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There Is No Separation Of Church And State

Sharia Law is cool to implement here then?
No because we are a Christian nation.

No, we are not a Christian nation.
The main religions when the founders came here were native.
The Puritans and Quakers really were Old Testament believers, and not the New Testament of the Christians.
And certainly the goal of the founders was to prevent any conflict or domination of one religion over another, like they had seen previously in Europe.

The Founders put in things like "In God We Trust" because they were deists, who did not believe in any particular religious rituals, but only that there was some inherent commonality between all human beings.
We now know that is our DNA from evolution, and not from a deity. But that really does not matter.
I remember watching documentaries of the Apollo moon flight. The first time they swung around the moon and saw the earth, they ready from the Bible out loud, on national tv.

The documentaries have been scrubbed from existence. I challenge someone to find that footage of the astronauts reading Genesis as they saw the earth for the first time after the first orbit of the moon.

Imagine the effort it took to get rid of all the sources of that footage.

I did manage to find it on Youtube, but it is gone from all usual documentaries you see on tv

This is a book by a scientist who documents how closely the current scientific timeline of evolution mirrors the book of Genesis.



1. God’s first command in Genesis is “Let there be light.” Nor is this the only introduction of light in the Genesis creation account, but it is the first, it represents the beginning of the formation of our solar system. And that was ‘The Big Bang’…some 13,700 million years ago. Quite an event…it lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds, beginning the universe, generating time and space, as well as all the matter and energy that the universe would ever, ever, contain! Big Bang…explosion….energy….light. But no atoms to form the sun for some time. Light…but no sun? So says science. And so says Genesis. Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” chapter two.

a. For reference, Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

2. Modern science has largely revealed the earth’s history with respect to the land and the seas. Coincidently, the first chapter of the Bible relates a formation, a creation narrative, strangely similar to scientific understanding.

a. Genesis 1: 6-10…”And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dryland appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

b. “The formation of the sea as well as the land is chosen as the second stage in the creation on the Bible’s first page. Modern science reveals that land and sea certainly were in place before the next stage in the scientific account of the history of the universe.” Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” p.54. What a coincidence….or confluence.

Curious, the author of Genesis lived in a landlocked region; and Moses wandered in the desert, not along the coast. Yet…sea and land appear in this prominent position in Genesis. Must be a coincidence….

3. The opening page of Genesis asserts that plant life appeared after the seas were formed, and names specifically, grass, herbs and fruit trees. According to the author of Genesis, this is the stage where life actually begins: this is the first mention life of any kind. Plant life. Yet, the simple forms of life that are considered plant life were not discovered until a couple of millennia after Genesis was completed. So…how come Genesis mentions grass, herbs, and fruit trees at precisely this moment on the creation narrative? Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” chapter four.

a. Genesis 1: 11-12 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

b. “ From about 400 million years back to 600 million years, all kinds of complex multicellular life would have been confined to the waters of the earth….Our world's ecosystems depend upon photosynthesis to construct the fuel that all life runs on; in an ancient world with conditions similar to today's, you would need plants (as organisms that can make complex "fuel" molecules using simple building blocks and energy available from the environment, plants are known as one type of autotrophs, or "self-feeders") to evolve first, or there would be no bottom link to the food chain.” Biology of Animals & Plants - Origins & History of Life on Earth

4. Track the events in the creation account of Genesis and it’s amazing how closely the events conform to the current view of modern science. An explosion- the universe – oceans/land - plants- …And next, in verse 20, we find: And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Kind of unusual…since the author of Genesis, and, if we are to believe that the first one to speak those words, Moses, didn’t really live in a habitat that one might call ‘sea side.’

Would have been understandable if this space in the Bible had, instead, have focused on the numbers of land mammals, birds, or insects found in ancient Israel, wouldn’t it? But, instead, marine organisms are specifically named: ‘Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,…’

Wouldn’t it be interesting if science find lots and lots of marine organisms extant at this point? Imagine if Genesis actually parallels the history of life on earth as expounded by science. Be a heck of a coincidence.

a. A truly important development took place some 521 million years ago, in the geological period known as the Cambrian. “The most abundant and diverse animals of Cambrian time were the trilobites. Trilobites had long antennae, compound eyes, many jointed legs, and a hard exoskeleton like many of their modern arthropod relatives, such as lobsters, crabs, and insects. The Cambrian is sometimes called the "Age of Trilobites"…” Paleobiology | Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

b. No earlier fossils were found during Darwin’s lifetime: “If the theory [evolution] be true it is indisputable that before the lowest Cambrian stratum was deposited ... the world swarmed with living creatures. [Yet] to the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these earliest periods. . . I can give no satisfactory answer. The case at present must remain inexplicable.” http://www.paleosoc.org/Oldest_Fossil.pdf

....life at this stage, about 500 million years ago, was entirely marine.

How could the Genesis writer have gotten this right?

That writer…he’s landlocked, knows little of diversity….what are the odds that ‘chance’ is the answer?

What are the odds?

5. The sequence of events from the creation of the universe, to the present, begin with great explosion that produces the universe, including the earth. The earth cools enough for oceans to form. The first life is plant life, able to photosynthesize, and add oxygen to the atmosphere. All sorts of simple non-plants fill the seas, most wormlike, with soft bodies. Along come the trilobites, hugely advanced, with hard bodies…and most amazingly, with true eyes! This makes them the primary predators….but, imposes enormous evolutionary pressure on the other organisms. The result is the Cambrian explosion, lots of small organisms with defensive armor and hard exoskeletons, some 521 million years ago. So says modern science.

a. “…Genesis shows remarkable accuracy when compared to the scientific story of life’s evolutionary journey. Here, the Genesis writer envisioned great creatures evolving from those tiny Cambrian forms, eventually making their way out of the sea….Genesis seems to have picked out all the events of the highest order of importance, and put them in the right order….I don’t know the odds against such a parallel- against making a successful guess at the scientific orthodoxy of three thousand year into the future from a knowledge base of nothing- but they must be extraordinarily long.” Parker, Op. Cit., p.163-164.

b. An interesting sidelight is the ‘evolution of the Bible’ itself. Christians have incorporated a great deal of science’s process. Early in the 20th century, the Scofield Reference Bible was published. This was a new version of the King James Bible with which added a note to Genesis, suggesting what is called the “gap theory.’ It allows that millions of years could have passed between God’s creation of the heavens and the earth, thereby freeing Genesis from the literal six-day process. “What it left was a series- the same series- of timeless events; and it is these that match the scientific account of life’s history.” Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” p. 160.

6. Unavoidable is the recognition that, once the restrictions due to the ‘six-day’ view are removed, the order of events established by modern science conform to the sequence in the first chapter of Genesis, written millennia earlier: light from an explosion (the Big Bang), universe/earth formed, the seas from the cooling earth, plants as the first life forms; abundant sea life (the Cambrian explosion), the (evolution) of the flora and fauna we see today. Neat, eh?

Lucky guess by the author of the creation account of Genesis?

7. If it is not evidence for the God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic. Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today. Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.

The Old Testament was written, although not compiled, almost three millennia ago. It is extraordinary that the writer of the creation account in Genesis, chapter one, got it right in his exposition of the series of events: his sequence turns out to be scientifically accurate in terms of contemporary knowledge.

Wow! What an incredibly lucky guess! What a considerable stroke of good fortune!

The alternative explanation is divine intervention.

  1. “ a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.” What do scientists think about religion?

What does "divine intervention" have to do with totally predictable geological, chemical, and biological processes that naturally took billions of years?
Divine intervention is when something happens unnaturally fast, which did not happen.
Stop using the word church. It’s GOD and state, and there’s no separation.

Since God is not a church or particular religion, then God is whatever one believes it to be.
But then no one would have the right to speak for God and claim what God is to anyone else.
Government is not supposed to suppress or harm religion, but that means preventing one religion from over shadowing any other religion.
So you can't have government giving any bias to one over another.
Which means if you want government to support religious holidays like Christmas, then it must equally support Hanukkah, Ramadan, etc.
The number of people who believe in any particular religion does not matter.
Minorities are supposed to have equal rights.
So it is no religions or all religions.
Otherwise you are violating basic legal principles.
Sharia Law is cool to implement here then?
No because we are a Christian nation.

No, we are not a Christian nation.
The main religions when the founders came here were native.
The Puritans and Quakers really were Old Testament believers, and not the New Testament of the Christians.
And certainly the goal of the founders was to prevent any conflict or domination of one religion over another, like they had seen previously in Europe.

The Founders put in things like "In God We Trust" because they were deists, who did not believe in any particular religious rituals, but only that there was some inherent commonality between all human beings.
We now know that is our DNA from evolution, and not from a deity. But that really does not matter.

Our founding was Judeo-Christian....and no one ..NO ONE....claims that this faith demanded, mandated, insisted that any individual has this or any faith at all.

Christ is referenced in the Constitution, and the DofI mentions God four times.

Did that hurt?

Government is not supposed to suppress or harm religion, but that means preventing one religion from over shadowing any other religion.
So you can't have government giving any bias to one over another.
Which means if you want government to support religious holidays like Christmas, then it must equally support Hanukkah, Ramadan, etc.
The number of people who believe in any particular religion does not matter.
Minorities are supposed to have equal rights.
So it is no religions or all religions.
Otherwise you are violating basic legal principles.

“Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history,” said Colorado Civil Rights Commissioner Diann Rice, “whether it be slavery, whether it be the Holocaust, whether it be …” Here she trailed off.

“We can list hundreds of situations where freedom of religion has been used to justify discrimination,” she picked up again. “And to me it is one of the most despicable pieces of rhetoric that people can use to — to use their religion to hurt others.”

Given the prevalence of this anti-religious attitude, it was heartening to see that three of the Supreme Court’s five most liberal justices — and seven justices in all — not only rejected Rice’s view, but actually found its utterance during Phillips’ legal proceeding to be clear evidence of the show trial’s unfairness.The Phillips ruling had to be thrown out, seven justices decided, because no reasonable person could defend the promulgation of such ignorant anti-religious bigotry in an official setting."
Religious freedom lives to fight another day

"...Justice Anthony Kennedy concluded: "The commission's hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment's guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion. ... "Supreme Court: Be Polite When You Violate Others' Rights

Only two of the Justices, Bader-Ginsburg and Sotomayor, gave in to their inner Fascism.
I remember watching documentaries of the Apollo moon flight. The first time they swung around the moon and saw the earth, they ready from the Bible out loud, on national tv.

The documentaries have been scrubbed from existence. I challenge someone to find that footage of the astronauts reading Genesis as they saw the earth for the first time after the first orbit of the moon.

Imagine the effort it took to get rid of all the sources of that footage.

I did manage to find it on Youtube, but it is gone from all usual documentaries you see on tv

This is a book by a scientist who documents how closely the current scientific timeline of evolution mirrors the book of Genesis.



1. God’s first command in Genesis is “Let there be light.” Nor is this the only introduction of light in the Genesis creation account, but it is the first, it represents the beginning of the formation of our solar system. And that was ‘The Big Bang’…some 13,700 million years ago. Quite an event…it lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds, beginning the universe, generating time and space, as well as all the matter and energy that the universe would ever, ever, contain! Big Bang…explosion….energy….light. But no atoms to form the sun for some time. Light…but no sun? So says science. And so says Genesis. Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” chapter two.

a. For reference, Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

2. Modern science has largely revealed the earth’s history with respect to the land and the seas. Coincidently, the first chapter of the Bible relates a formation, a creation narrative, strangely similar to scientific understanding.

a. Genesis 1: 6-10…”And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dryland appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

b. “The formation of the sea as well as the land is chosen as the second stage in the creation on the Bible’s first page. Modern science reveals that land and sea certainly were in place before the next stage in the scientific account of the history of the universe.” Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” p.54. What a coincidence….or confluence.

Curious, the author of Genesis lived in a landlocked region; and Moses wandered in the desert, not along the coast. Yet…sea and land appear in this prominent position in Genesis. Must be a coincidence….

3. The opening page of Genesis asserts that plant life appeared after the seas were formed, and names specifically, grass, herbs and fruit trees. According to the author of Genesis, this is the stage where life actually begins: this is the first mention life of any kind. Plant life. Yet, the simple forms of life that are considered plant life were not discovered until a couple of millennia after Genesis was completed. So…how come Genesis mentions grass, herbs, and fruit trees at precisely this moment on the creation narrative? Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” chapter four.

a. Genesis 1: 11-12 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

b. “ From about 400 million years back to 600 million years, all kinds of complex multicellular life would have been confined to the waters of the earth….Our world's ecosystems depend upon photosynthesis to construct the fuel that all life runs on; in an ancient world with conditions similar to today's, you would need plants (as organisms that can make complex "fuel" molecules using simple building blocks and energy available from the environment, plants are known as one type of autotrophs, or "self-feeders") to evolve first, or there would be no bottom link to the food chain.” Biology of Animals & Plants - Origins & History of Life on Earth

4. Track the events in the creation account of Genesis and it’s amazing how closely the events conform to the current view of modern science. An explosion- the universe – oceans/land - plants- …And next, in verse 20, we find: And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Kind of unusual…since the author of Genesis, and, if we are to believe that the first one to speak those words, Moses, didn’t really live in a habitat that one might call ‘sea side.’

Would have been understandable if this space in the Bible had, instead, have focused on the numbers of land mammals, birds, or insects found in ancient Israel, wouldn’t it? But, instead, marine organisms are specifically named: ‘Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,…’

Wouldn’t it be interesting if science find lots and lots of marine organisms extant at this point? Imagine if Genesis actually parallels the history of life on earth as expounded by science. Be a heck of a coincidence.

a. A truly important development took place some 521 million years ago, in the geological period known as the Cambrian. “The most abundant and diverse animals of Cambrian time were the trilobites. Trilobites had long antennae, compound eyes, many jointed legs, and a hard exoskeleton like many of their modern arthropod relatives, such as lobsters, crabs, and insects. The Cambrian is sometimes called the "Age of Trilobites"…” Paleobiology | Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

b. No earlier fossils were found during Darwin’s lifetime: “If the theory [evolution] be true it is indisputable that before the lowest Cambrian stratum was deposited ... the world swarmed with living creatures. [Yet] to the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these earliest periods. . . I can give no satisfactory answer. The case at present must remain inexplicable.” http://www.paleosoc.org/Oldest_Fossil.pdf

....life at this stage, about 500 million years ago, was entirely marine.

How could the Genesis writer have gotten this right?

That writer…he’s landlocked, knows little of diversity….what are the odds that ‘chance’ is the answer?

What are the odds?

5. The sequence of events from the creation of the universe, to the present, begin with great explosion that produces the universe, including the earth. The earth cools enough for oceans to form. The first life is plant life, able to photosynthesize, and add oxygen to the atmosphere. All sorts of simple non-plants fill the seas, most wormlike, with soft bodies. Along come the trilobites, hugely advanced, with hard bodies…and most amazingly, with true eyes! This makes them the primary predators….but, imposes enormous evolutionary pressure on the other organisms. The result is the Cambrian explosion, lots of small organisms with defensive armor and hard exoskeletons, some 521 million years ago. So says modern science.

a. “…Genesis shows remarkable accuracy when compared to the scientific story of life’s evolutionary journey. Here, the Genesis writer envisioned great creatures evolving from those tiny Cambrian forms, eventually making their way out of the sea….Genesis seems to have picked out all the events of the highest order of importance, and put them in the right order….I don’t know the odds against such a parallel- against making a successful guess at the scientific orthodoxy of three thousand year into the future from a knowledge base of nothing- but they must be extraordinarily long.” Parker, Op. Cit., p.163-164.

b. An interesting sidelight is the ‘evolution of the Bible’ itself. Christians have incorporated a great deal of science’s process. Early in the 20th century, the Scofield Reference Bible was published. This was a new version of the King James Bible with which added a note to Genesis, suggesting what is called the “gap theory.’ It allows that millions of years could have passed between God’s creation of the heavens and the earth, thereby freeing Genesis from the literal six-day process. “What it left was a series- the same series- of timeless events; and it is these that match the scientific account of life’s history.” Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” p. 160.

6. Unavoidable is the recognition that, once the restrictions due to the ‘six-day’ view are removed, the order of events established by modern science conform to the sequence in the first chapter of Genesis, written millennia earlier: light from an explosion (the Big Bang), universe/earth formed, the seas from the cooling earth, plants as the first life forms; abundant sea life (the Cambrian explosion), the (evolution) of the flora and fauna we see today. Neat, eh?

Lucky guess by the author of the creation account of Genesis?

7. If it is not evidence for the God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic. Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today. Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.

The Old Testament was written, although not compiled, almost three millennia ago. It is extraordinary that the writer of the creation account in Genesis, chapter one, got it right in his exposition of the series of events: his sequence turns out to be scientifically accurate in terms of contemporary knowledge.

Wow! What an incredibly lucky guess! What a considerable stroke of good fortune!

The alternative explanation is divine intervention.

  1. “ a majority of scientists (51%) say they believe in God or a higher power, while 41% say they do not.” What do scientists think about religion?

What does "divine intervention" have to do with totally predictable geological, chemical, and biological processes that naturally took billions of years?
Divine intervention is when something happens unnaturally fast, which did not happen.

"... totally predictable geological, chemical, and biological processes..."

Gads, you're a moron.

So....tribes living from birth in a desert had an understanding of "geological, chemical, and biological processes" three millennia ago.

Who ties your shoe laces for you?
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Government is not supposed to suppress or harm religion, but that means preventing one religion from over shadowing any other religion.
So you can't have government giving any bias to one over another.
Which means if you want government to support religious holidays like Christmas, then it must equally support Hanukkah, Ramadan, etc.
The number of people who believe in any particular religion does not matter.
Minorities are supposed to have equal rights.
So it is no religions or all religions.
Otherwise you are violating basic legal principles.

Government is not supposed to police religions.

Government is supposed to get out of the way of faith and police actions that harm others.
Small towns can't have a Christmas tree on public property?

Where does that far right radical extremist conservative get these lies?.

You're the friggin' liar, and you're also an idiot if you don't know that towns have banned Christmas trees from public property.


Click the link you stupid lazy far right radical extremist.

Of course small towns have christmas tree lighting ceremonies. I've been to many of them.

I spoon-fed you the information with a link yet you're just too lazy to click on it.

Or more like you don't like the fact I proved that claim is nothing but a lie. So without even looking, you just reply calling me a liar.

You are the liar here. Not me.

You people have been waging a war on anyone who doesn't agree with your view for far way too long. It needs to stop.

Stop the lies. Stop the fighting. Grow up and act like a mature adult for once in your pathetic life. You've been fed nothing but lies. Wake up and join the sane people in reality.

The lighting in Leavenworth happens right in the middle of town in the town square. Which most certainly is public property. They only have 1900 people in that town. It's a very small town in the Cascade Mountains. People come from all over the state and other states just to experience it. The businesses there make a ton of money from it. Which is why they have it every weekend in December.

They even, heaven forbid according to you, have roving carolers who sing traditional chirstmas songs dressed in costume.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! That is if you can stop hating long enough to enjoy the season.

Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 8.08.11 AM.png
Small towns can't have a Christmas tree on public property?

Where does that far right radical extremist conservative get these lies?.

You're the friggin' liar, and you're also an idiot if you don't know that towns have banned Christmas trees from public property.


Click the link you stupid lazy far right radical extremist.

Of course small towns have christmas tree lighting ceremonies. I've been to many of them.

I spoon-fed you the information with a link yet you're just too lazy to click on it.

Or more like you don't like the fact I proved that claim is nothing but a lie. So without even looking, you just reply calling me a liar.

You are the liar here. Not me.

You people have been waging a war on anyone who doesn't agree with your view for far way too long. It needs to stop.

Stop the lies. Stop the fighting. Grow up and act like a mature adult for once in your pathetic life. You've been fed nothing but lies. Wake up and join the sane people in reality.

The lighting in Leavenworth happens right in the middle of town in the town square. Which most certainly is public property. They only have 1900 people in that town. It's a very small town in the Cascade Mountains. People come from all over the state and other states just to experience it. The businesses there make a ton of money from it. Which is why they have it every weekend in December.

They even, heaven forbid according to you, have roving carolers who sing traditional chirstmas songs dressed in costume.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! That is if you can stop hating long enough to enjoy the season.

View attachment 292265

"... you stupid lazy far right radical extremist.:

There is no 'far right' in this country....only a far left.

Did you send in your contribution to Planned Parenthood yet?
Stop using the word church. It’s GOD and state, and there’s no separation.

Since God is not a church or particular religion, then God is whatever one believes it to be.
But then no one would have the right to speak for God and claim what God is to anyone else.
That’s fine. If you believe God to be a church in terms of word usage who am I to say not to. But if you actually go and worship in a particular religion’s church, you’re an idiot.
…contrary to what you learned in government school, it is a fabrication designed to advance the Marxist view of religion. Such is what our schools have become.

1.Remember the aphorism “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.”
Clearly, an earlier generation knew not to trust liars after they are caught once. The huge number who still vote Democrat indicates that that understanding is no longer the case…..they keep playing Charlie Brown missing Lucy’s football.

2. The Democrats/Secularists behave as though America was founded on keeping religion out of government, out of the public arena and out of civil discourse.
The very opposite is true.
And, by ‘religion,’ I mean the guidance of the Judeo-Christian faith, that of our Founders.

If no errors can be found in this thread, then consider it proven that the Left/Democrats/Progressives have lied about said separation, and those who still vote for this iniquitous bunch simply what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.

3. “The Department of Justice is “ready to fight for the most cherished of all our American liberties: the freedom to live according to our faith.” - Attorney General William Barr
These words send the Left into a fit!
"… one can only assume that if our founding fathers were here today, the mainstream media and far-left activists would strongly condemn their words as well, which raises the question: Do they rightly understand the First Amendment and the oft-cited “separation of church and state?” (Incidentally, these words appear nowhere in our Constitution or founding documents.)

4. The First Amendment was never intended to stamp out religious expression…it was designed to protect it. Statements by political leaders that acknowledge God, or champion religious freedom, do not constitute an “establishment” of a national religion, nor did similar statements from our founding fathers. The ongoing attempt to distort the First Amendment and use it as a sword against people of faith is abhorrent and must be condemned.

5. …this campaign against Christianity that has been waged on our nation. The Ten Commandments once graced the halls of many public buildings; now they are targeted for removal. Public prayer was once expected and appreciated; now it is mocked and frequently banned from public events, with perhaps a few exceptions for hollow words offered up to a nameless “higher power” of our own creation. The Bible was once taught in public schools and esteemed in the public square; now our societal devotion to Scripture has been replaced by the gods of sexuality, self-fulfillment, and salvation through socialism.” Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

What is the basis of this sea change in America?

The explanation is the injection of neo-Marxism into the society by Joseph Stalin’s pal, our 32nd President.
It comes as no surprise that conservatives are this ignorant of Establishment Clause case law.

It was the original intent and understanding of the Framers that church and state remain separate; that there be no religious tests to hold public office, that no official state religion would be established, and that the state was prohibited from advocating for one specific religion to the exclusion of another.

For example, as the Supreme Court reaffirmed in Allegheny County v. ACLU (1989), the display of a creche in a government building adorned with the words “Glory to God for the birth of Jesus Christ" was a clear violation of the Framer’s mandate that church and state remain separate, as codified in the First Amendment.

That the authoritarian right has nothing but contempt for the settled, accepted doctrine of separation of church and state and seeks to use the power of the state to compel religious conformity is consistent with conservatives’ disdain for citizens’ rights and protected liberties.
Church, and God/creator, are 2 completely different ideas. You can separate church from state all you want but you’ll never separate Creator from state no matter how much you try.
So Republicans really DO believe that we should be a theocracy?

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