There is no such thing as a "Palestinian."

Try again, Wikipedia has no credibility.
Zionist attempt to rewrite Bible fails!

And your Nazi website,, is credible?
You Nazi types crack me up. is the website of the Bible Believers' Church of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Because the website reprints antisemitic material such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Henry Ford’s The International Jew,[1][2] and Holocaust denial material from authors such as Bradley Smith and Mark Weber, a complaint was lodged under Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act.[2][3][4][5] In 2007, Justice Richard Conti of the Federal Court of Australia ordered Anthony Grigor-Scott to remove from the website antisemitic claims that Jews deliberately exaggerated the number of Jews killed during World War II.[3][6]

Bible Believers were described as "[o]ne of the most visible of the plethora of eccentric pseudo-Christian groups in Australia" and "extremist" by the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) in their 2008 report on antisemitism in Australia.
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My Source is the original Greek texts of The Bible And Jesus.

Truth shall always be brought into Light!

Bibles were not written to be history books. Nor did Jesus tell his flowers that he was a history teacher.

Seriously, when KKKracker girlies make such ridiculous assertions as 'support' for their extremist radical views - they cement a first impression of being loonie conspiranutter whacko fans. And they cement resistance against even considering for a moment that anything they have to say on ANY topic is either well-informed or well-intentioned.

It is great, though, if on wishes to appeal to those with a grudge against whatever 'establishment' they perceive, the 'professional counter-culture' extremists, the wannabe 'revolutionaries', the lazy anarchists........and of course the rest of the moonbat loonie conspiranutter crew.

common sense!

common sense defines who you are?

The ability to understand the geography of the place you live.

I guess that is obviously something Zionists lack, too much instruction in lying and distorting truth.

The lyng hypocrite sherriwhore seems unable to comprehend that the post above is exactly the kind of thing she accuses several others of with her siggie.

Certainly a MOST peculiar 'interpetation' of the Golden Rule as promoted by the Prince of Peace, whom she pretends to follow.....

SherriKKKins' Christianity is a fake and a fraud : ))

She sows hatred with every post.......Satan is her Lord, for she gives Satan her homage.
common sense defines who you are?

The ability to understand the geography of the place you live.

I guess that is obviously something Zionists lack, too much instruction in lying and distorting truth.

Self definition is not determined by place of birth alone.

Are you that stupid?:cuckoo:

Bubbaleh, that one would have to grow about sixty IQ points to be that stupid...... It's not really a question of intelligence, though.

Sometimes people's IQ points are held captive by some rigid ideological frame of reference....or multiples thereof. If the US Government came out with a study saying the best form for the wheel was round - you know some people would just have to disagree.......
The ability to understand the geography of the place you live.

I guess that is obviously something Zionists lack, too much instruction in lying and distorting truth.

Self definition is not determined by place of birth alone.

Are you that stupid?:cuckoo:

Learn English better, trying to talk to you is like talking to an alien.


Sherri just said that talking to Lipush is like talking to an alien, but as we all already know, talking to Sherri is like talking to an alien. She has once again accused someone else of what she is guilty of.
Laughable really !
Many people suffer under the misapprehension that Jesus was a*"Jew,"*moreover, that he was**"King of the Jews."*Thus, by inference, that the*"Jews"*were the*"Chosen People"*of the*Holy Bible*and so ancient possessors and modern inheritors of the Bible Covenants gifted by Yahweh to their forebears Abraham, Jacob and Judah. However, this is not the case. In fact, during Christ's Mission and Passion no such people existed called*"Jews"*nor indeed did the word*"Jew."*In short: Jesus was NOT a*"Jew"*nor was he**"King of the Jews."In fact, Jesus is referred as a*"Jew"*for the first time in the*New Testament*in the 18th century; in the revised 18th century English language editions of the 14th century first* English translations of the*New Testament. The etymology of the word*"Jew"*is quit clear. Although*"Jew"*is a modern conception its roots lie in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. That is, the modern English word*"Jew"*is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the 4th century Latin*"Iudaeus"*found in St. Jerome's*Vulgate Edition*and derived from the Greek word*"Ioudaios."*The evolution of this can easily be seen in the extant manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century, which illustrate not only the origin of the word*"Jew"*found in the Latin word*"Iudaeus"*but also its current use in the English language.* Littered throughout these manuscripts are the many earlier English equivalents used by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. Thus, from the Latin*"Iudaeus" to the English "Jew" the*evolution of these English forms is:*"Gyu," "Giu," "Iu," "Iuu," "Iuw," "Ieuu," "Ieuy," "Iwe," "Iow," "Iewe," "Ieue," "Iue," "Ive," "Iew,"*and then, finally, the 18th century,"Jew."*Similarly, the evolution of the English equivalents for*"Jews"*is:*"Giwis," "Giws," "Gyues," "Gywes," "Giwes," "Geus," "Iuys," "Iows," "Iouis," "Iews,"*and then, finally, in the 18th century,*"Jews."

Origin of the Word Jew

Jews were G-ds people 2000 yrs before the time of Jesus hater:cool:

John 19 Parallel Chapters

Really? Which god. It has been proven the hebrews were polytheistic until the return of the priestly class from Babylon when the rabbinical class declared they were destroyed BECAUSE they were worshiping multiple gods and the idea of one god above all others took hold.

In the oldest biblical literature (12th–11th centuries BCE) Yahweh is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies; he and Israel are bound by a covenant (a feature unique in ancient Near Eastern religion) under which Yahweh will protect Israel, and Israel in turn will not worship other gods.[3] At a later period Yahweh functioned as the dynastic cult (the god of the royal house),[4] the royal courts promoting him as the supreme god over all others in the pantheon, notably Baal, El, and Asherah (the last of whom may have been his consort).[5] Over time Yahwism became increasingly intolerant of rivals, and the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as God of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[4][5] With the work of Second Isaiah (the theoretical author of the second part of the Book of Isaiah) towards the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and true God of all the world.[5]

Yahweh isn't even a hebrew god, it's edomite or moabite and was worshipped long before israel becaame a nation. It is also widely believed that yahweh is in fact the canaanite god EL. Notice... Isra-EL. Abraham was a chaldean/babylonian who worshiped the chaldean/babylonian creator god Ea/Enki. When fighting between supporters of Ea and his brother Enlil favored Enlil, Abrah picked and moved his family to canaan where El worship took the place of Ea.

The earliest putative reference to Yahweh in the historical record occurs in a list of Bedouin tribes of the Transjordan made by Amenhotep III. In it, mention is made of the Shasu of Yhw. In 1979, Michael Astour suggested that the hieroglyphic rendering of Yhw corresponded very well with what would be expected if the term signified Yahweh.[11] Donald B. Redford[12] thinks it reasonable to conclude that the demonym 'Israel' recorded on the Merneptah Stele refers to a Shasu enclave, and that, since later Biblical tradition portrays Yahweh "coming forth from Se'ir"[13] the Shasu, originally from Moab and northern Edom, went on to form one major element in the amalgam that was to constitute the "Israel" which later established the Kingdom of Israel. Rainey has a similar view in his analysis of the el-Amarna letters.[14]

Judaism is an amalgamation of several ancient religions. It wasn't new and it wasn't original.
so comical when the jihados resort to SEMANTIC SOPHISTRY------they
actually believe that it makes them seem "smart"

Now for reality. The people today called "JEWS" (in english) were
founded by one JACOB who had 12 sons. Jacob----so named because
he was born on the HEEL -----of his twin brother. Ie---he was the kid born
second. (its from a hebrew word meaning heel) Jacob----according to the
scriptural writings-----had a spiritural experience in which he was renamed
ISRAEL (from a hebrew word----not exactly clear to me but having some
thing to do with "confronting G-d") Jacob (aka Israel) names his
son JUDAH as the son to take over LEADERSHIP ----Thus the group
founded and fathered by Jacob (aka israel) became ----as was the custom
of the time known as "CHILDREN OF ISRAEL" and since Judah was named
future "king" by Jacob (aka israel) the whole community was also called
"KINGDOM OF JUDAH" In hebrew that is YEHUDAH for Judah----and
YEHUDI ----for people from that group. Forget the sophistry of the idiots
above "jew" is simply a translation of "yehudi" -----what people wrote in
greek and latin has nothing to do with anything worth talking about. All of the
words I have mentioned are used in ancient writings in hebrew.

Anyone here ever hear the CANTEBURY TALES in the original-----language---
they spoke back then? Maybe sherri might be interested in getting a recording
so she can add it to her theories on religion and ORIGIN OF WORDS
In my opinion, these word games are getting us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, the area today know as Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza is as diverse as anywhere else in the world, with Jews and Arabs alike, each who have strong roots in the region for hundreds of years, each who have meaningful religious sites in the area, each who have a strong attachment to the territory. Israel will forever exist, as it should at this point despite what I feel was a mismanaged establishment of the country in the first place by the British. However, whether you want to call the people in the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians or Pumpkins, they deserve a state, and if they want to call it Palestine, so be it, and Jews can live in Palestine or Arabs can live in Israel and we can all live happily ever after. DEFINITELY not this simple, obviously, but I really wish it could be.
In my opinion, these word games are getting us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, the area today know as Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza is as diverse as anywhere else in the world, with Jews and Arabs alike, each who have strong roots in the region for hundreds of years, each who have meaningful religious sites in the area, each who have a strong attachment to the territory. Israel will forever exist, as it should at this point despite what I feel was a mismanaged establishment of the country in the first place by the British. However, whether you want to call the people in the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians or Pumpkins, they deserve a state, and if they want to call it Palestine, so be it, and Jews can live in Palestine or Arabs can live in Israel and we can all live happily ever after. DEFINITELY not this simple, obviously, but I really wish it could be.

nice sambino-------when I was a little kid-----and searched the skies for the FIRST
STAR each evening----so I could WISH------"starlight, starbright, first star I see
tonight----I wish I may----I wish I might----Have the wish I wish tonite"


see?------I was just as dim as are you----it didn't help
For gods sake, even the word "israel" or "Yisra-el" is not new. EL is self explanatory, EL was the primary god of the Canaan pantheon of gods. The etymology of "Yisra" hasn't been nailed down although it has been suggested it might mean triumphant, struggles, prevails or fights..

Yisra-el was a common name in ancient Assyria and Chaldea (mesopatamia, where it is claimed abram is from) and was used frequently up untilmodern times. It has shown up in pre-hebrew dialects of northwest semetic languages such as Eblaite (2300-1600bc) and Ugaritic (1400-1200 bc).

All this proves is that the ancient hebrews worshipped the Canaanite god EL, who eventually became the primary god in the originally polytheistic religion of judaism.
The ability to understand the geography of the place you live.

I guess that is obviously something Zionists lack, too much instruction in lying and distorting truth.

Self definition is not determined by place of birth alone.

Are you that stupid?:cuckoo:

Bubbaleh, that one would have to grow about sixty IQ points to be that stupid......

In my opinion, these word games are getting us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, the area today know as Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza is as diverse as anywhere else in the world, with Jews and Arabs alike, each who have strong roots in the region for hundreds of years, each who have meaningful religious sites in the area, each who have a strong attachment to the territory. Israel will forever exist, as it should at this point despite what I feel was a mismanaged establishment of the country in the first place by the British. However, whether you want to call the people in the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians or Pumpkins, they deserve a state, and if they want to call it Palestine, so be it, and Jews can live in Palestine or Arabs can live in Israel and we can all live happily ever after. DEFINITELY not this simple, obviously, but I really wish it could be.

nice sambino-------when I was a little kid-----and searched the skies for the FIRST
STAR each evening----so I could WISH------"starlight, starbright, first star I see
tonight----I wish I may----I wish I might----Have the wish I wish tonite"


see?------I was just as dim as are you----it didn't help

You know, except the palistinians.
In my opinion, these word games are getting us nowhere. The fact of the matter is, the area today know as Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza is as diverse as anywhere else in the world, with Jews and Arabs alike, each who have strong roots in the region for hundreds of years, each who have meaningful religious sites in the area, each who have a strong attachment to the territory. Israel will forever exist, as it should at this point despite what I feel was a mismanaged establishment of the country in the first place by the British. However, whether you want to call the people in the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians or Pumpkins, they deserve a state, and if they want to call it Palestine, so be it, and Jews can live in Palestine or Arabs can live in Israel and we can all live happily ever after. DEFINITELY not this simple, obviously, but I really wish it could be.

nice sambino-------when I was a little kid-----and searched the skies for the FIRST
STAR each evening----so I could WISH------"starlight, starbright, first star I see
tonight----I wish I may----I wish I might----Have the wish I wish tonite"


see?------I was just as dim as are you----it didn't help

Your personal insults and mocking do nothing to advance your argument or our overall discussion. There's nothing wrong with being wishful, and I'm not some little kid sitting upon the roof waiting for a star to answer my pleas, I'm currently in pursuit of a career in diplomacy. I have no idea how it will turn out, but I'm at least trying. What would you prefer I do?

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