH, I RECOGNIZE IT" "A nice lady in
Ben Gurion Airport gave it to me" LOL christian missionaries all over Israel. they accost everyone. She never believed me that it is a "christian prayer"----
I see Pharisee Judaism

so very sad ... lost, most likely for eternity.

jesus is never a jew, the 1st century events and those that gave their lives during that time were a repudiation of the dreadful judaism religion. and their false commandments.
so very sad ... lost, most likely for eternity.

jesus is never a jew, the 1st century events and those that gave their lives during that time were a repudiation of the dreadful judaism religion. and their false commandments.
he certainly did a good job PRETENDING Why the cover-up?
Babylon fell in 549 BC.. They had no experience with Rome.

So what. You claimed that the "whore of Babylon" was the Israel. WTF! and Damn.

The secret "mystery religion" of the Roman government and military was Mithraism which originated in Babylon and became the Catholic "universal" Church which has mated with every heathen religion on earth. This "whore of Babylon", drunk on the blood of Gods people, the Jewish people, and everyone who hears the words of Jesus and acts on them, rides the scarlet beast that sits on seven hills, which is an irrefutable reference to "Mother Church" holding a cup of abominations based in Rome which is built on seven hills.

" The great harlot who is enthroned over many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."

Jeremiah 25:15, 25:27, rev; 19:15,, rev. 16;5-7;

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou has given them blood to drink"

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So what. You claimed that the "whore of Babylon" was the Jewish nation. WTF! and Damn.

The secret "mystery religion" of the Roman government and military was Mithraism which originated in Babylon and became the Catholic "universal" Church which has mated with every heathen religion on earth. This "whore of Babylon", drunk on the blood of Gods people, the Jewish people, and everyone who hears the words of Jesus and acts on them, rides the scarlet beast that sits on seven hills, which is an irrefutable reference to Rome, built on seven hills.

don't blame Jesus for the filth of Rome
he certainly did a good job PRETENDING Why the cover-up?

what you really mean is you believe the 4th century christian bible ...

those four, mary - joseph - mary magdalene and jesus were anything but jewish and were likewise heavenly endowed.
don't blame Jesus for the filth of Rome

I don't. I blame Rome for turning Jesus into an edible delusional false prophet who was insane, and burying his teachings on how to understand the words and comply with the hidden subjects of the Divine commands that fulfills the promise of eternal life under a mountain of blasphemy.
what is the diagnosis Non coco puffs and insane---is NOT A DIAGNOSIS
see DSM 5
Ahem, he was accused of being insane. After careful evaluation for thousands of years by teams of international professions he was declared clean, sane, fit for consumption. kosher.

Everyone else was insane.
Ahem, he was accused of being insane. After careful evaluation for thousands of years by teams of international professions he was declared clean, sane, fit for consumption. kosher.

Everyone else was insane. <<< true---but I need the actual diagnosis as per DSM 5--or even 6.
not insane is not a diagnosis. Being kosher is a matter of taste. The nature of
the personality disorder is important to the actual recipe
When Martin Luther fell out with Rome he started saying Rome was the whore of Babylon..

Rome never had any connection with Babylon. None...ever.
That is not true Trajan himself went out of his way and entered the ruins of Babylon showing that Babylon was held in high regard by the Roman elites and since Rome liked to steal or plagerize other cultures ideas and take them for their own it is rather obvious they did the same by emulating what they wanted from past Babylonianhistory.. Much of this knowledge was cataloged and found in some of the major libraries that Roman scholars and scribes had access too…

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