There is no such thing as a "Palestinian."

Conclusion, the word Jew does not appear in original Biblical Scriptures. Other words appear and with new editions of the Bible, we find the word Jew appearing. Whether in any instance the word Jew replaced had the same meaning as Jew would require examining the original texts. What Dr. Qumsiyeh and others argue is at the time of Jesus that the word Judean and Jehudan referred to a resident of Judea (according to Mazin, a person was actually identified by where there mother was born, thus Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Judean) . He explains Samaritans were called Samaritans because they lived in Samaria.

Jesus never called Himself a Jew.

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Matthew 2:23: '...he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: "He will be called a Nazarene." '

Matt 4:15 "Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the way to the sea, along the Jordan, Galilee of the *Gentiles*--" (i.e. pagans)

John 7:52 They replied, "Are you from Galilee, too? Look into it, and you will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee."

The Prophecy, He will be called a Nazarene.
Conclusion, the word Jew does not appear in original Biblical Scriptures. Other words appear and with new editions of the Bible, we find the word Jew appearing. Whether in any instance the word Jew replaced had the same meaning as Jew would require examining the original texts. What Dr. Qumsiyeh and others argue is at the time of Jesus that the word Judean and Jehudan referred to a resident of Judea (according to Mazin, a person was actually identified by where there mother was born, thus Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Judean) . He explains Samaritans were called Samaritans because they lived in Samaria.

Jesus never called Himself a Jew.

So, he called himself a Palestinian?
The Prophecy is and was He will be called a Nazarene, which has been fulfilled.

And to clarify, he is a Nazarene because that is where His parents lived when He was born.
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Conclusion, the word Jew does not appear in original Biblical Scriptures. Other words appear and with new editions of the Bible, we find the word Jew appearing. Whether in any instance the word Jew replaced had the same meaning as Jew would require examining the original texts. What Dr. Qumsiyeh and others argue is at the time of Jesus that the word Judean and Jehudan referred to a resident of Judea (according to Mazin, a person was actually identified by where there mother was born, thus Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Judean) . He explains Samaritans were called Samaritans because they lived in Samaria.

Jesus never called Himself a Jew.

So, he called himself a Palestinian?

The land that included multiple Roman Provinces that included Judea was called Palestine.

I live in North America but I never call myself a North American. But I am.
Conclusion, the word Jew does not appear in original Biblical Scriptures. Other words appear and with new editions of the Bible, we find the word Jew appearing. Whether in any instance the word Jew replaced had the same meaning as Jew would require examining the original texts. What Dr. Qumsiyeh and others argue is at the time of Jesus that the word Judean and Jehudan referred to a resident of Judea (according to Mazin, a person was actually identified by where there mother was born, thus Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Judean) . He explains Samaritans were called Samaritans because they lived in Samaria.

Jesus never called Himself a Jew.

So, he called himself a Palestinian?

The land that included multiple Roman Provinces that included Judea was called Palestine.

I live in North America but I never call myself a North American. But I am.

Your self definition is determined by what, exactly? If you don't mind me asking
So, he called himself a Palestinian?

The land that included multiple Roman Provinces that included Judea was called Palestine.

I live in North America but I never call myself a North American. But I am.

Your self definition is determined by what, exactly? If you don't mind me asking

We know the land was called Palestine by the writings of Greeks like Herodotus and Jesus contemporaries like Josephus.
The land that included multiple Roman Provinces that included Judea was called Palestine.

I live in North America but I never call myself a North American. But I am.

Your self definition is determined by what, exactly? If you don't mind me asking

We know the land was called Palestine by the writings of Greeks like Herodotus and Jesus contemporaries like Josephus.

yes---a large area of land was called "palestine" by Herodotus-----it included the land
once occupied by "philistines" who were aegean people------and also Israel/Judea,
large parts of lebanon and what is today Syria SO? The romans
continued to use the term Palestina ------and JOSEPHUS who lived in rome----also
used that term. Later on----the term Palestina was used to describe what was
generally the erstwhile Israel/Judea-----by the ROMANS -----and by the rest of the
world and------for almost 2000 years EVERY PERSON CALLED A PALESTINIAN----was a
JEW LIVING IN PALESTINE -------sometime in the 1960s -----arab muslims stole the
term for themselves SO????? If I call myself a MARTIAN ----does
that make me the owner of MARS?. Josephus was a pharisee jew as was Jesus-----
and an ardent zionist. I once read a bit about Josephus written by an idiot of the calibre
of our board lawyer. He decided that although he LOVED THE WRITINGS of JOSEPHUS----that JOSEPHUS made a "mistake" (just a mistake) by his fervent
praise of the PHARISEES poor sherri-----so desperate

for the record----the romans renamed SHECHEM----"NEOPOLIS" which the
current arab invaders occupying that town blurred into "nablus"-----since the desert
garble of arabia excludes the "P" sound -------The romans did not call Jeruslaem

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are Palestine.

Palestine in the time of Jesus was also called Canaan.
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Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are Palestine.

Israel and the west bank were ----at one time, called Palestine-----and at one time
were only PART of a larger area called "Palestina" by the romans. For almost the
entire time the area was called "palestine"-----the term "PALESTINIAN" refered to
a jew living in the land area called "palestine" Arabs and christians living in the same
areas were called "arabs" or "christians" Playing word games is what desperate and
mendacious and disgusting sophist pigs do ------incessantly. It is the LIAR's tool
in debate

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