There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$
No one is asking for approval on this.. You dont have to accept it. That only proves you are delusional. Whites own pretty much everything in the way of resources here in the US.

You were eliminated from contention because there were better qualified people of every race ahead of you.
So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$

Those people that you want to dismiss didn't become wealthy in a vacuum, and the black people of the same generations, didn't have the privileges to accumulate wealth that they could pass on to their descendants. That is how we've got such disparity between races when it comes to the ultra-rich.

You refused to fill out certain questionnaires, which means that it wasn't your whiteness, but your uncooperativeness, that seemed to be a problem.

Like I said before, I don't support affirmative action, because I believe it is mostly counterproductive, especially in this day and age, but I also don't see any evidence that white people have suffered as much harm from AA as black people suffered from literally centuries of white privilege.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, even if just by the INSULT of it all.

So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?

I'm not really that worried about that. The impact, which protectionist wants to dwell on, seems to be negligible.

Back to my "feast" analogy......He's noticing the end piece of the bread in now in the hands of a black person. Even though the rest of the loaf is on the table, along with pies, and roasts, and wine, he's focused on the end piece of bread.
How do you arrive at saying the "impact" is negligible ? I posted that I lost $1.2 Million, and continue to lose more in reduced social Security payment status. You call that "negligible" ?
So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Thats because you were too lazy to take advantage of your white privilege. When they said privilege they didnt mean you could lay down and someone would bring it to you.
FALSE!! Exactly the opposite is true. There was no White Privilege. There was Black Privilege (AA), and that is the cause of my economic damage And you knew that.
Tough. Now you know how most Black people feel. We all know its really because you were too lazy to educate yourself but I will humor you.
NO. That's NOT how ANY Black people feel, because they are all BENEFICIARIES of AA racism. And how stupid of you to say I was too lazy to educate myself, when you already know I was a graduate student. Maybe you don't know what the term means. Could that be it ?
Are you Black? If not then ask a Black person. Most know and have experienced losses be it simply dignity, opportunity, or rights due to race discrimination.

I dont know you were a graduate student. I dont think you know what that is. I dont believe you were a graduate of anything except maybe preschool. I doubt anyone would let you into a high school let alone a college.
So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?

I'm not really that worried about that. The impact, which protectionist wants to dwell on, seems to be negligible.

Back to my "feast" analogy......He's noticing the end piece of the bread in now in the hands of a black person. Even though the rest of the loaf is on the table, along with pies, and roasts, and wine, he's focused on the end piece of bread.
How do you arrive at saying the "impact" is negligible ? I posted that I lost $1.2 Million, and continue to lose more in reduced social Security payment status. You call that "negligible" ?
Yeah right......:laugh:

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$
No one is asking for approval on this.. You dont have to accept it. That only proves you are delusional. Whites own pretty much everything in the way of resources here in the US.

You were eliminated from contention because there were better qualified people of every race ahead of you.
Nonsense. Much of white America is poor, and Black Privilege (AA) is the reason why. Blacks in my apartment complex are all driving nice, shiny NEW cars,and have high-paying jobs they got through AA. You can deny until you're blue in the face. YOU KNOW I'm right. YOU KNOW.
So, your collective white feelings are hurt.

How is your collective bank account?
MASSIVE DAMAGE. See Post # 969 in > Slavery reparations Page 97 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?

I'm not really that worried about that. The impact, which protectionist wants to dwell on, seems to be negligible.

Back to my "feast" analogy......He's noticing the end piece of the bread in now in the hands of a black person. Even though the rest of the loaf is on the table, along with pies, and roasts, and wine, he's focused on the end piece of bread.
How do you arrive at saying the "impact" is negligible ? I posted that I lost $1.2 Million, and continue to lose more in reduced social Security payment status. You call that "negligible" ?

In the grand scheme of things, yes.

No doubt you take it hard. I guess you should have filled out the forms they wanted you to fill out, if it was a condition of applying for a job.

Besides that, I didn't realize we were just talking about you. I thought you were speaking on behalf of all white people. White people which, still, are more wealthy on average than black people.

That doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a better car than every black person, or that you should be wealthier than every black person you meet. The fact that you seem to think that it's your right to be in that position is your problem, not theirs.
So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$
No one is asking for approval on this.. You dont have to accept it. That only proves you are delusional. Whites own pretty much everything in the way of resources here in the US.

You were eliminated from contention because there were better qualified people of every race ahead of you.
Nonsense. Much of white America is poor, and Black Privilege (AA) is the reason why. Blacks in my apartment complex are all driving nice, shiny NEW cars,and have high-paying jobs they got through AA. You can deny until you're blue in the face. YOU KNOW I'm right. YOU KNOW.
So the truth comes out. You are upset at Black people that live in apartments and drive nice shiny cars? When they get old they will be in the same predicament you are in. Dont worry.

I knew you were suffering from a inferiority complex but this is some funny stuff right here. :laugh:
Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.
Look here. Jake's calling for a RETREAT. HA HA HA.

Well, they ran through the briars, and they ran through the brambles. Ran through the places where a rabbit couldn't go. They ran so fast, the hounds couldn't catch'm. Down the Mississippi to the Gulf o' Mexico.

I am acknowledging that you failed, Protectionist.

You have backed off your threats, which is damned white of you, and very very wise.

Show me the hundreds of millions of US whites out of jobs, fool.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.
Thats because you were too lazy to take advantage of your white privilege. When they said privilege they didnt mean you could lay down and someone would bring it to you.
FALSE!! Exactly the opposite is true. There was no White Privilege. There was Black Privilege (AA), and that is the cause of my economic damage And you knew that.
Tough. Now you know how most Black people feel. We all know its really because you were too lazy to educate yourself but I will humor you.
NO. That's NOT how ANY Black people feel, because they are all BENEFICIARIES of AA racism. And how stupid of you to say I was too lazy to educate myself, when you already know I was a graduate student. Maybe you don't know what the term means. Could that be it ?
Are you Black? If not then ask a Black person. Most know and have experienced losses be it simply dignity, opportunity, or rights due to race discrimination.

I dont know you were a graduate student. I dont think you know what that is. I dont believe you were a graduate of anything except maybe preschool. I doubt anyone would let you into a high school let alone a college.
This is preposterous (and infuriating). Here you are receiving preferential treatment (AA) at the expense of Whites who are immorally (and illegally) being discriminated against, and thereby handicapped and reduced in economic progress, and you have the audacity to come in here and say that Blacks "experienced losses be it simply dignity, opportunity, or rights due to race discrimination"

NO!!!! The truth is exactly the opposite of that. And you can disparage me all you like, and use that as a tool to hide behind, to hide the fat that you haven't had a valid point in thei thread through 21 pages of it.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$
No one is asking for approval on this.. You dont have to accept it. That only proves you are delusional. Whites own pretty much everything in the way of resources here in the US.

You were eliminated from contention because there were better qualified people of every race ahead of you.
Nonsense. Much of white America is poor, and Black Privilege (AA) is the reason why. Blacks in my apartment complex are all driving nice, shiny NEW cars,and have high-paying jobs they got through AA. You can deny until you're blue in the face. YOU KNOW I'm right. YOU KNOW.
So the truth comes out. You are upset at Black people that live in apartments and drive nice shiny cars? When they get old they will be in the same predicament you are in. Dont worry.

I knew you were suffering from a inferiority complex but this is some funny stuff right here. :laugh:

Like I told an older member of the family. No one is going to put up with your racists attitudes, so you will be living in and old folks with a black room mate.
Preposterous and immoral are what you are doing, Protectionists, and frustrating to the rest of us who know you are lying.
Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.
Look here. Jake's calling for a RETREAT. HA HA HA.

Well, they ran through the briars, and they ran through the brambles. Ran through the places where a rabbit couldn't go. They ran so fast, the hounds couldn't catch'm. Down the Mississippi to the Gulf o' Mexico.

I am acknowledging that you failed, Protectionist.

You have backed off your threats, which is damned white of you, and very very wise.

Show me the hundreds of millions of US whites out of jobs, fool.
Whodo you think ar ethe ones out of jobs, FOOL You think it's the immigrants ? Not hardly. They're the first ones in them.

Only an absolute idiot can come into this forum and not admit that hundreds of millions of Whites have been discriminated against by AA, for 50 years. No wait, there is one other class of person who could make that preposterous claim. That would be the BALDFACED LIAR.
I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$
No one is asking for approval on this.. You dont have to accept it. That only proves you are delusional. Whites own pretty much everything in the way of resources here in the US.

You were eliminated from contention because there were better qualified people of every race ahead of you.
Nonsense. Much of white America is poor, and Black Privilege (AA) is the reason why. Blacks in my apartment complex are all driving nice, shiny NEW cars,and have high-paying jobs they got through AA. You can deny until you're blue in the face. YOU KNOW I'm right. YOU KNOW.
So the truth comes out. You are upset at Black people that live in apartments and drive nice shiny cars? When they get old they will be in the same predicament you are in. Dont worry.

I knew you were suffering from a inferiority complex but this is some funny stuff right here. :laugh:

Like I told an older member of the family. No one is going to put up with your racists attitudes, so you will be living in and old folks with a black room mate.
YOU are the one who supports AA, not me. YOU are the one with the racist attitude (and also immoral and criminal > violation of 1964 Civil Rights Act)
You lied. Hundreds of whites are not out of jobs.

Making the playing field is not discrimination. You lied.

You lied, and you will be reminded of it every time you deny it.

You are the racist. You lied.
How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.

Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.

Indeed. You can putbrationa
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.

And yet those hundreds of millions of white people were not plunged into poverty, correct? They must have, somehow, persevered through the hardship of losing out on one college admission, or one kind of financial aid, or one promotion.

Why? Because of white privilege.

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.
I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.

Here's some numbers and facts ...

This is 2014
My parents were 6 years old in 1964
The years 1776, 1865, 1945 and 1964 were all a long time ago.

The only ignorant people are those who cannot shed their bigoted baggage from a long time ago.

And if we ignore the past a long time or a short while ago, we will repeat it.

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