There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

I've cleaned up this thread and handed out infractions. The off topic flaming needs to stop.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.

I agree.

I see the policy as racist for one reason. It uses race. Those who support such programs will tell you that it is absolutely wrong to not hire a minority race because of race, and I agree, but will then tell you that it's OK to use race in favor of hiring them. Since race is the only common factor in both scenarios, I'll need an explanation from them as to why using the same things can be wrong and right.
That have no explanation. They know it's wrong. They don't care. They're just like Michael Brown stealing cigars, and thinking he's entitled to it.

Or getting mad because the police officer that calls them on it happens to be white.
Another reflection of their anti-White RACISM. 3 cheers for Officer Wilson. He should get a promotion.
I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

I guess all the hard work I put in to get where I am was for nothing. All I had to do when sending in my resume was to say I was white according to you. I didn't get where I did through affirmative action but something tells me you did.
If you put in your resume that you were White, it would have found the trash can as soon as they saw that. And yes, he likely benefitted from AA, and bears the stigma. ALL Blacks have it. They can never been seen as accomplishers as long as AA exists. That includes Obama, Holder, er al.

Depending on the job.

There are many successful blacks who are so based solely on their merit. They are/were the most qualified for the position. I've worked with those who fit that description. I've also worked with those who didn't and were given the opportunity because they were black. The former either moved up or moved on to better things. The latter usually moved on, or should I say got moved on, because they relied on skin color to get by, often using it when called out for doing a piss poor job.
Weve been over this. Whites didnt have their land taken due to being white.
AS the Rock would say > IT DOESN'T MATTER. Now dig into your pockets and start paying those reparations, racist.
Yes it does matter. Your disagreement is what doesnt matter. BTW the Rock is Black and disagrees with you too.
BTW, the Rock is half Hispanic, and so am I, and NO, the Rock doesan't disagree with me. You have no credibility Mr. Shakedown, Diversion, Con Artist.
No stupid. He is Black and Samoan

Dwayne 8220 The Rock 8221 Johnson EthniCelebs - Celebrity Ethnicity What Nationality Background Ancestry Race
Samoan. That's Pacific. So where do you think Hispanics originate from, dum-dum ?
Native Americans retard.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
But you know who was NOT one of those Blacks ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL give you the answer. YOU. That's who.
Yes my land that I would have inherited was taken from me.

If you hadn't inherited it, it can't have been taken from you.
It was taken away from my ancestors. They were unable to will it to me.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

What I'll need you to PROVE is that I am where I am because I'm white. Prove being the key word. Doubt you can do it.

What I'll also need you to do is explain why if using race to not hire a non white is wrong yet using race to hire a non white is OK. Doubt you can do it.
I dont need to prove anything or explain anything to you. Like I told the others. Deal with AA or return the resources. You have no other option.

Then your claims, much like your miserable life, has been dismissed. That you won't prove what you claim is all the proof I need that you are nothing more than the low life you have been determined to be. Now go collect your welfare check, or in other words, reparations.

I didn't take your resources boy. If you think I have and want them returned, come get 'em. That is your option.
Dismissed by who? You had an option. You didnt have the power to dismiss anything. You simply chose to deal with AA which is fine by me.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I lost an entire career, and estimate $1.2 Million lost + more into the future due to reduced Social Security payment status.
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Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

I guess all the hard work I put in to get where I am was for nothing. All I had to do when sending in my resume was to say I was white according to you. I didn't get where I did through affirmative action but something tells me you did.
Probably not. I am pretty sure if you are actually successful that your hard work was helped along by white privilege. Actually you would be wrong about me using AA. I just simply outworked white people and was lucky.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?

I'm not really that worried about that. The impact, which protectionist wants to dwell on, seems to be negligible.

Back to my "feast" analogy......He's noticing the end piece of the bread in now in the hands of a black person. Even though the rest of the loaf is on the table, along with pies, and roasts, and wine, he's focused on the end piece of bread.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Thats because you specifically were too lazy to take advantage of your white privilege. When they said privilege they didnt mean you could lay down and someone would bring it to you.
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?
YOU KNOW it was because they were White (because of AA)
Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Thats because you were too lazy to take advantage of your white privilege. When they said privilege they didnt mean you could lay down and someone would bring it to you.
FALSE!! Exactly the opposite is true. There was no White Privilege. There was Black Privilege (AA), and that is the cause of my economic damage And you knew that.
So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Thats because you were too lazy to take advantage of your white privilege. When they said privilege they didnt mean you could lay down and someone would bring it to you.
FALSE!! Exactly the opposite is true. There was no White Privilege. There was Black Privilege (AA), and that is the cause of my economic damage And you knew that.
Tough. Now you know how most Black people feel. We all know its really because you were too lazy to educate yourself but I will humor you.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$
White privilege is the feast before a white person, who is used to being well-fed with food of their choosing for all their life.....and whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents also had access to such a feast, so there aren't even stories about days of privation.

"Black privilege" is what those white people scream about when black people, who are used to being hungry, who never saw such food, are welcomed to some of the food......not the whole table, mind you, but not just the crusts and crumbs, either.

And as a black man Ricechickie, I would also make point that women and other m
Protectionist is a white monkey whose bare ass is showing.

Don't be stupid enough to be talking about killing people if you respond.
i think I feel threatened.
I'm posting whole posts, and the forum isn't
An "impotent rage" ? That's what YOU are, Mr. inferiority complex. Rather than just accepting your inferior status, and moving on with it, like most guys like you do, you pretend you're superior. HA HA HA!! Oh, man. This is gonna be a fun day today.

And now you're calling white people "monkeys", huh ? Well, even if you don't get it, all the other Black people around do know that all that talk only bounces right back in your face.

God, you are easy to trash talk. You've got nothing at all going, trash bag. If you were right in front of me, I'd wait for you to put your filthy, smelly hand on me, and then I'd hand you your skinny little punk ass, US Army style. Yeah, you're talking to the US Army, boy. And you never want to make an enemy out of the US Army. NOoooooooo!! As my ex-Battalion commander used to say > In the Army we have a specific way of how we handle out enemies. It can be summed up in 3 simple words. WE KILL THEM! HA HA HA. But you need not fear. You're only on the other side of a computer, not where I could make a pretzel out of you. :drillsergeant::lol: And even if you were in my presence, you'd faint before you could lift a finger toward me.

So you love being Black, huh ?
Dude, you'd give your right arm to be white and YOU KNOW it. And it wasn't my assertion that you want to be White. I clearly wrote that it was Miss Ali (a Black woman) on the Dr. Drew show on HLN who said that. SHE (not me) said > "Eva Black person wanna be White" Whats the matter you got a deficiency in reading comprehension ? HA HA. Well, maybe they pushed you through school with AA, even though you weren't ready for the next higher grade.

Well, that doesn't surprise me. I remember my Meteorology class in college, which was filled with Open Admissions Blacks. Being admitted to the college without having to show a high standard of academic accomplishment in high school, they were let in, just because they were black, and that's how the AA do-gooders wanted it. So the teacher (a cool Black guy) lowered the work level to about 6th grade, and those dum-dums still couldn't pass the easiest "exam" I ever saw. In fact, it was an open book test. When they told me the term "open book" test, I didn't even know what they were talking about, I had never heard of any such ludicrous thing. Of course not. I had all my schooling up to then, before open admissions started and watered down our educations to next to nothing.

And all this just so some totally :lame2: White liberal idiots could walk around feeling confident they wouldn't be called a racist (by some racist AA :asshole:)

So now, here we are in 2014. And despite the oppression foisted upon us whites, by the racist AA goons, we can hold our heads up high knowing that all our accomplishments (ans mine are MANY) are FOR REAL, and we achieved them despite the roadblocks & handicaps of AA. So that is what helps us to love being White (in addition to being much better looking-

For Blacks, it just the opposite. You all have to live with the STIGMA of inferiority as a result of AA. Because of AA, no one can ever take you seriously. Whereever you show up, you are looked at with a question mark imprinted in your forehead. Hmmmm. Did this guy really make it on his own, or is he just there because of AA ? And that's the stigma that all Blacks carry with them (as well as Hispanics like me) So every one of you (Obama, Holder, Sotomayer, this new woman appointee to be attorney general, etc.) Nobody can ever trust that you have a clue for what you're doing. BTW, in 50 years in the workforce, I never once lowered myself to fill out an AA questionnaire, much less check "Hispanic" on one. :rolleyes-41: So I can still hold my head up high, even though YOU CAN'T.

As for my poem, you know it's good, and way beyond your inferior capabilities, so you pretend it's bad, and you couldn't be more obvious. You even misspelled the word "drawer". HA HA. This is too funny.

You are a loon. Now you resort to taliking about KILLING people in an anonymous forum? I rememmber you issuing the same type of empty threats over this same some time ago.

Yeah. I talked about killing ENEMIES of the USA, in the US Army. You got a problem with that ?

Personally, I think you are a depraved lunatic who has lost touch with reality. You openly stated what you would do to another poster, and you know it.

Didn't you claim to have "other threads to attend to"?

I'm not going to push your buttons anymore, you are mentally unstable and could become yet another demoralized goon who turns into a mass shooter.

Go away.
YOU go away. I'm the author of the OP, it's my topic that I created, and you're just a troller, posting harassment posts.

You are the author of the OP, but once you post it, it is fair game as long as responses are relevant to the topic. According to your twisted logic, anyone who disagrees with you or challenges you when you are wrong is a what does that make you?
I'll let the moderators decide who the trolls are around here. I'm OK with that ? And you ?

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Thats because you were too lazy to take advantage of your white privilege. When they said privilege they didnt mean you could lay down and someone would bring it to you.
FALSE!! Exactly the opposite is true. There was no White Privilege. There was Black Privilege (AA), and that is the cause of my economic damage And you knew that.
Tough. Now you know how most Black people feel. We all know its really because you were too lazy to educate yourself but I will humor you.
NO. That's NOT how ANY Black people feel, because they are all BENEFICIARIES of AA racism. And how stupid of you to say I was too lazy to educate myself, when you already know I was a graduate student. Maybe you don't know what the term means. Could that be it ?

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