There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

YOU are the dunce. Nobody got their land taken because of what race they were. They all just got land taken, that's all, and you're trying to make it into a race thing. Dude, it's a dumb rap. It doesn't fly. And as I've said 5 times now, it's not anything YOU suffered,. like the White people of 1964-2014 HAVE suffered from AA. Get it ?
Sorry but you are an idiot. There were racial cleansing all over the south and other parts of the country where Black people lost their land and Jackson made the slaves give their land back to the former slave owners. It was specifically because they were Black you dunce.
Fool. For the 6th time. Whatever happened, it didn't happen to YOU. GOT IT ? Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head)
It happened to my ancestors which robbed me of ultimately benefiting in the same manner whites of present day do. If you truly feel that what you inherit from your ancestors is not yours then we need to take everyones land that didnt actually buy it.
NO. YOU were not robbed. And all you're doing now is talking like a fool, which won';t hurt you in this debate, because you'rve already thoroughly had your ass handed to you here, and anybody reading this thread knows it.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in America for 50 years, have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

Those who claim that I am where I am because of white privilege simply get shown my three college degrees, two of which are advanced, my Stat'es residential contractor license, my current secondary teaching certificate although I no longer teach but maintain, and a 4" three-ring binder of State, national, and international certifications in my currently employed field.

Guess all I had to do in the simple minds of those people is to have shown up to an interview with my white skin.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.
Sorry but you are an idiot. There were racial cleansing all over the south and other parts of the country where Black people lost their land and Jackson made the slaves give their land back to the former slave owners. It was specifically because they were Black you dunce.
Fool. For the 6th time. Whatever happened, it didn't happen to YOU. GOT IT ? Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head)
It happened to my ancestors which robbed me of ultimately benefiting in the same manner whites of present day do. If you truly feel that what you inherit from your ancestors is not yours then we need to take everyones land that didnt actually buy it.
NO. YOU were not robbed. And all you're doing now is talking like a fool, which won';t hurt you in this debate, because you'rve already thoroughly had your ass handed to you here, and anybody reading this thread knows it.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

Those who claim that I am where I am because of white privilege simply get shown my three college degrees, two of which are advanced, my Stat'es residential contractor license, my current secondary teaching certificate although I no longer teach but maintain, and a 4" three-ring binder of State, national, and international certifications in my currently employed field.

Guess all I had to do in the simple minds of those people is to have shown up to an interview with my white skin.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.

I agree.

I see the policy as racist for one reason. It uses race. Those who support such programs will tell you that it is absolutely wrong to not hire a minority race because of race, and I agree, but will then tell you that it's OK to use race in favor of hiring them. Since race is the only common factor in both scenarios, I'll need an explanation from them as to why using the same things can be wrong and right.
I didn't say anything about giving you anything ... You want land then do what the rest of us do and buy it.


Some of the rest of you inherit it. Which Asclepias could have done, had his ancestors gotten the land promised them.

Interesting, huh?
No it 's not, since millions of others (mostly Whites) had the same thing happen to them. What IS interesting is how con jobber Aslepias tries to rewrite it all as a racial thing.
Weve been over this. Whites didnt have their land taken due to being white.
AS the Rock would say > IT DOESN'T MATTER. Now dig into your pockets and start paying those reparations, racist.
Yes it does matter. Your disagreement is what doesnt matter. BTW the Rock is Black and disagrees with you too.
BTW, the Rock is half Hispanic, and so am I, and NO, the Rock doesan't disagree with me. You have no credibility Mr. Shakedown, Diversion, Con Artist.
Some of the rest of you inherit it. Which Asclepias could have done, had his ancestors gotten the land promised them.

Interesting, huh?
No it 's not, since millions of others (mostly Whites) had the same thing happen to them. What IS interesting is how con jobber Aslepias tries to rewrite it all as a racial thing.
Weve been over this. Whites didnt have their land taken due to being white.
AS the Rock would say > IT DOESN'T MATTER. Now dig into your pockets and start paying those reparations, racist.
Yes it does matter. Your disagreement is what doesnt matter. BTW the Rock is Black and disagrees with you too.
BTW, the Rock is half Hispanic, and so am I, and NO, the Rock doesan't disagree with me. You have no credibility Mr. Shakedown, Diversion, Con Artist.
No stupid. He is Black and Samoan

Dwayne 8220 The Rock 8221 Johnson EthniCelebs - Celebrity Ethnicity What Nationality Background Ancestry Race
Those who claim that I am where I am because of white privilege simply get shown my three college degrees, two of which are advanced, my Stat'es residential contractor license, my current secondary teaching certificate although I no longer teach but maintain, and a 4" three-ring binder of State, national, and international certifications in my currently employed field.

Guess all I had to do in the simple minds of those people is to have shown up to an interview with my white skin.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

What I'll need you to PROVE is that I am where I am because I'm white. Prove being the key word. Doubt you can do it.

What I'll also need you to do is explain why if using race to not hire a non white is wrong yet using race to hire a non white is OK. Doubt you can do it.
Fool. For the 6th time. Whatever happened, it didn't happen to YOU. GOT IT ? Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head)
It happened to my ancestors which robbed me of ultimately benefiting in the same manner whites of present day do. If you truly feel that what you inherit from your ancestors is not yours then we need to take everyones land that didnt actually buy it.
NO. YOU were not robbed. And all you're doing now is talking like a fool, which won';t hurt you in this debate, because you'rve already thoroughly had your ass handed to you here, and anybody reading this thread knows it.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
But you know who was NOT one of those Blacks ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL give you the answer. YOU. That's who.
It happened to my ancestors which robbed me of ultimately benefiting in the same manner whites of present day do. If you truly feel that what you inherit from your ancestors is not yours then we need to take everyones land that didnt actually buy it.
NO. YOU were not robbed. And all you're doing now is talking like a fool, which won';t hurt you in this debate, because you'rve already thoroughly had your ass handed to you here, and anybody reading this thread knows it.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
But you know who was NOT one of those Blacks ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL give you the answer. YOU. That's who.
Yes my land that I would have inherited was taken from me.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

What I'll need you to PROVE is that I am where I am because I'm white. Prove being the key word. Doubt you can do it.

What I'll also need you to do is explain why if using race to not hire a non white is wrong yet using race to hire a non white is OK. Doubt you can do it.
I dont need to prove anything or explain anything to you. Like I told the others. Deal with AA or return the resources. You have no other option.
Fool. For the 6th time. Whatever happened, it didn't happen to YOU. GOT IT ? Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head)
It happened to my ancestors which robbed me of ultimately benefiting in the same manner whites of present day do. If you truly feel that what you inherit from your ancestors is not yours then we need to take everyones land that didnt actually buy it.
NO. YOU were not robbed. And all you're doing now is talking like a fool, which won';t hurt you in this debate, because you'rve already thoroughly had your ass handed to you here, and anybody reading this thread knows it.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.[/QUOTE

Those that willingly accepted affirmative action benefits took their own dignity away by doing so.
Those who claim that I am where I am because of white privilege simply get shown my three college degrees, two of which are advanced, my Stat'es residential contractor license, my current secondary teaching certificate although I no longer teach but maintain, and a 4" three-ring binder of State, national, and international certifications in my currently employed field.

Guess all I had to do in the simple minds of those people is to have shown up to an interview with my white skin.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.

I agree.

I see the policy as racist for one reason. It uses race. Those who support such programs will tell you that it is absolutely wrong to not hire a minority race because of race, and I agree, but will then tell you that it's OK to use race in favor of hiring them. Since race is the only common factor in both scenarios, I'll need an explanation from them as to why using the same things can be wrong and right.
They have no explanation. They know it's wrong. They don't care. They're just like Michael Brown stealing cigars, and thinking he's entitled to it.
NO. YOU were not robbed. And all you're doing now is talking like a fool, which won';t hurt you in this debate, because you'rve already thoroughly had your ass handed to you here, and anybody reading this thread knows it.
Yes I was and so were millions of other Black people. Claiming I wasnt has no bearing. All you are doing is being a dunce. We all know this is your natural state but I thought you at least could support your premise.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
But you know who was NOT one of those Blacks ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL give you the answer. YOU. That's who.
Yes my land that I would have inherited was taken from me.

If you hadn't inherited it, it can't have been taken from you.
I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

What I'll need you to PROVE is that I am where I am because I'm white. Prove being the key word. Doubt you can do it.

What I'll also need you to do is explain why if using race to not hire a non white is wrong yet using race to hire a non white is OK. Doubt you can do it.
I dont need to prove anything or explain anything to you. Like I told the others. Deal with AA or return the resources. You have no other option.
Pay reparations to Whites for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ you've stolen from them with Black Privilege. You have no other option.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.

I agree.

I see the policy as racist for one reason. It uses race. Those who support such programs will tell you that it is absolutely wrong to not hire a minority race because of race, and I agree, but will then tell you that it's OK to use race in favor of hiring them. Since race is the only common factor in both scenarios, I'll need an explanation from them as to why using the same things can be wrong and right.
That have no explanation. They know it's wrong. They don't care. They're just like Michael Brown stealing cigars, and thinking he's entitled to it.

Or getting mad because the police officer that calls them on it happens to be white.
No it 's not, since millions of others (mostly Whites) had the same thing happen to them. What IS interesting is how con jobber Aslepias tries to rewrite it all as a racial thing.
Weve been over this. Whites didnt have their land taken due to being white.
AS the Rock would say > IT DOESN'T MATTER. Now dig into your pockets and start paying those reparations, racist.
Yes it does matter. Your disagreement is what doesnt matter. BTW the Rock is Black and disagrees with you too.
BTW, the Rock is half Hispanic, and so am I, and NO, the Rock doesan't disagree with me. You have no credibility Mr. Shakedown, Diversion, Con Artist.
No stupid. He is Black and Samoan

Dwayne 8220 The Rock 8221 Johnson EthniCelebs - Celebrity Ethnicity What Nationality Background Ancestry Race
Samoan. That's Pacific. So where do you think Hispanics originate from, dum-dum ?
I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.

I agree.

I see the policy as racist for one reason. It uses race. Those who support such programs will tell you that it is absolutely wrong to not hire a minority race because of race, and I agree, but will then tell you that it's OK to use race in favor of hiring them. Since race is the only common factor in both scenarios, I'll need an explanation from them as to why using the same things can be wrong and right.
That have no explanation. They know it's wrong. They don't care. They're just like Michael Brown stealing cigars, and thinking he's entitled to it.

Or getting mad because the police officer that calls them on it happens to be white.
Another reflection of their anti-White RACISM. 3 cheers for Officer Wilson. He should get a promotion.
I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

What I'll need you to PROVE is that I am where I am because I'm white. Prove being the key word. Doubt you can do it.

What I'll also need you to do is explain why if using race to not hire a non white is wrong yet using race to hire a non white is OK. Doubt you can do it.
I dont need to prove anything or explain anything to you. Like I told the others. Deal with AA or return the resources. You have no other option.

Then your claims, much like your miserable life, has been dismissed. That you won't prove what you claim is all the proof I need that you are nothing more than the low life you have been determined to be. Now go collect your welfare check, or in other words, reparations.

I didn't take your resources boy. If you think I have and want them returned, come get 'em. That is your option.
Those who claim that I am where I am because of white privilege simply get shown my three college degrees, two of which are advanced, my Stat'es residential contractor license, my current secondary teaching certificate although I no longer teach but maintain, and a 4" three-ring binder of State, national, and international certifications in my currently employed field.

Guess all I had to do in the simple minds of those people is to have shown up to an interview with my white skin.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

I guess all the hard work I put in to get where I am was for nothing. All I had to do when sending in my resume was to say I was white according to you. I didn't get where I did through affirmative action but something tells me you did.
Do you have binders full of women?

I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

I guess all the hard work I put in to get where I am was for nothing. All I had to do when sending in my resume was to say I was white according to you. I didn't get where I did through affirmative action but something tells me you did.
If you put in your resume that you were White, it would have found the trash can as soon as they saw that. And yes, he likely benefitted from AA, and bears the stigma. ALL Blacks have it. They can never been seen as accomplishers as long as AA exists. That includes Obama, Holder, er al.

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