There is No Race Problem in America


May 23, 2014
According to the national news media (when they come out of their NY City bubble) the shooting in Charleston has brought people of all races in America together. WRONG. There is no overwhelming racial tension in America or in the American south. People have gotten along fine for decades. But the liberal media has to push racial division and angst in order to churn out votes for Democratic candidates. The instant politicization of the Charleston murders (by a lone nut who is not indicative of the behavior of any race) is disgraceful. Immediately we were swamped by "gun control", "confederate flag's at museums" , "race in America." It's sickening. Very little is required of you in the United States. Go to work everyday, don't do drugs and commit crimes, and raise your children properly. Everyone of all cultural backgrounds respects that. We live in the land of opportunity. Just do it.
People have not "gotten along fine for decades" . We have always had many racist terrorist groups in the US. Instead of fighting foreign terrorists, we need to wipe out the ones in our own country. Let Saudi Arabia make war on ISIS. We have our own ISIS, al Qeada, Taliban right here in the US.

Our country would be better off if every single white supremacist, kkk, Westboro, aryan slime, gangs of all colors, white motorcycle thug gangs were all wiped out.

Why can't stupid posters like the OP manage to find any other forum besides Politics?
People have not "gotten along fine for decades" . We have always had many racist terrorist groups in the US. Instead of fighting foreign terrorists, we need to wipe out the ones in our own country. Let Saudi Arabia make war on ISIS. We have our own ISIS, al Qeada, Taliban right here in the US.

Our country would be better off if every single white supremacist, kkk, Westboro, aryan slime, gangs of all colors, white motorcycle thug gangs were all wiped out.

Why can't stupid posters like the OP manage to find any other forum besides Politics?

^^^^^^^^^^^^racist post^^^^^^^^^^ hypocrisy on display.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.
Is it possible that after six-and-one-half years of a Black sitting in the Oval Office - one who undertakes a great deal of social engineering and tries to rule by Imperial Decree (Executive Orders) - that White America is becoming fed-up with this state of affairs, and that the anger and dissatisfaction are beginning to manifest in increased White-initiated racial incidents and tensions?

And that despite the fact that so many millions of White Americans helped to put Obumble into the White House in 2008 and to keep him there in 2012, because of a dearth of viable alternatives?

Is this week's gawdawful church massacre in South Carolina merely an extreme and psychotic manifestation of this seeming increasing and so-called 'trend' - of increasing White dissatisfaction and animosity and distrust and dissillusionment?

I have not studied the trending data but I heard something to that effect on one of the news channels early yesterday - that polls of White Americans indicated a substantively higher negative attitude towards Blacks (and even Hispanics) today vs. 2008.- in the 40s (the percentage of White Folks having negative views of Blacks or Hispanics) prior to 2008, which is now (according to that sound byte I heard [CNN?] well into the mid-50s.

Buyer's Remorse?
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The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.
Most of it is directed at whiners like you to cause you to wet your pants. Now go change...and stop whining.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.
Most of it is directed at whiners like you to cause you to wet your pants. Now go change...and stop whining.
Telling the truth is whining? Facts are not on your side. Anyone who visits these pages can see my comment is 100% accurate. Sounds more like you are the whiner.
The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.
The kid already admitted he wanted to to start a race war...Looks like he made you a liar...

So did Charlie Manson, it is apparently the left wings way.
Considering the fellow is a Gilligan's Island fan that would make him a repub KKK hick....
Plenty of Northern Dems who followed that show... now, if you'd said he was a Dukes of Hazard fan, well...

Then again, Catherine Bach was one heckuvan example of Eye Candy back in the day...

The OP is both blind and delusional. Vile crude racism is seen on this site everyday via avatars and comments. They get plenty of support from those claiming to be conservatives here.

There are racist blacks, racist whites, racist asians, and racist hispanics. Racism is sadly a factor in almost all societies. We do not cure it by stirring it up like obama, sharpton, jackson, the KKK, skinheads, et al have been doing especially recently.

the race baiters of all colors should be damned by society. But race baiting has become a very profitable industry, and that is the real problem that needs to be addressed.
It helped build the Tea Party. The country was closing the gap on racism when it elected Obama. The response of the T's by allowing people who dressed up like African tribesmen with bones in their noses and carrying vile racist signs to permeate their rallies is part of what has caused the divide. The Tea Party not aggressively rejecting the racist element and the Republicans not rejecting the Tea Party unless they did so is what has caused the racist divide to widen and become more open and acceptable.

Do your children fall asleep when you read them fairy tales?
People have not "gotten along fine for decades" . We have always had many racist terrorist groups in the US. Instead of fighting foreign terrorists, we need to wipe out the ones in our own country. Let Saudi Arabia make war on ISIS. We have our own ISIS, al Qeada, Taliban right here in the US.

Our country would be better off if every single white supremacist, kkk, Westboro, aryan slime, gangs of all colors, white motorcycle thug gangs were all wiped out.

Why can't stupid posters like the OP manage to find any other forum besides Politics?

But the Crips,Bloods and MS13 are just fine....:blahblah:

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